Reply #317 naen's post
maksud ko big red ke?
big red tu ko start game ko masuk kat extras pastu pilih download extra omega..
ade combination button yg ko kena tekan
nanti karang aku pm ko.. |
Reply #318 naen's post
maksud aku explorers of sky tu sequel game yg aku duk main aritu la.. kes mcm platinum kuar sbg extras utk diamond & pearl |
Reply #319 naen's post
suka2.. lama tak nampak si chikorita tu..
tp apsal kat Coro Coro duk ckp diorg tu pokemon baru?
baru kejadahnya |
Reply #320 MetalFire's post
kes benar seseorang tu di suatu masa nan lalu (bukan aku!) |
Reply #325 naen's post
cite laa.buleh off topik sikit.asik borak pokemon je.mendap gak
dah la tiga orang je kat sini |
news from beaches
Two Future Evo's for Ash by Movie 12 - Heerosferret has informed us that at a Japanese convention, there was some 12th movie Pokemon merchandise featuring Ash... with Monferno and Staraptor. Other movie 12 merchandise from a month or so ago also featured Staraptor and Monferno, so it's even more obvious now what's going to happen to little Chimchar and Staravia. As Masamitsu Hidaka said during our interview, the writers always evolve Pokemon before some big event is going to happen. Maybe Ash and crew are going to the Battle Frontier and his Pokemon are evolving more than usual so he can compete. Not to mention Dawn's Mamoswine.
Arceus Plush - A new Arceus plush is going to be released soon in Japan. Click the thumbnail below for a larger image. The photo comes from Dengeki and thanks go to pkmncollectors for finding it. |
arceus plush tu bughok gile.cam kambing pakai topeng asap je |
Reply #326 MetalFire's post
tu aa kan .. ber3 jek .. tapi cecah page 14 dah
adehhhhh |
haper neh? |
Reply #332 naen's post
eh muka dia ade iras2 dialga/palkia/giratina laaa |
:pompom: :pompom: marey donlod mission shaymin :pompom: :pompom:
versi US available from 1 march - 30 march
versi EU available from 1 march - 31 march
:pompom: :pompom: |
chup chup.huhuhu.moh cite pasal platinum.metal nak bakar korang ngan beberapa images from platinum.arinih frontier brain berjaya menambat atiku, nih adela para frontier brain yg akan beraksi dalam platinum
It could be assumed that Kokuran is the true Frontier Brain of the Battle Castle, due to Cattleya's place on a throne, even in the battle against them, her portraits in the castle, her appearing behind Kokuran and the term "Castle Butler". Therefore, Cattleya may be acting as a mistress and watching the battle from the throne. It is also possible that Cattleya is the Frontier Brain and just has Kokuran battle for her with her Pok閙on.
Despite their in-game sprite showing them both together, they do not participate in a double battle. This situation is much like the Twins of the Generation II games, and Jessie and James in Pok閙on Yellow. This is the only time, however, that this has happened since double battles were introduced. |
nih gamba kecik je..name die keito
Factory Head Nejiki....cool
His title is the only Frontier Brain title held by another person, Noland.
Neijiki's Platinum artwork shows the Battle Recorder on his left waist. However, in his in-game sprite, the Battle Recorder is on his right. |
Interesting character
tower tycoon palmer
The name of his son, Pearl, can be made from some of the letters in his name, with the exception of "m".
Palmer is the only trainer to still be animated in Platinum even in his appearance at the end of the battle (his hair and coattails blow in the "wind").
Palmer's battle music in Diamond and Pearl is the same as Cynthia's battle theme. In Platinum, it changes to match the other four Frontier Brains
In the MANGA
Pok閙on Special
Palmer is described as a very skilled trainer who passed some of his abilities on to his son, Pearl. However, he left Twinleaf Town a few years before Pearl's journey began and even Pearl does not know Palmer's current location.
Tower Tycoon Palmer (Japanese: タワータイクーン クロツグ Tower Tycoon Kurotsugu) is the leader of the Battle Tower in Pok閙on Diamond and Pearl, and the Frontier Brain of the same facility in Pok閙on Platinum. He is Pearl's father. He is very similar to his son in look and character, as he's always in a rush. He is probably a good friend of the unknown father of the player character. Just like the player and Pearl did, he once went to a lake with the player's father, got his starter Pok閙on there, and was attacked by wild Pok閙on.
p/s: aku tak sure sape pearl. tak silap aku dalam manga,pearl ialah Jun.seorang rival trainer.tengok appearance palmer nih pon cam Jun. |
Info pasal Kate.
It was originally reported by Serebii that Kate used the same Pok閙on in every single battle, but this was eventually proven wrong.
so called the stage madonna.lebih kurang cam frontier brain yg dok suke spotlight la ni.sape ntah name die,yg ade swampert ngan milotic tu |
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