Leonardo Dicaprio Movies Tribute
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salah seorang fav aktor aku. movie dia yg aku sgt suka - inception, shutter island, the great gatsby, titanic.
blood diamond, the aviator, wolf of wall street n the revolutionary road takde peluang lagi nak tgk. |
mystica posted on 21-3-2014 01:57 PM 
salah seorang fav aktor aku. movie dia yg aku sgt suka - inception, shutter island, the great gatsby ...
u dh tgk inception?..
best ke citer tu?..
i rs mcm x brape berkenan jek..
genre movie mcm ni...
manjalara_01 posted on 21-3-2014 05:09 PM 
u dh tgk inception?..
best ke citer tu?..
best gle. try la tgk. soundtrack pun epic. dh la barisan pelakon pun best. joseph gordon-levitt, leo, marion, ellen page, tom hardy, cillian, ken watanabe and michael caine.
lupa plak citer the beach pun best gak.
manjalara_01 posted on 21-3-2014 07:09 PM 
yup2...ha ah..mmg cast hebat2..
tgk la..nnt bile desperate sgt..xde citer lain manj ...
romeo juliet tu tak minat sgt. catch me if you can tu best ke?
mystica posted on 21-3-2014 07:37 PM 
romeo juliet tu tak minat sgt. catch me if you can tu best ke?
i pun x minat romeo & juliet..
speaking bahasa klasik..london tuh...yg buat pening tu..
kisah benar..catch me if u can..
leo jadi con-artist...walaupun kisah benar..
tp xde la berat..mana citernye..tu yg best tu...tp ade la touching2..jgk..
kisah benar..slalunye mcm tu...uhuhuhuh
manjalara_01 posted on 21-3-2014 07:45 PM 
i pun x minat romeo & juliet..
speaking bahasa klasik..london tuh...yg buat pening tu..
oooo ok. boleh la tgk nanti. 
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