tak sabo jugak nak tgk eclipse, sampai ke tak jln citer as per novel. baca novel mmg excited giler..best!! breaking dawn plak lagi lmbt, walau buku dah khatam 2 kali...dah sah2 scene honeymoon kat isle of esme tu tak lepas..paling tak sabar nak tgk baby Reneesme..
wahhh lama aku tak masuk sini.... dan tak sabarnya nak tunggu bulan 7.... huhuhu
'Eclipse' Star Xavier Samuel Talks Bonding With Bryce Dallas Howard And Battling Stick Wolves
Move over Jacob and Edward, we've got a new vampire coming your way. That's right, Xavier Samuel , who plays Riley in "Eclipse" is perhaps the hottest NEW face of the upcoming "Twilight" film.
This June's issue of GQ magazine features an exclusive interview with the up and coming Australian actor. In the feature, we learn that Xavier did not get his acting gig in a traditional way. Instead, he sent over an audition tape all the way from the “land down under” where he originally auditioned for the character of Sydney.
Samuel instead was given the role of Riley, a hungry newborn vampire who is out on a rampage. The interesting aspect to the character is that in the book Riley’s character is only featured on one page. However, in the movie version, they expand his character so Xavier's hotness is fully exposed.
In the GQ interview, the actor also discussed being the new kid on the block in the "Twilight" world and how he "bonded quite early" with Bryce Dallas Howard, who was also new to the set.
"We just kind of hit it off from the very beginning," he recalled of BDH, "rehearsed a lot of stuff, and talked about this almost Lady Macbeth kind of relationship."
As for the battle scene, Xavier had some pretty hilarious tales to tell regarding the green screen used. "The director would yell Action! and this guy puts a stick in your face," he recalled. "That stick is the wolf. They didn't teach that at drama school. I must have been sick that day."
A sexy vampire with an Australian accent and a sense of humor? What more could we ask for? So now the true question rises: Team Edward? Team Jacob? OR ... Team Riley?
sesape nak dgr eclipse soundtrack streaming sebelum keluar kat pasaran dgr kat sini utk 24hrs start dari hari ni kot pukul 11pagi tadi... boleh dengar kat sini... http://eclipsesoundtrack.com/preorder/
Metric – Eclipse (All Yours)
MUSE - Neutron Star Collision (Love Is Forever)
The Bravery – Ours
Florence + The Machine – Heavy In Your Arms
Sia – My Love
Fanfarlo – Atlas
The Black Keys – Chop And Change
The Dead Weather – Rolling In On A Burning Tire
Beck and Bat For Lashes – Let’s Get Lost
Vampire Weekend – Jonathan Low
UNKLE - With You In My Head (Feat. The Black Angels)
Eastern Conference Champions – A Million Miles An Hour
Band of Horses – Life On Earth
Cee Lo Green – What Part of Forever
Howard Shore – Jacob's Theme
Battles – The Line
Bombay Bicycle Club – How Can You Swallow So Much Sleep
Fanfarlo – "Atlas" (Remix) (Digital Bonus Only)
Cee Lo Green – "What Part Of Forever" (Remix) (Digital Bonus Only)
1. Riley
2. Compromise/Bella’s Theme
3. Bella’s Truck/Florida
4. Victoria
5. Imprinting
6. The Cullens Plan
7. First Kiss
8. Rosalie
9. Decisions, Decisions…
10. They’re Coming Here
11. Jacob Black
12. Jasper
13. Wolf Scent
14. Mountain Peak
15. The Kiss
16. The Battle/Victoria vs. Edward
17. Jane
18. As Easy As Breathing
19. Wedding Plans
salam korang semua!!!
apa latest news ni???aku selak2 a few page ke belakang tu - waaa, dah ada sesi jual beli ni...cemana aku boleh ketinggalan ketapi ni??
sebenarnya, memang aku dah ketinggalan ketapi pun...huhuhu...kt opis aku skarang limited internet access, youtube pun dah takleh nak layan...balik umah lak takde masa nak bukak internet...kesiannya aku....
apa2 pun aku ttp bersemangat nak tengok eclipse july nanti....korang pegi together2 lagi ke this time?
Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things through my eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was a glitch in my brain - Bella Swan, Twilight
mase Twilight & New Moon dulu pon kt sini lewat dlm 1week dr US
kite tgk premier nanti 7 july kt Pavilion
Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things through my eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was a glitch in my brain - Bella Swan, Twilight
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pavlova Post at 10-6-2010 09:22
Salam! Nk tanye... buku yg ni kisah pasal Bree tu je ke? Pasal Edward-Bella ada sebut x? Nape SM buat buku special pasal Bree je... x aci la... aku prefer kalo dia buat kisah pasal Alice ke, Rosalie ke...ataupun every the Cullens member ke...
Nk jugak try beli, tp kalo x worth it...malas arr... mcm buku Twilight Saga, dari book 1 hingga book 3 best gile... masuk book 4 awal2 je best...bile dh 3/4 rase mcm kureng je... sbb masa book 1-3 aku sampai x bleh nk stop baca! Tp yg book 4 aku bleh plak stop 2-3 hari & pastu baru sambung! Especially tang lepas Renesmee lahir tu & part diaorg tunggu Aro & the gang dtg kat umah Cullens tu... Huhu... rasa kureng sbb Jacob dh x peduli sgt kat Bella, tp dia syok kat Renesmee plak!
Twilight ni citer jiwang ke?Aku tengok dua org dlm gambar nampak cam nak beromen je...
roblucci Post at 11-6-2010 21:55
What do u expect? hehe... bro, kalo ko expect cite ni seram & ada wajah2 vampire yg ngeri serta adegan2 suspen...you're at the wrong place la! Cite Twilight ni more to new version of Romeo & Juliet... nk bagi sedap, vampire kena involve...and also werewolf... semua love story! Cite ni x seram langsung, tp mmg more to romance2. Ala2 Superman bercinta dgn Lois Lane gitu!
buku Bree ni citer pasal Bree je.. ade sikit je citer pasal Edward & Bella..
tu pon Edward die x sebut nama sbb die xtau.. Jacob langsung xde sebut..
tp overall kite suke la.. sian si Bree ni kejap sgt idupnye..
Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things throughmy eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was aglitch in my brain - Bella Swan, Twilight