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Author: slippergombak

[Jenayah] Syed Mokhtar monopoli keperluan kita seharian....

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 Author| Post time 25-10-2012 06:15 PM | Show all posts
baghal_bortuqal posted on 25-10-2012 06:11 PM
Itu unibesiti baukari yg pakai duit kantung MMCCORP, Johor Port, Malakoff tuh apa kes?

nak wat kebajikan bagi nampak islamic takleh rembat duit company sendiri kaa..???

takper laa nak rembat.... asal ada buat sejid, buat yayasan, busuk2 pun worang kiter....

syukurr ada gak worang busuk2 kiter jadi bilionare....


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Post time 25-10-2012 06:27 PM | Show all posts
slippergombak posted on 25-10-2012 06:15 PM
nak wat kebajikan bagi nampak islamic takleh rembat duit company sendiri kaa..???

takper laa n ...

Ayam isele erobbbb hoccay!!!!

Isele erobbbb!!

Ente paham?


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Post time 25-10-2012 09:17 PM | Show all posts
Terima kasih kepada Syeikh Mokhtar kerana telah menaja kelas tambahan secara percuma untuk SPM saya sekitar 9 tahun dahulu.

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Post time 25-10-2012 09:53 PM | Show all posts

Up to this page .. still ada yang konpius antara OPPORTUNIST dan MONOPOLIST

To me .. Syed Mokhtar is a great OPPORTUNIST ...


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Post time 25-10-2012 09:54 PM | Show all posts
curik beliyon-beliyon, sponsor tuysyen rm60 ringgit....
hidop baukari!!!

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Post time 25-10-2012 10:11 PM | Show all posts
slippergombak posted on 25-10-2012 05:36 PM
ko dah baca semua page atau belum... sebab kat belakang dah tunjuk siapa pesaing2 yg mahukan proto ...

Aku bukan nak kata apa lah.

Tapi contoh yg ko bagi tu contoh diversication bukhary group, bukannya contoh monopoli.
Big time failure
Definisi monopoli pun ko xleh digest sepenuhnya.
Counter argument "Baulu" tu pun ko xleh jawab dengan reasonable.
Ni bukan masalah melayu dengki melayu ke tak.

Tapi ilmu ekonomi ko memang teruk!

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Post time 25-10-2012 10:14 PM | Show all posts
Monopoly = .
1. exclusive control of a commodity or service in a particular market, or a control that makes possible the manipulation of prices. Compare duopoly, oligopoly.
an exclusive privilege to carry on a business, traffic, or service, granted by a government.
the exclusive possession or control of something.
something that is the subject of such control, as a commodity or service.
a company or group that has such control.

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Post time 25-10-2012 10:15 PM | Show all posts
SiBOntot posted on 25-10-2012 09:53 PM
Up to this page .. still ada yang konpius antara OPPORTUNIST dan MONOPOLIST

To me .. Syed Mokht ...

TT sendiri yg confius.
Apa lagi yg nak diharapkan daripada beliau...

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Post time 25-10-2012 10:20 PM | Show all posts
slippergombak posted on 25-10-2012 05:36 PM
ko dah baca semua page atau belum... sebab kat belakang dah tunjuk siapa pesaing2 yg mahukan proto ...

Kalau ko rasa ko betul2 berada di pihak yg betul
Aku cabar ko bawa benda ni kepada pihak berwajib. Ko boleh anjurkan satu forum ekonomi kat luar sana tu ke ( boleh buat macam format Forum Perdana ), di mana ko jadi salah satu ahli panel. Ko boleh jemput sebanyak mungkin pakar akademik dari bidang Ekonomi, ahli korporat dan wakil kerajaan sebanyak yg ko nak. Secara realiti, tanpa bersembunyi di sebalik nickname dalam forum internet.
Macam mana, ada berani ke?

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Post time 25-10-2012 10:23 PM | Show all posts
Sebagai rujukan

By Kimberly Amadeo, Guide
See More About:glossarypricingsupplydemandu.s. competitiveness

Google's control of search is a monopoly, but it isn't illegal. (Photo: Justin Sullivan / Getty Images)

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Definition: A monopoly is when a business, usually a large corporation, is the only provider of a good or service. Monopolies are usually bad for an economy because they restrict free trade, which allows the market itself to set prices.
Why Are Monopolies Bad?

Since monopolies are the only provider, they can set pretty much any price they choose. This is known as price-fixing. They can pretty much do this, regardless of demand, because they know the consumer has no choice. This is especially true for goods and services where there is inelastic demand, where people don't have a lot of flexibility. An example of this is gasoline. There are choices, such as mass transit or bicycles, but they aren't an easy substitute in many areas.
Not only can monopolies raise prices, they can also supply inferior products. This has happened in some urban areas, where grocery stores know that the poor urban dweller has fewer alternatives.

Monopolies are also bad for an economy because the manufacturer has no incentive to innovate, and provide "new and improved" products. This used to be true of cable companies. It was expensive to lay new cable, so residents had to accept the cable company's service and prices. However, disruptive technology is the worst enemy of monopolies. Dish TV, iPads, and Netflix has created a new type of entertainment service that doesn't rely on cable to deliver movies and TV programming. The same thing happened with land-line telephones.

Another reasons monopolies are bad is that they can create inflation. Since they can set any price they want, they will raise costs to consumers. This is known as cost-push inflation. A good example of how this works is OPEC, or the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. The twelve oil exporting countries in OPEC now control the price of 46% of the oil produced in the world. However, this is not a true monopoly, but more of a cartel. First, most of the oil is produced by one country, Saudi Arabia. It has a far greater ability to affect the price by itself by raising or lowering output. Second, the price set by OPEC must be agreed to by all its members. Even if they agree to it, some may try to undercut the price to gain a little extra market share. It is difficult to enforce the OPEC price. However, the countrys within OPEC still make more per barrel of oil than they did before OPEC.

Are Monopolies Ever Good?

Sometimes a monopoly is necessary to ensure consistent delivery of a product or service that has a very high up-front cost. This is true, for example, with electric and water utilities. Since it is so expensive to build new electric plants or dams, it made economic sense to allow a monopoly for a particular area. To protect the consumer, these industries were regulated by the federal and local government. The companies were allowed to set prices to recoup their costs and a reasonable profit. In the 1990s, there was much talk of deregulation to allow competition, and in some cases this in fact occurred.
Monopolies in the U.S.

Monopolies in the U.S. aren't actually illegal. However, they cannot use their monopoly power to gain price or other advantages thanks to the Sherman Anti-Trust Act. It was called Anti-Trust because that was the form that monopolies held in 1890, when it was enacted. A group of companies formed a trust to fix prices low enough to drive competitors out of business. Once they had a monopoly on the market, these trusts would raise prices to regain their profit.
The most famous trust was Standard Oil Company. John D. Rockefeller owned all the oil refineries, which were in Ohio, in the 1890s. His monopoly allowed him to control the price of oil, and to bully the railroad companies to charge him a lower price for transportation. When Ohio threatened legal action to put him out of business, he simply moved to New Jersey. He also set up the first trust, by owning the majority share of former competitors stock certificates of trust.(Source: archive, The Sherman Anti-Trust Act)

In 1998, the U.S. District Court ruled that Microsoft was an illegal monopoly. It used its controlling position as the operating system for personal computers to intimidate chip-maker Intel and computer makers IBM and Apple Windows to withhold superior technology. Microsoft was ordered to share information about its operating system so competitors could develop innovative products using the Windows platform. It was ordered to cease discriminatory pricing and product access policies, and to share basic information about its Windows PC operating system needed for rivals to compete more effectively and freely with Microsoft in the market for applications software on the Windows platform. Furthermore, disruptive technologies have done more to erode Microsoft's monopoly than government action. People are switching to mobile devices, such as tablets,iPods and smart phones. Microsoft does not have its operating system on these devices. (Source: Seattle Times, Long Microsoft Anti-Trust Case Is Over, May 11, 2011)

Many consider Google to have a monopoly on the Internet search market. People use Google to find 65% of all searches. Its closest competitors, Microsoft's Bing and Yahoo, only make up 34%, combined. It also controls 80% of all search-related advertising. Furthermore, Google has developed the Android operating system for smart phones. (Source: Businessweek, A Google Monopoly Isn't the Point, September 23, 2011)

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Post time 25-10-2012 10:30 PM | Show all posts
Tongny posted on 25-10-2012 10:15 PM
TT sendiri yg confius.
Apa lagi yg nak diharapkan daripada beliau...

Memang monopoli tue tak bagus
Tak kan la kerana ada sorang yang opportunist macam Bukhari kerana dia berjaya dia dituduh sebagai monopolist
In fact, dia sendiri pon ada competitor untuk setiap bussiness field yang dia masuk .. so obviously it's not a monopoly.

TT nie sebenarnya abang Bung kot ...
Sedap nya la dok mengulit zizie ezette malam2 raya macam nie ..sejukkkkk


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Post time 25-10-2012 10:32 PM | Show all posts
freebird posted on 25-10-2012 09:54 PM
curik beliyon-beliyon, sponsor tuysyen rm60 ringgit....
hidop baukari!!!

syukur hamdallah
cm kes skrg lah curi berbulion2,, bg rm500
kembang senyum melayu pprt ,
nti dia naik hrga brg terketar2 nak kluar duit boli brg,,

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Post time 25-10-2012 10:34 PM | Show all posts
SiBOntot posted on 25-10-2012 10:30 PM
Memang monopoli tue tak bagus
Tak kan la kerana ada sorang yang opportunist macam Bukhari keran ...

Mamat ni memang bermasalah.
Issue pun dia tak faham.
Definisi monopoli pun caca marba.
Contoh yg dia bagi pun lari daripada issue yg dibangkitkan.
Dia pernah ke ambil subjek Ekonomi atau setidak2nya membaca buku2 Ekonomi.
Berhujah tanpa menggunakan ilmu, sebaliknya menuduh secara rambang.

Patutlah ada orang yg rest his/her case daripada melayan dia ni...

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Post time 25-10-2012 10:36 PM | Show all posts
baulu posted on 25-10-2012 11:13 AM

ko tak pernah ambik economics ye slipper? kot ye pun, cikai2, cek ler definition monopol ...


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Post time 25-10-2012 10:41 PM | Show all posts
slippergombak posted on 23-10-2012 11:41 PM
bangun pagi nak minum pagi buat air kopi, masuk gula - gula sapa punya...??
pastuh nak makan roti b ...

Ni contoh monopoli yg ko bagi?
Ko bawak masuk contoh ni dalam court tengok.
Memang bola tanggung yg ko bagi kat opponent.
Mudah2 je ko kena bunuh/pancung.

Ada contoh lain tak?

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Post time 25-10-2012 10:47 PM | Show all posts
Tongny posted on 25-10-2012 10:34 PM
Mamat ni memang bermasalah.
Issue pun dia tak faham.
Definisi monopoli pun caca marba.

Rasa nya tak perlu ambik subjek ekonomi, bussiness studies, atau pon accounting untuk paham maksud monopoli ..
Sebab those are not my background too ...

Tapi 1st time I ever heard  and being taught about monopoly masa dalam kelas kemahiran hidup .. masa lower secondary school..
Sebab tue I can't discuss the issue further .. cuma aku rasa menda yang simple don't make it so complicated to understand either in terminology or the debated issue...

BTW ... khilaf tue bagus
Tapi pastikan .. our points really stand out ..

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 Author| Post time 26-10-2012 03:30 AM | Show all posts
dah penat meratib....?? contoh beras , gula bukan monopoly... tgk kat semua cop ada import sendiri kaa...??

siap kat page belakang bagi contoh microsoft kena saman sebab buat software akta anti monopoli....

nak sekor2 kaya atau nak sepuluh org melayu kaya...??

syukran jazilan...

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Post time 26-10-2012 02:04 PM | Show all posts
apam posted on 25-10-2012 09:48 AM
ko sekolah ke tak? Tepekik telolong tak pasal. Cuba ko guna kepala hotak kau yg kau anggap cerdik  ...

itulah akibatnya menggadaikan kepentingan nugara kepada krioni yang tidak kompeten dari segenap segi, pengalaman takde, skill zero, duit takde, ambik loan gomen jadi penjamin...

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Post time 26-10-2012 03:32 PM | Show all posts
pyropura posted on 26-10-2012 02:04 PM
itulah akibatnya menggadaikan kepentingan nugara kepada krioni yang tidak kompeten dari segenap  ...

macam ko bagus sangat. ko keje ape?

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Post time 26-10-2012 04:12 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tukang kopipes + tukang konar

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