Reply #17 Eokboy's post
Bawah middle span tu kira OK la...cuba lalu belah mainland atau pulau... |
Reply #15 gancity's post
Aku tak rasa MIG-29N RMAF bule buat 'cobra menouvre'. Yg aku tau MIG-35 bukan TVC demo (engine RD-33) bule 'cobra' sebab thrust engine lagi kuat dari model sebelumnya.
Tapi kalau 'tail slide' MIG-29N sure bule punye. |
Reply #22 airfilterkotor's post
Cobra ni Su-30 pon xleh wat kalo pilot tu xde skill utk wat cobra.
Nk wat cobra bukan senang, G pull mase wat cobra tu bleh sampai lebih 9G, kalo pilot2 baru ni mmg black out la.
So, it takes a very experienced pilot to do such maneuver. X mustahil pilot yg very experienced bleh wat cobra ngan MiG.
Pnah dengar pilot Russia wat cobra ngan MiG-29, sbb MiG-29 bleh buat hampir kesemua benda yg dibuat oleh Su-30. Apatah lagi MiG-29 OVT & MiG-35.
Tapi TUDM nyer x pnah dengar lg la...
[ Last edited by Muetband5 at 5-9-2007 03:03 AM ] |
Reply #24 tangopapa's post
Hehe.. Sorry la bro... Ilmu aku xde la tinggi sangat.
Aku x maksudkan pilot2 TUDM. Aku cakap secara general. Aku x nafikan pilot2 TUDM ni mmg highly experienced, mostly yg convert ke Cik Su nih..
TP selagi diorg x btol2 master Cik Su ni, xkan nyer diorg dapat buat Cobra.. silap2 boleh mati lagi...
Aku x cakap yg MiG bleh buat sebijik2 mende yg bleh Sukhoi buat, menghampiri keupayaan Sukhoi boleh la... Kalo x, masakan semakin banyak negara yg place order untuk MiG-29 SMT. Dr segi range, payload, systems onboard & capability mmg la Sukhoi menang. Itu mmg hakikat. Yg aku maksudkan dr segi maneuver. Pergerakan yg kebanyakan org igt hanya Sukhoi boleh buat, kebanyakannya MiG-29 pon bleh buat. X termasuk lagi Western aircraft yg skarang ni pon dh boleh buat Cobra.
And yes, this is just my 2 cents.
Pasal 9G tu, mmg aku dok cari2 pon x jumpe nilai sebenar G loads semaca maneuver Cobra, tp berdasarkan pembacaan aku. pilot fighter yg sedang buat aerobatik boleh sampai lebih 10 G.. So saje aku letak 9 G. Nilai sebenar pon maybe around that number la kot..
Kalo salah bgtau la.. Aku pon blaja2 lagi.. |
Fakta menarik tentang Cobra:
Cobra Maneuver: The Truth.
I have heard alot of 'talk' and confident bragging here on the famed "cobra maneuver" and the "super-cobra" by the Russians, who brag about this also, Sukhois's (Su-37's, etc).
I wish to discuss some facts that illustrate the "cobra's" ineffectiveness.....
First, the "cobra maneuver" and "super-cobra" can only be done without any armament and with less than 50% or half the fuel tanks.....
Second, the "cobra maneuver" and "super-cobra" performed in a wrong way can cause serious damages and in fact, has attributed to numerous deaths of pilots at 15g.
Thirdly, the "cobra maneuver" and "super cobra" is only effective if the interceptor is really close and does not pick it up ....
Fourth, the "cobra maneuver" and "super-cobra" slows the Sukhoi down so much that if the interceptor spots the maneuver early enough and adjusts there is absolutely no way that the Sukhoi can survive.
Fifth, the only air maneuvers that the Sukhoi's can truly claim as a "no one else can do" is the "Super Cobra" and "Kulbit".
The Swedish did the famed "cobra maneuver" back in the 60's and it has been claimed, yet still unconfirmed, that a number of US aircraft (ie: F-22, etc.) can perform the standard "cobra maneuver".
Sixth, the Sukhoi's can also do a 120 degree AOA (angle of attack) which they also brag about but fail to comment on how long the aircraft can hold the position. The 120 AOA has only been proven to have been done a few times and only for a few seconds. And that is not opinion...thats simply fact.
On the other hand.......the F-22 can perform a constant 60 +/- degree AOA, not seconds, and can do this while rocking the wings at higher speeds than the Sukhoi's. This is a feat that NO other aircraft can do. Also, the AOA for the F-22 is unlimited even though it has not been tested outside the wind tunnel tests beyond 80 degrees + AOA. Here is a picture of a F-22 doing such a 70 degree AOA upside down. To confirm this, look at the engine heat:

Truth beknown, any AOA beyond 60 degrees is pointless or simply not needed.
http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread13214/pg1 |
Sukhoi SU-30 Flight Demonstration
[youtube]xY0t_mPv6I4[/youtube] |
Sukhoi Su-47 (Su-37) Berkut Supersonic Jet Fighter
[youtube]wyjxqr4O4Ug[/youtube] |
Reply #22 airfilterkotor's post
MiG-29 memang buleh buat Cobra, cuma very limited time. tak macam Su-30, even buleh buat 360 flip.
But, western observer cakap yang cobra manouvre has limited value in real combat.
Saab J-35 buat cobra.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hax3rhqGJcQ |
Reply #31 venez's post
Sekarang kat SPK....  |
Reply #27 Muetband5's post
Ape ke hei nye mike boh gambor sendiri dalam avatar tuh....silau mata aku tgk line ikan bilis tuh.....betul tak ven?...  |
Reply #33 tangopapa's post
Ikan bilis pon ikan bilis la..
Itu jer yg ade... |
Reply #30 alien7749's post
True...Cobra most effective at dog fight...but now, most jet fighter using beyond horrizon tactics to shut down enemy aircraft...
If for the purpose of demo, i think it is quite interesting and added value for aircraft developer to sell they aircraft to buyer. |
Reply #34 Muetband5's post
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