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Author: eltoro

INDONESIA - defence and military issues (PART IV-R.P.9]

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Post time 23-5-2011 09:46 PM | Show all posts
Perancangan Satelit Nano Ajak Mahasiswa

Kemampuan mahasiswa Indonesia dalam teknologi mekatronika—terutama robotik—di dunia terbukti dalam kemenangan di beberapa kancah kompetisi internasional. Karena itu, mereka akan dilibatkan dalam perancangan muatan roket dan pembuatan satelit nano.

Hal ini disampaikan Suryo Hapsoro Tri Utomo, Direktur Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional, dalam jumpa pers tentang Kompetisi Roket Indonesia (Korindo) 2010.

Korindo ketiga ini digelar Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional (Lapan), Kemdiknas, Universitas Gadjah Mada, dan Kabupaten Bantul di Pantai Pandansimo, Srandakan, Bantul, Yogyakarta. 26-28 Juni 2010.

Deputi Bidang Teknologi Dirgantara Lapan Soewarto Hardhienata mengatakan, dalam perancangan satelit nano oleh kalangan mahasiswa, peneliti Lapan akan memberikan pelatihan dan pendampingan.

Lapan sendiri saat ini lebih memfokuskan pada perancangan satelit mikro yang berbobot 10 kg hingga mendekati 100 kg. Adapun satelit nano berukuran di bawah 10 kg.

Dalam program pendidikan dan pelatihan perancangan satelit nano itu, Suryo mengharapkan hasilnya telah dapat dicapai tahun 2014.

Satelit nano ini, kata Soewarto, dapat ditumpangi bersama satelit mikro Lapan A-2 dan Lapan A-3 (Lapan-Orari) pada roket India yang akan diluncurkan pada 2014.

Dihubungi di tempat terpisah, Kepala Lapan Adi Sadewo Salatun mengatakan, satelit kembar Lapan tersebut pada hari Minggu (20/6) berhasil meluncurkan roket untuk uji komponen multimisi di Pamengpeuk, Banten. Peluncuran ini pada ketinggian suborbital–satu tahap menuju orbit.

Dalam uji terbang, sinyal satelit Lapan-Organisasi Amatir Radio Indonesia (Orari) dapat diterima para anggota Orari yang berada di Lampung dan Bali.

Kompetisi rancang bangun

Korindo 2010 yang diadakan setiap tahun merupakan ajang kompetisi di bidang rancang bangun muatan roket bagi mahasiswa Indonesia yang bertujuan menyiapkan bibit unggul di bidang teknologi dirgantara, khususnya peroketan.

Kompetisi tahun ini, kata Endro Pitowarno, bertema Homing Meteo Payload, yakni rancang bangun payload (muatan roket) yang mampu kembali atau menuju sasaran yang telah ditentukan setelah terpisah dari roket peluncur. Dalam hal ini mereka dituntut untuk merancang sistem propeler dan kendalinya.

Korindo 2010 akan diikuti 53 tim dari 38 peserta yang kemudian diseleksi hingga tinggal 40 tim. Kompetisi ini terdiri tiga tahap seleksi, yaitu uji fungsional muatan, uji terbang muatan, dan presentasi data hasil uji terbang.

Untuk pertama kalinya, kompetisi ini akan disaksikan pengamat dari Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum (APRSAF), dari Jepang dan Malaysia.

Korindo 2010 diselenggarakan oleh Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional bekerja sama dengan Lapan, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Pemerintah Kabupaten Bantul, dan institusi Akademi Angkatan Udara.

Tahun 2011 Akan diadakan kembali Kompetisi Roket.

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Post time 23-5-2011 09:54 PM | Show all posts
banyak cerita ulangan.... ayooooo

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Post time 23-5-2011 10:08 PM | Show all posts
China, Russia, US and French Navy's frienship program with Indonesian Navy

Three French Navy warships will stop in port of Tanjung Priok, Jakarta, from 24 s / d May 28, 2011. The visit is to strengthen friendly relations and cooperation between France and the Indonesian Navy.

French naval fleet is composed of three vessels, namely the Mistral class LHD ships, ship-class Destroyer and frigate Georges-Leygues Vendémiaire. Vendémiaire frigates often a visit to Indonesia. Finally the ship was once a stopover in Bali in 2010. Furthermore, from Jakarta, this frigate will visit Surabaya, from 30 May to 2 June 2011

Russia in Indonesia

"During the visit, the Russian warships will hold exercises and Indonesian anti-piracy," Martov said, adding that the mission will involve a simulated rescue of a ship seized by pirates.

Russian destroyer in the port of Makassar in eastern Indonesia on May 25 to 27

Admiral Panteleyev took part in international anti-piracy mission off the coast of Somalia in 2009.

This warship had seized a boat carrying 29 suspected pirates, engaging in a failed attack on an oil tanker which is staffed by Russian citizens.

The ship was also prevents pirate attack on a cargo ship while escorting a convoy of six merchant ships.

China in Indonesia

Minister of Defence of the Republic of Indonesia received a courtesy Yusgiantoro Chinese Defense Minister General Liang Guanglie, Thursday afternoon (19 / 5) in the Office of the Ministry of Defence of Indonesia, Jakarta. In this visit, the second minister to engage in dialogue to discuss improving bilateral cooperation relations between the two countries, especially cooperation in the defense that has been intertwined over the years.

Bilateral dialogue this time is to follow up that has been decided in a dialogue forum which was held in March 2011, then, at the same time in order to strengthen the defense relationship between the two countries.

US Marine -Indonesia Marine SMALL ARMS MARKMANSHIP training

Coaching ability training of individuals who shoot guns, a joint venture of Indonesia and the U.S. Navy was held for nine days, starting from April 18 until April 29, 2011 in the firing range "Karno" Bhumi Cilandak Marine, which was attended by trainees from member Denjaka and Kopaska, and members of the United Stated Military Civil Affairs And Security Training (U.S. MCAST) as an instructor.

The purpose of these activities carried out in addition to improving the ability to shoot properly with the various types of light weapons for soldiers and Kopaska Denjaka, also has built professionalism and enhance understanding and mutual respect between the two States Navy.

The mandate of the Marine Corps Commander Major General TNI (Mar) M. Baharudin Alfan read Pabanopslat Kormar Marine Lt. Col. Agus Dwi Laksana Son said that this exercise has produced the output that we want together and established good cooperation from both sides as both instructors and participants, from all the training materials that focus on individual shooting ability denngan various types of weapons have been implemented as planned with the safe and smooth.

At the end of commendation Dankormar say gratitude and highest appreciation to the delegation U.S. MCAST so that this exercise could take place well and with satisfactory results.

Attending the ceremony were Lieutenant Commander Christopher M. Navy Chef Giacomaro ODC program and his staff, Representative of Sat Kopaska Armabar Mabesal

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Post time 23-5-2011 10:21 PM | Show all posts
Indonesia's unmanned anti-tank UGV robotic system

Indonesia's unmanned anti-tank UGV robotic system designed by sttad of Indonesia's army.

The system was little bit similar with Serbian Milica.

The "Milica" is a modern remote controlled short range anti-tank system on unmanned tracks vehicle based on the newest IP and wireless technology. This wireless combat robot is designed by the Military Technical Institute of the Republic of Serbia.

The main purpose of his system is protection of expected attack routes of main battle tank and other types of armoured fighting vehicle and system also can be engaged for tactical destructions of different types of field fortificated objects.

The system is also very effective as a support for special infantry units during action of intelligence, observation and monitoring on unsecured areas on different types of fields and also in urban condition. The system consists of middle size remote controlled unmanned tracks vehicle, which is made of welded steal plates with a front wheel drive and metal heels.

The "Milica", is armed with two short range 90 mm anti-tank launcher. For the observation, the "Milica" used a day/night color IP camera with high sensitivity optical and electronic zoom.

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Post time 23-5-2011 10:25 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by rifa at 23-5-2011 22:34

Indonesia's unmanned anti-tank UGV robotic system

Indonesia's unmanned anti-tank UGV robotic system designed by sttad of Indonesia's army.
Lembaga Pengkajian Teknology TNI-AD

The system was little bit similar with Serbian Milica.

The "Milica" is a modern remote controlled short range anti-tank system on unmanned tracks vehicle based on the newest IP and wireless technology. This wireless combat robot is designed by the Military Technical Institute of the Republic of Serbia.

The main purpose of his system is protection of expected attack routes of main battle tank and other types of armoured fighting vehicle and system also can be engaged for tactical destructions of different types of field fortificated objects.

The system is also very effective as a support for special infantry units during action of intelligence, observation and monitoring on unsecured areas on different types of fields and also in urban condition. The system consists of middle size remote controlled unmanned tracks vehicle, which is made of welded steal plates with a front wheel drive and metal heels.

The "Milica", is armed with two short range 90 mm anti-tank launcher. For the observation, the "Milica" used a day/night color IP camera with high sensitivity optical and electronic zoom.

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Post time 23-5-2011 10:53 PM | Show all posts
CMOV/COMOB: New Air Defense Radar Made in Indonesia

Computerized Management of Vehicles (CMOV/COMOB)is a mobile radar defense system that could be integrated in to combat system for air defense system as well as combat field management system.

The radar is produced by PT Rekayasa Teknologi Indonesia (Rekatindo).

On the other side, another Indonesia's company successfully created another radar system. The company is PT. Trimega Cipta Kreasindo ( TritaK )

The similar system also developed by PT Erindo Mulia Pratama that make Indonesia proud of its ability for defense product other than ISRA, INDRA dan LEN Radar



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Post time 23-5-2011 11:34 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by rifa at 24-5-2011 00:01

few pics of indonesia armour... credit goes to [email protected]



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Post time 23-5-2011 11:45 PM | Show all posts
Indonesia's made GEA car designed by Vordava

GEA (Gulirkan Energi Alternatif), is an Indonesian national gas-powered car, manufactured by PT. Industry Kereta Api (INKA), Madiun, Indonesia. This car was born to be a solution to urban traffic problems.

At the start of the GEA was introduced in public, his appearance is less attractive. PT. INKA aware that GEA should be improved in terms of appearance .

In mid-2009, PT. Railway industry asks Vordava to improve (redesign) the appearance of GEA, in order to become much more beautiful, than ever before. And this redesign project lasted 6 months. Discussions were conducted, between Team of GEA (PT INKA) with Vordava, to decide how the next GEA appearance. Inthe end, both parties agree that, the appearance of the GEA is a blend of the characteristics of Japanese and European cars.

The above picture is the GEA car designed by Vordava, now used by Indonesia's traffic police patrol force. The car will be mass produced in 2012. According to BPPT, the price per unit of the car would be around Rp. 40 million or about $4000.

GEA would be Indonesia's first car to challenge foreign made cars in Indonesia and hopefully its could penetrate worldwide market. Other brands of Indonesia's made car is Marlip (The First Indonesia electric Car), Hybrid Electric Car built by LIPI, Tawon, Arina, SMK Car, Komodo, Boneo and so on.


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Post time 24-5-2011 03:33 PM | Show all posts
PT. Sri Rejeki Isman (Sritex) Pemasok Perlengkapan Militer Indonesia.

Sritex adalah salah-satu industri garmen terbesar di Indonesia. Salah-satu produk Sritex yang diakui internasional adalah seragam militernya. Berdasarkan data resmi perusahaan yang kompleks pabriknya seluas 50 hektare di Jl KH Samanhudi,

pesanan tetap dari Pakta Pertahanan Atlantik Utara (NATO),Dari NATO, tiap tahun kita mendapatkan order sebanyak 30.000 setel pakaian tentara (topi, baju, celana, dan sepatu)

Daftar klien Main / Sub-contractor dari Militer dan Lembaga Pemerintahan.

Sritex, sebagai salah satu penyedia seragam terpercaya kelas dunia telah diakui oleh NATO sebagai salah satu partner resmi diluar Eropa untuk memproduksi seragam dan perlengkapan militer. Dengan kredibilitas ini, Sritex pada saat ini melayani kebutu*an seragam dan perlengkapan militer untuk lebih dari 18 negara di dunia yang meliputi:

Jerman ,Kuwait,inggris,Suriname,Uni Emirat Arab,Brunei Darussalam,Austria,Papua New Guinea,Swiss,Philipina,Belanda,Kamboja,Norwegia,Indonesia,Yunani,Saudi Arabia,Oman,Swaziland

Produk Tekstil dan Pakaian Umum Lain

Produk-produk lain Sritex telah menjangkau beberapa negara berikut:


Seragam Tempur ,Jaket Lapangan DPM/Rimba/Gurun

Perlengkapan Lapangan



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Post time 24-5-2011 05:36 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by rifa at 24-5-2011 17:44

[center]VARIAN SENJATA PINDAD.[/center]


Beberapa tipe Mortir

Mortil Kal 60 mm komando ini di kembangkan khusus untuk kebutu*an pasukan komando atau berbagi operasi yang membutu*kan kecepatan pergerakan dan dalam pertempuran jarak dekat. Karakteristik dari Moritir ini adalah memiliki berat yang minimal, kecepatan penggunaan, tenaga tembak yang besar dan mudah dioperasikan.

Mortir kal,60 mm LR adalah pesawat mortir yang ringan, mempunyai kemampuan untuk menembak dengan cepat dengan akurasi tinggi, Mortir ini didesain untuk mudah dioperasikan pada berbagai kondisi lapangan dan cuaca. Mortir ini juga didesain untuk mudah dimaintenance. Mortir ini dapat digunakan oleh Infantry, pasukan udara dan bisa di pasang di kendaraan tempur.

MORTIR KAL. 81 MM ( MO-3 )
Mortir kal. 81 mm ini sangat mudah dioperasikan, ringan, dan mudah di bawa ke medan pertempuran serta memiliki kemampuan menembak beruntun yang akurat. Mortir ini dapat digunakan pada berbagai medan, dalam segala cuaca dan sangat tepat bagi pasukan Infantri.

Kaliber 60 mm
Berat senjata maks 6 kg
jarak tembak Maks. 800 m
Elevasi 22 - 89
Panjang total 569 mm
Diameter laras  
a,Bagian dalam 60,6-60,9 mm
b.Bagian luar  
-Terkecil 65 mm
-Terbesar 75 mm
Pegangan / pnjinjing 26 x 100 mm
Pemutar / picu 60 x 20 mm
Landasan 75x 198 mm

Caliber 60 mm
Overall lenght of barrel 855 mm
Total weight (with baseplate,bipod assembly and sight) 18.0 kg
Barrel + Breech piece 8.0 kg
Bipad 4.5 kg
Baseplate 5.5 kg
sight 1.1 kg
Elevetion provided Traverse without moving the bipod 40-79
At 50 elevation 100 mils
At 70 elevation 140 mils
Maximum range 4000 m
Minimum range 200 m
Rate of fire rapid-20 rds per min

Caliber 81 mm
Bore diameter 81,4 mm
Barrel assembly length 1560 mm SB
Bipod assembly length (folded) 960 mm
Bipod assembly Weight-Split barrel 20,9 mm
Bipod assembly weight 14 kg
Base plat weight 12,5 kg
Sight instrument accurancy 1 mil
Sight instrument weight 1,55 kg
Sight instrument case weight 2.9 kg
Max. working pressure (piezo) 1050 kg/cm
Weight of complete mortar 49 kg
Elevation Range (degree) 45-85
Range Max. 6500 m

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Post time 24-5-2011 05:37 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by rifa at 24-5-2011 17:43

Pistol (double action)

Pistol double action
Pistol double action buatan Pindad dirancang dengan bentuk yang ergonomic, menggunakan intercept notch dan hammer block yang memungkinkan akurasi tinggi dalam menembak. Menggunakan bahan-bahan berkualitas tinggi untuk menjamin ketepatan dan akurasi, kedua pistol tersebut dapat digunakan baik untuk single maupun double action. Dilengkapi asesoris alat bidik, red dot, laser sight dan tactical light. Tersedia 2 tipe yaitu tipe P2 dengan caliber 9 x 19 mm untuk militer dan tipe P3 dengan caliber 7,65 x 17 mm untuk penegak hukum dan perlindungan pribadi.
Cartridge 7.65 x 17 mm; .32 ACP
Panjang laras 102 mm
panjang keseluruhan 177 mm

P2 - V1

P2 - V2

P2 - V3

P2 - V4

P 2  
Calibre 9 x 19 mm Parabellum
Barrel Length 100 mm
Overall Length 177 mm
Capacity 15 Rounds
Weight 0.8 kg
Sight 3 Dot Fixed
Firing Mode Single, Safe
Locking Intercept Notch & Hammer Block
Finishing Black/Gray

P 3  
NSN 1005-45-000-1723
Calibre 7.65 x 17 mm (1.32 ACP)
Barrel Length 100 mm
Overall Length 177 mm
Capacity 12 Rounds
Weight 0.794 kg
Sight 3 Dot fixed
Firing Mode Single, Safe
Locking Intercept Notch & Hammer Block
Forest Guard Gun
Beberapa Jenis PM2

Forest Guard GUN
Senjata khusus untuk polisi hutan, dibuat berdasarkan senjata PM1 yang disesuaikan dengan kebutu*an aparat penegak hukum di lingkungan kehutanan.

Kaliber 9 mm
Berat Tanpa Magasen 2, 90 kg
Berat Dengan Magasen 3, 18 kg
Panjang popor terentang 625 mm
Panjang popor terlipat 417 mm
Tinggi senjata dengan magasen 270 mm
Tinggi senjata tanpa magazen 225 mm
Lebar 70 mm
Panjang laras 195 mm
Alat bidik Ajustable
Sistim kerja Blow back
Isi magasen 20
Sistim tembakan Semi-Automatic,Double

Kaliber 9 mm
Berat Tanpa Magasen 3, 20 kg
Berat Dengan Magasen 3, 45 kg
Panjang popor terentang 720 mm
Panjang popor terlipat 515 mm
Tinggi senjata dengan magasen 270 mm
Tinggi senjata tanpa magazen 225 mm
Lebar 70 mm
Panjang laras 145 mm
Alat bidik Adjustable
Sistim kerja Blow back
Isi magasen 20
Sistim tembakan Semi-Automatic,Double



Senjata penegak hukum dengan kecepatan dan ketepatan tinggi

Kaliber 12 gauge
Barrel length 560 mm
Weight 2,85 kg
Mechanism Semi Automatic
Senapan Mesin

Senapan Mesin

SPM2-V1 Cal. 7.62 x 51 mm
Senapan mesin sedang SPM2-V1 dengan inovasi disain laras beratur mampu tahan hingga lebih 3575 tembakan tanpa dibersihkan, kehandalan bahan laras EN 26 dengan proses swaging dan bagian dalam dilapisi hard chroom membuat umur pakai lebih lama dari senjata sejenis lainnya. Dilengkapi tripod yang mampu memutar sebaran hingga 64 dan sebaran dalam +7,5 hingga -7,5 dibuat dengan konstruksi yang ringan, mudah dioprasikan.

SPM2-V2 Cal. 7.62 x 51 mm
Senapan mesin ringan SPM2-V2 dengan inovasi disain laras beralur mampu tahan hingga lebih 3600 tembakan tanpa dibersihkan, kehandalan bahan laras EN 26 dengan proses swaging dan bagian dalam dilapisi hard chroom membuat umur pakai lebih lama dari senjata sejenis lainnya.

Caliber 7.62 x 51 mm
Total length 1070 mm
Barrel length 635 mm
Weight 13 kg
Total weight incl. tripod 31.75 kg
Locking system dropping the locking lever
Trigger pull strength 3 kg
Ammunition MU-2T J
Firing mode automatic
Firing distance 1500 m

Kaliber 7.62 x 51 mm
Total length 1275 mm
Barrel length 635 kg
Weight 2.95 kg
Weight with bipod 11.58 kg
Locking system dropping the locking lever
Trigger pull strength 3 kg
Ammunition MU-2T J
Firing mode automatic Effective
Firing distance 1500 m

Senapan Mesin SM3

Senapan Mesin SM3

Senapan mesin ringan SPM3 dengan inovasi disain laras beratur mampu tahan hingga lebih 3600 tembakan tanpa dibersihkan. kehandalan bahan laras EN 16 dengan proses swaging dan bagian dalam dilapisi Hard Chroom membuat umur pakai lebih lama dari senjata sejenis lainya.

Pelontar Geranat


SPG1 dirancang khusus dengan tampilan laras lebih pendek, sangat cocok untuk tugas tugas penyamaran. Senapan pelontar Geranat SPG1 kal. 40 mm dengan daya dobrak tinggi untuk sasaran area. rumah mekanik terbuat dari allumunium pilihan dengan proses machining mnjadikan senjata ringa. laras diproses Hard anodaizing untuk menambah kekuatan umur pakai. Cara bongkar pasang yang cukup mudah dan kami sediakan suku cadng dengan jaminan 5 tahun.
Pelontar Granat SPG1 Versi 3

Kaliber 40 mm
Panjang Total 289 mm
Panjang Laras 200 mm
Berat Total 1,33 kg
Berat Total termasuk Sabhara-V2 4,68 kg
Berat Total termasuk amunisi 4,93 kg
Kekuatan Penarik Pelatuk 2,30 kg
Amunisi GL 40, Prastice HE, HEDP, ILLUM, Tear Gas
Jenis Tembakan Single
Jarak Tembakan 380 m
Kecepatan Muzzle (Vo): 75 m/sec 75 m/sec

Jenis Senjata Sniper

Beberapa Jenis Senjata Sniper
Jenis SPR diatas di desain khusus untuk penembak runduk, dilengkapi dengan Bipod dan teleskop untuk penembakan yang akurat.

Weight 6,82 kg
Mechanism Bolt Action
Magnification 3,5 - 10 X

Sabhara Rifle

Sabhara Rifle

Keberhasilan rancang bangun dengan senjata senjata SS1 telah mendorong para perancang dan insyinyur kami untuk mengembangkan versi-versi senjata untuk fungsi penegakan hukum. Pengembangan ini terutama didasarkan pada persyaratan daya lumpuh yang tepat untuk tujuan-tujuan penegakan hukum. Produk ini tersedia dalam dua versi yaitu SABHARA/POLISI-V1 Dan SABHARA/POLISI-V2

kaliber 7.65 x 45 mm
Panjang laras 247 mm
berat 3,38 kg
panjang keseluruhan 790 mm
Mekanisme Gas operated

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Post time 24-5-2011 05:38 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by rifa at 24-5-2011 17:48

SENAPAN SERBU MODEL 1 SS-1 Kal. 5,56 x 45 m

Beberapa Jenis Senapan Serbu (SS1)
SS1 adalah senapan serbu kaliber 5,56 x 45 mm dengan laras kisar 7? yang memiliki akurasi tinggi dan handal dengan menggunakan popor lipat sehingga flesibel untuk digunakan sesuai kebutu*an disegala medan. Senjata ini dapat dilengkapi dengan berbagai asesoris, antara lain silencer, telescope, sangkur, berbagai tipe pelontar granat, dan lain-lain. Senapan ini juga telah dikembangkan menjadi berbagai tipe sesuai dengan medan operasinya, yaitu tipe standar, marinized dan raider, baik untuk laras panjang, karaben maupun laras pendek. Tipe Marinized dikembangkan khusus untuk marine condition dan swap condition, sedangkan tipe raider dikembangkan untuk medan tempur khusus.

Panjang Senapan dg popor terentang 997 mm
Panjang Senapan dg popor dilipat 766 mm
Panjang Laras 449 mm
Berat Senapan Tanpa Magasen 4,01 kg
Berat Senapan dg Magasen isi 30 butir 4,37 kg
Alat Bidik pisir angka 250 0 - 300 m
Alat Bidik pisir angka 400 300 - 450 m
Jenis Tembakan Single,3-Round Burst,Full Auto,Safe
Kecepatan Tembak Teoritis 720 - 760 rpm
Munisi MU5-TJ atau SS 109 atau MU5-H

Panjang Senapan dg popor terentang 890 mm
Panjang Senapan dg popor dilipat 666 mm
Panjang Laras 363 mm
Berat Senapan Tanpa Magasen 3,91 kg
Berat Senapan dg Magasen isi 30 butir 4,27 kg
Alat Bidik pisir angka 250 0 - 300 m
Alat Bidik pisir angka 400 300 - 450 m
Jenis Tembakan Single,Full Auto,Safe
Kecepatan Tembak Teoritis 720 - 760 rpm
Munisi MU5-TJ atau SS 109 atau MU5-H

Panjang Laras 363 mm
Panjang Senapan dg popor terentang 997 mm
Panjang Senapan dg popor dilipat 766 mm
Panjang Laras 449 mm
Berat Senapan Tanpa Magasen 4,01 kg
Berat Senapan dg Magasen isi 30 butir 4,37 kg
Alat Bidik pisir angka 250 0 - 300 m
Alat Bidik pisir angka 400 300 - 450 m
Jenis Tembakan Single,3-Round Burst,Safe
Munisi MU5-TJ atau SS 109 atau MU5-H

Panjang Senapan dg popor terentang 770 mm
Panjang Senapan dg popor dilipat 557 mm
Panjang Laras 252 mm
Berat Senapan Tanpa Magasen 3,37 kg
Berat Senapan dg Magasen isi 30 butir 3,73 kg
Alat Bidik pisir angka 250 0 - 100 m
Alat Bidik pisir angka 400 100 - 200 m
Jenis Tembakan Single,Full Auto,Safe
Kecepatan Tembak Teoritis 720 - 760 rpm
Munisi MU5-TJ atau SS 109 atau MU5-H

SS1 Marinized

Beberapa Jenis SS1 Versi Marinized
Dengan proses pelapisan khusus, menjadikan senjata SS1 marinize tahan terhadap air laut/ tidak mudah berkarat. senjata tetap berfungsi setelah terendam lumpur atau pasir, dengan sentuhan warna yang elegan , SS1 marinize tampak lebih jantan . tersedia dalam 3 Varian SS1-M1 Laras panjang popor lipat, SS1-M2 laras pendek popor lipat, dan SS1-M5 komando.

SS1 - M1  
Calibre 5.56 x 45 mm
Barrel Length 449 mm
Overall Length Butt Extended 997 mm
Overall Length Butt Folded 766 mm
Weight With Empty Magazine 4.01 kg
Cyclic Rate of Fire 720 - 760 rpm
Firing Mode Single,3-Rounds Burst,Full Auto,Safe
Sight Mechanical Sight
Max Effective Range 450 m
Finishing Gray / Black


SS1-R5 Raider

Senapan serbu SS1-R5, tampil lebih ramping dan ringan dengan akurasi tinggi. diperuntukan bagi pasukan khusus seperti penyergapan, penyusupan , kontak jarak dekat dengan medan hutan, gunung rawa, laut maupun perkotaan. SS1-R5 dapat dipasang sangkur dan berbagai jenis teleskop.

SS1 - R5  
Calibre 5.56 x 45 mm
Barrel Length 252 mm
Overall Length Butt Extended 770 ,,
Overall Length Butt Folded 557 mm
Weight With Empty Magazine 3.37 kg
Cyclic Rate of Fire 650 - 700 rpm
Firing Mode Single,Full Auto,Safe
Sight Mechanical Sight
Max Effective Range 375 m
Finishing Gray / Black
Senapan Serbu SS2

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Post time 24-5-2011 05:39 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by rifa at 25-5-2011 12:57

Beberapa Versi dari SS2
SS2 adalah senapan serbu generasi baru kaliber 5,56 x 45 mm dengan laras kisar 7?. Ringan, handal dan memiliki akurasi tinggi, dengan menggunakan popor lipat sehingga fleksibel untuk digunakan sesuai kebutu*an. Senjata ini dapat menggunakan mechanical maupun optical sight serta dapat pula dilengkapi dengan berbagai asesoris, antara lain silencer, sangkur, berbagai tipe pelontar granat, dan lain-lain. Senapan ini juga telah dikembangkan menjadi berbagai tipe laras panjang dan laras pendek, baik dengan menggunakan mechanical maupun optical sight, sesuai dengan kebutu*an operasinya.
Pindad Code SS2-V1 SS2-V2 SS2-V4
NSN - - -
Calibre 5.56 X 45 mm 5.56 X 45 mm 5.56 X 45 mm
Barrel Length 460 403 460
Overall Length  
Butt Extended 990 920 990
But Folded 740 670 740
With Empty Magazine 3.4 kg 3.2 kg 4.2 kg
Cyclic Rate of Fire 675 - 725 rpm 675 - 725 rpm 675 - 725 rpm
Mode Firing Single, Full Auto, Safe Single, Full Auto, Safe Single, Full Auto, Safe
Sight Mechanical Sight Mechanical Sight Optical Sight
Max Effective Range 500 m 400 m 600 m
Finishing Black / Gray Black / Gray Black / Gray

Tambahan SS-1 PICTURE:

* SS1-V1 — Varian dasar bagi SS1. Laras standar dengan popor lipat.
    * SS1-V2 — Varian pendek dari SS1, larasnya diperpendek.
    * SS1-V3 — Varian standar dengan popor tetap.
    * SS1-V4 — Serupa dengan varian V1, ditambah dengan teleskop.
    * SS1-V5 — Varian terkecil dari semua varian dengan laras 252 mm dan berat 3,37 kg dan popor lipat. Dirancang untuk teknisi, operator artileri, kru tank, paukan garis belakang, dan pasukan khusus.
    * SS1-R5 Raider — Sub varian V5 yang dirancang khusus untuk pasukan khusus terbaru TNI Raider. R adalah kependekan dari Raider dan R5 dibuat khusus untuk batalyon ini saja. SS1-R5 memiliki rancangan lebih ramping dan ringan.
    * SS1 seri M — Dibuat untuk korps Marinir. Dengan proses pengecatan spesial untuk menahan air laut dan tidak mudah berkarat. Varian ini dirancang untuk tetap dapat digunakan setelah masuk lumpur atau pasir. Terdapat tiga varian: M1 dengan laras panjang dan popor lipat; M2 dengan laras pendek dan popor lipat; dan M5 Commando.
    * Sabhara V1-V2 — Pengembangan varian ini dikhususkan untuk kepolisian, yaitu perlunya kemampuan melumpuhkan bukan membunuh. Varian ini menggunakan peluru 7,62 x 45 mm PT Pindad.


Tipe         Senapan runduk-(Sniper Riffle)


sniper SPR-3 kaliber 7,62 mm.

Negara asal indonesia
Varian            :SPR-1, SPR-2 dan SPR-3
Spesifikasi   :
Berat         6.8 kg (SPR-1)
Peluru         7,62 x 51 mm
Mekanisme         Bolt-action
Jarak efektif         500 - 900 meter (SPR-1)
500 meter (SPR-2), 700 meter (SPR-3)
Amunisi         Manual (SPR-1)
Magazen box isi 5 butir peluru (SPR-2), (SPR-3)
Alat bidik         Teleskopik


Spesifikasi PM2 Pindad
Kaliber 9 mm
Berat Tanpa Magasen 2, 90 kg
Berat Dengan Magasen 3, 18 kg
Panjang popor terentang 625 mm
Panjang popor terlipat 417 mm
Tinggi senjata dengan magasen 270 mm
Tinggi senjata tanpa magazen 225 mm
Lebar 70 mm
Panjang laras 195 mm
Alat bidik Ajustable
Sistim kerja Blow back
Isi magasen 20
Sistim tembakan Semi-Automatic,Double
Kaliber 9 mm
Berat Tanpa Magasen 3, 20 kg
Berat Dengan Magasen 3, 45 kg
Panjang popor terentang 720 mm
Panjang popor terlipat 515 mm
Tinggi senjata dengan magasen 270 mm
Tinggi senjata tanpa magazen 225 mm
Lebar 70 mm
Panjang laras 145 mm
Alat bidik Adjustable
Sistim kerja Blow back
Isi magasen 20
Sistim tembakan Semi-Automatic,Double

PM2 merupakan pengembangan dari badan SS2. PM2 dapat memenuhi kebutu*an senjata untuk perang kota. Bahkan, Pindad berhasil mengembangkan senjata non lethal berpeluru karet yang dapat digunakan kepolisian anti huru hara.

Tambahan SS-2 PICTURE:


Spesifikasi SS3:

Negara asal : Indonesia

Kaliber : 5,56 x 45 mm NATO/MU5 TJ Pindad

Kapasitas magazine : 30 peluru

Mekanisme : Gas operated, rotating bolt

Berat : 3,4 kg (loaded)

Rate of fire : 750 rpm

Jarak efektif : s/d 600 m (SS 3 V1 & V2), +1000 m (SS3 V4 Sharpshooter)


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Post time 24-5-2011 08:48 PM | Show all posts
Reply 433# rifa

Turkey Discussing Sale of Pars 8x8 to Indonesia
24 Mei 2011

Pars 8x8 displayed at IDEF 2011 (photo : trmilitary)

Turkish Vehicle Firms Bank on Exports

ISTANBUL - Turkey's flourishing armored vehicle makers increasingly are investing in the development and production of eight- and six-wheel-drive tactical vehicles, mainly for export.

"The Turkish armed forces are not scheduled to buy eight-by-eight vehicles anytime soon, but there's a huge interest by the world militaries to buy such vehicles," said Serdar Gorguc, general manager of vehicle maker Otokar. "So that's why we have developed our Arma vehicle." Gorguc spoke in early May, when Otokar unveiled its amphibious eight-wheel-drive Arma.

"In the next 10 years, there will be a huge market in the world for eight-by-eight vehicles, and we are seeking cost-effective and good solutions to all requirements," Gorguc said. "All countries not producing eight-by-eight vehicles are our potential customers."

The Turkish military's potential purchase of a large number of six-wheel-drive tactical armored vehicles has been on hold since last year, but this has not deterred local vehicle firms from pursuing development. At least three Turkish vehicle makers have begun developing and making six-wheel-drive vehicles.

Otokar has already produced a six-wheel version of the Arma. The company signed a $10 million contract to sell 13 of these to a Middle Eastern country, which Otokar officials declined to name.

The 13 vehicles represented different models of the six-wheel Arma designed for varied missions, and if they operate successfully, the company expects to export 100 more vehicles to that country.

The eight-wheel-drive Arma was exhibited for the first time at the International Defense Industry Fair (IDEF) 2011 here May 10-13. Both Arma versions will compete with rivals for contracts in at least two countries over the next couple of months, company officials said.

"The Arma is a modular system, so once you have the six-by-six vehicle, you can easily design the eight-by-eight version with some few additions," Gorguc said.

Otokar, based at Adapazari and owned by Turkey's top business conglomerate, Koc Holding, makes seven armored vehicles. Its sales, civilian and military, were about $340 million in 2010.

Company officials said the Arma has a high degree of ballistic and mine protection, thanks to its high steel hull. But Otokar's signature product is the Cobra, a four-wheel-drive tactical armored vehicle exported to nearly 10 countries in the Balkans, the Middle East and Southeast Asia since the mid-1990s.

Otokar also is the Turkish prime contractor for a multibillion-dollar program for the design, development and manufacturing of Turkey's first domestically produced main battle tank, the Altay.

Under a $500 million contract, Otokar and its partners will deliver four prototypes for the new-generation tank by 2015. Otokar is obtaining technology transfer from South Korea's Hyundai Rotem, which produced South Korea's K1 and K2 main battle tanks. Serial production of the Altay is expected to start after 2015. Otokar exhibited a mockup at IDEF 2011.

In terms of exports, Turkey's most successful vehicle maker is FNSS, a joint venture between Turkey's Nurol Machinery and Industry and the U.S.-based BAE Systems Land and Armaments. Nurol holds the majority stake.

The land warfare sector accounts for Turkey's largest defense export deal: a $600 million sale of 257 Pars eight-wheel-drive armored personnel carriers and combat vehicles from FNSS to Malaysia, signed in February. The vehicles will be co-produced with Malaysian partners.

FNSS is discussing another sale of the Pars to Indonesia. The company also is near a deal with the arms company Al Jaber in the United Arab Emirates, FNSS officials said. FNSS and Al Jaber are expected to jointly build the Pars vehicles in the emirates.

Building on the success of the Pars eight-wheel, FNSS has developed a six-wheeled version that it hopes to export. FNSS displayed the six-wheel Pars at IDEF.

"The international success of the Pars proves that a Turkish vehicle maker can be very successful even without selling its products to the Turkish Army," an FNSS official said. "There is and there will be a huge interest in the world militaries for the six-by-six and eight-by-eight vehicles."

Nurol Machinery and Industry also has its own independent wheeled armored vehicle company, which produces the six-wheel-drive Ejder.

"The six-by-six tactical vehicles have a bright future in the world, so that's why we're working in this field," said Evren Sesal, a research and development engineer at Nurol. Another company official said the six-wheel Ejder has been exported but did not specify the buyers.

Turkey's thriving local defense industry reported a growth rate of 19 percent in 2010, confirming analysts' expectations of "fast and sustainable growth" in the years ahead.

"The Turkish defense industry's total revenue amounted to $2.773 billion in 2010, up from $2.319 billion in 2009. This is a robust growth," said a late April report released by the Defense Industry Manufacturers' Association (SaSaD), an umbrella organization of Turkish defense companies.

However, the Turkish industry reported a 5 percent decline in exports at $634 million last year, down from $669 million the previous year. "The slight drop in exports reflects the continuing effects in 2010 of the global financial crisis," SaSaD said.

More than half of the exports from last year came from the armored vehicle makers' sales, SaSaD officials said.

SaSaD's export figures are different from those of the Undersecretariat for Defense Industries (SSM), the government's defense procurement agency. The SSM officially counts civilian aviation exports related to the defense contracts, known as offsets, as part of defense exports, but SaSaD only counts direct defense sales abroad.

Under SSM's figures, Turkish defense exports totaled $832 million in 2009. SSM's 2010 figures are not yet available.

"The decrease in exports is a temporary trend because from early figures this year, we see a major increase in foreign sales," one SaSaD official said. The official figures for 2011 will be available in 2012.

But a senior SSM official said that the 2011 export figures would reach more than $1 billion.

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Post time 25-5-2011 11:32 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by rifa at 25-5-2011 11:34

UAVINDO menang tender Drone TNI AD

Rekan2 ysh,email di milist
Saya ingin share dengan rekan2 berita2 kecil yg memgembirakan. UAV (Pesawat
Terbang Tanpa Awak / PTTA) produk lokal di kelas2 tertentu mulai dapat
bersaing dengan produk Luar Negeri dan mendapatkan kepercayaan dari user. Akhir bulan Maret 2011, UAVindo berhasil dalam kompetisi Target Drone melawan dua produk
lain dari Polandia. TD ini harus dapat terbang laksana UAV, dengan kemampuan
autonomous dan GCS (ground control system) dengan features yang modern, membawa

Dalam demo penembakan itu, satu produk Polandia di diskwalifikasi karena
tidak dapat terbang mengikuti GPS way point. Satu produk Polandia yang lain
dan produk UAVindo dapat melaksanakan misi, termasuk keberhasilan penembakan
dengan rudal Grom berbasis heat seeker. Mestinya itu menjadi hal yg normal saja,
tidak perlu berbeda kecuali membuktikan "kita juga bisa". Yg berbeda adalah
UAVindo dapat menjual dengan harga yang hanya separoh dari produk Polandia. TD ini
di beli oleh sebuah perusahaan Polandia untuk melenkapi delivery nya ke
Indonesia. Jadi ya sekaligus numpang dikenal diketahui dan dipercayai oleh

Setelah 10 tahun berkutat dalam bisnis ini saya baru dapat memahami arti
fokus, gigih, dan konsisten dalam berusaha. Keberhasilannya juga masih
tergantung pada "ketenangan hati untuk dapat menankap ilham secara
gamblang", munkin ini yang orang sering sebut sebagai "keberuntungan". Namun
dalam bahasan Jawa, keberuntungan itu lekat sekali dengan pengertian
"keberhasilan yang tidak dapat direncanakan" , itu saya tidak sependapat.
Dalam bisnis, keberuntungan itu dituntun oleh ilham, hati harus searah agar
dapat menankap nya dan otak yang dingin dapat membuat rencana strategis dan
langkah2 taktisnya. ------ Mmmmm ini untuk
rekan2 yg tengah berkutat dengan bisnisnya -------



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Post time 25-5-2011 12:53 PM | Show all posts
Analis: Australia Harus Waspadai Perkembangan Kapal Selam Di India, Indonesia & Cina

AUSTRALIA is threatened by an explosion in the number of submarines in Asia and needs to boost its anti-submarine warfare capacity, a former intelligence analyst and military adviser to the Howard government says.

Brice Pacey says countries such as India, Indonesia and China have embarked on a race to boost their submarine fleets, and that Australia could be left exposed as a result.

In a paper for the Kokoda Foundation launched today, Mr Pacey argues that Australia should consider upgrading its Collins class submarines, speed up the building of 12 new submarines and equip small boats for anti-submarine warfare.

Mr Pacey says by 2030 there will be more submarines in the region, capable of stealthier operations, carrying more effective weapons, deployed by states ''whose long-term intentions remain, at best, unclear''.

In particular, China is expected to have 78 submarines by 2025, up from 65 last year, a number Mr Pacey says appears more than necessary for coastal defence and the maintenance of pressure on Taiwan. ... fleets/2173893.aspx

Kenapa Australia ini,padahal indonesia hanya punya 2 kapal selam,kecurigaan yang terlalu melebihkan,atau indonesia adalah ancaman buat australia?selain cina dan india

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Post time 25-5-2011 02:22 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by rifa at 25-5-2011 14:24

Penerbang Helikopter TNI AU Latihan Simulator di Changi Air Base

Lima perwira TNI AU yang bertugas sebagai penerbang Pesawat Helikopter di Skadron Udara 7 Lanud Suryadarma melaksanakan latihan simulator Pesawat Helikopter jenis EC 120 Colibri di eurocopter south east asia, Changi Air Base, Singapura, Senin (23/5). Latihan dilaksanakan selama lima hari hingga, Jumat (27/5) bertujuan melatih kemampuan penerbang menghadapi segala kemungkinan buruk yang terjadi ketika mengawaki Pesawat Helikopter saat di darat maupun terbang, sehingga memiliki pengetahuan untuk bertindak dengan aman ketika ada di cockpit EC 120 Colibri.

Menurut Mayor Pnb Sapuan S.Sos., ketua rombongan yang juga Kepala Dinas Pesonel Lanud Suryadarma dalam surat elektronikanya menyatakan setiap hari tiap penerbang melaksanakan dua kali latihan dengan materi-materi seperti emergency when start engine, emergency system drill, emergency during flight, emergency on area dan instument flying. Selama latihan mereka tinggal di Changi Air Base.

Ditambahkan latihan telah dilaksanakan atas kerjasama TNI AU dengan Royal Singapore Air Force (RSAF) sejak tahun 2008 untuk mempererat kerjasama kedua belah pihak. Sedangkan para penerbang yang ikut latihan tersebut selain Mayor Pnb Sapuan S.Sos adalah Mayor.Pnb.Tarmuji, Kapten Pnb.Yanwar Effendi, Kapten Pnb.Adi Buana dan Lettu Pnb Oktavianus Olga.





Kokpit display helikopter EC-120 Colibri


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Post time 25-5-2011 02:29 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by superis at 25-5-2011 14:30

Tiga Kapal Angkatan Laut AS Tiba di Jakarta

JAKARTA, (PRLM).-Tiga kapal Angkatan Laut AS tiba di Jakarta pada hari Rabu, 25 Mei untuk melaksanakan latihan bersama Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training (CARAT) tahunan yang ke-17. Demikian siaran pers Kedubes AS yang diterima "PRLM", Rabu (25/5).

Disebutkan, dalam acara itu, Wakil Duta Besar AS Ted Osius akan menghadiri upacara pembukaan CARAT itu hari ini di Markas Komando Koarmabar TNI AL di Jakarta.

Tahap pertama CARAT dilakukan di darat, yaitu program pertukaran bidang keteknikan dan pengendalian kerusakan; bakti sosial pelayanan medis umum dan gigi; serta program pelayanan masyarakat di sekolah-sekolah setempat.

Tahap selanjutnya dilakukan di atas laut, yaitu mengembangkan kemampuan maritim dalam hal pengamanan maritim, pertukaran informasi, operasi laut gabungan, latihan patroli dan penggunaan meriam, serta latihan anti-perompakan dan anti-penyelundupan. (A-133/kur)



kapal perang dari inggris, prancis, as dan rusia secara bersamaan datang ke Indonesia. hmmm...

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Post time 25-5-2011 02:51 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by rifa at 25-5-2011 15:17

Interoperability-Field Training Exercise (FTX-IIP) Marine Exercise (MARET 2009), East Java, Indonesia

The marines of Indonesia (Korps Marinir-TNI AL) and the United States (USMC) conducted a joint amphibious landing exercise at the Banongan Beach, Asembagus, Situbondo in East Java on Sunday, the national Antara news agency reported. The exercise, called the Interoperability-Field Training Exercise (FTX-IIP) Marine Exercise (MAREX 2009), was in a series of Joint Exercises held by the Indonesian and the U.S. Marine Corps. MAREX 2009 is a multi-lateral training exercise designed to enhance interoperability and communication between the U.S. and Indonesia militaries.

Alfan Baharudin, Commander of the Indonesian Marine Corps, said in the opening remarks of the exercise that the Indonesian-American Marine Corps joint exercises had succeeded in increasing cooperation between the two. “Indusa (Indonesia-USA) MAREX 2009 exercise which involved 1,300 personnel from both countries, is a large scale joint exercise ever held by the Indonesian and American Marines,” he said, adding that he expected both Marine Corps would work together to learn, so as to increase personnel capabilities.

According to him, the Indonesian Marines will gain new knowledge about city war (Marine Operations Urban Terrain) in the exercises, while the U.S. Marines will have knowledge of the system used in forest battle.

“Indonesia is an important partner and the ARG/MEU team looks forward to this opportunity to work with TNI and local officials,” said Commodore Rodney Clark, the ARG commander. “This is a great opportunity to build an even stronger relationship between our countries.” USMC embarked aboard Cleveland and Rushmore from the 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit will integrate with Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI) and local residents during military-to-military engagement opportunities as well as engineering, medical and dental civic action projects. Navy medical and dental teams aboard Cleveland and Rushmore are scheduled to augment local providers offering services ashore to local residents.

The exercise held in Selogiri Forest, Banyuwangi Residence, East Java (Jawa Timur) with one of them was jungle patrol & survival. The weather was clear and became hotter in the middle of the day. Hundreds of USMC marines were enthusiastic and ready with their full gears like preparing for the real battle action.

Selogiri forest is ideal tropical forest that is very suitable for military exercise and has characteristic to be able for the troops to do some maneuvers while taking jungel war. The trees quite packed with sound of sparkling water and birds welcame the US marines entered the field they not familiar with it. “Show me the jungle,” said one of the marines to a guide from Indonesian marines Serma. Mar. M. Ani Rosidin.

For detail, this first session of survival exercise followed by 362 US marines and guided by 16 trainers, 3 interpreters, 4 communication personnel, 5 recon marines with all from Indonesian marines.

This joint exercise is commanded by Colonel Mar. Nur Alamsyah and held in 4 locations, Banongan Beach, Marines Training Center of Marinir-TNI AL Karangtekok-Situbondo, Pasewaran and Selogiri Forest, Banyuwangi, all in East Java Province.

From 362 US marines, for jungle survival picnic, divided into 2 groups with each group divided into 5 teams, guided and supported by trainers and doctors from Korps Marinir-TNI AL. Some handicaps and mines were installed and some sound of explosive units were heard during this session. Before entering this jungle war exercise session, the US marine had been given the basic knowledge regarding the technique how to survive in the jungle, like how to select, eat and treat the forest fruit/plant and some wild tropical animals like snake. Each group must survive within 4 days without logistic in this session.

Because of the hot temperature and challenging trail, reported 10 US marines were exhausted and must get evacuated from this Indonesian marine training field by medical team during this exercise.



Ternyata Marinir US tertarik dengan Aqua juga ya...

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Post time 25-5-2011 04:58 PM | Show all posts
Analis: Australia Harus Waspadai Perkembangan Kapal Selam Di India, Indonesia & Cina

Kenapa Aus ...
rifa Post at 25-5-2011 12:53

negara yang rata2 rakyat dan ahli politiknya tolol
seperti indon sememangnya amat ditakuti sesiapapun

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