Mercedes to replace Schu's chassis for Barcelona
Apr.18 (GMM) Michael Schumacher will not only have an upgraded car in Spain, it will also be a completely different chassis.
Mercedes' Norbert Haug suggested after the Chinese grand prix, where the seven time world champion was comprehensively beaten all weekend by his teammate, that the 41-year-old's actual chassis is carrying an inherent problem.
"I think we need to replace his chassis for Barcelona," Haug is quoted as saying by the German broadcaster Sky.
Nico Rosberg qualified the sister W01 seven tenths faster than Schumacher's, and then finished on the podium, nearly a minute ahead of his famous countryman.
"Don't worry: Michael has not forgotten how to drive," said Haug, after Niki Lauda slammed Schumacher's driving as "mediocre".
24-year-old Rosberg, meanwhile, denied that the result in Shanghai is confirmation about who is Mercedes' number one driver in 2010.
"It's definitely not the case," he said. "It's even between us. Of course I'm very, very happy with the way it's going for me, but we both get the same possibilities.
tukar cepat.. |
nico jugak yg boleh harap....
nasib mercGp amik nico... kalo nak tggu
kebangkitan ayam tua... mmg smp abis kontrak pun
tak bangun bangun lg hahahahahhaah |
Reply 462# akughi
bukan masalah bangkit or tak
tp skrg isu yg besar adalah kereta yg dia drive ni ada problem..tak sesuai dgn cara schumy
sbb tu diaorg tgh develop kereta lain utk dia |
hakikat yg sebenarnye... MS tue dah tua... 41 tue...  |
tak boleh ke shumi tu kekalkn kedudukan....
siap kene potong ngan petrove tu...
ni nasib massa tu lembap... kalo tak dah makin kebelakang dah....
sblm race kan shumi set up sendiri kete tu ikut kehendak dia...
so skrg ni buktikn la... fizikal tak sesuai ke ape ke kene buktikn la...
mcm la alonso punye kete ikut 100% kehendak dia... masuk2 ferarri je dah kene pakai
kete yg dah develop dr thn lepas.... abis tu fizikal kete tu alonso sesuai ke? |
Reply 464# satusembilan
penat je aku tepek informasi pasal schumy/kereta Mercgp tu
bukan disebabkan dia dah hilang sentuhan utk jadi juara
bila kereta dah sesuai cara pemanduan schumy barula kita boleh judge sejauh mana kemampuan dia
ini sukan F1 la...setiap perkara melibatkan banyak benda teknikal yg melibatkan para jurutera memerah otak dgn ujian beribu2 jam utk membuat kereta laju |
Reply 465# akughi
kereta MercGp belum fully develop la
sbb masih lagi mengekalkan ciri2 kereta brawnGp tahun lepas
data aku dah tunjuk page keberapa skrg mercGp berkedudukan 4 terpantas
now Mercgp buat satu kereta baru untuk schumy dan juga nico |
hehehehheheehehehhee ok ok ok pasni
kat spain lak.... shumi maintain cam ni smp ujung thn je la...
kalo boleh smp 3thn hehehehheehee |
knp shumi jeli kene penalty smlm? |
secara realistik pandangan aku agak susah utk schumy buat apa jua cabaran tahun ni
just anggap sebagai tahun ujian je..even kereta baru utk schumy/nico masih lagi tak boleh lawan kereta Redbull/Ferrari/Mclaren tapi maybe boleh berebut kedudukan lagi baik banding selalu dapat no 5 kebawah
next season tahun 2011 baru boleh tahu kemampuan dia.Apapun aku bangga gak kesungguhan team Mergp ni utk beri yg terbaik pada dua2 driver diaorg |
Reply 469# akughi
tak silap aku memotong masa safety car keluar |
hahahahahahaha patut la.... aku tgk tibe2 je masuk laluan pit... |
Merc defend dejected Schumacher
Mercedes GP aren't ready to give up on Michael Schumacher just yet, insisting it was tyres and not talent that let him down in China.
In the changing conditions, Schumacher showed some signs of the talent that carried him to seven World titles as well as making up positions in the pit stops.
But he also came up short when measured directly against the likes of Lewis Hamilton and Sebastian Vettel, too often losing those positions he had gained when fighting with his rivals out on track.
In the final handful of laps alone Schumacher lost places to Mark Webber and Felipe Massa, eventually finishing the Chinese GP in tenth place, one position lower than where he had started.
However, Merc insist that the blame doesn't rest entirely with Schumacher.
"We have some issues that we need to understand as the deterioration of his tyres and therefore his pace is a problem that we need to resolve before the next race," said team boss Ross Brawn.
"We haven't quite got the car at the moment but when we do, we know that we can get the job done."
Brawn's thoughts were echoed by Merc motorsport boss Norbert Haug: "It was not a good race weekend for Michael unfortunately.
"We will investigate what the problems were and I am convinced we will all see much stronger results from him rather sooner than later.
"Give us a chance to look at that and we can come up with a good explanation."
Schumacher understandably just wanted to get out of Shanghai immediately after the race, although like many others in F1 may have had to wait a little longer to get home due to the volcanic ash cloud that has resulted in flight restrictions across much of Europe.
"In general I had some good and tight fights which was fun but with my last stop being probably too early, in the end I just couldn't do anything and my fights were quite hopeless then," he said.
"I am looking forward to going home now."
byk masa lagi utk improve |
Reply 473# satusembilan
dah diberitahu awal2 cara pemanduan setiap driver adalah berbeza
cara nico drive tak agresif mcm schumy..schumy suke memecut time corner dan membiarkan kereta tu oversteer
tp kereta yg dia drive skrg terlalu understeer..semua org tahu dia tak suka kereta understeer bila ambik corner
bila kereta understeer,problem weight distribution pada kereta dia,tayar cepat botak..ape nak dibuat..kena bertahan je la sampai abis race |
Reply satusembilan
dah diberitahu awal2 cara pemanduan setiap driver adalah berbeza
cara n ...
weta_studio Post at 20-4-2010 08:52 
aku nak tengok komen ko bro lepas Merc GP siapkan keta baru khas utk MS tue nanti...  |
Reply 476# satusembilan
kite tggu dan lihat.... bile dapat result...
kite kutuk sampat telinga dia benanah
hahahahhahahha |
tak sempat shumi nak bace report dia...
shumi skrg tgh gigih berlatih  |
berlatih apenye... tgh main PS3... training...  |
| |