ubat windu cik kacut..
morning lovers.....  |
Reply 359# hitamputih
c bung tu....???? wei...tak sanggup aku..... |
bung karno tampan,artis pun sangkut  |
tul tuh... dpt yg sodap mata memandang sepanjang hayat dah kira ok aa tu khennn... janji pangai bagus......... yg tak best kalo muke n pangai sama hampeh... wuwuwuw... nauzubillah... |
kak hana~~~
ha tau xper....
nie muka da la hazabbbbbbbbb.....
perangai pon....ALLAH jer yg tau....
auwwwwwwww....xper la....tolak ketepi dulu...
hadek kacut~~~
i tau u mmg akn muntah ijo pny....
ekekkeke.....tp x kesah la 2....
datuk k yg misai lebat 2???
bayangkan klu mnum susu pas2 susu 2 melakat kat misai die....
yerkkkkkk....pas2 die jilat susu yg melekat 2 guna lidah.....
wekkkkkkkk....eeeeeeee....goli den... |
Reply 364# khaieza86
muntah kuning - sbb pagi tadi makan tapai ubi yg sgt sedap! |
wakaka atok K, me rela layan Anuar Zain ker, Ucop Selam ker pauauahhhh iskkkkkkk  |
huhuhu no mood today{:3_84:} |
hari tu sembang panjang lebar ngan abg tam, pasal
definisi cantik
apa itu cantik, kenapa kita kata org tu cantik.
mmg beauty is in the eyes of beholder
ada specific guidelines on cantik kan
cth : aishawarya rai, majoriti org yg tgk dia mesti mengaku dia cantik. tp naper?
senyuman? |
awat? bulan mengambangkah?
tam... Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder
What is beauty?
Lets start this by defining beauty-Well, I think it's something that is pleasing to eyes. What about a beautiful thought? Well then beauty has to be pleasing to mind and what about beautiful music? So lets just extend it and say-beautiful to our ears. Wait didn't we leave a few things behind? like for instance beautiful smell, and beautiful texture? and a beautiful poem or literature or work of art? Wow So beauty may involve a perception of pleasure to all our senses....Yes indeed I think that's what it is..
What about an individual with a beautiful/ pleasing personality? Well we use the terms graceful and charming for them, For example- Mother Teressa, do you think she was beautiful? Yes, indeed she was.She spread so much beauty with her kindness..so beauty is beyond our superficial senses of perception i.e, It is more than just skin deep...or Is it that beauty of mind and beauty of body are two different qualities and you may have either one of them and a lucky few may have both.
Yet majority of us spend so much time for the superficial beauty and appearance. Yes, we are compelled to do that to succeed, to be admired, to be loved, to have more friends, may be a few fans as well...May be it's the society that has set a standard for appearances so much and judges you by those standards. What happens in the process? Well there is the possibility of so many beautiful people getting ignored and lost into obscurity... not to mention some who succeed only because; they have spent much effort on their outward appearances. They may not be so kind, may not have intelligent thoughts, yet they look beautiful enough to succeed. Is that so? Doesn't that mean that in this process of judging occasionally real talent may get ignored while untalented few may get picked because they please the eyes of the beholder? Yes, this may happen quite often...But not all the time...
I can name a number of individuals who have been successful by their talent and intellect rather than by superficial beauty alone. But these were/are exceptionally intelligent and talented individuals, for example Picasso, Einstein, Mahatma Gandhi, Dr. King, Nelson Mandela, Steven Hawkins, Steve Wonder and many more...How do they do it? I mean become immortal by their talent? Were they not prejudged like rest of us and continue to face it? Yes they too overcame the same odds and maybe many more..Yet they did it and continue to do so. How? I guess their success lies in the fact that they do not care about being prejudged or set standards of their time. They chose to rise above those standards and enjoy doing what they believed in, are compassionate and focused.
What does compassion and focus have to do with beauty? I think "compassion" allows us to rise above our personal interests, think big, be more tolerant and "focus" allows us to create that beautiful work of art or social change that is beautiful to our senses and for people's lives whatever the "cause" may be case may be...
Wow! wait a minute I thought you were going to talk about real beauty, when I started reading this...I mean real beauty..pleasing to eyes or skin deep, superficial whatever you call it, see I want to look beautiful and succeed, I don't care about "causes" and stuff, its all so boring and I don't need any lectures...I need real beauty tips...
I see where you are coming from...You are one of the majority and need some tips to look beautiful and succeed. Well even then, you will have to put in some efforts into that...I know many of you will happily do so...How about exercising? That requires a lot of effort and many do it, to stay healthy and happy.. Well, see you are again deviating from the main topic, what has healthy and happy got to do with beauty? A lot indeed, good health allows excellent body circulation, that keeps the skin well nourished and glowing, not to mention doing away with that flabby tummy..being happy is all it's about, If you are happy you look beautiful with that lovely smile on your glowing face.. . Not to mention other ways of being happy..like using your brain to develop a talent and succeed, but well I agree you may get prejudged and success may require more efforts than just talent and developing a beautiful personality may be one of those..How about a positive attitude? or Is it just the "looks" that are needed to be out there and be admired or achieve what you want. Well, you see all these are relative terms, one leading to another..
I noticed you mentioned well nourished...How is that related to beauty? A lot indeed eat a balanced diet with generous helpings of fresh fruits and vegetables. Avoid fatty and sugary stuff, go for long walks...avoid stress, think big, don't let petty issues bother you too much and stay happy and beautiful.
What about all the accessories, make up and apparel that make us real good? What about those lovely shiny white teeth that make us look good? and what about the botox and beauty enhancing cosmetic surgery/Plastic surgery to look good?
Well I am all for white shiny teeth, You can have that lovely smile with good dental hygiene... and may be an occasional visit to your dentist, i.e., if you can afford that...All of us do not have dental insurance but still can have beautiful healthy white teeth by practicing regular dental hygiene. I am not in favor of Plastic surgery, but that's my personal opinion, if you have the money, don't believe in any "cause" that you could donate that money for and are really desperate to attain that physical attribute...go for it, after all so many plastic surgeons need to make a living, pay off those educational loans and get rich. What about the side effects? Does plastic surgery and liposuction have side effects? Of course they do, but many people risk it because they want to look good and be acceptable in the society and if possible successful.
Wait a minute, it seems you are done with all the tips that you had to offer to enhance my beauty. What about my make up? my hair? my clothes? my shoes? I notice you haven't given a single tip about all those things that will make me look really beautiful and fashionable...
Well, as I said beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder and if you want to be fashionable and that is your standard of beauty, Please consult a fashion expert...So you are not a fashion expert? No my friend I am a simple human being learning to speak my mind....and I must admit, I enjoyed the process of putting my thoughts into words... Hope you too had fun reading it. |
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She was not beautiful.
Nothing about her was extraordinary.
Nothing about her made her stand out in a crowd.
She grew up in a family of six.
The eldest, she learnt responsibility at an early age.
As she grew stronger, and brighter,
She instilled a sort of light cheer to whomever she met.
She was not beautiful.
But she made others feel beautiful about themselves.
She meets a rebel boy who thinks he's all man.
Befriending him, she teaches him how to read,
A little boost the man needed to go to college.
They became friends fast and she fell,
Fast in love with her rugged, handsome student.
The "man" then finds himself in a dilemma
He soon found himself in love with a girl.
A girl so beautiful, she turned even the grouchiest men's head.
Her hair was a halo of light around her,
Her eyes the bluest blue of ocean.
Like an angel he tells his tutor
Like a beautiful angel.
The girl swallows a lump at her throat
She was not beautiful
She did not possess the heart of the one she loved
But she did not care.
As long as he was happy,
She would be or so she tried to.
She helped him write the most beautiful letter to his angel
All the time envisioning that it was she herself
Receiving those very letters.
And so the girl helped him choose the right words,
Buy the right gifts for his angel
His angel brought him much joy
And much pain to the girl who cried behind her smiles.
But that never stopped her from giving more
Than she will ever receive.
Then one day, all hell broke loose
The angel he loved left him for another man,
A richer, more successful man.
The boy was stunned
He was so hurt he did not speak for days
The girl went to him
He cried on her shoulder and she cried with him
He hurt and so did she.
Time went by.
And so the wounds heal.
The boy realizes something about his friend/tutor
He never realized before.
How her laughter sounded heavenly
Or how her smiles brightened up the darkest days.
Or simply how beautiful, yes beautiful she looked to him!
This plain, simple girl was beautiful to him.
And he began to fall.
Fall so in love with this beautiful girl.
On one day, he picked up all his courage to see her.
He walked to her house, nervous ad fidgeting.
Running his thoughts over and over in his head.
He was going to tell her how beautiful she was to him.
He was going to tell her how wonderfully n love he was with her.
He knocked.
No one was home.
The next day he found out,
The beautiful girl he fell in love with had brain aneurysm
That put her into a coma.
The doctors were grim and the family decided to let her go.
One final time he got to see her.
He held her hand.
He stroked her hair,
And he cried for this beautiful girl.
He cried for he will never see her smile
Or hear her speak his name
He cried.
But it was too late.
The beautiful girl was buried and the heavens broke out
In a beautiful spring shower, a cry for their loss.
She was the most beautiful girl in the world.
Look around you.
Aren't there a lot of plain faces?
Take a good look
A real good look or you might miss out
On that beautiful person.
Forever. |
Reply 375# Hana_Hirokawa
nop..dun know y?? |
amik napas..... istighfar bebanyak.. normal ler tu.. manusia nye graf emosi naik turun... |
kalo pas minum susu ade susu melekat kat misai lebat,pasangan kita leh sedutkan  |
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Category: Cinta & Perhubungan