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Author: TabletSusu

Kumon, Enopi or Smart Reader

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Post time 2-12-2009 09:58 AM | Show all posts
pokokbunga...hantar anak swimming kt ne?mahal tu...mama antar anak mama dlm rm120 je sebulan tp skrg byr rm50 je coz dia dh pandai...nak ikutkan kt dulu2 pun x de mcm ni kan..bjar ni bjar jd or ...
mamasyairah77 Post at 1-12-2009 13:40

murah gak.. rm120, mama anta nak kat mana tuh???

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Post time 2-12-2009 11:15 AM | Show all posts
mama, saya antar kat kajang, fitness club, personal trainer RM150 each kids, sbb antar 2 anak so jadik RM300. Abg 8 yrs n adik 6 yrs. Pernah antar by group punyer, tapi tak puas ati sbb my kids main2 jer sbb ramai bebudak dlm satu group n no progress at all. Skrg nih, both my kids dah belajar 2 pattern free style n frog, then belajar 3rd style..Alhamdulilah, boleh lah nampak they all swimming tue..

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Post time 3-12-2009 08:37 AM | Show all posts
camPro..mama antar kt pusat akuatik..bwh sharkz...pengajar diaorg, penah wakil ok sgt..alhamdulilah, so far anak mama dah pandai..cuma mama dia je bila pi tgk dia terjun kt swimmg pool tu, gayat btul..maklumlaa, mama x pandai berenang..

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Post time 3-12-2009 08:38 AM | Show all posts
pokokbunga...patutla mahal sbb personal trainer...

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Post time 7-12-2009 12:15 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by AmMiNafeesa at 7-12-2009 12:16

semalam jugak dah tengok pasal Enopi ni..kat SACC ada exibition
hhmmm..lebih kepada Math je kan..
tapi macam tak berminat sebab dia cakap lebih kepada independent skills ker haper..maksudnya bebudak tu lebih buat kerja sendiri...kalau tak paham baru cikgu dia tunjuk...

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Post time 7-12-2009 01:12 PM | Show all posts
Saya dah call CEFL..
mungkin akan hantar anak ke sini..start 9/1

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Post time 7-12-2009 05:35 PM | Show all posts
amninafeesa..btul tu..mama pun x berkenan cara enopi n kumon tu...diorg mmg bagi latihan je bukan mengajar...klu mcm tu baik kt beli buku latihan 3/4 jenis pas tu suruh anak2 kt buat tu....mama dh mskkan anak mama tutorial english kt smartreader okla kot sebulan rm80 je..tgh cari tuisyen math je ni..

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Post time 7-12-2009 08:11 PM | Show all posts
amninafeesa..btul tu..mama pun x berkenan cara enopi n kumon tu...diorg mmg bagi latihan je bukan mengajar...klu mcm tu baik kt beli buku latihan 3/4 jenis pas tu suruh anak2 kt buat tu....mama dh msk ...
mamasyairah77 Post at 7-12-2009 17:35

iye tau..saya pun fikir yang sama
kalau suruh anak ni buat latihan..sama jer macam buat di mana mana pun..
asalkan ada buku latihannya..
eerrmmm..tak boleh la nak komen lebih2...saya pun bukan pandai sgt mengajar..just my 2 cents
lagipun saya lebih nak carikkan anak saya class untuk english beginner...sian dia..macam zero kalau org tanya in english

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Post time 26-1-2011 04:37 PM | Show all posts
sape tau mana2 tempat tusyen or guru maths yg bagus area s.alam.
my doter very slow pickup. klu dh ajar pun, slalu jea lupa.
mula tue, cam nk anta kt kumon tp bila baca yr all komen, cam x jadi laa...
self leaning nie, payah skit utk budak yg jenis cam anak ai nie.
dorang kene byk dibimbing...

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Post time 26-1-2011 05:26 PM | Show all posts
hmm... ada sesape dah try junior english from CEFL tu tak? ingat nk hntr my son la...  memula plan nk hantar dia masuk english medium kindie next year masa umur dia 6 thn. tp bnyk bende kene consider... iqra' class, foods n so on since english medium kindie ni biasanye non muslim yg handle. so bila terbaca kt thread ni pasal CEFL.. rasanye macam better hntr kt taska biasa since dia dah selesa kt situ, tp at da same time... hntr class CEFL tu.

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Post time 14-1-2012 01:06 PM | Show all posts
Dear Mums.
Choosing a right centre to send our small kids is very important. Choosing the wrong one will jeopardise their future undertakings. Parent should understand the main principles of education than the less important priorities. Many of us prefer the English medium, while research shows that small kids under the age of six must master their mother's tongue before being exposed to second or third languages. They will confuse when so many languages mix up at so early stage. We don't want to end up like Philipphine. So language is not the main principles of education.
In the nineties many parents send their kids to IT Kindergartens. Some of this kindergarten have more computers than students. This parent believe their kids will have a bright future when their early lives being exposed to computers. Again computers and IT is not a principles of education. Its only a trend.
Now in Indonesia parents are rushing to send their lovely kids to Entrepreaneur Kindies. Again entrepreaneurship has nothing to do with the early childhood education. Luckily we do not yet have the Politicians Kindergarten. May be some of the parents who like their kids growing up as politicians will send their kids there.
So we have to know the pillar of educations then only we know how to choose a good early childhood education centre. Just my humble opinion.

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Post time 13-3-2012 08:33 PM | Show all posts

Have anyone heardabout BrainBuilder?

     They are verygood, their students win a lot medals from international competition likeASEAN, MASMO, APMOPS, OMK, CMC, IMC, ICAS, AMC, IMS…

They also have very goodtestimonies from the parents on their web website:


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Post time 7-8-2014 02:27 PM | Show all posts
bbmling posted on 13-3-2012 08:33 PM
Have anyone heardabout BrainBuilder?     They are verygood, their students win a lot medals from ...

ada perkembangan terkini ke parents yang hntar anak2 tuition......

atau mungkin nak bagi pendapat ker...

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Post time 1-11-2014 12:57 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Aku dah mula menyampah dengan smart Reader tempat anak aku belajar ni.. Dah la cikgu selalu tukar2.. Lps tu belajar pon ulang yg thn lps punya je.. Dah susah anak aku x minat nak belajar.. Tgk buku latihan kat popular buku tuk umur 5 tahun sampai darab bahagi semua.. Tengok buku anak aku belajar no 30an je.. Tambah tolak darab bahagi semua x de.. Dah la bila ada exam yg pengetua leh bocor soalan kpd ibu bapa yg banyak bagi sumbangan.. Ni yg paling aku marah mula2 beria2 suruh anak aku hafaz n practice watak drama.. Bila anak aku dah hafal n dah ok berlakon pg tukar pulak pelakon dia.. Faham2 je la budak2 kenit nak menghafal bukannya mudah nak fokus.. Skrg anak aku dah down dah.. Aku n suami gak yg susah nak pujuk.. Sampai x nak pegi tadika dah ni

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Post time 14-11-2014 02:31 PM | Show all posts
poyohabis posted on 1-11-2014 12:57 PM
Aku dah mula menyampah dengan smart Reader tempat anak aku belajar ni.. Dah la cikgu selalu tukar2.. ...

poyo, nak tau jugak anak bljar kat SR yg  mana? sbb ada plan nk antar thn depan area shahalam. klu tmpt yg sama x best la pulok klu mcm tu...

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Post time 14-11-2014 05:08 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hani2103 posted on 14-11-2014 02:31 PM
poyo, nak tau jugak anak bljar kat SR yg  mana? sbb ada plan nk antar thn depan area shahalam. klu ...

Aku kat johor

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Post time 18-12-2014 10:55 AM | Show all posts
Anak mamy this year 7 yrs old. Sekolah SJKC. First year all of his subject involved mandarin language byk fail. English, Agama and Bahasa Malaysia je yg 80-90% which something I can say bagus la..yg ada mandarin semua fail eg science, maths, computer and others sbb instructions semua mandarin.

On top of this, mamy bg dia 1 to 1 mandarin tuition. Baru start during cuti sekolah ni tk tau la mcm mana nanti. Before mmg ada tuition mandarin tp cikgu tu help more on his homework je. Tak bg intensif tuition. So byk perkataan mandarin yg dia tk tau.  Sedih betul. Dah la cikgu kelas pun nk contact punya susah. Nk call text semua tk reply. Bkn nk ganggu apa, just once a while nk tau development anak. Lgsung tk reply. Tak friendly n helpful. Ustaz dia plak yg kdg update how he was during school time.

For english I can say hes very excellent since both of us, me n hub slalu ckp english dgn dia and dia pun since 2 yrs old exposed with the educational programme dr CD and disney channel. Even the slang is different..

Tapi tu lah, only english subject je bagus yg lain mmg either fail or atas pagar je marks. Sepupu2 yg sebaya siap bercerita yg diaorg naik stage dpt no 1 lah no 2 lah best student lah..hhmmm..aku plak yg down. Ada org bgtau probably my son having a language barriers so thats why dia tk boleh buat all subjects involved in mandarin. I think so la..and guess its true. According to his 1 to 1 teacher, my son tk fhm sgt bahasa mandarin and only certain2 words je dia tau and faham. Nk kena gilap social skills dia jugak ni.

Now, I was planning to send him to classes yg mcm forumers suggest. Kumon, Enopi, british Council etc..tgh survey. In fact, I ada send anak I to self development and confidence class also sbb dia ni nk reply apa org tnya lmbt sket bg response and kdg pemalu. Tp ada time byk sgt tnya plak smpi tk terlayan and till we asked him to quiet kejap sbb byk sgt soalan dia.

So now, coming new year nk start new tuition and planned to continue 1 to 1 tuition ni tp sygnye dia charge per hour plak sbb igt leh kaw tim monthly basis. Sbb per hour dah rm30. Klu nk mon till friday 2 hrs..mmg azab lah nk membayor. Now mamy amik twice a week, RM 30 p/hr. Byk sgt plan utk anak2 takut dia penat. After school tuition...mlm mengaji (utk 3 nights je mon till wed), weekend plan nk htr kelas taekwando (sat morning) and also htr kelas maths n self dev. Aduhhh kesian budak penuh schedule.

Anak2 forumers semua mmg schedule pack tak all the week ke mcm mana? Rasa tk penat ke budak2 ni ek? What do u think?

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Post time 26-10-2020 10:49 AM | Show all posts
Rasa Kumon lebih sesuai utk Maths class bagi kanak-kanak

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