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Author: aYuGiLeR

SURVIVOR 9 - VANUATU Island of Fire

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Post time 1-1-2005 12:34 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Guantanamera at 31-12-2004 07:12 PM:
cemana nak bukak file ni?
aku tak reti aah...

open in what?
wmp ke??

Link yang aku kasik tu bukan file video.

Itu shortcut nak download video tuh.

Ko kena install Bittorent baru bleh download.

Nak download program dier kat sini : ... 3.9a-w32install.exe

Dah install program nih, double klik kat file yg ko dah download sebelum nih.

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Post time 1-1-2005 12:35 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by c-mei at 1-1-2005 12:26 PM:

wah toche..toche...thanks...aku nak d/load lepas nie...:clap:

NP :hatdown:

Hepi mengdonlod...

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tweetykiut This user has been deleted
Post time 3-1-2005 03:49 PM | Show all posts
kpd GAMEOVER...anda diharap supaya dapat menceritakan segala yg berlaku dlm 2 episod akhir survivor:vanuatu..serta reunionnya sekali..
sekian,harap maklum..

aiseh..tolong le GAMEOVER..:pray:

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Post time 3-1-2005 06:04 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by tweetykiut at 3-1-2005 03:49 PM:
kpd GAMEOVER...anda diharap supaya dapat menceritakan segala yg berlaku dlm 2 episod akhir survivor:vanuatu..serta reunionnya sekali..
sekian,harap maklum..

a ...

Tu diaa...

Nak kena jadik penglipurlara la pulakk... :

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Post time 3-1-2005 06:17 PM | Show all posts
Semput la aku nak citer 2 episod plus Reunion episod tuh.

Sesaper yg nak tau sgt gi la kat website dier :

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tweetykiut This user has been deleted
Post time 5-1-2005 12:03 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by GAMEOVER at 3-1-2005 06:17 PM:
Semput la aku nak citer 2 episod plus Reunion episod tuh.

Sesaper yg nak tau sgt gi la kat website dier :

ala..GAMEOVER..kat website dia tu tak best,tak detail...ko tolongla cite..
k la..tolong cite yg reunion dia je yek..

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Post time 6-1-2005 07:29 PM | Show all posts

Night 33 - Chris was content with Ami going home. Eliza apologized to Twila for what she had said earlier that night about Twila's swearing on her son. Twila said that she wished she hadn't said it, and started to curse and yell at Eliza and (I think) Julie.

Day 34 - The next morning, it was obvious that Twila was still upset. Julie and Eliza were planning about making a new alliance. Julie wanted to draw Chris into an alliance with the two of them, but she was weary of Chris' loyalty to Twila.

At the Reward Challenge, there would be a "second chance" at past challenges. The group would have to go under the pole-things in the mud pit. The fastest four moved on. They would then have to catch a pig. The fastest three would go to the next round where they would have to build a tiki puzzle. The final two would have to race on a balance beam and shoot a slingshot. The winner would receive wine, hot chocolate and/or beer that they would ride on horseback to get to. It would be another overnight reward.

Scout was eliminated from the first round, with Eliza gone after the pig-catching. Chris got booted from the tiki part, and it was between Twila and Julie. In the last round, Julie got off the beam first and started preparing her slingshot. Twila took a hard hit but came back. It was too late however, since Julie's lead was too great. Julie decided to take Chris on the Reward with her. This would give her a much-needed chance to strategize.

The two cleaned up and began their journey. They meant a man named Joe who had horses and they were off. Chris and Julie were having an interesting time on the horses. Chris' horse decided to walk in circles for a few minutes. They rode to a location with tons of food. Joe showed them that they could cook their food using the lava. They GREATLY enjoyed the hot dogs.

Chris and Julie began talking strategy. Chris also noted that he was aware of why she picked to bring him, which I thought was interesting. Chris hadn't decided whether or not he was going to go with the new alliance.

Back at the camp, Eliza argued with Twila over buried bananas. Twila apparently buried the bananas so that they could ripen, and Eliza wanted to know where they were. Scout and Twila teased Eliza about it.

Later that night, Julie and Chris were brought to the top of Mount Yasur. The volcano was shooting lava and other firey ash all over the place. They sat and watched the volcano for a little bit, and compared it to the forth of July.

Day 35 - After the Reward, Scout immediately asked Chris if he was still in the alliance. Twila soon also asked, and he responded to both of them with a definite yes. Eliza was worried that Julie didn't get through to him (I don't think she did). Chris cleanly defined the game:

Chris doesn't trust Twila, Scout, Julie, or Eliza. The four women don't trust each other. They do, however, trust him.

The group soon headed off to the Immunity Challenge. Jeff would tell them a story and ask questions about it. Normally, I'd write the questions, but since there's a story, I won't. The story took quite a while. The five would run through the jungle and find huts. In each hut, there were puzzles and questions. They would have to assemble the puzzles and answer the questions. If they were correct, they would receive a tusk. If incorrect, the tusk would be a different color. First to five correct would win.

Eliza got the first correct answer, with Chris, Julie, and Twila not far behind. Scout got her first question wrong. Eliza sped ahead with Chris and Julie trying to keep up. Eliza and Julie both had four, but Twila was in Julie's way. Eliza stayed ahead, and received Immunity. Because of this, she earned a guaranteed Final Four spot!

Day 36 - Eliza was very happy about winning her first Immunity. She informed us that she would like to win each Immunity Challenge from now on. Eliza was confident that Chris would vote with her and Julie. Chris hasn't yet decided on who he wants to vote with, even though he told Twila and Scout that he would vote with them.

Eliza and Chris discussed the circumstances. Unbeknownst to them, Twila had been listening. Eliza and Twila began to argue again, and Chris got away with it yet again. Chris continued to discuss the game with everyone, and weigh his options.

Later that night, the Alinta tribe headed to Tribal Council. Jeff asked a direct question to Twila about whether or not she believed one of the people there did not deserve to win. It was very clear she was referring to Eliza. They continued talking about this subject for a bit, and then began voting.

We saw a surprising vote for Julie from Scout (who told Julie to "go back to her roots") and another shocker vote for Twila from Eliza.

Vote #1 - Julie
Vote #2 - Twila
Vote #3 - Julie
Vote #4 - Twila
Vote #5 - Julie

Obviously, Chris stuck with his original alliance and voted out Julie - the fourteenth Survivor voted off the island!

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Post time 6-1-2005 07:36 PM | Show all posts
EPISODE 14 [The Final 4]

Night 36 – Eliza was very upset with what Chris did in voting out Julie. Twila and Eliza began arguing yet again. Eliza was accused of riding coattails. (In my opinion, if riding coattails works, saddle up – in Survivor anyway.) Chris is looking good at this point, that is, because of the arguments between Twila and Eliza.

Day 37 – Eliza is hoping for Immunity, as it may be her only chance to stay in this game.

The final four were prepared to compete in the Immunity Challenge. The challenge was a vertical maze. They would have to grab ten tiles and form two words with those tiles. Of course, they had to climb to do so.

Twila was in the lead, but Chris and Eliza quickly caught up. Scout – well, never mind. The group was so close; it’s going to have to come down to the spelling of the words. Eliza got stuck after finding her eight pair, so it was basically down to Chris and Twila. Whoever spelled the two words fastest would be the winner. Eliza grabbed her last pair, just as Chris won Immunity. Chris jumped around for a bit, then received his Immunity Necklace.

We now know that Chris is in the final three. Back at the Alinta camp, Chris, Scout, and Twila were glad that they would be the final three. Chris told Twila to annoy Eliza and get her a bit angry. Twila realized that this was because he wanted Eliza to not be on her side, should Twila be in the final two.

Eliza was working on Scout, trying to get her to believe that the two of them would make a better final two than others.

At Tribal Council, Jeff brought up the beam. Chris laughed it off. Jeff then questioned Eliza about her arguments, and Twila was asked about her feelings of safety. Twila was again questioned about bringing up her son’s name.

We were shown a wonderfully surprising vote for Twila from Eliza, with areturn vote for Eliza from Twila.

Vote #1 – Eliza
Vote #2 – Twila
Vote #3 – Eliza
Vote #4 – Eliza

15th person voted out of Survivor: Vanuatu - Eliza.

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Post time 6-1-2005 07:39 PM | Show all posts
EPISODE 14 [The Final 3]

Night 37 – Chris thought about what it would be like to win the million, and there was very little discussion.

Day 38 – Jeff went out to the Alinta camp to greet the group. He reminded the group of the story that he had told them recently. He told them that their final right of passage would be at the island where the people were buried. They would then see the torches of the 15 voted out Survivors, and make an offering to the guy whose name I don’t want to attempt to spell.

The Survivors recalled Brook first. Following this, they noted the departures of Dolly, John P, Mia, Brady, Bubba, Lisa, John K, Rory, Sarge, Chad, Leann, Ami, Julie, and most recently, Eliza. The whole experience didn’t seem as emotional for them as it did for Survivors of past seasons, but they did appear to be touched by it.

The three then arrived to the grave. Chris gave the Spirit Stone to the grave…erm…chief, and Scout and Twila gave staffs that they were given.

They then arrived at the final Immunity Challenge. For the last time, the three would compete. They would hold a bow and arrow. They would pull at back, as to prepare to shoot it. If they released it, the arrow would pierce a piece of paper, and that Survivor would be out. Also, if they stepped off their posts and onto the platform, they would be out.

Seconds after they pulled the arrows back, Scout began to look tired. Jeff reminded them not to lose focus for a second, or they would lose. Scout’s marker was soon pierced, and she was the first out. Chris didn’t move while Twila started to shake. After 30 minutes, Chris yawned. Normally, this would be nothing. In this case, it may have proved fatal. Chris began strategizing very soon, but Twila would have none of it. As the sweat trickled down his face, Chris kept on talking. Jeff teased Chris a bit, but he wasn’t stepping down.

Twila started to shake more and more, and her paper was pierced. After 1 hour and 7 minutes, Chris won the final Immunity! He was guaranteed a spot in the final two! The woman whom he decided to keep would go with him to face the jury and try to earn their votes. The one with the most votes would be the Sole Survivor!

As the three returned to the island, Chris told Twila that she was probably the strongest woman he’d ever met. Chris recalled the challenge, and how Scout had cheered on Twila. He thought that the two of them had a definite pact to go to the final two. After Scout told him the truth, which he was sure she did, he became unsure of whom he would vote off. He wasn’t even sure if he would make up his mind before the final Tribal Council.

At the Tribal Council, the Jury was brought in. Eliza gave a dirty look, which was expectedly directed at Chris. Jeff questioned Chris for a bit or two, before going to the women. Chris compared the two women, but informed everyone that he would not be voting because of the way that the women played the game; rather, the way he had played the game and the way he would like to finish it.

Because Scout could only vote for Twila and Twila could only vote for Scout, Chris would be the only voter. He would vote for the woman which would go to the final two and be against him for the title of Sole Survivor and the winner of one million dollars.

The vote - - - - - - Scout.

Scout became the 16th person voted out of Survivor 9. Scout probably would have won against Chris. At least with Twila, Chris has a pretty good chance.

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Post time 6-1-2005 07:44 PM | Show all posts
EPISODE 14 [The Final Tribal Council]

Day 39 – Finally - the last day at the Alinta camp. Twila, the highway repair worker, and Chris, the highway construction worker, had made it to the final two. They had outwitted, outplayed, and outlasted 16 other people, and only had each other to deal with now.

Chris prepared to use Twila’s outspoken attitude against her. He was very prepared to let Twila hurt herself as the Jury questioned her.

They spend a pretty quiet day at the camp. Well, except for when they went to sit on the hammock. The two tried to sit together, but the hammock snapped. They thought that this was an interesting ending. The two were disappointed to leave the camp for the last time, but at the same time ready to go home.

Before we get into the final Tribal Council, I’d like to say that Twila has played a great game. Now, I believe that this was a great achievement. However, Chris’ journey was possibly the greatest comeback in Survivor history. After failing in the first challenge, he made it to the merge, where he was soon left alone in a tribe with six women. He not only saw a few voted out, he made it to the final two, a feat that almost no one expected.

Jeff congratulated the two for making it thus far. After snatching the Immunity Necklace from Chris, they final Tribal Council began. This would be the final chance for both Twila and Chris to influence the Jury of 7 members whom they had voted out to give them their vote. They would each get an opening statement.

Chris told the Jury that he had overcome all odds to surpass a group of 6 women who were tightly allied. He believed that for this reason, he had earned it.

Twila explained that she worked hard and that she wanted to use the money to better her life and her son’s.

After possibly the longest commercial break in history, the Jury would begin their questioning. Eliza was first.

Eliza : Eliza congratulated Twila – with sarcasm. You could tell that she still had some anger and hatred for these people. She was very angry and yelled at Twila and Chris both. Eliza asked for an apology from the both of them. Before giving her an apology, Twila insulted Eliza and attempted to get her back for what Eliza had said to her. She didn’t feel that Eliza deserved the apology, and didn’t give one. Chris, on the other hand, told Eliza that he never meant to stab Eliza in the back when he formed the alliance, but had no choice when the time came.

Julie : Julie began crying before she started talking. Julie informed Twila that her vote would be either for or against Chris, not for Chris or for Twila. Julie was very upset and had two questions for Chris. Chris responded to Julie with his disappointment in what he had done. He was very upset and felt very strongly about this. Julie seemed to be content with his heartfelt apology.

Leann : Leann asked Twila about her thought process in swearing on her son’s life and switching her alliance. Twila said that she did this because she was afraid that Julie would take her final three position in their alliance. Leann then asked Chris why she should change her position from the women’s alliance and vote for Chris.

Ami : Ami didn’t understand why Twila didn’t at least pretend to apologize to Eliza. Ami asked Chris which qualities he believed had gotten him to the final two position that Ami lacked. Chris believed that it was the simple fact that Ami let her heart get into the way of the game, and because of this, she let her guard down. Twila, before answering the question, apologized to Ami and Leann for swearing on her son’s name. Ami didn’t buy that, but asked for Twila’s answer anyway. Twila’s answer was similar to Chris’ – she believed it was because of Ami’s heart.

Chad : Chad asked what the two of them thought had changed them. Twila thought that she needed to change her outspoken attitude toward everyone. Chris believed that he needed to recognize the way that he and Twila looked to the money, while the others looked past that.

Sarge : Sarge clearly stated that he never wanted to see Twila again. He also stated that he would probably be voting for Twila, considering she needed it more. He asked her if the million dollars was worth swearing on the name of her son. Sarge asked if the price tag for swearing on her son was one million dollars. She replied, “No.” Chris was asked if their friendship would be lost if he were to vote for Twila. Chris replied with another “No,” but with a little more explanation than Twila gave.

Scout : Scout had nothing bad to say, nor any questions to ask. She congratulated them on getting thus far, and thanked them for the 38 days she had spent.

They were given one more opportunity to try to influence the Jury.

Twila tried to apologize for how she played the game. She did tell them that it wasn’t the game she intended to play, but the game played her. As a tear came to her eye, she ended her speech.

Chris began to apologize to Scout, Julie, Eliza, Ami, and Leann. He thanked them all.

The Jury would be voting for who they wanted to win o璶e million dollars and the title of Sole Survivor.

We saw a vote for Chris from Sarge and Eliza and a vote for Twila from Scout and Ami.

This is the point which I think is the cruelest. The final two Survivors are punished and have to wait months before they get to find out who wins.

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Post time 6-1-2005 07:46 PM | Show all posts
EPISODE 14 ["The winner of Survivor Vanuatu..."]

Jeff started chopping through plants and hopped into a plane. (Burnett’s getting creative.) Jeff then hopped out of the plane with the votes in his backpack. As he glided down onto the ground, he prepared for a long journey. He jumped on a motorcycle and went to Hollywood. As he entered the building, there was a ton of applause.

He met the group, all cleaned up and ready to see who had won. Whoever had the most votes would be the Sole Survivor and winner of one million dollars.

Vote #1 – Chris
Vote #2 – Chris
Vote #3 – Twila
Vote #4 – Twila
Vote #5 – Chris
Vote #6 – Chris

Chris – the Sole Survivor and winner of one million dollars!! A comeback and a half! Chris ran to hug all of his family members and almost didn’t leave them. The people in his hometown were cheering like crazy!

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Post time 6-1-2005 07:49 PM | Show all posts

Live in Hollywood, the reunion began. Chris was asked if there was some kind of turning point that changed the game around. He believed that it was rightafter Chad had been voted out. Chris was so happy that he couldn’t stop talking.

Julie and Eliza were in the same boat. They had both been lied to a lot by Chris, but voted for him anyway. Eliza said that she wasn’t as angry with Twila as she was during the last few days.

Leann and Ami explained their votes. Scout then explained why she had voted for Twila. Jeff also revealed that the last vote had also been for Chris (5-2).

Chad started to talk about how he thought Chris had played the game best, but Jeff kinda cut him off.

The chatting got a little boring for a bit... Jeff promised to see if anyone had forgiven Twila’s swearing on her son’s name after the next commercial.

Jeff asked why Chris’ many lies were not paid as much attention to as Twila’s lie. Scout didn’t understand why if those people didn’t forgive her. Twila’s son stood up and set the record straight – he was not and is not angry.

In general, the group didn’t feel that Twila was an evil person, but were hurt at the time that those things happened.

Sarge, who said he never wanted to see Twila again, had already forgiven Twila.

After returning from Survivor, Chris had told his fianc

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Post time 6-1-2005 07:52 PM | Show all posts
So, sesaper yg nak baca silakan la.

Yg maleh baca tuh, continue jer la maki NTV7, hopefully diorang tau ramai yg dah maki diorang

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Post time 16-1-2005 06:14 PM | Show all posts
mcm x caye je chris mng..aku ingatkn one of the ladies yg menang...

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Post time 16-1-2005 09:02 PM | Show all posts
Silap pompuan

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Post time 3-2-2005 09:35 AM | Show all posts
tak lama lagi nak start dah .. apa macam dgn Malaysia?

Pemenang Survivor 1 si mat gay tu kena saman sebab tka bayar income tax.

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Post time 10-2-2005 03:43 PM | Show all posts
bila nak tayang yang baru punya siri ek ?

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Post time 10-2-2005 04:26 PM | Show all posts
Kat US start 17 Februari.

Taktau la sini start tayang biler.

NTV7 ambik lagik ker?

:geram: Tidaaakkk... daaakkk... daaakkk...

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Post time 10-2-2005 06:29 PM | Show all posts
tv3@astro tlg le amik survivor ni plak...
benci thp gaban da nak tgk ntv7..

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Post time 10-2-2005 07:05 PM | Show all posts

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