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Author: maffa


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Post time 24-2-2011 09:45 AM | Show all posts
hehhehe same siot pandangan kau pasal anak cucu tu.Tu kire okla terpulanglah kepada keperluan memasing untuk kumpul banyak mana.Bende ni semua hobi yang bagi kepuasan pada owner,sama gak cam hobi hobi lain.

Yang bab external hdd tu aku rase pon depends on couple of things jugak.Kalau disc kau ade physical error(crc error,bad burn) macam yang aku terangkan tu,yang ni for sure tak boley copy sebab dia tak akan appear kat dashboard.Kalau dia ade file structure errors,aku rase dia akan keluar unknown disc atau as dvd video je.Yang ni pon kau tak boley copy gak.Kalau dia ade keluar nama game tu,baru kau boley try copy.Working atau tak still depends dalam contents game disc tu seniri and your dvdrom lens condition.Anyways,the maximum size supported for external xbox hdd is only 16gb je,so better just pakai thumbdrive at least 8gb if you plan to install games there.Kalau kau pakai external hdd biase macam 500gb ke,dia still akan format 16gb usable je.

Btw,it's better to upgrade the internal hdd je.Jangan beli yang ori tapi beli yang third party or better kau buat seniri,lagi jimat.Original hdd memang mahal gile and 3rd party punye ade jauh beza murah dia.Maximum size for internal hdd is 250gb je setakat ni.Aku seniri gune hdd 250gb yang aku buat seniri.Just beli normal laptop sata hdd from WD scorpio brand and flash it with a tool.Hdd tu kene beli yang specific model or else dia tak jadik.

Kau dulu dok johor jaya eh?dekat sangat hehehhehe.Kalau kau ade kat sini lagi,senang gak aku nak tolong.Kat KL pon ade manyak expert gak sebab aku pernah hantar xbox aku yang rosak rrod dulu kat KL untuk reflow gpu.Kat JB takde service camtu at that time(about 2 years ago) so terpaksala naik KL untuk repair xbox aku.Tapi dia mati gak setahun lepas tu hehehehehhe.Ni model yang baru ni so far tahan sampai sekarang,alhamdulillah.

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Post time 24-2-2011 05:11 PM | Show all posts
Dah kata gamers.. mesti la pandangan lebih kurang same hehe...

Oh leh lak pakai pendrive ek? aku penah terfikir nk cucuk je pendrive... tp takut ade prob je.. so pendrive ni x yah wat ape2? juz cucuk je then install game dlm tu?
pasal internal hdd nk kene flash tu yg x rajin tu haha.. sbb aku x reti sgt bab2 flash ni.. aku ade gak survey harga ext hdd xbox.. kat tmpt aku jual 3++... murah ke mahal ??

mmg dekat pon.. hehe.. ko pki xbox ape yg k.o tu?
skrng ko pki xbox pe lak? btw aku pki yg arcade..

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Post time 25-2-2011 12:57 AM | Show all posts
Boley pakai pendrive,tak kisah ape brand pon.Kalau nak install games kat situ,size pendrive tu must be at least 8gb as most 360 games size dia is around that capacity.Ade jugak yang kecik,depends la pada game tu.Just plug in the pendrive and then go to memory configurations,select your pendrive,then select configure device.Dia akan configure pendrive kau untuk kegunaan xbox and kau tak boley gune pendrive tu kat pc.Actually boley gune kat pc,tapi size dia kecik biasenye sebab dia dah allocate untuk 360 punye filesystem.Kalau rase nak guna balik for pc,just do the same step and unformat the pendrive.aku tak sure bab performance wise kalau gune pendrive as pendrive memang mempunyai read/write rate yang much slower than hdd.So most likely dia akan efek loading time,agaknyela...

Bab external hdd tu,kau kene pastikan size dan originality dia.For example,hdd 250gb original is priced at around rm500.Kalau yang 300 tu most likely 3rd party punye aku rase tapi tengok dulu size dia.Kalau 250gb kire okla tu.

Kalau kau nak buat seniri lagi jimat,beli hdd laptop dalam rm118 for 250gb.Disebabkan kau punye xbox arcade punye model so aku assumed yang kau takde hdd.So kau kene beli casing hdd dalam rm30 camtu.Harga casing hdd tu aku tak pasti berape kat malaysia as harga yang aku bagi tu aku biase beli kat online merchant from hong kong mostly.So roughly it cost you about 150 je kalau kau buat seniri,jimat gilekan?hehehehhehe

Xbox aku yang KO tu model yang first keluar dulu yang gune mobo xenon.Model tu memang prone tu rrod problem.Mase tu pakej dia with 20gb hdd and cost around 1500.lepas 2 tahun(setahun hidup,setahun repair) aku dah malas nak repair lagi sebab aku tau dia akan jadik lagi punye.So aku just beli baru je yang model mobo jasper under arcade pakej sama cam kau punye.Model jasper ni so far stable and takde manyak problem.Disebabkan aku memang dah ade casing hdd,so aku just pasang je hdd lain yang aku buat seniri tu.Bab flashing senang gile,beberape saat je siap hehehehhe.Give it a try bro,kau akan satisfied ngan hasil keje tangan kau seniri.



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Post time 25-2-2011 05:38 PM | Show all posts
Oh, format guna xbox dulu ar.. ok ok aku paham... Yg pasal external hdd tu pki 2.5'' la kan? yg biase org pki kat pc or laptop rite? So nk flash die mcm ne? kene ade specific software? kene bongkar x ext hdd tu?

Kat tmpt aku 300 tu juz 120 GB je beb... Tp die kata microsoft nye.. aku mcm kurang caya...
lg satu mcm ko ckp tu external hdd tu kene beli casing.. x leh ke juz cucuk letak kat luar... mcm kebykan slalu wat kat pc atau laptop? Atau die mesti kene letak kat tmpt yg xbox da khas kan tu?

Oo xbox ko yg 1st model ar.. aku nye pun dorg ckp jasper nye gak... x de masalah la.. stabil la.. tp hampeh... still ade gak game x leh men.. kadang2 aku nyesal lak beli xbox.. huhu... Ade lg satu aku nk tnya ko.. xbox ni kalo men lbh dr 3 jam slalu leh tahan x? coz pasal lens lemah yg aku cite kat ko tu, tauke tu ckp salah satu sbb die jd lemah pon sbb main lama sgt... ape pendapat ko?

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Post time 27-2-2011 12:24 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by akulah at 27-2-2011 00:29

yes kene pakai hdd 2.5" sata tu and from jenama WD je.Kau perlukan dua mende sebelum kau boley start,satunye software flasher tu hddhackr(v1.25 latest)namenye and satu lagi firmware hdd size tu seniri.Yang hddhackr tu senang dapat tapi yang yang hdd firmware tu ade susah sikit sebab dia mende copyright.The flashing process itself is quite simple and the tutorial is provided within the hddhackr software.You need a dos bootable disc or pendrive as the software can only be run from pure dos only.

Kalau rm300 for 120gb most likely tu yang ori agaknye.kalau nak pastikan bab originality dia memang agak susah sebab packaging yang tiruan punye pon same gak macam yang ori packing.Yang ni kau kene pandai pandaila buat survey sebanyak yang mungkin.Yang bab casing hdd tu bukannye ape,sebab kite nak pakai connector yang ade dalam casing tu.The hdd connector is proprietary and you need it to connect the hdd to the console.Kalau kau boley dapatkan connector dia je pon ok gak sebab tu je part yang penting,tapi hdd kau tergantung la kat luar.

Bab game yang tak boley main tu actually kau kene betulkan persepsi.Kite tak boley salahkan xbox tapi salahkan penjual game pirate kat malaysia ni.Xbox tu actually takde masalah langsung playing all games if dvdrom flashed with latest firmware,updated system firmware and played original scene release games iso(bukan original games tau tapi original scene files).Aku cakap macamtu sebab aku takde satu game pon yang tak boley main and believe me,aku ade almost all 360 major and minor games.Macam yang aku terangkan sebelum ni,salah dia sebenarnye pade penjual game pirate ni,dia telah alter structure files games or the disc is bad burn batch.

Bab 3 jam tu aku rase nak gelak gak hehhehehehe.Actually ade benarnye tapi cara penyampaian dia tu salah.Secara amnye semua optical readers ade lifespan dia and evetually it will die out loooonng enough after usage.Biasenye dia memang tahan lama and takdela sampai nak kene limit 3 jam camtu.Satu lagi penyebab lens cepat rosak ialah sebab bad media quality.Disc pirate yang kau beli tu biasanye low quality and dia boley menyebabkan lens dvdrom kau kerja keras untuk baca disc.So bile dia selalu kene strain camtu,eventually it will die  early if nasib tak baik.So begitulah secara common logic dia tapi jangan risau sangatla as dia takkan die out so easily punye.Media quality is also very important factor in increasing dvdrom lifespan.Salah satu cara untuk increase lifespan dvdrom kau is to install the game to hdd.Aku kalau main game on weekend biasenye memang straight hours sampai kekadang 12 jam terus menerus.Walau camtu,xbox aku still cergas dan bertenaga.

Bukan aku nak menangkan xbox ke ape as aku ade gak ps3.Ps3 lagi perlukan kepakaran yang agak advance untuk maintain playability as dia memerlukan banyak proses editing untuk fix games,ftp and pemilihan software yang sesuai.Bile dah biase,semua mende ni actually very simple je.



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Post time 27-2-2011 01:04 PM | Show all posts
Oh hdd pn kene pki WD je.. fuh... WD tu yg berat kit hati ni hehehe.... yg pasal ko ckp firmware hdd tu sdiri aku x bape paham.. bkn sume WD hdd dtg ngan software dlm die ke?

maksud aku yg ckp x yah pki casing tu bkn aku nk pki kat xbox nye... maksud aku, kalo aku juz amik ext hdd pki usb cable 2.0 cucuk kat blakang xbox tu then format die supaya jd ext storage utk xbox leh x? mcm method pki pendrive..? and aku da try method install game kat pendrive tu.. its worked, thnx.. tp ade stengah games x dpt install reason die disc x leh baca.. aku rase mcm ko ckp la kot disc tu ade bad burn or sumthing..

ok i agree not xbox fault... mmg tul ko ckp.. tp aku tension sbb die x mcm ps2.. beli je game mesti leh main, xde masalah x leh baca disc.. asal dorg x leh wat cm tu kat games xbox.. sungguh menghampakan..

jgn kata ko keje.. aku mase mula2 tu lbh 5 jam gak ar hentam.. haha bese la br dpt xbox.. mase jalan x sedar langsung.. maybe aku rase tul kot lens aku lemah.. sbb aku men lame sgt, and game2 sume tu bad burn, and bygkan la aku men da bape lame... lens xbox aku pon mesti keje keras gler2...

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Post time 27-2-2011 11:18 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by akulah at 27-2-2011 23:19

a ah memang kene pakai hdd WD je sebab itu yang ditetapkan oley software flasher tu.Yang firmware tu actually takde kene mengena ngan firmware hdd WD.It's actually a firmware from microsoft untuk tentukan functionality hdd size.It's somekind of a key that tells 360 that this is an official hdd with 250gb capacity,something like that hehehhehe

ooooo yang bab hdd tu aku salah paham la,sorry bro.Aku pon tak pernah test lagi cara camtu,tapi memang boley pakai ape ape external hdd dengan cara camtu secara logicalnye.

Actually,scene xbox ni berubah ubah ikut developer yang hack dvdrom firmware ni.Dia buat macamtu actually ikut perubahan yang dibuat oley microsoft punye system update.Kalau ikutkan sebenarnye takde masalah pade user yang tau maintain seniri,just flash je whatever new firmware yang yang hacker tu keluarkan untuk teruskan playability.Yang masalahnye timbul pade pasaran pirate malaysia ni.Aku try to explain it simply bab ni.Dia macam ni secara ringkasnye,game 360 ni biasenye dia akan sentiasa berubah security dia from time to time and setiap kali tulah,hacker ni akan keluarkan firmware baru dia.Masalah pade market malaysia ni ialah,kebanyakan user 360 mengunakan firmware yang lama dan tak compatible ngan format baru game 360.

So tokey tokey kedai ni memang banyakla terime complain users sebab tak boley main game baru.So diorang pon carik cara camne cara paling senang nak buat game game baru ni universal.So diorang pon alter la dia punye file structure(specically wave partition dia) to lower version supaya older firmware boley main game baru tersebut.Cara diorang tu ade kesan buruk dia,firstly xbox kau for sure memang akan kene ban sebab dia dapat detect filestructure errors.Secondly ia juga tak stabil dan membuatkan keseluruhan format dia jumbled up and thus causing unreadabilty problems.So kesimpulan dia,kalau kau maintain firmware dvd,firmware system ngan original scene releases,kau takkan hadapi masalah camni.Memang kene amik inisiatif seniri dalam bab ni kalau nak senang.Tapi lately aku tengok banyak gak game baru yang dijual kat kedai dah tak dialter lagi structure dia.Aku dapat tau sebab aku scan disc yang member aku beli.So maybe that's a good thing from now on.

Aku maksudkan yang disc yang dijual kat kedai tu kebanyakannye bad quality bukan bad burn hehhehehe.Kalau bad burn,dia tak boley read langsung.Disc yang bad quality tu dia akan strain lens dvdrom kau mase reading sebab dia susah nak baca content disc tu.Tapi dia tak akan semudah itu rosak,contohnye member akulah yang memang pembeli disc kedai sejak dari mula dia pakai xbox.Dia main game almost non stop everyday and so far ok je dvdrom dia.Cume mane game yang dia beli ade problem tu,aku repairkan ngan copy yang baik dan proper.So camtula cerite dia lebey kurang



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Post time 1-3-2011 03:08 AM | Show all posts
Oh.. kalo pki hdd Wd je.. ok.. i'll pass hehe... aku rase aku lebih prefer try ext hdd pki cable coz kalo pendrive leh jd.. aku rase x de masalah pki ext hdd...

ok maksud ko aku kene slalu tgk firmware baru utk xbox aku la? tp aku pelik.. aku br je update firmware die br.. tp bile test game ade x leh men.. yg lg best ni, test game kat xbox tokey tu lak leh men.. pelik tp ajaib haha.... then yg paling latest alasan die ckp IC xbox maybe ade problem? come on la.. x reasonable langsung.. tul x?

Erm ko ade ckp psl repair dvd tu kn.. first pki software abgx rite..? then lps da repair structure die tu nk burn tu pki software image burner ape2 pon leh? atau ade specific softwarenye?

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Post time 1-3-2011 10:06 AM | Show all posts
ahahahhaha ni musti ade anti WD ni .takpe no problem bro,boley gak pakai pendrive/external hdd je hehehehehee.Cume downside dia satu je la,16gb max size limitations.Means kau kene kerap buang pakai camtu.

Lebey kurang camtula,firmware ni bukan selalu keluar,cuma bile time time tertentu je ikut keaadaan semasa.Cara yang betulnye ialah kene rajin ikut scene news supaye kite sentiase akan be updated.Aku boley suggest site ni untuk segala up to date infos.Bile ade je masalah pada game baru/system update/etc,kalau hall tu memang major changes diorang musti akan discuss and carik solution.So from there yang kite dapat tau pasal ape dan ape solution yang akan datang.So camtula lebey kurang.

Problem dvdrom kau ade pelik sikit and aku suspek dua mende,maybe dvdrom kau ade problem while flashing or memang lens kau needs cleaning.Sebab tokey tu boley main kat xbox dia so aku rase most likely not disc problem.Kalau aku,aku akan try reflash again dvdrom firmware tu,sambil tu dapat gak make sure ape firmware yang dia flashkan kat dvdrom kite.Secondly,just try cleaning the lens manually tapi yang ni kau tak berani pulak buat.Kalau dah try dua dua tak boley jalan,then try repair disc.Kalau tak boley gak,most likely dvdrom assembly kau dah nak kaput and needs to be replaced.It is VERY important that you have your dvdkey as its needed kalau kau nak change dvdrom drive.Biasenye kalau kite buat seniri flashing tu,kite dapat tau key dia and keep a record.Kalau dvdrom kau kaput and kau takde key dia,jawabnye xbox kau jadik useless walaupon kerosakan dia hanye pade dvdrom dia je.Walau camtu pon,there's still some method to extract dvd key from dead dvdrom tapi not sure about kesahihan dia.

Tokey kedai memang akan bagi alasan yang standard for customers,IC rosak.Masalahnye IC mane?kad pengenalan?hehehehehhehe.Most likely dia refer pada dvdrom kau punye problem tapi dia tak tau nak explain.Dia pon just orang tengah je biasenye yang jadi perantara antara customer dengan the actual technician yang buat semua keje repairing ni.Yes kau kene repair gune abgx untuk repair disc,aku biase gunekan imgburn untuk burn the iso.Imgburn ni free je and very lightweight.Sejak aku tau pasal imgburn ni,aku dah tak gunekan lagi software burning yang lain sebab aku rase dia efficient,simple and ringan(not bloated with unneeded adware,software).

So macam tula,aku rase problem kau tak berat tapi kau kene cubela method method yang aku terangkan tu.Paling drastik pon kau kene tukar dvdrom assembly je which cost about RM100-150(or more) in most shops kat malaysia ni.Yang rm100 tu biasenye second hand punye drive so better avoid that if possible sebab kite tak tau camne cara pengunaan previous owner dia.Kalau kau kat JB aku boley tolong kau



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Post time 2-3-2011 02:50 AM | Show all posts
Aku bkn anti WD.. Aku sokong.. in fact aku pki ext hdd WD 1TB lg.. kalo nk beli mmg aku cari WD coz kualiti terjamin.. tp mcm bese la nk kualiti baik duit pon kene baik tul x.. hahaha tu je aku lemah... Tak pe la 16 gb pon 16 la.. wat sementara waktu...hehe.. lagi pon aku men satu2 game tu lame bro.. slagi x khatam btul2 mmg x men la game lain.. haha..

aku ade gak tgk flash firmware kat youtube.. bleh tahan gak susah die.. lg satu uma aku x de desktop.. laptop je ade.. aku tgk sume flash pki desktop.. step2 die pon cm susah je aku tgk.. maybe aku akan try method bersihkan lens...
And pasal problem x leh men stengah2 game tu, probably masalah firmware die kot.. flash x btul.. x pe nnt aku antar flash lg.. tgk la ape jadik.. huhu.. die kata free kalo flash blk..

owh software tu mmg name imgburn? ok ok.. i'll give it a try... juz fix  pki abgx then burn blk? senang2... hehe.. Tu la pasal kalo kat JB da lame da aku bwk xbox jmpe ko...
By the way, aku ade dgr membe aku kat JB ckp xbox leh men game ps3.. tul ke?

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Post time 2-3-2011 10:07 AM | Show all posts
hehehehhe what a coincidence,aku pon pro WD gak atas sebab yang sama,kualiti.Pada akulah WD ni sangat senang kalau nak claim warranty.Dia memang hassle free and very fast also.Kalau bab kualiti tu actually just personal preference aku je sebab memang aku rase dia bagus dari hdd brand lain.Takde bukti pon pasal hdd brand mane lagi bagus kan?Kalau kau pompuan la,musti ni dah jadi "a begining of a beautiful relationship" sebab kite share banyak mende in common,hehehehehehhehehehhe.

Flashing tu memang perlukan desktop sebab dia nak sambung kat sata port.Bab nak flash tu actually sangat senang,bab nak extract key from virgin drive tu yang ade difficult.Tapi bab extract tu tak perlu risau as semua 360 kat malaysia ni dah tak virgin lagi so no problem with that.Anyways,nanti ade device baru yang memboleykan flashing done from usb port,tapi belum keluar lagi la.Kalau kau reflash lagi,kalau boleyla,make sure kau request dvdkey dia,kau kene bawak satu pendrive untuk simpan key file tu.

Kalau xbox boley main game ps3 buat ape ps3 tu wujud kan?secara logiknye definately tak boley.Both consoles have different architecture,different instructions,different media format so memang tak boley compatible from a common sense view.Tapi kalau ade pon bagus gak,boley aku tolak ps3 aku hehehehhehehe.Tapi to be honest la,mane mane game yang multiplatform tu,most of them looks and runs better on 360 than ps3.Downside dia biasela,cume kau tak dapat main game exclusive ps3 je.PS3 users pon tak dapat main game exclusive 360.Sebab tu aku kene ade dua dua console supaya aku dapat rase both sides hehehehhehee.

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Post time 3-3-2011 03:24 AM | Show all posts
hahahaha... biase la beb... gamers otak mesti same je pikir.. aku pon cam ko gak.. aku anggap WD hdd the best hdd stakat ni la.. biarpon tokeh kedai perburuk2 WD smata2 nk jual hdd baru.. aku wat2 x dgr je.. hehehe.... "a begining of a beautiful relationship" tp mane ade pompuan layan game cam kite dow.. haha..

Tau x pe.. aku lak x de desktop.. harapkan laptop je.. so nk flashing apenye.. terpaksa la tunggu method usb.. huhu...
haha drive pon ade virgin ngan x ek.. ingt manusia je... dunia skrg canggih sgt da.. hehehe... anyway tokey tu nk bg ke dvd key? aku malas nnt die byk songeh.. ckp x tau la ape la...

tu la pasal aku pelik membe aku ni.. die ckp xbox leh men god of war 3.. mmg aku terkejut.. aku search dlm net x de pon org putih ckp leh.. naseb die dok jb kalo x, da lama da aku jotos kpala die.. hehe.. ko ckp ps3 ade downside die? nape lak xbox lbh bgs dr ps3? aku da la die hard fan PS console..

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Post time 8-3-2011 03:20 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by akulah at 8-3-2011 15:26

hehehehhe tu la pasal,mane boley xbox main game ps3 and vice versa,ngarut je.Aku tak maksudkan ps3 tu je
ade downside.Ape yang aku maksudkan tu ialah manyak game multiplatform performs better on 360 than ps3 in
terms of graphical performance biasenye,so janganla rase nyesal sebab kau ade 360 je.Cume kekurangannye
ialah kite tak dapatla rase game exclusives ps3 kalau kite ade 360 je.Aku tau ayat aku memang berbelit sometimes hehehehhehe.

Ps3 pon hebat jugak beb terutamenye pade game exclusives dia macam  uncharted series,god of war ngan gran
turismo.Uncharted 2 tu memang undeniably memang antara game yang terchantek sekali yang mempamerkan
kebolehan ps3.Killzone 3 pon same gak,cun habis grafik dia.Mana mana game yang didevelope khas on ps3 first
memang biasenye akan kelihatan superb tapi sayangnye tak banyak developers yang tau utilize ps3 punye
hardware power due to its complicated architecture(according to some gaming sources).Sama gayanye macam ps2 punye problem dulu juga ada.Ps3 pon banyak gile game exclusives dia yang best dan mantop!

Game multiplatform,yang biase keluar on both consoles serentak biasenye akan look better on 360 most of the
time.Contohnye la,take call of duty black ops and compare it side by side with 360 version.For sure kau
akan nampak yang ps3 version runs at lower resolution and nampak macam game ps2,seriously.Ade gak game yang runs better on ps3,contoh paling nyata definately FF13 which runs at higher resolution and looks crisp from its 360 version.Ade gak game yang identical and takde beza antara dua dua version.Bab bab difference ni biasenye  fanboy/kipas susah mati sesuatu console tu memang susah nak nampak kekurangan console pujaan beliau sebab diaorang biasenye memang in denial or just plain ignorant.Biasakla tu hahahhahahahahahahaa.

So summary dia,kalau kau ada keupayaan,dapatkan semua jenis console as you never know what you're missing
out.Sorryla,ade time aku malas nak tulis pepanjang sebab takde mood.....tu yang kekadang lambat reply.



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Post time 9-3-2011 12:51 AM | Show all posts
Haha its k.. aku paham.. aku pon malas gak kekadang nk taip panjang2 sbb mati akal haha..... Salah satu sbb aku minat gler ngan ps3 n console2 sony nie sbb aku MINAT gler ngan game Metal Gear.. game die mmg best gler.. and leh dikatakan kalo aku beli ps3 pon nnt sbb nk men Metal Gear 4 je.. same cm psp.. hahaha... Tp byk org x ske ps3 sbb loading game lambat sgt.. tul ke?

By the way aku nk tanya ko la psl nk gune abgx ngan imgburn ni.. aku da install da software tu, die x yah setting ape2 ek? just gune cm tu? maaf la sbb aku x pena pki.. leh x ko ajar kit cm ne nk gune die start dr abgx sampai burn dlm dvd...? thnx in adv...

lg satu aku nk tnya ko, ade beza ke letak lain2 posisi xbox tu? maksud aku mcm melintang atau berdiri? maksud aku mane lebih better? and ade effect performance die x?

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Post time 9-3-2011 11:26 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by akulah at 9-3-2011 23:32

Aku pon minat gak MGS series and aku dah main part 1 and 2 sampai habis.Yang ke 3 dan 4 aku ade tapi aku macam dah malas nak main.Don't get me wrong,bukannye game ni tak best cume aku je yang rase cam malas nak main.Belom ade mood agaknye,hehhehehehe.Aku biase kasi member aku je mainkan and aku just tengok dia.Pastu melekatla sampai 7 jam straight or more kalau aku tak tegur berenti hehehehehe.

Mane ade orang cakap banyak orang tak suke ps3 sebab pasal bab loading lembab.Kalau ade pon mostly musti fanboys/kipas susah mati xbox atau consoles lain je.Loading time dia just about the same for multiplatform games and kalau ade pon,very negligible difference je.Games dia all load within acceptable limits and takde issue langsung pasal loading time dan yang sewaktu dengannye.Frankly speaking,kalau kau start main game yang kau suke tu,kau dah takde kesah pon loading lembab ke ape which is quite nonsense issue for nowadays.Kalau nak dijadikan issue pon most likely aku rase part install game je as most ps3 game needs a data installation to hdd which takes sometimes to complete depending on the specific game requirements.Tapi it still within acceptable limits and happen only once(initial install) je.Don't worryla,theres no issue there.

Bab abgx tu kau boley refer tutorial kat sini
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.Basically kau cume perlu tukar sikit je default settings dalam abgx tu terutamanye pada bab autofix tu.Just follow the tutorial and you should be fine.One more thing is,since you are repairing a possibly messed up 360 games you need to download the video partitions iso beforehand.I'm not sure kalau abgx akan auto donlod file video tu seniri as it quite big and bandwidth consuming.Kalau kau nak donlod manually,it's better to donlod the full video iso package(around 700mb) so that you have all the needed things.Follow the instructions and your iso should be fixed.Burn the fixed iso with imgburn only as iso dia ni only compatible to certain burning programs je.Load the .dvd file in imgburn and not the iso file itself or else you will get coasters.The proses is very simple actually,nampak macam banyak at first tapi its very simple and hassle free even for n00bs.

Kalu bab position xbox tu,secara amnye dua dua boley and shouldn't have any effect on game performance.As for me aku prefer position horizontal sebab aku rase dia "proper" that way hehhehehe.kalau vertical,aku macam ade rase fobia yang disc dia akan tercalar or atau akan mengakibatkan disc read error.Mende ni pade fikiran aku maybe boley terjadi kerana ade kemungkinan yang disc tu akan somehow terlepas dari grip bergerak ke bawah due to gravity and causing disc read error and possibly kecalaran.Ni just precaution aku je actually,secara logiknye dvdrom tu memang dibuat untuk operational dalam keadaan horizontal atau vertical so no worries hopefully.

Aku kalau ikutkan peminat xbox tapi aku tak pernah anti console lain.Sifat fanboyism yang tak bertempat ni sebenarnye ego yang akan rugikan diri seniri je.Ade orang sanggup telan kempunan nak main game exclusive best yang takde kat console feveret dia semata mata nak jaga martabat fanboyism dia.Semua consoles ade kelebihan dia and we should enjoy it all



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Post time 10-3-2011 03:28 PM | Show all posts
Ohh ko pon minat ek MGS.. Mmg MGS 1 n 2 best story die.. Yg 3 tu aku x main sbb citer die da lain.. yg 4 la dorg kata best.. tu je la wat aku nk beli Ps3 hehe... Ermm byk ckp psl tu la.. installation die la kot maksud dorg.. sbb dulu aku sblm beli xbox tu aku da usha ps3, skali org kedai tu asik kondem kan je ps3.. sume asik suh aku beli 360 je.. tu aku beli 360... huhu..

Ape maksud ko video partitions iso? aku x phm sgt... die some kind application gak ke? atau sejenis file yg kene download? and kalo pki img burn tu setting die default je? no need to adjust anything? just pilih burn iso je?

Ohh x de effect performance ar? hmm ok.. tp aku prefer vertical hehe nmpk cm xbox tu "strong" kit hahahaha.... lagi satu aku nk tnya ko, ape masalahnye kalo game tu ko kene restart console then load blk kalo still x leh read, then off, on blk.. just keep try then die br leh baca game tu?.. problem die pd sape? dvd ke firmware ke atau lens?

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Post time 10-3-2011 05:44 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by akulah at 10-3-2011 17:55

hehehehe maybe tokey kedai tu peminat xbox gak tak?or maybe ps3 time tu masih tak boley main game pirate,so dia takut sales dia akan jatuh sebab mana ade orang larat beli game ori on weekly or monthly basis hehehhehehe.Tu yang dia rekomen xbox sebab dah ade game pirate and gamers will come back for more games frequently.Ps3 pon baru je dapat hack dalam about bulan 9 ke 10 tahun lepas,so its still very new.Member aku tu peminat tegar MGS and dia kate MGS4 memang best.So aku ikut opinion dia je la ahahahhahaha.

Video partiton iso tu ialah sejenis file yang kau kene donlod and file tu memang ade for donlod kat website official abgx.Imgburn tu pulak just use default settings and select burn iso file.Tapi make sure kau pilih .dvd file instead of .iso file sebab dia nak burn ikut layerbreak information.Xbox punye iso biasenye ade dua component usually .iso and .dvd.Sorryla kalau aku terangkan macam kau dah tau pulak,aku just terangkan ikut pemahaman aku je and lagi satu,I'm bad at explaining hehehhehehehe.Tapi kalau tanye aku akan try explain juga ada dalam semudah mungkin.

For soalan last kau tu,aku rase tu maybe both problem.Aku pernah sekali somehow macam ter bad flash aku punye dvdrom and dia jadik lebey kurang macamtula.Dia susah nak read dvd,kene restart pastu dia boley,tu pon takes ages to read.So aku reflash balik and problem solved,takde lagi camtu.Boley gak jadik pasal bad media(crc errors,bad structures),dvdrom tak boley nak baca.Boley jadik gak pasal masalah lens yang dah nak kaput juga ada.Nak test masalah camni kau kene ade sumber yang baik and sah working dari segi media and dvdrom nye.Kene buat test side by side,baru dapat conclusion.Kalau setakat cakap theori je,susah nak determine sebenarnye.

Lastly,aku nak marah kau sebenarnye pasal banyaknye soalan yang kau tanye.hehehehehe joking only bro.Lastly,thanks to bro naen yang rajin nooo bagi aku kredit yang aku pon tak tau ape gune dia(selain dari ranking kononnye dan board/thread access,ye ke?).Appreciated it bro naen.



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Post time 10-3-2011 07:19 PM | Show all posts
Oh maybe tul kot kot ape ko ckp... die x nk jual bende yg x stabil lg.. hehe... MGS 4 mmg best bro.. itu tidak dinafikan.. haha... ko patut layan dow...

video partition ni besar ke file die? aku da try da wat pki abgx.. pening kpala kit proses die... da la lame gler proses die.... hampir sejam gak ar kene tunggu last2 fail.. haha.. mmg best..

Ohh mcm tu lak ek... ermm byk possibility... ok mcm ne lak kalo bende tu terjadi dekat hanya bebarapa game je? around 2 - 5 games? ape masalah die? coz mostly game play ok je.. msk skali je trus leh men... and aku minta maaf la kalo aku tnya byk soklan sampai ko pening.. hehe nk wat cm ne... x ramai yg rajin jwp soklan mcm ko wat.. so aku mmg appreciate sgt2.. thnx byk2... walaupon soklan aku nyusahkan ko..
susah kalo x de org pandai dekat2 ni.. kalo aku ade kat jhr, mmg aku bg xbox aku kat ko, aku suh ko fix kan je.. aku sanggup byr tp berpatutan la hehe... asalkan xbox aku leh men sume game tanpa masalah...
hmm ckp psl tu.. ko x jual ke game2 yg ko donload tu? coz aku pon fedup gak beli kat kdai tp balik kene fix sdiri.. baik x yah beli cm tu.. tul x..

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Post time 11-3-2011 01:01 AM | Show all posts
Reply 457# akulah

taknak ke kredit? ahahahahaha

tQ kat ko sbb rajin tolong forumer kat sini .. aku sangat hargai ..

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Post time 11-3-2011 01:13 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by akulah at 11-3-2011 08:44

hmm lama gak proses dia eh,aku tak sangka pulak dia repair akan amik masa sampai sejam sekali.Biasenye dia akan accomplish dalam masa beberape minit je,usually around 5-10mins je.That's assuming that you have the needed video files already present within the abgx.Aku try list out steps yang aku buat as follows:

1) Make the dvd game image using imgburn.On the main imgburn menu,select CREATE IMAGE FILE FROM DISC
2) In the source option select the drive that has your 360 game disc.Make sure the destination file is the location that you want the iso file to be when created.Press the big disc to image icon below to start the process.It will take about 10-15min to complete.Mke sure that there are NO errors in the imgburn log while copying or else it will not work.
3) Once completed you will get 2 files,the iso which is about 7.29gb in size and a mds file.Delete the mds file as its not needed.
4) Make sure you have downloaded the video iso files from abgx official site
5) If you could,please donlod the complete package(entire video iso) to be sure that you have all the needed parts.You could also donlod individual video files according to the game that you want to repair but you need to lookup the for some information first.Go to the VERIFIED section on ABGX website and look for your game name.Just type in you game name in the SEARCH BY box on top.When listed make sure that you look for the game matches your region(NTSC/J or RF).Look for the WAVE information on the right most column.It will state usually 3rd to 11th the latest.Let's say your game is 6th wave,the go to the DOWNLOAD area and donlod the 6th wave video iso file only.Each file usually weighs at 80mb and need to be extracted and put into the STEALTHFILES folder in your ABGX program installation dir.Donlod all the video iso files that you need beforehand for easy task onwards.
6) Start ABGX and make sure that the settings are identical in the abgx tutorial.Select the iso file that you've created and press the launch button at the bottom.Make sure you are connected to the internet as ABGX needs to retrieve some files from its database to do the repairs.Just wait until all the process completed and usually it will take about 5-10 mins only.Run ABGX again on the reapired iso and make sure that all the text are GREEN,BLUE or YELLOWS only.If got RED text then something is still not fixed or wrong.
7) Once fixed,ABGX will produce 2 files which is the .iso and .dvd files.The iso should be around 7.29gb in size.
8) Start IMGBURN and select WRITE IMAGE FILE TO DISC.Select the .dvd file from the SOURCE selection.In the SECTORS information just make sure that it got this information (LB: 1,913,760) as this the layerbreak information which is critical for successful burn.Set the WRITE SPEED to 4X(recomended) as slow burn speed will reduce burn errors.Press the big icon at the bottom to start the burn process which will take about 30mins to complete.make sure that your writer support DVD-ROM bookmark and use a quality media like VERBATIM.Cap ayam medias most likely will cause burn errors and erratic results.
9)Once completed,you may run additional scan test with DVDINFO PRO to make sure that the burned disc doesn't have any burn errors and identical to the source iso.This is optional step and not mandatory.
10) Test out the disc lorr

So in your case only a couple of games can't be played and from the looks of it most likely its a media problem.If correct,then repairing the game disc should solve it.Actually aku tak jual games aku tu sebab aku malas bangat nak pi pos mende alah tu.Tapi aku boley tolong kau if you really can't do it.Lagi satu kau kene tau yang disc burn aku ni almost twice the price of the pressed disc that are being sold in the shops.Harga blank media verbatim je dah about rm8,tu tak tambah delivery cost and any other hidden charges by me lagi hehehhee.

So kalau nak jimat,it's highly recomended that you do it yourself starting from donloding the iso to burning it yourself.Believe it or not,kalau kau donlod seniri,kau akan dapat main lebey awal dari orang lain kat Malaysia ni sebab every games yang keluar tu biasenye akan sampai kat kedai around 5 to 7 days after its being released on the internet.Aku yang pakai 1mb ni pon boley donlod 7gb dalam mase 13 hours je apelagi kau yang gune 4mb tu,musti lagi manyak cepat oooo.Btw,ape games yang kau tak boley main tu?

Dah berair dah mate aku ni,aku tido dulu la zzzzzzzzzz



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