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Author: lelaki_itu78


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Post time 7-3-2009 07:18 PM | Show all posts
enjoy jek....jgn la xpect yg tinggi2 sgt..

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Post time 8-3-2009 12:37 PM | Show all posts
aaah..jgn expect tinggi sgtla..anggap g tgk movie superhero jela..bkn dragonball psl bg aku..jln citer dia mmg xdragonball lgsung..krillin kawn baik goku tu pn blh dia xbuat watak tu...pdhl krillin la jd catalyzer tuk goku jd super saiyan...akira toriyama xfrust ke tgk karya agong dia dhampehkan sebgini rupa???

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Post time 8-3-2009 11:06 PM | Show all posts
nak nengok bulma dual personality..agak2 cam komik tak...

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Post time 9-3-2009 10:16 AM | Show all posts

Balas #423 xiemean\ catat

akira toriyama nak marah cmna...sbb diorang dh hulurkan duit...suruh snyap

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Post time 9-3-2009 10:23 AM | Show all posts
Justin Chatwin - Goku
CharacterDescription - Goku is considered uncool and unpopular at school, but heis in fact an extremely talented martial arts fighter who gets rigoroustraining from his grandfather, Gohan. After the death of hisgrandfather by the evil Lord Piccolo, Goku finds his destiny in hisgrandfather’s dying request that he find Master Roshi and gather allseven Dragon Balls (of which he has one) in order to prevent Piccolofrom succeeding in his desire to use the dragonballs to take over theworld. Trained by Master Roshi, aided by Bulma and Yamcha, friends hemeets along the way, Goku proves himself a formidable, almostundefeatable fighter. On many dangerous adventures to find theremaining Dragon Balls and thus save the world, Goku conquers physicaland emotional challenges, ultimately saving the world but clearlyimpelled to spend his life searching for the Dragon Balls with histrusty companions.
Chow Yun-Fat - Master Roshi
CharacterDescription - This older man is a good friend of Goku’s grandfather,Gohan, and Goku comes to enlist his help after his grandfather iskilled. Although he looks like a beggar, Roshi is one of the worldsmost fearsome fighters. Master Roshi begins Goku’s rigorous training toprepare him for the adventure of finding and fighting for the sevenDragon Balls to save the world from Piccolo’s destructive plan. A wise,somewhat wry man who knows as much about human nature as he does aboutmartial arts, Master Roshi is impressed with Goku’s fighting butreminds him of his failings as well. Ultimately, Master Roshisacrifices his own life in order to destroy Piccolo.
James Marsters - Lord Piccolo
CharacterDescription - An ancient being who despite his humanoid appearance, isfrom an alien race determined to take over the world. Piccolo is thecursed ruler of a demonic race who nearly destroyed Earth 2000 yearsago, and with the coming of the eclipse and the possession of all sevenDragon Balls, he’s prepared to free himself and do the job right thistime. Crafty and smart, Piccolo has some disturbing news for Goku,namely that the boy is actually a Saiyan who’s destined to join Piccoloas his right hand in destroying and enslaving the planet.
Emmy Rossum - Bulma
CharacterDescription - With great intelligence behind her gleaming eyes, Bulmais a determined, competitive young woman whose father’s five starDragon Ball was stolen by Lord Piccolo, and who believes that she canharness their unlimited energy and change the world like Edison orEinstein. Bulma, who has a DBE (a Dragon Ball locator device), teams upwith Goku, and with him meets up with Master Roshi and Yamcha as theyattempt to collect the missing Dragon Balls before Piccolo can destroythe world. A resourceful and courageous young woman who’s also aweapons expert, she overcomes many obstacles with her colleagues, onlyto find the seven Dragon Balls ultimately snatched from their grasp–butit’s clear she’s going to continue searching for them with Goku andYamcha.
Joon Park - Yamcha
CharacterDescription - “The bad boy who has no trouble attracting women,” hetaunts Goku, Bulma and Master Yoshi, who are trapped in a sand cave,rather than helping them with his rope ladder. However, afteroverhearing Master Roshi’s tale of Piccolo once nearly destroyed theEarth and are preparing to do so again, Yamcha has a change of heartand not only helps the three in the desert, but becomes a valuable partof the team. An ingenious young man whose utililty truck is the SwissArmy Knife of trucks–every tool and gear imaginable sprouts from itsbody–Yamcha joins Goku, Bulma (with whom he becomes romanticallyinvolved) and Master Yoshi on their quest to find the seven DragonBalls before Piccolo.
Jamie Chung - Chi Chi
CharacterDescription - Goku’s lifelong love interest, Chi Chi is an attractive,tom boy-ish young woman who has grown up with Goku. She has studiedmartial arts and has always suspected that Goku possesses talents thatare unusual and extraordinary. After Goku embarks on his journey toredeem his grandfathers death, Chi Chi meets up with Goku and his crewat a tournament of champions where their mutual attraction finallyheats up during a training session.
Randall Duk Kim - Grandpa Gohan
CharacterDescription - Goku’s kindly, wise grandfather, he looks like he’s inhis 70s but moves like Jet Li. An accomplished martial artist whotrains Goku on the bow staff, he loves his grandson and is happy toprepare a special feast for him on his 18th birthday, as well as aspecial gift: a 4 star Dragon Ball. Tragically, Gohan is struck down bythe high ninjas of the Namek-Jins, and as he dies he sends his grandsonout to face his destiny and do battle against them.
Eriko Tamura - Mai
CharacterDescription - Her features exotic, sexy but deadly, dressed in gleamingblack, with weapons strapped all over her body, she’s a martial artsexpert and Lord Piccolo’s chief enforcer. Crafty and quick thinking,Mai uses her ability to shapeshift near the climax of the movie andtakes on the form of Chi Chi, a young martial arts expert who’sromantically involved with Goku and later saves Piccolo from MasterRoshi’s curse; once she is revealed she ends up in the fight of herlife.
Ernie Hudson - ???

There has been much speculation on thecharacter Ernie Hudson will be playing. Some have suggested that he maybe playing the character Sifu Norris who is a new movie characterdescribed simply as a “noble and intelligent man”. It has also been speculated that he is actually Master Mutaito, or a loosely based character after Hudson was quoted saying “I play a monk, who is Chow Yun Fat’s character’s master and he creates the jar that is used contain/trap piccolo”
saja je nak bg

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Post time 9-3-2009 10:43 AM | Show all posts
antara filem wajib tonton aku ni...

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Post time 11-3-2009 02:13 PM | Show all posts


tak sabau nak tengok...

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Post time 11-3-2009 02:25 PM | Show all posts
nie berapa umur nie?...

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Post time 11-3-2009 02:48 PM | Show all posts

Balas #2 cashguy\ catat

dari kecik tengok...
skrg kuar wayang...
manaleh lepas kan...
sok die kuar...

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Post time 11-3-2009 04:08 PM | Show all posts
besok kuar..
mmg nak kena tgk

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Post time 11-3-2009 04:10 PM | Show all posts
nak tgk gak... mcm best jer..

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Post time 11-3-2009 04:50 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 11-3-2009 04:53 PM | Show all posts
Mungkin akan jgn terlalu berharap...

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Post time 11-3-2009 04:58 PM | Show all posts
aku raseee citer niii mungkin juz tgk camtu je laaa...

kalo die buat betui2 cam dlm komik kan besss..

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Post time 11-3-2009 05:47 PM | Show all posts
aku sumpah sapa yang buat cerita dragonball ni jadi KATAK!!!!

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Post time 11-3-2009 10:58 PM | Show all posts
dah khatam siri katun dia dari dragonball ker dragonball gt

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Post time 11-3-2009 10:58 PM | Show all posts
esok premier dia kan?

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Post time 12-3-2009 11:23 AM | Show all posts
Jangan terlalu mengharap... dan jangan letak harapan yang tinggi...
Jangan terlalu mengharap... dan jangan letak harapan yang tinggi...
Jangan terlalu mengharap... dan jangan letak harapan yang tinggi...
Jangan terlalu mengharap... dan jangan letak harapan yang tinggi...
Jangan terlalu mengharap... dan jangan letak harapan yang tinggi...
Jangan terlalu mengharap... dan jangan letak harapan yang tinggi...

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Post time 12-3-2009 11:36 AM | Show all posts
bukan mengharap...
tapi sape yg dah ikuti citer tu dlm komik mesti nak sangat tngk kat filem lak...
nampak sngat bukan peminat...
ek eleh...

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Post time 12-3-2009 11:41 AM | Show all posts
Sepatutnya diorang tak guna perkataan Dragonball dan guna watak yang mirip jer supaya nanti ada orang kata eh eh macam dragonball la tapi bengong sket

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