Ada tak sesiapa yg merasakan perasaan ini? {Part 2}
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kg aku yang dah 20 taun takde kabus pagi2..........
skarang ni tetiap pagi berkabus tebal.........
perembes Post at 30-5-2012 16:04
tmpat yg aku dok kat bandar ni pun berkabus pagi2(bukan selalu tp mcm da makin kerap) and lepas hujan..kadg rase mcm bukan kat masia je |
Cuba tengok kat langit.. pukul 6:40 petang bulan dah muncul.. berapa kali nak jadi supermoon bulan ni.. |
Reply 350# evlinne
kalau 13 mei berulang, agung akan isytihar darurat. bila darurat automatically tentera akan take over. |
Tidak menginginkan darurat....kita takut laa |
meteor tu dikhabarkan jatuh di mana?
perembes Post at 30/5/2012 16:09
kat PutraJaya.... |
Reply 363# misslivina
bagus le....ATM saja entiti yang terbaik utk menjaga negara banding dgn partai politik2 kat lua sana... |
Saja nak share pagie tadi sebelum gie kerja...hasrat nak bergardening n capture orkid n other flower ...
sofiera Post at 30/5/2012 15:22
so ini lah bakal langit yang kita akan lalui selepas pole shift...... |
Kalau parti mata sepet menang, negara akan jadi huru hara ke? Parti dacing selepas ni dah tak boleh ...
evlinne Post at 30/5/2012 15:27
so baik anda masuk tentera sekarang..or at least as reservist..so bila ni berlaku..anda akan dimobilizekan....join us now... |
Reply 368# razhar
jadi makcik rela pun ok apa? boleh pegang cota. boleh ketuk2 kepala orang dgn cota. pakai uniform lagi..... |
Saja nak share pagie tadi sebelum gie kerja...hasrat nak bergardening n capture orkid n other flower ...
sofiera Post at 30-5-2012 15:22
Keadaan langit ni jauh lebih ok dari keadaan langit apabila berlakunya asap dukhan. Bila dukhan terjadi, dunia bergelap selama 40 hari atau mungkin setahun. Cahaya matahari tidak dapat tembus ke bumi, kerana tebalnya asap. Virus dan bakteria tumbuh subur, cuaca berubah dengan drastik, bekalan makanan sangat sangat kurang, semua makhluk kebuluran, penyakit merebak dan banyak manusia mati. Jadi selagi masih mampu menatap matahari, tatap dan nikmatilah sepuasnya.. Wallahua'am... |
Kalau parti mata sepet menang, negara akan jadi huru hara ke? Parti dacing selepas ni dah tak boleh ...
evlinne Post at 30-5-2012 15:27
Benda ni sebenarnya tak boleh dibincangkan sgt secara terbuka, boleh mendatangkan fitnah. Tapi sediakanlah bekalan makanan secukupnya sebelum PRU ini. Kalau terjadi sesuatu sampai tak boleh keluar rumah, at least ada makanan di dlm rumah. Wallahua'lam... |
meteor tu dikhabarkan jatuh di mana?
perembes Post at 30-5-2012 16:09
Antartika... wallahua'lam... |
betul3...me baru dengar pagie tadi....perghh...mcm mana laa nak gie holiday nie, baru plan ...
sofiera Post at 30-5-2012 16:10
Seeloknya, tangguhkanlah perjalanan jauh tahun ini. Terutama selepas bulan 9. Tahun ini adalah tahun bersama keluarga. Siapa tahu, mungkin ini tahun terakhir kita dapat berpuasa dan beraya bersama keluarga tercinta... Perancangan Allah, siapa yg tahu... wallahua'lam.. |
so baik anda masuk tentera sekarang..or at least as reservist..so bila ni berlaku..anda akan ...
razhar Post at 30-5-2012 21:47
Do they accept women? What are the requirements and age limit? |
6 reasons Spain will leave the euro first
Matthew Lynn's London Eye Archives | Email alerts
May 30, 2012, 12:01 a.m. EDT
Commentary: Spain is too big to rescue, and doesn’t want it anyway
By Matthew Lynn
LONDON (MarketWatch) — The euro debt crisis, like any really spectacular geoeconomic event, is spawning its own special vocabulary.
We’ve already had Merkozy, now relegated to the footnotes, and are slowly getting used to the clunkier Merlande or Merkellande, as the oddly matched pairing of the German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the French President Francois Hollande has been dubbed. The Grexit, short for Greece finally giving up on the single currency, has been trending for the last few weeks. And coming up next: the Spexit.
What’s that? It’s shorthand for Spain quitting the euro — and we’re going to hear a lot of it over what promises to be a turbulent summer.
The Spanish are a lot more likely to pull out of the euro than the Greeks, or indeed any of the peripheral countries. They are too big to rescue, they have no political hang-ups about rupturing their relations with the European Union, they are already fed up with austerity, and there is a bigger Spanish-speaking world for them to grow into. There are few good reasons for the country to stay in the euro — and little sign it has the will to endure the sacrifices the currency will demand of them.
http://www.marketwatch.com |
Post Last Edit by razhar at 31-5-2012 03:59
Do they accept women? What are the requirements and age limit?
andria Post at 30/5/2012 22:22
yup..we accept man and women..as long as they are healthy.....maximum of age..about 45....join us now and we will able to survive under the military..... |
http://army.mod.gov.my/raw/index ... andi-askar-wataniah
Sesuai dengan peranan di atas, tugas Pasukan AW adalah seperti berikut:
•Bersedia diaturgerak untuk mengambil alih tanggungjawab apabila Pasukan Tetap ditugaskan melaksanakan misi-misi tertentu.
•Membantu pertahanan tempatan di sesuatu sektor.
•Mengadakan pertahanan (termasuk Pertahanan Udara Aras Rendah) kepada sasaran dan Instalasi Penting dan kawasan-kawasan penentuan (critical point/zones).
•Melaksanakan kegiatan pengkhianatan/ anti-penjajahan (Fifth Columnist).
•Mengadakan tenaga pengganti kepada Angkatan Tetap.
•Mengendali dan meyelenggarakan jalur komunikasi dan perkhidmatan penting (essential services) bila diperlukan.
•Melindungi dan menyelenggara jalur-jalur komunikasi.
•Sebagai agensi-agensi perisikan |
masih ada masa utk sapa2 yang mao juin simpanan..kerana anda akan lebih baik dimasa bencana.. juin us now... |
Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse
Categories: Zombies
May 16th, 2011 11:48 am ET - Ali S. Khan
Walking Dead fans, check out our latest post: http://go.usa.gov/Q4JExternal Web Site Icon
There are all kinds of emergencies out there that we can prepare for. Take a zombie apocalypse for example. That’s right, I said z-o-m-b-i-e a-p-o-c-a-l-y-p-s-e. You may laugh now, but when it happens you’ll be happy you read this, and hey, maybe you’ll even learn a thing or two about how to prepare for a real emergency.
A Brief History of Zombies
We’ve all seen at least one movie about flesh-eating zombies taking over (my personal favorite is Resident EvilExternal Web Site Icon), but where do zombies come from and why do they love eating brains so much? The word zombie comes from Haitian and New Orleans voodoo origins. Although its meaning has changed slightly over the years, it refers to a human corpse mysteriously reanimated to serve the undead. Through ancient voodoo and folk-lore traditions, shows like the Walking Dead were born.
Did you notice the date and link? Yes, it's a 2011 article and the article is taken from CDC - a government's blog. Doesn't it make you wonder why the government would want to issue a 'crap' story like this on their blog - 1 year ago? |
masih ada masa utk sapa2 yang mao juin simpanan..kerana anda akan lebih baik dimasa bencana.. j ...
razhar Post at 30-5-2012 22:39
Is there a link I can go to if i would like further info on this? (eg. trainings, dates, procedures, rules, benefits, dos and donts, location, etc...) |
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