[2012] THE BOURNE LEGACY (Aug 3rd 2012)
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Reply mbhcsf
as a big fan of Bourne franchise, aku tengok trilogi tu adela 2 bulan sekali...per ...
cmf_king_kong Post at 13-2-2012 17:17 
hahaha yeah the fighting scene ...hahaahah....morroco yeah... and well yeap...worth it baca lustbader = well you are askinga very sentimental - based person here hahahah...i 'd say nahh....it is like reading sherlock holmes without conan doyle being the author , you know...it is not the same, it feels different laaa , even you could compare ( i think u tak baca lah kot austen works - pride and prejudice hahhah) pride and prejudice - austen version versus julai quinn version ...the feels are different but the main ideas tu almost the same ...tapi the feel factor tu , you could feel the different...
alah analogically similar when you comapored the cameraworks liman versus greengrass, both are good director
and liman 's dad was once a chief joint of staff so he gave a lot of input to liman about espionage - he said that is how they work ...
i love that scene - kat apartment kat paris ( in identity), the music at train station , train rides to swiss? ( 1st movie)
the paris scene
i dunno...Ludlums was a clever |
in the novel - nama 'jason bourne' is Dr david Webb...
tapi apa apa pun jason bourne - ...
mbhcsf Post at 13-2-2012 15:16 
cam yg aku pernah kata dlm thread Bourne sblom nih, sape laa BOND kalo nak dibandingkan dgn Jason Bourne nih.....tp aku setuju laa dgn ko pasal Daniel Craig jadi bond memang berlainan dgn imej Bond yg sblom nih yg lebih kepada citer sorang KASANOVA bukan sorang SPY....sumer just mengharapkan gadget dan pompuan sebagai tarikan......tp Bond era Daniel Craig dah kurang elemen sex dan gadget canggih lebih kepada tarikan ketangkasan Bond sendiri tp still xleh nak beat ketangkasan Bourne...... |
cam yg aku pernah kata dlm thread Bourne sblom nih, sape laa BOND kalo nak dibandingkan dgn Jaso ...
axl_bach Post at 13-2-2012 19:23 
Yups betul tu ... |
Post Last Edit by cmf_king_kong at 14-2-2012 09:25
Reply 21# mbhcsf
identity was okay lah...liman is not really my favorite director...even fight scenes dalam identity pun actually slow-dances yang dilajukan masa editing...well nothing wrong with that it just that when Greengrass came on board, Bourne series is entirely in the class of its own...
cakap pasal scene kat paris apartment tu...can u imagine, dah berbulan tak balik rumah, sezarah habuk pun takde..lepas tu semua perkakas cantik je tersusun..macam katalog IKEA....camane nak dapat rumah camtu ah? 
lagi satu, how on earth kereta cokia mini cooper boleh tahan driving non-stop dari berlin sampai paris...mau dekat 1000km tu...belum masuk lagi scene car-chase yang gila babeng tu..ha ha
tapi aku rase bourne legacy ni akan terase jugakla kehilangan jason bourne dengan nicky parsons...ade satu scene dalam ultimatum yang tak terjawab sampai sekarang...masa nicky tengah lepak dgn jason, nicky ade cakap kat jason "it's hard for me...about you....you really don't remember do you?" aku tertanye2 jugak..ape backstory nicky dgn david webb?...hmmmm
anyway, aku ingat aku nak beli ludlum's bourne trilogy...do you know sebelum filem bourne meletup, the bourne identity paperback tu jual lambak je...yang RM9.90 tu...
sekarang ni, dah printing ke berapa tah..same harga dengan buku baru release...lagi sakit hati, sekarang publication house release tiga-tiga installment dalam satu packaging...so kenala beli 3 buku sekali dgn harga ratus2 tu....tensen tul |
Reply 22# axl_bach
casino royale bagi aku bring back the original James Bond yang Ian Fleming ilhamkan...
"a blunt instrument"
di kala aset double O yang lain mengikut peredaran zaman dengan penggunaan gadget-gadget untuk kerja assassin diaorang...007 masih setia dengan brute force dan Walther P99 dia...
dengarnye installment Bond terbaru, Skyfall akan ade Q....
gua excited nak tau camane Sam Mendes nak merealism kan karekter Q neh |
Reply mbhcsf
identity was okay lah...liman is not really my favorite director...even fight scen ...
cmf_king_kong Post at 13-2-2012 22:29 
well...usually that apartment depa ada maintenance...
but mind you the escape strategy bourne adopted at the US embassy was cool. he did not panic , instead he calmed himself down find his way out.
but i like identity laa...and the very last scene...of ultimatum where Nicky smiled actually. |
Reply 26# mbhcsf
kenala calm dan strategis...dia kan treadstone number one agent ...even yang lain2 aset dlm identity, supremacy dgn ultimatum adalah percubaan carbon-copy "jason bourne"...
tapi ape backstory nicky dan david webb..adakah diaorang pernah bertenet sebelum dia join black ops program tu?  |
Reply mbhcsf
kenala calm dan strategis...dia kan treadstone number one agent ...even yang ...
cmf_king_kong Post at 14-2-2012 09:39 
dari cara renungan si nicky tuh aku rasa dewrang pernah berskandal kot sblm si Bourne kene brainwash dlm program CIA tuh....aku agak laaa |
dari cara renungan si nicky tuh aku rasa dewrang pernah berskandal kot sblm si Bourne kene brain ...
axl_bach Post at 14-2-2012 10:55 
wow ... you are penetrating deep into the eyes of the soul, aren't you hahhahha.... |
dari cara renungan si nicky tuh aku rasa dewrang pernah berskandal kot sblm si Bourne kene brain ...
axl_bach Post at 14-2-2012 10:55 
well i kinda like the dynamics between bourne and that lady agent at langley, that dandy ? landy ?
yg asyik disuspensekan oleh biurne jer : you may need some sleep ma'am ...you look tired...and there she was looking or reading the file belongs to Dr David Webb... |
u bace ye yg sequel after ultimatum tu ? i mean yg erik van lust bader tu tulis, ye?
i ...
mbhcsf Post at 12-2-2012 21:40 
bukan...anak ngan dao 1st wife yg dikatakan mati tp sbnrnye hidup lagi. cube bezanye anak die joshua or khan jadi free agent.
kalau tak silap jason bourne tu alias je. b4 that pun ade lagi jason bourne tapi mati. jason bourne aka david webb ni yg lah yg paling berjaya.ikut dlm buku masa ni lah jason bourne kenal martin lindros. jason bourne takdela loner sgt dlm buku...dlm legacy die ade je kawan baik mo panov alex conklin. |
sape penah tengok The Bourne Identity tahun 88...lakonan richard chamberlain...tv movie tak salah aku...
aku baru download haritu...tapi layan kejap je....sebab dah biase tengok jason bourne as one tough b.astard...sekali tgk 80s version, dengan jason bourne rupa macam bank manager...terus takde mood dah aku  |
sape penah tengok The Bourne Identity tahun 88...lakonan richard chamberlain...tv movie tak salah ak ...
cmf_king_kong Post at 14-2-2012 12:05 
hahahaha u baru tengok eh, i dah tengok since 2002 November , tu lah tu , bourne + marie st jacques - hahaahaah |
Reply 33# mbhcsf
in fact aku macam tunggu je si jaclyn smith tu nak buat pose charlie's angel dia...style semua dah same dah...just tukar name je.. |
sape penah tengok The Bourne Identity tahun 88...lakonan richard chamberlain...tv movie tak salah ak ...
cmf_king_kong Post at 14-2-2012 12:05 
jason bourne macam bank manager???lawak siall.....hahahahahhaha |
Reply mbhcsf
in fact aku macam tunggu je si jaclyn smith tu nak buat pose charlie's angel dia.. ...
cmf_king_kong Post at 14-2-2012 12:16 
hahaah sebab tu watak marie kreutz in identity is actually more logical and relevant to the context |
wow ... you are penetrating deep into the eyes of the soul, aren't you hahhahha....
mbhcsf Post at 14-2-2012 11:04 
agak aku laaa camtuh,hehehehehe....... |
Reply 35# axl_bach
rambut pampodour belah tepi lagi...lepas bertumbuk, rambut still maintain...lepas tu pegi mission siap pakai suit siap dgn tie... |
Reply 36# mbhcsf
tapi jaclyn smith is forever hot lah... |
MUSIC score in identity best....masa bourne was followed by some 'civilians' in Prague...after he got his ID , passports from the zurich bank |
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