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Parameswara adalah anak raja dari Kedah?

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Post time 20-2-2016 02:05 AM | Show all posts |Read mode

Kedah, not Malacca, the oldest kingdom
B Nantha Kumar

Latest archaeological findings by a USM archaeological team places the Kedah sultanate as possibly the oldest in the world.

KUALA LUMPUR: Local history books may have to be re-written to accommodate a Universiti Sains Malaysia(USM) archaeological team’s discovery that the Kedah sultanate pre-dates Malacca as the oldest in the Malay peninsula.

The team from USM’s Centre for Global Archaeological Research (PPAG) has unearthed evidence of ancient artifacts and an iron smelting site in Kedah dating back to 110 AD.

Among the discoveries were a complete and intact foundation of a stone building constructed with detailed geometrical precision, revealing the unification of the concept of squares and circles.

The excavation, which began in February 2009, is expected to provide answers to various questions regarding the history of the excavation site at Sungai Batu, Bujang Valley.

Associate Prof Dr Mokhtar Saidin, the director of PPAG, said that these latest crucial discoveries must be acknowledged by the government, and concedes that Kedah pre-dates Malacca as the starting point of local history.

S Gobikrishnan, an independent researcher, added: “It (the government) must accept the hard evidence and set the record straight about the early history of Bujang Valley, and Malaysia’s history should start with Kedah and not Malacca.”

Gobikrishnan, the head of the Lembah Bujang Independent Research Group for the past seven years, said the federal government deliberately concealed the facts about the history of Kedah and in the process played out the Sultanate of Kedah by giving prominence to Malacca.

According to him, Merong Mahawangsa, the founder of the Kedah kingdom, was originally a prince by the name of Maaran Mahavamsan from Persia and not Macedonia.

Wrong assumptions

He said most historians have made wrong assumptions about Merong Mahawangsa. “Mahavamsan”, means “from a great generation” and Maaran Mahavamsan comes from the lineage of Alexander the Great.

“After Alexander won the Battle of Gaugamela in Persia, he married a local princess by the name of Shaher Ul Beriah. And Maaran Mahavamsan was a 11th generation decendent of Shaher Ul Beriah,” said Gobikrishnan.

Although Maaran Mahavamsan was born in Persia, his name clearly suggests he was of Hindu stock, said Gobikrishnan, who added that for trading purposes, he travelled to a port city called Nagapattinam which still exists today in South India.

From there he sailed to Kedah and formed the Kingdom of Kedah. Athough there are many theories for Maaran’s arrival in Kedah, trade seemed to be his main purpose.

Moreover, Kedah was considered part of “greater India” from West India to Cambodia.

Gobikrishnan also said that under Maaran’s administration, Kedah become a famous entreport and a second century inscription found at the Puhar Port (in Chola Kingdom, India) clearly acknowledges the existence of Kedah.

The inscription states that Kedah was famous among traders for trading in “luxuries” (spices). A recent discovery also showed that Kedah had an old port constructed of wood in Merbok.

“So, all the earliest sites like the iron smelting foundary, port and stone structures showed that Kedah played an important role as an industrial and trading centre.

“Starting with Maaran Mahavamsan until Maharaja Durbar Raja who was also known as Sultan Muzaffar Shah (1136-1179), Kedah had eight Hindu kings before Durbar Raja converted to Islam,” said Gobikrishnan.

Parameswara originated from Kedah?

He added that the Kedah sultanate was unique and one of the oldest in the world.

“The current Sultan Abdul Halim Mu’adzam Shah is the 35th generation of Merong Mahawangsa. The federal government deliberately refused to accept these facts.

“Why is the federal government acknowledging Malacca as the first Malay sultanate when the facts show that Kedah deserved that honour? asked Gobikrishnan.

He also pointed out that Ganga Negara, the Thailand kingdom, and even Parameswara, the founder of Malacca, all originated from the Kedah kingdom.

Gobikrishnan appreciated the federal government’s initiative to set up a place for taking care of the things found in Bujang Valley.

“But, it is not enough. The government should re-write the history and honoured Kedah and the Sultan.”

He added that sidelining Kedah from history is a big embarrassment to the Kedah sultanate which was the earliest in the Malay Peninsula.

Gobikrishnan also urged the Kedah state government to take the initiative to ensure Kedah takes its rightful place in Malaysia’s history.

Gila apa nak akui sejarah Lembah Bujang?   

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 Author| Post time 20-2-2016 02:09 AM | Show all posts
bukankah asal usul perkataan sultan dan raja itu bahasa sanskrit/hindu?  

tengok pertabalan raja2 pun boleh agak budaya mana daa...

berinai masa bersanding?  

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 Author| Post time 20-2-2016 02:13 AM | Show all posts
dulu2 hindu...........   

hantar ufti kat sungai ganges  

skrg tiap2 tahun hantar ufti kat padang pasiaq  

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Post time 20-2-2016 08:58 AM | Show all posts
It was the Jewish East Hindia Company that promoted the narrowed Malaya  (see Thailand Kok Racha near Ko Bukit (phuket) is actually pronounce as Ko Raya) or then spelled as Malacha (in reflection of Sanskrit & Pallava scripts) as the small fishing village to be the central Empire. Look at old maps drawn by the early 17th century orientalist that clearly reflect that Mallacha was the whole peningsular and not that tiny fisherman village without any dominant rivers for inland nor eastward navigation. The colonial powers do not want our history to be centered in Kedah/Pasai/Pattani/Ligor because it was their intention to break-up the region into secular nations.

First, I would just let the Hindu organization brags about their Tamils hands in the setting up of Kedah. The word "MahaVansam" is always the Tamil version of the Sanskrit word "Maha Vansa" which is closer to the Malay word "Maha Bangsa" atau "Bangsa Agong"

Carbon dating (sent & done in the US, Korea tc.) of the building stones in Sg. Batu is 500BC, and there are surely much older ones yet to unearthed and dated. This predates Alexander the Great by 200 years and do indeed predates the said Tamil based decendants of Alexander.

Kedah was the central city of Srivijaya at its peak around 1000AD. Kedah was in between the shifting between Chaiya and Jambi in the Mandala system of Srivijaya. If temples in Chaiyya and Jambi are all Buddist are still standing at its original place, why are the Candi in Merbok in terrible ruin with Buddha faces sculpted off like of those in Siem Reap Cambodia? Why is Kedah "Hindu-Buddha" while Chaiyya and Jambi were just considered Buddha? Yet it was shown worldwide (Except Mantaram) that Hindu do not tollerate well with Buddha?

Let the Hindu people talk. They will ventually just splash mud on their own face. The Jewish distort the history so people could not realign back to their roots and they can colonised people of lost identity easily. If the Hindu reopen the real history, they will also notice that the Hindu Chola were actually not the builder of Kedah, but the destroyer of the civilization inherited from the Gupta or even up to the Maurya Dynasty as the champion of Buddhism. Series of Chola attacked destroyed Lembah Bujang and they Chulan Kings built Hindu temples in the place of Buddhist shrines.

History as what not written and taught in schools.



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Post time 20-2-2016 09:32 AM | Show all posts
india bapok semua suka berknayal konon pernah jadi raja di tanah melayu. Hakikatnya melayu yang pernah jadi raja di india. Nama beliau ialah Kulothunga. Memerintah Chola sebagai boneka empayar Zabag naungan Kedah setelah Kedah menakluk Chola sekitar 1070.

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Post time 20-2-2016 10:11 AM | Show all posts
_______ replied at 20-2-2016 09:32 AM
india bapok semua suka berknayal konon pernah jadi raja di tanah melayu. Hakikatnya melayu yang pern ...

Kedah menakluk Chola?Ajaib sgt bro.

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Post time 20-2-2016 10:37 AM | Show all posts
Otaku85 replied at 20-2-2016 10:11 AM
Kedah menakluk Chola?Ajaib sgt bro.

Tak jugak. Keling lembik lembik pengecut pengecut

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Post time 20-2-2016 12:06 PM | Show all posts
Acong replied at 20-2-2016 02:09 AM
bukankah asal usul perkataan sultan dan raja itu bahasa sanskrit/hindu?  

Sanskrit bahasa asal bangsa melayu la bongok.Dari segi genetik dan bahasa, bangsa melayu dah dibuktikan sebagai gabungan bangsa pencipta sanskrit dari semenanjung anatolia dengan bangsa austronesia dari selatan china. India bangsa primitif semua cuma pinjam istilah sanskrit saja


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Post time 20-2-2016 12:08 PM | Show all posts
Acong replied at 20-2-2016 02:13 AM
dulu2 hindu...........   

hantar ufti kat sungai ganges  

Ufti kepala sepet lu

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Post time 20-2-2016 12:31 PM | Show all posts
Kalo setakat asal parameswara dari kedah ....boleh gak percaya. Ada legenda tentang seorang pembesar yang kalah dalam perebutan kuasa di jawa (nama baru empayar kedah dari kurun ke13 hingga kurun15) melarikan diri bersama pengikutnya ke temasek. Beliau membunuh pemerintahnya yang juga menantu raja siam bernama Sangasinga. Kemudian terpaksa lari bersembunyi di melaka

Sangasinga yang tertulis dalam dokumen portugis kurun  ke16 mungkin maksud sebenarnya adalah "Sang Singa"

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 Author| Post time 20-2-2016 10:29 PM | Show all posts

seperti kerajaan melaka hantar bunga emas kpd maharaja china  

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 Author| Post time 20-2-2016 10:30 PM | Show all posts
_______ replied at 20-2-2016 12:06 PM
Sanskrit bahasa asal bangsa melayu la bongok.Dari segi genetik dan bahasa, bangsa melayu dah dibuk ...

buktinya mana?   

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Post time 20-2-2016 11:31 PM | Show all posts
Acong replied at 20-2-2016 10:29 PM
seperti kerajaan melaka hantar bunga emas kpd maharaja china

Melaka tak pernah hantar bunga mas kepada china. Sebaliknya china yang hantar puteri maharaja dengan beratus dayang untuk jantan jantan melayu melaka


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Post time 20-2-2016 11:37 PM | Show all posts

Menurut Stephen Oppenheimer kandungan genetik barat asia  dalam  mtDNA Melayu Lembah Bujang lebih tinggi dari  kaum Rawa (lebih25%). 

Perlu diingat bahawa mtDNA diwarisi dari pembawa wanita sahaja.

Dari satu lagi kajian pula  lebih separuh genetik barat dalam bangsa melayu adalah dari jenis mediterranean dan bukan jenis selatan asia

Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) variants in Malaysian Malays†‡

AuthorsO. Ainoon,

Y.H. Yu,

A.L. Amir Muhriz,

N.Y. Boo,

S.K. Cheong,

N.H. Hamidah

First published: 20 December 2002Full publication historyDOI: 10.1002/humu.9103View/save citationCited by: 16 articlesRefreshcitation countCiting literature

Funding Information


Communicated by Mark H. Paalman


Online Citation:Human Mutation, Mutation in Brief #574 (2002) Online ... df/mutation/574.pdf


We performed DNA analysis using cord blood samples on 86 male Malay neonates diagnosed as G6PD deficiency in the National University of Malaysia Hospital by a combination of rapid PCR-based techniques, single-stranded conformation polymorphism analysis (SSCP) and DNA sequencing. We found 37.2% were 871G>A (G6PD Viangchan), 26.7% were nt 563 C>T (G6PD Mediterranean) and 15.1% were 487G>A (G6PD Mahidol) followed by 4.7% 1376G>T (G6PD Canton), 3.5% 383T>C (G6PD Vanua Lava), 3.5% 592C>T (G6PD Coimbra), 2.3% 1388G>A (G6PD Kaiping), 2.3% 1360C>T (G6PD Union), 2.3% 1003G>A (G6PD Chatham), 1.2% 131C>G (G6PD Orissa) and 1.2% 1361G>A (G6PD Andalus). Seventy-one (82.6%) of the 86 G6PD-deficient neonates had neonatal jaundice. Fifty seven (80%) of the 71 neonates with jaundice required phototherapy with only one neonate progressing to severe hyperbilirubinemia (serum bilirubin >340 μmol/l) requiring exchange transfusion. There was no significant difference in the incidence of neonatal jaundice, mean serum bilirubin level, mean age for peak serum bilirubin, percentage of babies requiring phototherapy and mean number of days of phototherapy between the three common variants. In conclusion, the molecular defects of Malay G6PD deficiency is heterogeneous and G6PD Viangchan, Mahidol and Mediterranean account for at least 80% of the cases. Our findings support the observation that G6PD Viangchan and Mahidol are common Southeast Asian variants. Their presence in the Malays suggests a common ancestral origin with the Cambodians, Laotians and Thais. Our findings together with other preliminary data on the presence of the Mediterranean variant in this region provide evidence of strong Arab influence in the Malay Archipelago. © 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Post time 21-2-2016 11:32 PM | Show all posts
_______ replied at 20-2-2016 11:37 PM
Menurut Stephen Oppenheimer kandungan genetik barat asia  dalam  mtDNA Melayu  ...

How will that explains the origin of Malay?

If Malay was related to central Asia by blood, who is the linkage?


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Post time 22-2-2016 02:48 AM | Show all posts
neenlezah replied at 21-2-2016 11:32 PM
How will that explains the origin of Malay?

If Malay was related to central Asia by blood, who  ...

The origin of malay race is what the DNA says. A race formed by merger of eastern and western origin people

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Post time 22-2-2016 08:56 PM | Show all posts
Acong replied at 20-2-2016 02:09 AM
bukankah asal usul perkataan sultan dan raja itu bahasa sanskrit/hindu?  

Sanskrit is an Indo-European language. Tamil is not!

Sanskrit roots in Sumer, Babylonian, Persia and the Hindus Valley (Indus Valley). Tamil and South India of today had nothing to do with the roots of Sanskrit.
As a matter of fact, Hebrew, Aramaic and Arabic had more earlier relations with Sanskrit.

Notice the Sanskrit  names
'Sumer' (सुमेर), 'Umma' (उमा) meaning 'dawn' ,

'Ur' (उर) meaning 'nerve' or 'canal'
and 'Uru' (उरु) meaning 'excellent'. ... tion-rivers-of.html

In ancient history, the Tamil were not "Indian"! They were the "untouchables". They were not touch by the Persians, Greeks, Mauryan, Guptan, Delhi Sultanate nor the Monggols (Mughal). Only the Jewish East Hindia company uses them and termed them as "Indian". What a havoc!

Yesteryears "India" is no longer in today's India. The "Indus river and valley" is in the modern day Pakistan and Afghanistan. Real "Indians" of historical reference is today Pakistanis, Punjabi and Afghan Pashtuns. NOT Tamils!


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Post time 22-2-2016 09:36 PM | Show all posts
Edited by radhi at 22-2-2016 09:37 PM
_______ replied at 20-2-2016 09:32 AM
india bapok semua suka berknayal konon pernah jadi raja di tanah melayu. Hakikatnya melayu yang pern ...

Ancient India was the "Al-Hind" to the Tigris-Euphrates furtile valley, the cradle of civilizations. "Hindu" mean "behind" or the other side or "hinter-land" of the "center" was always a geographical term to discribe another civilization behind the Sumerian delta coming from the western reference. The Hindu Kush and the Indus valley were Hindus or the Ancient India.

Orang Melayu will allow aryans "Historical Indians" and Persians to be their leaders. We cannot prove anything from Funan and Champa history. But if we look at just Ayutthaya, we had Sheikh Ahmad Qomi ( and family entered the court of Ayutthaya and the Bunnag family is now a royal family in Thailand. ... -of-persian-decent/

Even today Malay will easily welcome the Punjabi Shah Rukh Khan but hardly will welcome the Tamils maniam as amongst our leaders.


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Post time 22-2-2016 09:58 PM | Show all posts
neenlezah replied at 21-2-2016 11:32 PM
How will that explains the origin of Malay?

If Malay was related to central Asia by blood, who  ...

The Persian, the Afghans and the "Ancient Indians"; the current day Pakistanis and Punjabi were the link.

South Tamils were bypassed and "untouched". Their temples were much later than the ones in Champa and Funan. Tamil temples did NOT worship Brahma, Vishnu nor Shiva directly. Tamil worship lower or reclining forms demigods such as Raghanatha, Sundareswar, Meenakshi, Maduravera, Mariama etc.


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Post time 22-2-2016 10:04 PM | Show all posts
radhi replied at 22-2-2016 09:36 PM
Ancient India was the "Al-Hind" to the Tigris-Euphrates furtile valley, the cradle of civilization ...

Hahaha. Pussy indians like to fantasize a lot. No wonder you got trampled like rats by just about everyone you weaklings came into contact with.

BTW aryans means noble. Where were your kshyatriyas when Arabs, Afghans, Mongols and Uzbeks made your brahmin women perform erotic dance ? You primitive spineless donkeys need to understand only one thing. There is nothing noble about being owned by much smaller neighbours.


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