Edited by namieamuro at 16-5-2019 03:25 PM
kelakar pulak bace, kalau betul, M lari ke rumah Clooneys kt UK..nak sgt privacy dr luar tapi privacy dr dalam Palace sendirik takde 
ianye akan ade kalau M jujur je dr awal..takkan duchess diva menumpang rumah org..PH biarkan je?
arini pulak dailymail hentam gambar kaki baby Archie..nk sgt privacy, the Cambridges lagi jauh jage privacy anak especially bile ade ugutan nak bunuh the Cambridges.
anyway, rakyat britain persoalkan tah ye ke tidak W and K pegi melawat baby Archie sebab katenye reporter ade je berkampung kt area kotej katak tu..takkan takde single photos pun mcm yg paparazzi dpt snap bile BRF melawat newborn cambridges dulu
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unoryah replied at 16-5-2019 01:38 PM
nampak pegawai tu cepat2 halang MM dan PH dari join yg lain2
acik M ingat die dh rub shoulders dgn PC so die 'dibolehkan' untuk join other senior royals ke table pameran 
but unfortunately, rules are rules Meghain! 
tgk jela bile PC said something to them, berubah teros muke acik M |
cmf_blanco replied at 16-5-2019 12:56 PM
Setiap barangan yg MM pakai ada kena jual pastu kat Meghan Mirror termasuk jewellery segala tu.. R ...
sheols nak jugak tunjuk dekat para sugars and haters beliau yg die pun penting tau dlm BRF tu sampai layak pakai jewellery late Lady D tp syg kantoi jua bile mata2 ummah kokusen terlebih scan setiap inci jewellery tu especially cincin clear blue tu |
courtesy of akak2 kat LSA .... application untuk renovate frogmore cottage sebab involved a grade listed property
""Mr. Tim Maynard--on behalf of the Royal Household Property Section--which is located at Buckingham Palace, applied in April 2018. On this application, he applied for the following:
"Reconfiguration, extension and refurbishment of numbers 3-5 Frogmore Cottages and Studio, from one no. 4 bedroom duplex flat; one no. 2 bedroom flat and one no.2 bedroom house into two no. 1 bedroom flats; one no. 2 bedroom flat; one no. 2 bedroom house and one no. 3 bedroom flat, including first floor extension to the front to provide communal access stair, two no. orangery extensions to the rear and single storey extension to the studio."
It sounds like it was being converted from what was applied for in 2009, which is as follows:
(1) four bedroom duplex flat
(1) one two bedroom flat
(1) one two bedroom flat
(2) one bedroom flats
(1) two bedroom flat
(1) two bedroom house
(1) three bedroom flat
Do y'all see 10 bedrooms anywhere? Yoga studio? Solar panels? This sounds like staff quarters to me. This application was for five residential units. The original had three residential units. So Nutmeg and Handbag can stop the shenanigans.""
semua cerita pasal frogmore cottage kena renovate utk meggot, harry & baby itu dusta belaka.... its not servant quarters being renovated into a huge mansion for the sussexes.. semua PR fluff. ntah2 dorang tak duduk pon kat froggy cottage tuh or even changed it one bit boo hooo..
Edited by chip92 at 16-5-2019 03:52 PM
kata dah lari ke yistana clooneys, will & kate nak melawat sapa? wallis?
sapa ntah PR buat citer meg ni, selalu tak tally, takreti buat research dulu ke. mesti dulu2 fail nak buat essay.
gambar meghan dgn lain2 tu nampak beza saiz kaki baby, ke mata i rabun hahahaha 
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chip92 replied at 16-5-2019 03:49 PM
kata dah lari ke yistana clooneys, will & kate nak melawat sapa? wallis?
Kan?? Habis tu PW dgn KM visit sapa kalau MM lari ke clooney punya rumah?
Ni la kalau team pr tak communicate sesama sendiri  |
yelaa apa2 engagement asik kena pegang tgn, duduk pun kena pegang lagi, takut harry lari kan. kalau i la mmg kena jeling dah, tak berpeluh ke tgn tu
kelakar bila tgk muka lakibini berubah trs bila PC pusing
ckp sesuatu kan.kemudian laju jer pegawai 2 org tu g kejar
ph dgn mm..tp mm mmg jenis muka tak malu kan sengih2 gak |
judicata replied at 16-5-2019 03:37 PM
courtesy of akak2 kat LSA .... application untuk renovate frogmore cottage sebab involved a grade li ...
Takkan meghan dgn harry merempat kot?
Harry i percaya je boleh merayu mintak duduk rumah bapak atau kensington |
amikie replied at 16-5-2019 03:23 PM
nampak sgt meggot yg beria2 nak masuk dulu..
eiii pompuan nihhh..
sukati ko jekk
Dia kan delusional percaya dia lebih famous dr kate and william so lebih layak untuk jalan dgn PC
chip92 replied at 16-5-2019 04:02 PM
yelaa apa2 engagement asik kena pegang tgn, duduk pun kena pegang lagi, takut harry lari kan. k ...
Ada terakam harry marah meghan sebab pegang2 tangan dan urut2 tangan masa mamat tu tengah bercakap dgn orang.
Kejadian di Morocco, megan pakai baju belang2  |
joy_ah replied at 16-5-2019 04:10 PM
Ada terakam harry marah meghan sebab pegang2 tangan dan urut2 tangan masa mamat tu tengah bercakap ...
yela PH tgh busy bercakap kot dgn perempuan sblh die tu..yg acik M sibuk nak berulit tgn as if tak larat nk jalan? squat, berlari anak elok je tak perlu bantuan tangan PH  |
namieamuro replied at 16-5-2019 04:38 PM
yela PH tgh busy bercakap kot dgn perempuan sblh die tu..yg acik M sibuk nak berulit tgn as if tak ...
Lawak gila muka meghan. Terkebil2 sengih tahan malu  |
ada tak rasa2nya video tu..nak tgk lah
ikanmasin replied at 16-5-2019 05:21 PM
ada tak rasa2nya video tu..nak tgk lah
Ada. Yg dia jalan kat pasar pakai baju belang2 kat morocco
Lupa keyword apa  |
joy_ah replied at 16-5-2019 04:07 PM
Takkan meghan dgn harry merempat kot?
Harry i percaya je boleh merayu mintak duduk rumah bapak at ...
Kt skippy dulu2 diorang ckp harry stay kat nottingham cottage tp megot kat soho. Pastu dh lama2 megot kena halau dr soho pi duduk couch surfing |
ala kalau ingat nnt roger2 yer.tq
| |