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Author: queenraveena

camne nak ngorat dia?

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 Author| Post time 8-3-2015 05:05 AM | Show all posts
missDollie replied at 7-3-2015 03:04 PM
orang ape yang kau nak ngorat ni?

Org kita la..

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 Author| Post time 8-3-2015 05:15 AM | Show all posts
Fredcourgansz replied at 8-3-2015 01:32 AM
Gatai je aku tgk hang nii... U pun x habis lg.... Ada hati nak nikah. Ntah spender pun hang beli yg  ...

Ye memang spender aku murah..beli kat pasar malam 10 helai nak tolong belikan yang mahal sikit ke untuk aku?insyaallah hujung tahun ni aku grad uni kali ketiga..jadi tak salah kan kalau aku nak carik calon suami?aku mintak tolong kat sini sebab aku takde tempat nak luahkan perasaan..nak cerita kat kawan aku yang aku tak pernah bercinta pun malu,apatah lagi nak tanya tips mengorat ni...nak bercerita dengan mak aku pasal benda ni?memang tak la..lagipun mak aku jauh kt msia sana tu....daripada dok bukak thread kat sini,baik doa kat tikar sejadah??cara ko cakap macam la aku ni tak solat dan berdoa

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 Author| Post time 8-3-2015 05:16 AM | Show all posts
Edited by queenraveena at 8-3-2015 05:35 AM
sue_0684 replied at 7-3-2015 02:32 PM
surah yusuf ayat 4...antara doa untuk mudah dpt jodoh.
niat bergantung pd diri sndiri..jgn salah  ...

Double post

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 Author| Post time 8-3-2015 05:23 AM | Show all posts
Dewa19XKangen replied at 7-3-2015 07:39 PM
budak tingkatan 3 dah boleh jilat burit rakan sekelas ngan pancut ke muka.. ang dah masuk u xtau nak ...

Ape ke teruk sangat perangai budak2 zaman sekarang. aku kalau berbual dengan kawan lelaki pun malu nak pandang mata lama2 okeh..aku memang oldskool sikit.bercinta pun tak pernah.btw fb tu memang la aku dah add..tapi macam buang tebiat je kalau aku tetiba mintak no phone

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 Author| Post time 8-3-2015 05:29 AM | Show all posts
sue_0684 replied at 7-3-2015 02:32 PM
surah yusuf ayat 4...antara doa untuk mudah dpt jodoh.
niat bergantung pd diri sndiri..jgn salah  ...

Terima kasih..saya pun baru juga amalkan ayat ni lepas solat..tapi mungkin belum berhasil lagi buat masa ni

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Post time 8-3-2015 07:56 AM | Show all posts
queenraveena replied at 8-3-2015 05:23 AM
Ape ke teruk sangat perangai budak2 zaman sekarang. aku kalau berbual dengan kawan lelaki pu ...

Banyak je apps yang ada skrg xperlu guna
Mcm fb sendiri pun ada messanger, so guna la dr situ chat ngn dia.
Xperlu rush sgt, cara u mcm show u sangat terdesak
Yea, i know u dah jumpa mr.right u, tapi kenala follow the flow jugak.
Kenal2 dulu, ada keserasian then teruskan for serious relationship..

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Post time 8-3-2015 10:44 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
queenraveena replied at 8-3-2015 05:23 AM
Ape ke teruk sangat perangai budak2 zaman sekarang. aku kalau berbual dengan kawan lelaki pu ...

laa..takat add x jd la post dia.bila dia mula noticed u..komen plak.then chattig la time nmpk dia on.x pon pm je.

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Post time 8-3-2015 11:43 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
U mesti kat aussie kan

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Post time 8-3-2015 01:05 PM | Show all posts
mana ada yg nak notice kalo kau tak secret admire je la..sapa pun tak tau..buat la langkah pertama..doa tu bagus la..tapi kalau tak ikhtiar tak jadi jugak..

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Post time 8-3-2015 01:53 PM | Show all posts
How to attract someone you like

The reason lots of people fail to attract the ones they want is that they have false beliefs about attraction. For example a girl might believe that she needs to look like a super model in order to attract a guy ,while in fact, people fall for people who are much less attractive than the ones they used to dream of.

The reason people settle for ordinary persons is that the process of attraction is governed by the subconscious mind which doesn't always use logic to ignite emotions.

Some important Attraction principles
Below are some of the most important principles that governs attachment:

Attachment leads to attraction: Once someone gets used to a person or once a person believes that someone can help him meet some of his emotional needs he will become attached to him. If that other person didn't show up as frequently as expected the attachment grows and might even turn into passion. As soon as you capture someone's attention don't always be available

Attachment happens if its not impossible: While some people fall in love with celebrities still the majority of people would never fall in love with a person whom they don't interact with directly. This means that being available around the person you like would certainly trigger attachment provided that you act correctly whenever you are around him. Don't confuse this with the previous point, you need to be available until attachment starts to happen and once you see that happening you need to be less available

Show off Indirectly: In my book How to make someone fall in love with you i said that people hate others who show off directly but they adore those who show off indirectly!! Try to tell the new people you just met that you have a great expensive car parking outside and see their reaction now compare this to putting your car keys on the table in front of them without talking about it. In the second case you will be regarded as more resourceful and you will earn higher status without being labeled showy. In short, help people discover good things about you without talking about them

Predictability kills passion: People get bored of the things they are familiar with because they can expect the next event before it happens. The same goes for predictable people, if everything you did was predictable and expected then people will get bored of you quickly. Instead try to confuse the person you like by sending mixed signals, that would be enough to let him think about you more often

Thinking leads to attachment: If you managed to occupy a part of the other person's mind then most probably this will let him become attached to you over time. Its a game of attention, the more attention you get the more attached will the other person be

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Post time 8-3-2015 05:00 PM | Show all posts
sungguh pon kalo tt ni tgh amek degree dgn pakai duit ptptn ke duit mak ayah ke... biarlah dia nk cari pasangan hidup sambil2 tu.. hidup org, biarlah dia yg tentukan..
lainlah tt ni masih sekolah menengah.. belum pon umo pelepasan..

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Post time 8-3-2015 09:48 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Nak seribu daya...kalu ko suka dia, apa lah sgt stakat nak minta no hp tu....kalu malu nanti melepas plak...since korang berdua belajar kat luar negara, nie lah peluang ko tunjuk ko punya caring kat dia, lelaki kebiasaannyer cepat terpikat pd sikap caring ppuan. Diorg walau nampak kasar, tp dlm hati ada taman.


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Post time 8-3-2015 10:05 PM | Show all posts
doa dan usaha, and i tak faham kenapa takut be frank.

it is normal for you in this age to fall  in / out ( nauzubillah ) of love , kan?

so , niat  you lillahi taala , tapi kena buat soleh soleh lah  - that means dari hati kena betulkan niat, mohon Allah mudahkan...hey you have ALLAH, apa yg nak tak confident - kalau u tengok bakal itu seorang yg baik akhlak , etc etc?

just say  and be honest dan secara sopan - sebba kalau u sopan , berhemah dan beradab - lelaki yg mature, intelligent , wise tak akan perlekehkan .

Just be open la ...just send him a card  ? a letter ? an email ? risik kawan apa email .

Be frank, be nice and be wise.

be realistic.

Mohon allah lindungi  u dari perkara yg tak soleh dan just be open and jujur. Ini gaya org yg confident dan matang dan open. The positive  is from within.

U tak akan kecewa dengan rejection if - u ada niat betul , u be open dan tahu ini rezeki.

i guess...u know - cara terbaik  - find out - be  honest dan ingatlah

a key to stout , strong relationship is based on redha ALLAH .... sheer , pure honesty and  sincerity. Kalau si dia itu sekufu dari intelek, spiritual, emosi dan jasmani - go for it.

ni rezeki - if ALLah says yes, yes, if no MEANS he has someone best / better for you.


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Post time 9-3-2015 06:34 AM | Show all posts
camner nak ngorat mat salleh mata biru???


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Post time 9-3-2015 06:35 AM | Show all posts
Innrukia replied at 7-3-2015 09:00 AM
Dik spender beli pake duit mak or guna loan PTPTN

alahai biar la dia nak ngorat walapon suar kecik mak pak yang support...

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 Author| Post time 9-3-2015 07:07 AM | Show all posts
merrissa replied at 9-3-2015 06:35 AM
alahai biar la dia nak ngorat walapon suar kecik mak pak yang support...

Nangis aku bila semua orang persoalkan suar kecik aku aku beli suar kecik aku guna duit gaji sendiri la   dan semestinya bukan di pasar malam atau di kedai pakaian hari-hari dan seumpamanye harap dah takde orang yang buat spekulasi pasal spender aku lagi tajuk benang pasal tips mengorat..bila bukak,semua tanya pasal spender...

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 Author| Post time 9-3-2015 07:15 AM | Show all posts
merrissa replied at 9-3-2015 06:34 AM
camner nak ngorat mat salleh mata biru???

Ape ade pada mat salleh mata biru?tak mandi pagi...dengan stranger pun boleh berdarling2,berhoney2...bosan...dorang pandang kita pun sama macam kita pandang pendatang2 asing indon dan bangla

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Post time 9-3-2015 07:40 AM | Show all posts
queenraveena replied at 9-3-2015 07:07 AM
Nangis aku bila semua orang persoalkan suar kecik aku  aku beli suar kecik aku guna duit gaji s ...

sbb seluar kecik tu adalah akhiran pd proses mengorat hang paham? so make sure jaga seluar kecik bebaik....
critical thinking is important in every aspect of ur action.... bkn pake time exam @ paperwork sajork....

think out of the box ler sayang....instead of using ur IQ, start balance it with ur EQ...
hang org pandai, make sure jugak jd bijak....

sekian, dr makcik yg tarap2 spm ni...

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Post time 9-3-2015 09:48 AM | Show all posts
Innrukia replied at 9-3-2015 07:40 AM
sbb seluar kecik tu adalah akhiran pd proses mengorat hang paham? so make sure jaga seluar ...

tp kena ingat satu kaknon,bijak cmna pon, bila bab perasan automatik bleh jadi bodoh..

my general opinion....

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Post time 9-3-2015 09:53 AM | Show all posts
sue_0684 replied at 9-3-2015 09:48 AM
tp kena ingat satu kaknon,bijak cmna pon, bila bab perasan automatik bleh jadi bodoh..


lebih pd membodohkan diri
dan kalo sanggup accept akibatnya then its ok... nobody cares its ur life after all..

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