1. Mind Garden
2. Destiny's Play
3. Roots of the King
4. Lightning to Heaven
5. Exterminate Time
6. Eternity Blood
7. Supernova
8. Individual-System
9. Rainy Rose
10. Prayer~Message2
11.No matter who You are
Vid ni dicilok dari DVD Kiva Adventure Battle (agaknyer la tajuknya. Aku main belasah jek.) SUB tarak. So, belasah je la korang ngan apa yang Nago sama tu cakap ek... wakakakaka
Part last tu tak leh blah tul.
"Keep alive" performed by Jiro - Siut la sore Jiro........ macho giler. Lagi best sore Jiro sama dari sore si Kengok
Aku dah tengok Megu ngan Yuri pye PV. Wow.......... Yuri............. cutenya. Her outfit, her character and her voice........ omg~ Megu pye sore tak best sangat la... hahahah
*aku tgk vid ni pagi2 buta
clue sama: aku tgk kat bod lain selamba je letak link tepek
smod n admin tak rajin nak belek2 suma bod, apatah lagi suma thread. tapi kalau ada orang dengki ngan korang ataupun mod kat sini, ataupun pihak hakcipta dapat tahu, mereka akan report kepada admin dan smod. dan korang beserta mod kat sini akan diambil tindakan. macam kitorang kat bod komputer, link2 utk software beserta "retak", akan diberi secara PM ataupun invisible link.
Dear All Forumers,
Recently there are many questions regarding the music and movie
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The following are the few impotents notes, that we would like to
announce to all forumers to ensure that none of the forumers will
be liable for the infringement of the copyright of those music or
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1) We do not allow any download or upload of music or movie files
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2) It is our responsibility to ensure this forum do not infringe anyone
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3) Due to the volume of posting on this forum. We can not monitor this
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4) Any links in this forum to any media files in other servers are not
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links because you may be responsible for infringing others people
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of those complaints.
yuri tu mmg cun ler
tapi sbb watak dia tu era tahun 80an, so mekap dia mencacatkan sikit wajah dia yg comel tu
dressing pun nampak out
tak mcm megumi yg seksi era milenium