pergh siap gambor...
terus paham.... |
emmmm ape plak nak tanya encik Tenuk......???
apa maksud air mani yang sihat tu? Nak kena minum tongkat ali ker???? |
Seks yang kerap semasa hamil boleh menyebabkan anak yang bakal dilahirkan mempunyai IQ yang tinggi :cak:
[size=-2]Jadi... Sekiranya anda mempunyai tahap IQ yang tinggi, bermakna (besar keberangkalian) orang tua anda memang kaki seks!!!... |
Seks yang kerap semasa hamil boleh menyebabkan anak yang bakal dilahirkan mempunyai IQ yang tinggi
Jadi... Sekiranya anda mempunyai tahap IQ yang tinggi, bermakna (besar keberangkalian) orang tua anda memang kaki seks!!!..
wahhhh....bijak...bijakkkkkkk.....:cak::cak: |
Originally posted by TeNuK at 9-1-2006 10:32
Seks yang kerap semasa hamil boleh menyebabkan anak yang bakal dilahirkan mempunyai IQ yang tinggi :cak:
[size=-2]Jadi... Sekiranya anda mempunyai tahap IQ yang tinggi, bermakna (be ...
Ni merapu apa plak ni..... |
Ni aku amik kat Dr. Ismail Thamby :
MENGIKUT isi padu air mani yang dikeluarkan melalui onani, ia adalah antara satu mililiter (ml) dan enam ml. Bagi lelaki yang terangsang, pengeluaran air mani dalam isi padu tinggi lebih tiga ml dan sebaliknya jika memaksa mengeluarkan air mani.
Pengeluaran air mani didapati lebih banyak ketika persetubuhan berbanding menggunakan tangan. Pengeluaran air mani akan banyak ketika kemuncak memberahikan amat merangsangkan, sebaliknya jika kemuncak dingin.
Pengeluaran air mani ada kaitan dengan kesihatan dan umur lelaki. Lelaki yang sihat sudah tentu dapat menikmati tahap rangsangan yang sempurna dan fungsi reproduktif yang mantap.
Lelaki muda mudah menghasilkan air mani yang seolah-olah tidak putus, sebaliknya lelaki berumur berkurangan. Semakin lanjut usia, semakin kurang isi padu air mani. Ini kerana pundi yang menghasilkan air mani menjadi keras dan mengecut serta pundi bertukar menjadi tisu parutan.
Kata orang, onani mengurangkan air mani apabila berumur. Ia tidak benar, air mani tidak kekeringan akibat onani. Kekurangan berlaku akibat perubahan umur dan dipengaruhi faktor kesihatan. Jangkitan kepada pundi merosakkan pundi dan mengurangkan penghasilan air mani. |
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The mature sperm cell (spermatozoa) is 0.05 milliliters long. It consists of a head, body and tail. The head is covered by the ac cap and contains a nucleus of dense genetic material from the 23 chromosomes.
It is attached from the neck to the body containing mitochondria that supply the energy for the sperm's activity. The tail is made of protein fibers that contract on alternative sides, giving a characteristic wavelike movement that drives the sperm through the seminal fluid, which also supplies additional energy.
Some sperm have two heads or two tails and if the testes are too warm they may die or spermatogenesis may not occur.
Sperm swim at a rate of about 3mm (0.12 inches) per minute. That抯 an average, it抯 different for every guy. Some sperm cells are 'better' swimmers than others. Why? They need to wave their tales more than 1000 times just to swim 1.25 cm or a half an inch. Why some are better than others is still a mystery to many fertility specialists. Anyway...
Sperm cells are made in the testes where it takes about 72 days for one sperm to grow. Sperm production requires a temperature which is three to five degrees below body temperature. The scrotum has a built-in thermostat, which keeps the sperm at the correct temperature while they抮e being stored. If it becomes too cool on the outside, the scrotum will bring the testicles closer to the body for warmth as you probably know from jumping into a cold pool of water or ocean. That抯 why the testes hang away from the body -- so sperm can develop at the temperature they need. (95 |
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perghhhh.... otai brcerita....
hello guys....long time no post aaaaa.....hehe....
i'm back...... |
Morfologi sperma normal dan abnormal

[ Last edited by ketam_batu_jr at 9-1-2006 03:46 PM ] |
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Ni plak pic sperm tengah berlari-larian selepas diejakulasi oleh tuan punya hak, on da way nak menekel telur
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Pic berikut menunjukkan keratan rentas testes lelaki (takkan pompuan plak :cak . Cerapan dengan menggunakan mikroskop menunjukkan ia terdiri daripada beberapa partition. Partition tersebut sebenarnya merujuk kepada lokasi dimana berlakunya pembentukan sperma iaitu seminiferous tubules.
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:tq: mekasih dgn info yg kowang bagi...Ini baru laa namanya Sex Education..Hheheheh.. :bgrin: |
typical_boy This user has been deleted
asyik sperm jerr......... |
air mani macam berudu je.... |
Originally posted by bisam at 10-1-2006 10:22 AM
asyik sperm jerr.........
Ok...ok... Meh kta cerita pasal pompuan punya plak.
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The ovaries are paired, oval bodies about 3 to 4 cm in length by 2 cm in width and less than 1 cm thick. A saggital section through an ovary shows that it is made up of an outer cortex and inner medulla. In the cortex are many follicles, each containing an immature egg called an oocyte.

A female is born with as many as 2 million follicles, but the number is reduced to 300,000 to 400,000 by the time of puberty. Only a small number of follicles (about 400) ever mature because a female usually produces only 0ne egg per month during her reproductive years. because oocytes are present at birth, they age as the woman ages. This may be one reason older woman are more likely to produce children with genetic defects. |
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