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[Tempatan] Bala atau ujian? (Perlis BATALKAN Solat Jumaat hari ini 13/3 #1) Dr. Azrul Mohd

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Post time 12-3-2020 09:28 AM | Show all posts
Cadangan saya pendekkan khutbah, solat pakai face mask, tak payah nak salam-salam.

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Post time 12-3-2020 09:43 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts replied at 12-3-2020 08:44 AM
Kepada fanbase saya baik yang active reader and commentator dan juga silent reader yang dihormati da ...

Sape fanbase? Nak baca dengan tenang pun terganggu la chuol pi membongak ni

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Post time 12-3-2020 09:44 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tak pasti nak setuju tak. Nak tengok ulasan ulama berdasarkan hadis

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Post time 12-3-2020 09:51 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ada ke dia ckp batalkan solat jumaat?. Yg dia ckp hentikan perhimpunan keagamaan. Bkn solat kena faham ayat betul2

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 Author| Post time 12-3-2020 09:51 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 12-3-2020 09:58 AM | Show all posts
“Jika gereja Katolik di Rom boleh membatalkan semua sambutan dan acara mass selama sebulan bagi melindungi pengikutnya, maka badan agama di Malaysia juga boleh melakukan perkara sama di sini.”

Beliau berkata, tempat ibadat harus memberitahu khalayak masing-masing untuk tidak mengadakan himpunan besar dan majlis keagamaan lain sehingga notis baru dikeluarkan.

Sesiapa boleh hunbungi SKMM - report ayam PH ni

sebab secara halus dia provoke = dan pentafsiran longgar dia terhadap agama dan sensitiviti umat Islam di Malaysia dia PANDAI caveat atau selindung dengan faras frasa  bersifat 'umum' . You all tahu dia sebenarnya suke gunakan elemen elemen ini untuk menyemai idea idea pluraslime, just think harder.

awak kan saya rasa kene berhati hati - ya tak semudah itu menulis

lagipun PUSAT GALEN ni interesting - sebab iconic perubatan Greek yg diambil dan analogi yg saya petik di atas iaitu :kalau Rom boleh batalkan mass mereka , apakah ( bentuk himpunan agama) acara keagamaaan lain tak boleh buat?

pada ORG ISLAM ia bergantung pada mufti. dan tengok juga mufti itu dan prinsipnya.  tengok judgement dan fikrah.

someone can report this guy lah. cara dia macam V is for vendetta.

u all ingat dia lawak.

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Post time 12-3-2020 10:03 AM | Show all posts replied at 12-3-2020 09:51 AM ...

dekat mana artikel tu kata boleh BATAL SOLATjUMAAT

u know tak semudah itu ya untuk umat islam buat rules sendiri sendiri- semua kena berhato hati dan guna pemikiran dalam soal fiqh berasaskan al qurn, hadis, ijma dan qiyas.

so anda saya minta jgn  salah tafsir

dan kenyataan  seperti : Kalau Rom boleh batalkan mass mereka apakan pula tak boleh dilakukan pada agama lain,

saya rasa ini amatlah pernyataan yg  u know kene berfikir juga bila nak ucap, so agama X boleh buat kenapa tak agama Y

nak sama ratakah?

Galen institute ni familiar dan interesting iconic Greek menjadi nama kepada satu badan NGO  yg mengkaji dasar.
dasar tu...


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 Author| Post time 12-3-2020 10:03 AM | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 12-3-2020 01:58 AM
“Jika gereja Katolik di Rom boleh membatalkan semua sambutan dan acara mass selama sebulan bagi mel ...

Bolehlah saudari rujuk link di bawah ini, bukanlah rekaan saya. Semoga bermanafaat:

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Post time 12-3-2020 10:04 AM | Show all posts
TT ni lebih mirip pada penyebaran idealisme pluraslisme, dan ada ntara kita ingat dia ni buat lawak. V is for vendetta appproach , ye  TT?

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Post time 12-3-2020 10:06 AM | Show all posts
pi je la solat jumaat..amik wudhuk...tawakaltullah...semoga dipermudahkan...

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 Author| Post time 12-3-2020 10:07 AM | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 12-3-2020 02:04 AM
TT ni lebih mirip pada penyebaran idealisme pluraslisme, dan ada ntara kita ingat dia ni buat lawak. ...

Maaf saudari, bagaimana tafsiran seseorang itu adalah di luar kawalan saya. Sumber saya jelas dari media-media yang sahih. Jika saudari merasa terganggu dengan artikel dari media-media sahih ini, bolehlah saudari berurusan terus dengan editornya atau buat surat terbuka. Mengeluh di forum ini tidak mendatangkan sebarang hasil kerana ini adalah forum terbuka dan untuk membincangkan isu semasa. Maafkan saya jika saudari kurang berkenan

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Post time 12-3-2020 10:08 AM | Show all posts replied at 12-3-2020 10:07 AM
Maaf saudari, bagaimana tafsiran seseorang itu adalah di luar kawalan saya. Sumber saya jelas dari ...

1. sumber you jelas  DOES NOT MEAN that you have understood the whole context.2. dia tak cakap solat jumaat

tapi tajuk u ape?

3. jgnlah buat alasan bersikap CAVEATING ye

u ingat semua org bodoh, ke?



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Post time 12-3-2020 10:12 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
DARSITA replied at 12-3-2020 09:03 AM
Setuju .

Sbb tu Islam ajar elakkan yg mungkar. Sbb kesan yg tak baik bukan hanya pada yg menzalimi tp pd org yg tak bersalah juga. Dlm islam mesti saling menegur. Prevention is better than cure. PAHAM??

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 Author| Post time 12-3-2020 10:13 AM | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 12-3-2020 02:08 AM
1. sumber you jelas  DOES NOT MEAN that you have understood the whole context.2. dia tak cakap sol ...

Tajuk thread:
Bala atau ujian? Dr. Azrul Mohd Khalib, Think Tank Dasar Kesihatan dan Sosial mencadangkan supaya batalkan Solat Jumaat, mass mingguan dan perhimpunan keagamaan untuk sekat jangkitan Covid-19

1. Bala atau ujian? = untuk perbincangan
2. Dr. Azrul Mohd Khalib, Think Tank Dasar Kesihatan dan Sosial mencadangkan supaya batalkan Solat Jumaat, mass mingguan dan perhimpunan keagamaan untuk sekat jangkitan Covid-19 = ringkasan dari judul berita

Judul berita:
Batal salat Jumaat, mass mingguan untuk sekat jangkitan Covid-19, kata badan pemikir

Semoga bermanafaat

P.S. Jika saudari merasa terganggu dengan thread saya, tiada apa yang boleh saya buat kecuali menasihati saudari untuk menjauhi dari thread saya. Maaf jika kurang berkenan.

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 Author| Post time 12-3-2020 10:53 AM | Show all posts
Friday prayers across Middle East overshadowed by COVID-19 fears
06 Mar 2020 11:13PM

JERUSALEM: From Jerusalem to Mecca, Muslims across the Middle East held Friday prayers under the shadow of the new coronavirus, with some gatherings cancelled and others subdued because of the deadly outbreak.

The highly contagious disease is believed to be transmitted through close contact and authorities globally have moved to restrict large gatherings, including public prayers.

In Mecca, Islam's holiest site was uncrowded after reopening on Friday (Mar 6) following disinfection.

"The fact that it is empty is very scary," an Egyptian worshipper who has lived in Mecca for more than 20 years told AFP.

"I had a very strange and difficult feeling as I was headed to the mosque. I felt deprived of the Kaaba," he said.

The area around the Kaaba - a large black cube structure inside Mecca's Grand Mosque - was closed Thursday for sterilisation.

Friday prayers at the Grand Mosque normally attract hundreds of thousands of worshippers, while this week only tens of thousands attended.

The mosque's imam prayed for an end to the epidemic during his sermon, while praising Saudi Arabia's decision to suspend the year-round umrah pilgrimage over fears of the new coronavirus.

"God, I seek refuge in you from the calamity and the epidemic," said Sheikh Abdullah Awad Al-Juhani.


In Iran, which has the most COVID-19 cases in the region, authorities have faced accusations of mismanaging the response to the outbreak.

In total 4,747 cases have been reported in the country, with 124 deaths.

Authorities cancelled weekly prayers in Tehran and provincial capitals.

In Iraq, prayers were cancelled in the holy Shiite city of Karbala, home of the mausoleum of the grandson of the Prophet Mohammed.

For the first time since 2003 no one delivered the sermon of Ayatollah Ali Sistani, the highest authority for millions of Shiite Muslims.

In the city of Najaf, however, campaigning by Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr forced authorities to re-open the Imam Ali mausoleum, which had been closed for disinfection.

The first new coronavirus case in Iraq was identified in Najaf, which attracts millions of Iranian pilgrims annually.


In the Palestinian territories, the first seven COVID-19 cases were confirmed Thursday, with a further 19 reported so far in Israel.

At Jerusalem's Al-Aqsa mosque, the third holiest site in Islam, weekly prayers proceeded despite the Palestinian government announcing a state of emergency Thursday evening.

The mosque is managed by the Jordan Waqf (religious organisation), but entrances are controlled by Israel - which has banned gatherings of more than 5,000 people.

An AFP photographer said inside the mosque was full but the large open spaces outside - usually filled with people - were empty.

A number of worshippers wore face masks, the photographer said.

"This Friday the number of worshippers is less than last week," said Ammar Juwalis after praying.

"It is required of us to pray each Friday. We are trying to be careful about corona," the 35-year-old said.

Jerusalem's Old City was unusually quiet at Friday lunchtime, an AFP journalist said, with only a few tourists wandering around, some wearing masks.

In Bethlehem, a Palestinian city about 10km south of Jerusalem, authorities closed the Church of the Nativity, built on the site where Christians believe Jesus was born.

The Palestinian territories' first COVID-19 cases were confirmed in a Bethlehem hotel Thursday, after a group of Greek tourists visited.

Israeli authorities have banned tourist buses and visitors from Bethlehem from entering Jerusalem.

At Jerusalem's Western Wall, the holiest place where Jews can pray, new restrictions mean than only 5,000 people can visit at a time.

Source: AFP/ad


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Post time 12-3-2020 10:58 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts replied at 12-3-2020 09:23 AM
Thank you Sis Darsita, kerana sering memberi motivasi kepada saya. Sangat saya hargai.

Bala....dari kaum Cina

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Post time 12-3-2020 11:16 AM | Show all posts
DARSITA replied at 12-3-2020 09:22 AM
Mungkin pihak masjid boleh adakan sistem giliran. Minggu ini group A datang, minggu dpn group B pu ...

hang sejak lava tak dak hang bukan main kuajaq hang menjadi2 dalam website ni..#janganbagirasuah..wakakakakakkakakakakakakaka


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Post time 12-3-2020 11:57 AM | Show all posts
ini semua salah dap!

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Post time 12-3-2020 12:12 PM | Show all posts
zamzam replied at 11-3-2020 06:12 PM
Sbb tu Islam ajar elakkan yg mungkar. Sbb kesan yg tak baik bukan hanya pada yg menzalimi tp pd or ...
Sbb tu Islam ajar elakkan yg mungkar. Sbb kesan yg tak baik bukan hanya pada yg menzalimi tp pd org yg tak bersalah juga. Dlm islam mesti saling menegur. Prevention is better than cure. PAHAM??

Sebab itu dlm Islam sudah diajar that "no one among us is qualified to speak on behalf of Allah". Kita ini siapa yang senang senang nak kaitkan satu bala terjadi kerana puak A or puak B buat kejahatan.  

Contoh thread ini: Instant CASH! Georgetown dilanda banjir kilat

Cuba baca reply:-

cash.. sesuai dgn perangai leluhur prc dekat situ
bala Allah pada umat yg degil
cash la buat leluhur kebangga

Dah cash ke hulu cash ke hilir tidak terfikirkah ada mangsa yang tidak berdosa terlibat sama? Sepatutnya as Muslims bila datang bala dan ujian kita kena mohon pertolongan dari Allah, tolong menolong bantu membantu sebanyak mungkin.


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Post time 12-3-2020 12:22 PM | Show all posts
JohnnyCastle replied at 11-3-2020 07:16 PM
hang sejak lava tak dak hang bukan main kuajaq hang menjadi2 dalam website ni..#janganbagirasuah.. ...

Kebanggaan kamu kan bila Melayu yang berugama Islam salah guna kuasa dan take advantage atas kesusahan orang lain. Itu sebab aii ckp parti pintu belakang naik orang orang kaum kaya cina gembira ria.

Nota: Dosa dgn Tuhan kemungkinan diampunkan dosa sesama maknusia fikir fikir lah sendiri.


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