Post time 24-5-2015 10:57 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
mbhcsf posted on 23-5-2015 08:06 AM
kalau tengok dari raut muka ni depa dari etnik mana ye...depa punya muka dah macam iras iras org dar ...
org papua masuk bgs melanesia, masih serumpun dgn pddk asli australia.
mereka punya lebih kurang 300 bhs yg berbeda2...bagi yg bersekolah tentu boleh berbhs indo(walaupun ada pelat papua) ...terutama yg di kota2. di pendalaman papua masih dijumpai pergaduhan antara kaum...
sekilas org papua nampak menyeramkan...tapi sebenarnya dlm hati ada taman bunga gitu...
Post time 24-5-2015 11:05 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
masa dulu dikatakan papua ni masuk wilayah kesultanan tidore yg berada di kepulauan maluku...sebab itulah indonesia waktu itu(tahun 60-an) mengklaim papua sebahagian indo...sebab mana2 wilayah yg dijajah belanda secara automatik jadi sebahagian indonesia raye..
Sama saja dengan malaysia....ceritanya lebih kurang sama...pemerintah pusat tidak adil...pembangunan di tumpukan pada satu2 kawasan sahaja..itu yang selalunya di claim separatist.
Post time 24-5-2015 12:42 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
langlobat replied at 24-5-2015 12:29 PM
Sama saja dengan malaysia....ceritanya lebih kurang sama...pemerintah pusat tidak adil...pembangun ...
Ko tak faham maksud aku. Indon ni negara dah cukup besar smp tak terurus. Tp still nak Sabah/Srwk msk Indon sedangkan rakyar depa yg di Kalimantan sempadan Sabah/Srwk lbh suka jd rakyat. Msia
Post time 24-5-2015 01:23 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
saladin780 posted on 24-5-2015 05:09 AM
so ada manfaatnya la juga indonesia dijajah belanda..untungla dpt beribu2 pulau
sebenarnya kalau nak cakap jujur, zaman dulu tu byk daerah yg terpaksa bergabung dgn indonesia...tapi tak ada byk pilihan masa itu...sultan2 n penguasa setempat harus membuat keputusan yg cepat sebelum terlambat..sebelum timbul hal2 yg tak diingini.
Even after Indonesia's independence in 1949, Papua and Irian Jaya were retained by the Dutch for various reasons. However, Indonesia claimed all of the territory of the former Dutch East Indies, including the Dutch New Guinea holdings, so it invaded Irian Jaya in 1961. It was agreed that the UN should oversee a plebiscite of the people of Papua and West Papua, in which they would be given two choices: to remain part of Indonesia or to become an independent nation. This vote was referred to as the 'Act of Free Choice'. But, the vote was in fact conducted by musyawarah, or consensus of elders, numbering [a] 1,000 of these men had been selected by the Indonesian military. This body was coerced into unanimously voting to remain part of Indonesia; the territory was named as the province of Irian Jaya, later Papua.
The result of the compromised vote was rejected by Papuan nationalists, who established the Free Papua Movement (OPM). The independence movement for West Papua has continued, primarily through peaceful protest and international pressure, but also guerrilla warfare against Indonesian administration.[2]