haritu teragak agak nak amik yg lips, sbb grab yg laneige sleeping mask tu je dulu..ok, leh masuk wishlist ni
i rs cybersale kali ni mcm xbyk sale..ada item yg lg mahal...i pun nk cari laneige sleeping mask biru tu sbb i punya dh abis...yg sleeping lip mask ada lg..sbb yg tu pakai sikit je...i mmg pakai everynight sbb i pakai lipstick all the day so nk prevent lip jadi hitam...
awesome routine...![](static/image/smiley/miluegg/love.jpg)
yg purederm wipes tu berpatutan nya harga dia...nice nice...
kita pun tgh survey survey produk utk mata..sebelum ni pakai Estee Lauder...
dari apa yg kita survey..produk mata ni ada yg sekadar utk melembapkan kawasan sekitar mata je..function2 lain takde...ada pula yg specific utk dark circles/puffiness/wrinkles... pastu ada jenis gel/cream/serum ....
personally kita prefer serum type...yg serum kita nampak Olay, Skin Food, Sukin ada eye serum...
adui pening2 nak pilih yg mana...
thanks sharing iraizz.... comel je part bedak sejuk jadi masker tu..hehe...asalkan sesuai dan diri sendiri suka then okay je..tak semestinya perlu produk yg fancy fancy kan...![](static/image/smiley/miluegg/blossom.jpg)
Dua hari lepas kita beli buku ini kat amazon...
The Little Book of Skin Care: Korean Beauty Secrets for Healthy, Glowing Skin
by Charlotte Cho
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Kita beli yg Kindle version...lepas convert harga jadi RM34++
Why Read a Book About Skin Care?
In this book, I’ll share with you how a California girl like myself became immersed in Korea’s beauty culture and changed the way I saw and took care of my skin. Whether you’re reading this to start your first skin-care regimen, improve the one you have, or simply learn about how another culture approaches beauty, this book will do all that and more.
Sadly, reading this book alone is not enough to improve your skin, but take heart—it’s the first step. It’ll take a bit of work on your part, but I’ll hold your well-moisturized hand along the way. I’ll guide you step-by-step through some of my best-kept Korean skin-care secrets, from night and day skin-care routines,to why your entire body, not just your face, needs exfoliation, to how to choose and then use the right moisturizer.
I’ll also show you how to pull off the “no-makeup makeup” look that I’ve seen on women in the streets of Seoul (and regularly on New York and Paris runways). I’ll pair my technical esthetician knowledge with advice from Seoul beauty experts to answer your toughest questions about skin and to help provide solutions to common skin issues.
Learning about Korean skin care will change the way you think about your skin and how you treat it. You’ll be excited to start a routine, and once you get going, you won’t want to neglect it. If you’re a little doubtful, let me assure you: Yes, you can be excited about skin. It’s only the largest organ of your body. You ready?
Cho, Charlotte. The Little Book of Skin Care: Korean Beauty Secrets for Healthy, Glowing Skin . HarperCollins. Kindle Edition.
tertarik nak beli sbb illustration buku ni cute2...hehe...
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baru baca half..belum sampai bab 10-step routine lagi... ![](static/image/smiley/onion/studyhard.gif)
sheet mask..
bestnya buku ni elle...kita dh jarang2 pakai sheet mask..rs kena pakai kerap bru flawless kot...sbb ms time2 rajin dl mmg nmpk kesan kt muka mcm brightening dan flawless...skrg ni blik umah pun dh penat..xleh pikir nk bt apa2 utk kecantikan...
menariknya buku ni..
i started to share pasal 10 steps ni pada friends / anak buah sbb some of them like make up, tapi xtau rutin penjagaan yg betul nak cuci dan sebagainya..since they are still young better if they ols tau awal, unlike me dah tua baru dpt ilmu ni..huhuh
comel nye buku niii!!! mmg tertarik la jugak nk beli hehe
i xtau lip mask ni prevent bibir jd hitam. bagus lahhhh![](static/image/smiley/default/biggrin.gif)
skrang bru la i tau. i beli lip mask sbb xnak bg bibir kering.
Korang, sy x pakai make up. Bedak je lah skit2. Korang rase sy perlu double cleanse n pakai mask tiap2 mlm ke? |
Akibat benang ni, i da beli:
The face shop mild papaya peeling
Bio essense snail serum
Cosrx pimple patch
N mlm td br try cosrx salicylic cleanser
I ade prob senang sgt cyst acne nk hinggap n ade bnyk bekas jerawat akibat cyst acne ni.
So far da 3 mggu i amalkan:
Cuci muka neutrogena
Toner Kose
Snail serum
Smggu 2 kali guna papaya peeling. Lps peeling i tepek mask last skali.
N alhamdulillah 3 mggu ni muka i xde jerawat baru naik..
Happynyaaaaaa! |
N lg 1, i beli st ives scrub green tea akibat pengaruh medsoc. Tp.. Even die halus sikit dr apricot scrub die, esok tu mst muka i naik jerawat.. Bila i baca2 rupanya kulit sensitif mcm i, mmg x le pakai scrub jenis kasar tu walaupun halus.. |
ahh u sama cam i tak boleh pakai scrub berbiji2 kat muka.
dulu kulit i pun jadi dasyat lepas pakai scrub apricot tu ![](static/image/smiley/default/sweat.gif)
tobat lepas tu taknak pakai scrub dah, berani pakai chemical peeling or peeling gel je
akak pakai bedak biasa ke or bedak foundation...kalau bedak foundation better bt double cleanse sbb klu cuci je kdg2 ada lg yg xabis hilang...saya suka bt double cleanse wpun pakai sunblock je sbb rs lg bersih muka...mask xperlu pakai tiap2 mlm...tp klu rajin pakai hasilnya lg bagus..kulit saya jdi halus bila pakai sheet mask tiap2 hari ms zaman rajin dl...skrg ni seminggu skali je sbb dh xrajin..hasilnya kulit so so je..tp sbb kulit xde mslh ok je..
kulit bila well hydrate mmg akan nampak cerah sikit..sheet mask ni membantu la kulit kita utk kekal lembap..dalam slang korean dipanggil chok chok..hehe... takpe nanti dah semangat balik, boleh sambung pakai lagi..![](static/image/smiley/default/pompom.gif) |
sama..i pon xboleh pakai scrub neh..last2 scrub kat badan je..skrng pakai scrub dr sendayu tinggi..bestt
sama..i pon xboleh pakai scrub neh..last2 scrub kat badan je..skrng pakai scrub dr sendayu tinggi..bestt
kan sangat menarik...that is nice of you to share knowledge with them..soo sweet.. yup, generasi zaman sekarang muda2 pun dah mudah nak dapat maklumat ttg skincare...kalau dah suka make up tu ,cleansing la step yg paling penting sekali...
yezza jom beli... mmg kawaii buku ni..kita baru tahu rupanya buku kat amazon tu takde kindle pun boleh beli dan baca kat pc,mobile,tab...nice2..
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Category: Wanita & Lelaki