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pedulik apa wa.....tapi..
cross boleh kasi takut jin taw......pakai sama holy water.

adakah cross tu menembak sinar laser yang merosakkan akidah orang islam di situ? |
lagi kokosen tarak suka sama cross...

[size=10.8000001907349px]Group wants cross taken downPosted: Oct 02, 2012 3:30 AMUpdated: Oct 30, 2012 3:32 AMPosted By Carrie WidenmierCONNECT
[size=1.1em]FRANKENMUTH, MI (AP) -A national organization has asked the city of Frankenmuth to take down a 55-foot cross erected in the late 1970s in a public park. MLive.com reports Monday that Washington D.C.-based Americans United for Separation of Church and State first sent a letter seeking the cross' removal from Cross Park to the city in July. A response is expected by the end of this week. The organization says the cross in the park across from Bronner's Christmas Wonderland violates the U.S. Constitution. MLive reports that the Frankenmuth Parks and Recreation website states the white cross "is a tribute to the religious background of the Frankenmuth community." Frankenmuth, about 75 miles northwest of Detroit, is represented by the Ann Arbor-based Thomas More Law Center.
sama je macam lu puya. meratip untuk halau jin dan kemiyan, keris, telur ayam, untuk alau jin. |
lu ni bangap betulah. lu ingat semua kokosen agama christian ke?
cross pun boleh tumbang lagi itu bahlol mau purcaya sama kuasa cross...

kokosen semua tarak agama daaaa...
dorang semua sudah sesat.

Fearing sway among Muslim youths, group demand church take down cross
KUALA LUMPUR, April 19 — A group of about 50 residents staged a peaceful protest against a new church in Taman Medan fearing proselytization after the church’s congregation had put up a cross on the building.
The Star Online reported that the group had gathered at the church at about 10am earlier today while Sunday mass was going on, claiming that putting up a cross in a Malay-majority area challenged Islam and could influence young Muslims.
The group were reportedly pacified by a village leader, who then held a discussion with the parish priest on the issue.
“After meeting with the priest, the church agreed to take down the cross by next Sunday. If they have the authority to run, we cannot stop it. But we ask out of concern, being a Malay area, that they take down the cross,” the group’s leader Datuk Abdullah Abu Bakar was quoted saying.
Some of the protesters had also reportedly threatened a male reporter during the incident, demanding that he write “nice” things about the group.
The report also claimed that some held on to the journalist’s shirt as he interviewed the protesters.
Police reportedly arrived at the scene at around 10.30am, acting as intermediaries between the protesters and church leaders.
It is understood that the church had purportedly taken down the cross several hours later.
Kau berselera ke pompuan gemuk mengada2 tu? 
Aq tiap2 minggu dgr santapan rohani church n gong buddha........ok je pon
Cuma.....x selesa la, lebih2 lgi lmbng salib besar terpampang tpi jln.......
Ok la ada yg bantah, sebelum berlebih2....
Mula2 letak kecik2...lama2 letak besar2 smpi tinggi 3 tingkat....x kn baru nk komplen... |
dah kalah mula la buat fitnah tahap loji...
lu relax sat...
banyak lagi article wa nak tepek ni...
aummm aummm aummm aummm 

apasal lu kata i kalah? I baca kat forum jerr.. ada orang kata masa lu kecik lu sekolah tamil dan papa lu kasi tape mulut lu. sebab itu I percaya sekarang lu jadi lavasenget sebab masa kecil papa lu tocer lu.
bahlol bin tolol laki si samdol je purcaya fitnah tahap longkang

Tapi Acong, lobai ada kata perangai burok orang Isle tidak melambangkan ajaran Isle tawww......hahahahahahahaha
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