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BIG BANG Alive Galaxy Tour 2012 Malaysia [FAQ]
by Running Into The Sun on Wednesday, July 11, 2012 at 5:52pm ·
General FAQ
1. Will there be a ticket launch event?
Yes, there will be a ticket launch event for this concert. Please stay tuned to our Facebook page and these details will be released shortly.
2. When will tickets be released?
Tickets will be released on the 28th of July at 10.30am.
3. Are tickets for sale yet?
No, tickets have not been released yet. RITS has only released the Seat Map and prices.
4. Can I choose my seat(s)?
Unfortunately, you cannot choose your seats. You can only choose your category. It is based on a first come first served basis.
5. How many tickets can I purchase?
Each person is entitled to a maximum of 10 tickets only per transaction.
6. Is there any age limit?
For safety reasons, children below 6 years old are not allowed for the seated Categories and 12 years old for the Rockpit categories.
7. Is there anyway possible that I am allowed to access the backstage to see my favourite boys?
Backstage access is not allowed at all times.
8. How can overseas fans purchase the tickets?
You may buy tickets on the Ticketing agents website when tickets are released on the 28th of July.
REDTIX Online : www.airasiaredtix.com
TICKETCHARGE Online : www.ticketcharge.com.my
9. Are there any limits to what kind of tickets I can purchase?
No, you can purchase tickets from any category. Age restrictions apply (please see point 6).
10. Am I allowed to choose seats in the Royal Box?
Nope! The Royal Box is not one of the categories for sale for this concert.
11. Does ticket prices stated in Seat Map include Tax?
No, it does not. A RM3 processing fee will be charged for each ticket.
12. Will you be able to change the date of the concert?
No, this date has been set according to the artiste schedule.
13. Is there a wheel chair zone?
Yes, there is limited number of wheel chair zone at Cat 4.
Black market tickets will be strictly monitored and recorded on our end. We hope that everyone behaves in a socially responsible manner and not succumb to the impulse to buy tickets from resellers who are seeking to exploit K-pop fans. If you proceed to buy any black market tickets, do note you might be asked for an ID check at the door, and RITS reserves the right to refuse entry at door.
source:RITS@facebook |
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Reply 383# jujuanna
pre-book ngn bb1st ke?? ade tny member2, diorg ckp ok kalu booking ngn diorg tuh...ms KMW dulu pun diorg wat gini gk... tu lah, sy pun ingt nk pre-book gk...haru je kalu beratur pjg2 tp ms tiba turn sy, tiket abes...TIDAK!!! |
Reply 386# idadae
Mana?? mana?? aku pun nak beli pre book ni. Nak minta kat sapa?? Korang ada details ttg pre book ni tak? |
Reply 389# jujuanna
oh yes, nnt nk bli merchandize lg...adoyai ...ni pun pas byr ni, mkn meggi jelah smntara nk tggu gaji...sadis btul nk bkk puasa, sahur mkn meggi aje ....xpelah, demi abg n adik2 bigbang...bkn selalu kn?? hohhoho |
Reply 388# jujuanna
Aku nak beli RM488 tp adik aku takde budget. Dia nak beli yg RM198. huhuhuhu!! Mcm mana ni?? Kepala dah sakit ni. Nanti aku kat sini, dia kat sana. Sodeh & sadis. Masing2 budget abis ni. Aku nak beli merchandise Big Bang lg. Hmm!! |
Reply 392# Peterpan17
jauh tu 198 ngn 488...jauh terpisah la korang nnt... |
Post Last Edit by jujuanna at 13-7-2012 14:24
setelah diberi pertimbangan yg sewajarnya.. kita dh decide utk pre-book my 488 tix..atas sbb2:
1) takut kehabisan tix pd 28.7 nnti
2) x nak kehampaan bila dah beratur pnjg2 n lama,pastu tix abih
3) malas nk bersoal-jwb dgn org2 kenapa snggup beratur lama2 utk tix sdgkan ada cra lgi mudah..
4) x nak sesakkan fikiran sama ada dpt or x tix. if pre-book,100% dpt,kata org tu..
5) dah x nak berlibang-libur pikir tix mna yg harus dibeli..tawakal aje lah..
6) semntra dh dpt kebenaran utk gi enjoy ni,baik teruskan aje..
ps : korang nk pre-book kna cpt..ahad ni last day.. |
Reply 395# jujuanna
hah!! Tulah pasal. fening fening. Klu dia ikut oppa TOP atau GD, aku redha je. Dpt ipar glamer, aku pun suke  |
Reply 397# jujuanna
samalah kita. Aku dah bincang dgn adik aku td. Dia pun setuju. Besok aku nak bank in duit. Tak sabar dah ni. |
Reply 396# jujuanna
Aku pula nak tolong menjana ekonomi Malaysia. Klu tak beli merchandise, tak tlg RITS organiser, sapa lg nak tolong ek?  |
Reply 394# idadae
Nampak gaya aku kena tolong dia top up mana yg kurang. Itu yg dia selalu cakap, apa gunanya ada kakak. :@ |
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