Author|Post time 21-9-2020 01:28 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Edited by manjalara_01 at 21-9-2020 01:45 PM
U guys i baru dpt tahu mlm td sbenarnya Scream 4,5 & 6 ni trilogy baru for t franchies. Mmg dah announce akan kluar Scream 6.
Also ade yg predict plot Scream 5 ni mcm prequel & also sequel to Scream 4. Kisahnya watak Deputy Judy (marley shelton) ade kisah silam zaman highschool dulu dgn watak Sydney Preston.
Dlm klip kat bwh ni cube dengar conversation antara die org b'dua. Marley will also be joining t Srceam 5 cast.
[Sidney gets out Jill's room and sees Judy standing in the dark.]
Deputy Judy Hicks:
Sorry about that... Just, making around before taking off.
Sidney Prescott:
Great, thanks.
[Judy begins to go downstairs but stops.]
Deputy Judy Hicks:
You don't remember me do ya?
Sidney Prescott:
[Begins walking to Sidney.]
Deputy Judy Hicks:
We went to high school together, Judy Hicks, We have the same homeroom then... Drama class too, We were in Peter Pan together...
[Judy reveals herself.]
Deputy Judy Hicks:
... I played the lost boy, You were... tiger lily.
Sidney Prescott:
I'm sorry it was a long time ago.
Deputy Judy Hicks:
It's okay. I mean you had... a lot of stuff... going on back then.
Sidney Prescott:
Well it's nice to see you again Judy.
Two-time Golden Globes winner Jamie Lee Curtis has another award to put on her mantle in the wake of the MTV Movie & TV Awards, crowned Greatest of All Time: Scream Queen at this past Sunday night’s event. The award was presented to the legendary star of Halloween and, well, Halloween, by another all-time great scream queen, Scream‘s Neve Campbell.
Ok guys, hari tu i tgk balik Sream 4 & Halloween H20. Honestly i nk tgk Scream 1996 tp sbb teringat traumatised sgt 1st time tgk for t 1st 5 minutes of the movie, dah lebih 2 dekad ni masih xde keberanian nk tgk?? Tu die the magic of Wes Craven. Malangnya i tgk Sream 4 cause it's the worst Scream franchise so x scary mana la.
Best lines from Scream 4
" Who are U? Michael @#@!%^ Myers?"
" Clear!!"...
I rekomen u all tgk Halloween H20 & Halloween 2018. Selain 2 gem ni u all bleh x rekomen yg lain? ..Alltogether ade 10. Tambah lg dua. What? Halloween Kills 2021 & Halloween Ends 20dot3. Tp x tau la perkembangan sbb covid nikan mesti kena delay. Rindu sgt tgk Josh Hartnett & Micheal Williams berlakon. Sronok sgt2 dpt tgk Halloween H20. Weekend ni nk tgk Halloween 1978.
A lot of people don't know this, but the events of the first Scream movie were actually based on true events. In the small town of Gainseville, Florida, a serial killer stalked several teenagers and murdered them, whilst wearing a mask and using a hunting knife as a weapon. The events following the murders lead to a townwide curfew and an intense police investigation. Kevin Williamson, writer of SCREAM, was stuck for ideas when he saw a news report on this case and believed it would make an amazing horror film. In this video, I am sharing with you the facts about the Gainseville Ripper and it's connections to the SCREAM movies.