Post Last Edit by TheLuPikir at 1-6-2012 17:25
Reply TheLuPikir
reasons won't legalize it....installing the keylogger is a crime....hope ...
razhar Post at 1-6-2012 15:18 
Let me explain. Are keyloggers legal? The answer is yes, absolutely legal. If ur given the admin permissions (which is usually required to install a keylogger) meant u have the right to install anything. It's more about the morale viewpoint of whether u should monitor using a keylogger, but it's definitely legal and ok to install on a PC that u have the rights over.
There are so many situations when monitoring and recording the computer activity is not only legal, but necessary. Examples, companies may use computer monitoring software to ensure that their employees don't use the company's assets for personal purposes; parents can use spy software to protect their children from online abuse. Dan sudah tentu ada yang akan menggunakannya untuk tujuan negatif seperti mencuri nombor kad kredit, password atau rahsia syarikat. However, even in this situation it't not the keylogger software that breaks the law, but the person using it. There are also users that are not necessarily considered illegal, but have some morale issues that connected to him, nak kantoikan cheating spouse in the act or whatsoever.
It's all depends on the way u use the keylogger. U have the right to install any programs on the computer that belongs to u. U also have the right to install on other people's computer if only u have their permission. Installing a monitoring program on other person's computer without permission maybe illegal. The legal status of keyloggers is somewhat vague. Federal Judge in California dismissed a keylogger case basically saying that keyloggers don't violate the Federal wiretapping laws.
There are both good and bad uses for keyloggers. It absolutely violate personal privacy, no question. Use of a keylogger when targeted and with a warrant is a good use (to catch the bad guys and judge reviews the issues). Monitoring ur OWN assets is VALID but must be informed (via policy or signage). If it's a family, leave it up to ur own ethics.
Everything depends on your particular situation and who has the custody of the machines. Do u copy  |
Let me explain. Are keyloggers legal? The answer is yes, absolutely legal. If ur given the admin ...
TheLuPikir Post at 1/6/2012 17:11 
n then u got the permission of the users in the office? |
n then u got the permission of the users in the office?
razhar Post at 1-6-2012 17:18 
It's not their computer in the office at the very first place. It's company's assets  |
Post Last Edit by razhar at 1-6-2012 17:31
It's not their computer in the office at the very first place. It's company's assets
TheLuPikir Post at 1/6/2012 17:21 
kalu company's assets..it doesn't mean u have the autho. to install a spyware cum keylogger...utk mengawal staff dari salah laku,salah guna..mencukupi dgn guna firewall dan blocker...nama dah keylogger..it will log everything....passwords...private chats cum secrets....do u think u have auto. to read people's privacy? and the staff should be reminded as all of their activities in the LAN,WAN are being monitored. |
at the end...if u think u are the good guy,u should stop this unethical practise..u are spying on others...
do u think keylogger can be used in linux OS? |
at the end...if u think u are the good guy,u should stop this unethical practise..u are spying on ot ...
razhar Post at 1-6-2012 17:31 
If it's my own computer, and and I want to use a keylogger, plus I know keylogger can't be installed on Linux, I'll make sure the computer's OS should be Windows, any changeable to the system is not allowed coz it's MINE (but must be telling them that their activities are monitored). U see the idea?
Please read my #21's post thoroughly, I'm done here  |
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