Post Last Edit by krepek_pisang at 16-3-2011 01:23
copy paste dari gossip...huhu saje je nak tempek adik iolss nye review... slame ni x de prasaan nak join review mereview ni.... tp lepas bace adik iolss tulis..rase cam nak share lak.... \ ... t-hikayat.html#more
iolss copy sikit dari blog dia..ade panjang lebar agi mukadimah dia...tempek semua bejela lak kang.... . ahuhuhu
The Complaints
#1 Historical Inaccuracy
Now, the source material is more of a mythology than actual history. Malays in the old days hardly wrote anything down, and when they did, there's always that strong fantastical and mystical overtones. Still, that guy up there made it clear that he would have preferred if the production crew adhered to the actual text, meaning instead of Merong Mahawangsa battling a warrior tribe called Geruda, he wanted to see him fight an actual Garuda.
Because this would have been a lot less ridiculous?!
If you want a history lesson, go read a book! Speaking of history, that leads us to the next complain...
#2 English Language
Believe it or not, there are people saying that they shouldn't be speaking English. They're (including that moron) saying that it was ridiculous for every character, comprised of various cultures and ethnicity to be able to converse in modern English. Moron up there gave a suggestion, he said it would have been a lot more plausible if they spoke "classical English".
If you're really gonna complain about this, then I should tell you that nobody spoke English back then. Heck, not even Shakespearean English existed at that time.
But you knew that already I'm sure, so why didn't you complain when nobody spoke Latin in Gladiator [2000]? Or the fact that everybody used modern English in Pirates of the Caribbean [2003]? Or the fact that nobody spoke Greek in Troy [2004]? It's common sense! When I watch a movie, I want to be able to understand what they're saying.
With regards to his suggestion that they use classical English, turn on your brain for a second and think how hellish it would have been if the characters speak like they're reciting lines from Homer's Iliad.

#3 Weak Plot
Err... Exactly what were you expecting? It's a historical fantasy, and the plot clearly outlined that this story is loosely based on the actual Kedah Annals, about how he became a King and all. Just how do you think they could have improved on the story?
Like this?

. If you're not saying they should have added some plot twists or something, what is it that you're saying then? Maybe I'm just drowsy, but I couldn't think of any way to spice things up. But then again, I wouldn't bother.
It was good for what it was; It held nothing back when it comes to their depiction of tribal warfare (remember the blood and gore?), some fantastical elements (the black magic) without straying too far from what's plausible.
And just so you know, the production crew did not pull the Archimedes Death Ray out of their asses, it was indeed a real weapon.
You'd be surprised by how much you could learn from watching Mythbusters. Sure, its workability is a subject for debate, but you gotta give KRU Studios credit for taking the road less travelled, and brought us this very, very memorable movie.
So to all of you who complained about any of the above, you just got owned