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Author: tumpanglalu74

Ade Orang Up Bedio Serikna Menari2 Penoh Gundu Bersame Kawan Zantan OKTOBER 2020

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Post time 15-4-2021 05:34 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
eyansss replied at 15-4-2021 05:31 AM
tu la, kelaut dah kita...  hahaha...

kelas sis bgun sahur bkk porem ye

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Post time 15-4-2021 05:35 AM | Show all posts
LadyCarefree replied at 15-4-2021 01:00 AM
Jadiknya gosipnya gini eh:  Scammer jutaan ialah boypren srina yg no longer seri naaaa tp gundu. Sri ...

mungkin sebab laki dia tu bahagian penyiasatan kes jenayah...

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Post time 15-4-2021 05:36 AM | Show all posts
Nenasketum replied at 14-4-2021 03:12 PM
Aku baru dapat forwaded pdf dari announcement Ayob Khan pasal polis lindungi scammers. Info belum ve ...

Kan.. terbaca juga.. siap gundu ni terlibat money laundering dgn wan pdg bsaq ni bersama dgn kwn retis jugak ...

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Post time 15-4-2021 05:37 AM | Show all posts
NurAlia14 replied at 15-4-2021 05:34 AM
kelas sis bgun sahur bkk porem ye

hahaha...  settle masak settle kejut suami n anak makan, sekali bongsu merengek nak menyusu mengempeng...  so sambil susukan bagi dia tido, aku layan kejap forum...

ko dah settle sahur ke belum? ke sambil sahur sambil bergosipan...

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Post time 15-4-2021 05:50 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
eyansss replied at 15-4-2021 05:37 AM
hahaha...  settle masak settle kejut suami n anak makan, sekali bongsu merengek nak menyusu mengem ...

Iols terjage pastu xleh tdo balik..confuse jgk yg gundu ni gelpren s ke gelpren a

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Post time 15-4-2021 06:06 AM | Show all posts
NurAlia14 replied at 15-4-2021 05:50 AM
Iols terjage pastu xleh tdo balik..confuse jgk yg gundu ni gelpren s ke gelpren a

aku pun agak confuse dengan ayat nenas part tu...  

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Post time 15-4-2021 06:17 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
cikpuanviolet replied at 14-4-2021 11:45 PM
Mak ayah aku pun layah menantu2  macam anak sendiri. Kalau balik sekali sekala tu macam2 lah nak m ...

Kalo mentua larat lg nk masak itu ini utk anak menantu ok laaa...ini dpt menantu yg timbui muka time makan dapor menolong pon idok...of kos la mak mentua tu terasa mcm die plak jd maid..

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Post time 15-4-2021 06:22 AM | Show all posts
guesswho09 replied at 14-4-2021 04:41 PM
U baca kat mana ada driver
tiap2 bulan bagi duit?
pernah baca cw beritau

Part ada driver and bagi duit tiap bulan ni tak tau mana eyanss ni dapat...

But reading what was written by Gavin in here masa the onset of the issue when he was accused of being kedekut, I believe they live a normal life : ... ly-matters-private/

Husbands provide all family expenses, working is Serina's own choice. But she doesn't have to, everything is provided for.

Cuma bezanya mungkin omputeh ni tak ada konsep nah, ini duit nafkah anda utk bulan ini pergilah berjimba, like what his ex-father in law expected. To him he has provided the family what they need. He knows his wife is earning sizeable income and he has taken care of all the family expenses, so probably he thinks it is fair and his wife doesn't need additional pocket money.


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Post time 15-4-2021 07:26 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by matjerk at 15-4-2021 07:28 AM
eyansss replied at 14-4-2021 10:21 PM
aku berdoa sangat2 jangan la aku penyakit mertua from hell ni berjangkit kat aku...  aku nak jadi  ...

Same here.. parents sendiri cth terbaik ..utk jadi panduan.. mak aku selalu nasihat kt menantu2 pompuan... pegang duit... jgn bagi laki pegang duit.. maksud laki kat sini adalah anak2 kandung dia sendiri.. sbb dia kata laki pegang duit nanti dia joli...  mentua kome ada pesan gitu kat menantu2 pmpuam dia..? Siap pesan kat anak2 jantan dia.. jgn mung je kuar duit.. bini mung tu pun kije... suruh la dia bayo!! Haa gitu!!! Dia yg duit pencen arwah laki masuk bulan2.. ada pendapatan sendiri.. tapi bab membeli2 keperluan dia..suruh anak menantu yg miskin bandar  beli... klu anak menantu kaya raya x le lah gak...dia x kan keluar seseng pun!! Zalim + tamak!

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Post time 15-4-2021 07:50 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NurAlia14 replied at 15-4-2021 05:02 AM
Tp mertua in hell ni..duit ko die mmg suka tp bila bergaduh ke ape kebaikan ko tu bkn die ingt pn. ...

Klu bukak thread mertua in hell ni... trust me... thread nya akan mengungguli thread2 niqabis.. dan juga thread2 pengasas bumi datar...yg selama ini sentiasa di carta nombor 1

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Post time 15-4-2021 07:55 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
matjerk replied at 15-4-2021 06:50 AM
Klu bukak thread mertua in hell ni... trust me... thread nya akan mengungguli thread2 niqabis.. da ...

Bukaklah. Dh bnyk pulak cerita lain kat thread ni susah nak tapis baca pasal serigundu.

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 Author| Post time 15-4-2021 07:57 AM | Show all posts

Bak Aku Tempek

Edited by tumpanglalu74 at 15-4-2021 07:59 AM
antiQue replied at 15-4-2021 06:22 AM
Part ada driver and bagi duit tiap bulan ni tak tau mana eyanss ni dapat...

But reading what wa ...

Keeping family matters private

FMT - April 17, 2017 8:00 AM

By Gavin O’Luanaigh

When any couple is going through a divorce with a young family, it is never a happy time and certainly not to be celebrated.

It is the hope of any family that all other family members support the couple and help them as much as possible through this tough time by keeping matters private, especially when children are involved.

It was with great sadness therefore that certain comments about my family were released to the media, on my birthday of all days, about our marriage that both Serina and myself have been at pains to keep private and within the confines of our immediate family and friends.

As most people know, I converted to Islam in 2006, met Serina in 2009 and married in 2010, which was the happiest day in my life, prior to my children being born.

My parents have been happily married for over 47 years and although there are always ups and downs in marriage, I truly thought and hoped it would last forever. Marriage is not a gamble but about love, hard work, commitment and sacrifice.

As Serina has always been in the media line, I didn’t try to persuade her to leave that behind her as I feel that if you truly love someone you have to let them pursue what career makes them happy.

I knew she didn’t want to be a housewife and anyone who knows her, knows she is a fun, energetic person who was born to be a star, and I fully supported her choice and was very proud of her.

Throughout our married life I have diligently paid for everything for the family – providing a six-bedroom penthouse, paid all the family bills, maid, holidays and even made sure that both our children went to an international school so they could have the best education that I could provide, which I feel is the greatest gift that a parent can give their child.

As I was taking care of all the family expenses, Serina was earning a sizeable income, which she kept to do with as she wanted. I was fine with taking on all the expenses as this is my duty to the family and I am fully aware of my responsibilities as a husband and have provided accordingly.

I would have been surprised if Serina had asked for additional pocket money and indeed Serina, to her credit, never did and we had no issues.

Therefore, I was devastated when Serina decided to move out of the house in January 2016 and asked for a divorce.

I didn’t, and still don’t, understand the reasons why she left as she hasn’t told me. However, I hoped that a resolution could be sought and the marriage healed.

Despite not knowing where she went and where she is living, I do not believe any third party was involved and so did not give her a divorce as I believed in her and was willing to wait for her to think about her actions and about the family.

The children, Tristan (aged 6) and Isabella (5), have remained in the family home with me over the last 15 months and I have done everything in my power to remain positive and care for them as best as I can.

Serina and myself are still trying to resolve everything amicably and we both have the children’s best interests at heart.

I am deeply saddened that I have had to write these words in the public domain as my intention as well as Serina’s was always to keep this matter private.

I sincerely hope that any family member who really does have the best interests of their children and grandchildren at heart, can direct their questions to Serina and myself rather than feeling the need to tell the world.

At the end of the day my close family and friends all know the truth and these people are the only people who are important to me. One day we will all be judged by our actions and I know when that day comes, I can hold my head up high.

Once again, I would hope that the media and public could give our family space and time to work everything out and respect the fact that as small children are involved, and who will one day read all this, privacy is paramount.

Gavin O’Luanaigh is a British expat who has been working in Malaysia for the past 16 years.

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Post time 15-4-2021 08:02 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kikiharris replied at 14-4-2021 10:05 PM
Mmg hati kering dia ni..
Sana sini org dok kecam psl marriage..dia aman aman je kat IG promote ket ...

Habis dia delete comment dan off comment kt post yg banyak komen negative psl dia.

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Post time 15-4-2021 08:09 AM | Show all posts
tumpanglalu74 replied at 15-4-2021 07:57 AM
Keeping family matters private

FMT - April 17, 2017 8:00 AM

betul tu kekadang bila kita keep in private ada pihak lain yang cuba spill the tea. Serina ni pun maybe hidup dia penuh dengan rebel ye lah dibesarkan dengan kemewahan and from broken family. Banyak kawan aku jenis gini nak kasi tau suara hati kat parent tak boleh sebab parent jenis tak nak dengar so end up buat perangai. dalam hidup rumahtangga jangan ada campur tangan orang luar jadi gini le.

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Post time 15-4-2021 08:13 AM | Show all posts
LadyCarefree replied at 15-4-2021 01:19 AM
Scammer jutaan ringgit tp kenapa rumah dia gundu sangat?

Tu dia bini dia duduk satu rumah ke? ...

Ha ah, mcm best friends je 2 org bini ni. Ala, mungkin nak lay low kut. Nanti org tanya mana dpt duit? thats y umah dia mcm org biasa je.


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Post time 15-4-2021 08:19 AM | Show all posts
tumpanglalu74 replied at 15-4-2021 07:57 AM
Keeping family matters private

FMT - April 17, 2017 8:00 AM

Aku sangat heran ye macam mana dia gamak tinggal anak-anak for over a year, semua gavin uruskan. So selayaknya lah hak jagaan dapat kat Gavin.

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Post time 15-4-2021 08:23 AM | Show all posts
wahhh..... macam2 nih...

update pasal gossip scammer acik gundu lebih menariksss....

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Post time 15-4-2021 08:31 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
VespaSilbe replied at 15-4-2021 12:24 AM
Siyes arr
Aku ingatkan aku je kena
Selalu tak sempat sampai tempat dituju dah call pesan esok b ...

I pernah kena sampai level terus xde mood nak holiday. Laki buat suprise ajak gi pulau a few days sebelum raya haji. Pastu dia x bgtau sesiapa. I pon post kat insta. Terus MIL mengamuk. Padahal tahun tu mmg ktorg plan nak beraya kat rumah family i. Mak i relax je. Tapi selepas berlaku satu tragedi dalam family baru la MIL sedar yg walaupon i bukan menantu pilihan, iouls x de pon menyusahkan dia & anak dia. Sekarang dia pulak bising kalau laki i x belikan barang kemas untuk i. Ehhh, jauh OT

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Post time 15-4-2021 08:31 AM | Show all posts
tumpanglalu74 replied at 15-4-2021 07:57 AM
Keeping family matters private

FMT - April 17, 2017 8:00 AM

Bagus je si Gavin ni. X kutuk bekas isteri pun, tak mcm current suami serina skang, si Idid tu tak ada class langsung. Aku rasa kan memang si Gavin ni innocent doh. Kalau Serina boleh menipu netizen n bapa dia sendiri, membelakangkan keluarga sendiri n rampas laki org lain, pasti dia juga telah menipu psl Gavin n anak2. Dah la skang terlibat dgn kes amla psl cuci duit bf scammer dia tu. Aku dah x caya dgn serina ni. Cite dr Chepone pun kan skang Gavin n isteri dia tengah saman malu kat chepone n Serina. Kalau diorg boleh saman chepone n serina, pasti dia org ada bukti kukuh kut against apa chepone n serina kata. lebih baik bagi blk je la Bella tu ngan si Gavin. x kan la kalau Gavin ni bangsat sgt boleh dpt anak lelaki dia. Serina ni nampak sgt tak layak jaga ank2.


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Post time 15-4-2021 08:48 AM | Show all posts
hahahhahhahahha..tak tahan aku gelak wei laaaaaa...menari mcm pa lg..Ya Allah bulan2 posa mcm ni tiba2 ada video lucu weii..hahahahahhahahahhaha...Serina ni betoi confident level tinggi...

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