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Author: DearDaisy


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Post time 3-12-2019 12:41 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
DearDaisy replied at 3-12-2019 12:27 PM
Hahahaha I'm not really financially stable la and I tak suka berkawan sgt hmm nanti kemurungan jgk ...

Klo gitu..ko tiru bujang lapok rehearse skrip..ko boh kapas kat tinger

Dia mula tiup trumpetttt jek..buh kapas ti ger..ok?
Bkn apaa..itu mak..dosa dia marah ko biorrrr antara tuhan n dia..paham?

Dlm idup ko nomo satu tuhan pastu nabi..pastu ibu ibu ibu..pastu abah..paham

Biorr dia dia dia maki..dia dosa tu hal dia n tuhan

Keje ko tetapppp amal baik pd orang itu perintah nabi..perintah nabi tu perintah Allah swt gak..paham?

Toksah lawan nnti dedua sakit hati

Nnti dia capek pot pet pot pet..dia senyap...napa stop makkk? Penat yer kikikiki

Biorr dia..yg penting plan ko..whats ur plan..tambah nilai gitu..ari ni ko rasa A besok A plus ujung taun AA...paham

Ko kne paham btui btui..ok

Yg penting is ur reaction..means DIRI ko..interpretasi ko ...andaian ko..kepercayaan ko..MINDA ko terhadap apaaaaa pun selain ko termasuk mak ko


Ur interpretation about life cuma usul dari apa ko aint the truth..bukan so called truth..nooooi..merely tafsiran ko

Napa mak gitu n tak nmpk peyayang cam ibu lain? Bnyk leh cite tapi still bukan kebenaran...tafsiran je..paham?

Buat penat dok cari itu ini alasan pot pet pot pet..ko pi tambah nilai..cari duit..mixing..socialising sesama wanita..cari geng buat duit..lai pekdah k?



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 Author| Post time 3-12-2019 12:44 PM | Show all posts
noor2 replied at 3-12-2019 08:55 AM
"Tapi ibu I ada ckp dia kalau bgn tahajud mmg akan doakan I dpt jodoh and keje tetap"

Betul kaka dia mmg sayangkan I je, semua anak2 ada lebih ada kurang so dia mmg mintak petunjuk dkt Allah selalu lengkapkan kekurangan kami. I mmg nak ikut ckp dia tp kdg2 apa dia ckp tu salah I nak betulkan tak dpt dia terima lalu kami pun bergaduh. Dia suka share msg2 dakwah dr whatsapp semua but if salah kami betulkan dia kata kami menipu. Contohnya I beli boba tea and dia kata tak halal kan kecoh dkt group but I tagged kt fb notis pemberitahuan dr JAKIM semua tu dia tak terima jgk. Dia tetap kata I ni degil mkn hasil haram la dkt luar contohnyaa gelatin babi dan sebagainya, siap kata I jd setan lg. Tak ke geram tu, mcm tu la jgk beli Starbucks ke Coolblog ke adoi mulut tgh hirup straw air ni dia pulak dok maki2 I. Spoil mood I kaka

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Post time 3-12-2019 12:45 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Xtau la nk krg panjang2,  tapi ko dh besa dik,  get out la dr toxic place mcm rumah ko tu.  Bukan org beshe2 je bole sbr dgn mak ko,  kalau ko xnak menambah dosa,  better la ko cri hidup ko sdri

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Post time 3-12-2019 12:45 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
DearDaisy replied at 3-12-2019 11:54 AM
Thank you Menteri. I mmg cuba positifkan diri I. Mmg from diploma and degree ada a few friends yg  ...

Semua benda yang jadi kat minda bawah sedar ni memang  payah nak buang, sebab dah tertanam kemas dalam fikiran, sebab tu broken family produce easily broken kids, tapi dalam2 ramai anak broken mesti ada yang survives, yang survives ni lah yang akan cipta generasi baru, generasi yang jauh lebih baik, orang macam ni dia ada sifat leader, dia tak follow orang ka, follow family ka, follow community dia yang kejam ka, they lead their life on their own ways,

Leader they put high responsiblity on themselves, sebab tu awak boleh nampak ada budak umur 9 tahun dia lead akak dia umur 16 tahun selamba ja dalam famili dia, umur macam nothing ja, dorang pun senang maafkan orang, lepas gaduh dorang akan minta maaf, incase kalau kita tak ada sifat leader memang payah nak maafkan orang, sebab fikiran pendek, leader dia fikir panjang, kalau gaduh berterusan, esok2 mana tau kena kerjasama nak buat sesuatu atau orang yang kita gaduh itu sahaja yang ada kemahiran untuk tolong kita, dah kira rugi untuk masa depan dah,

Maaf kata, biasa orang2 yang bermasalah 24 jam ni, sebab dia suka ikut orang, ikut emosi, ikut keadaan sekeliling, orang marah dia marah, orang okey dia okey, dia gagal cipta emosi mahupun respond yang menguntungkan diri sendiri, terlalu fikir persepsi orang pada dia, seriously memang buang masa dan tenaga, hujung2 guna cara yang sama, jadi result pun sama, dalam hidup ni kalau kita nak lain result, cara pun kena lain, kena tukar,

Harap TT akan lebih menanam sifat leader dalam diri yach, Good Luck TT



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 Author| Post time 3-12-2019 12:45 PM | Show all posts
Edited by DearDaisy at 3-12-2019 12:51 PM
Lentera replied at 3-12-2019 09:06 AM
Teringin lak nk dgr dr your mom's side bout you. Apa pun dik, i know she wants the best for you. Buk ...

Hahahahaha akak I pun dulu freehair and lg lewat pakai tudung dr I and she always went on dating yelah rumah flat semua umat nampak je dr atas anak dara siapa tu naik kereta si polan mana. I tak mcm tu kan I ckp I takde kwn laki or bf so I keluar pun sendiri2 je tp ntah la tetap jgk mulut dia jahat ckp I mcm2.

Im quite a fashionable girl sis, I pakai skinny jeans tu with kemeja laa and tudung loose je, sometimes she said I dlm gambar mcm makcik2 je pakai tudung style gtu patut la org taknak mcm kakjanda, seluar ketat sgt nmpk pant*t tak malu serupa pelacur. Yes she said that. I mmg bkn jenis kecik kurus sis apa I pakai mcm mustahil nak loose tau kecuali la baju kurung. Ntah laa sejak dok rumah saje and keje pun pakai baju kurung I kurang berfesyen. Dulu time study Im very confident ye beli baju ikut fesyen semasa. I rasa I mcm acik2 kepam dah

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Post time 3-12-2019 01:09 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
DearDaisy replied at 3-12-2019 12:44 PM
Betul kaka dia mmg sayangkan I je, semua anak2 ada lebih ada kurang so dia mmg mintak petunjuk dkt ...

Adik tunggu umur adik 30 ke atas atau dah kawin beranak pinak. ...mak tu akan jauh adik rasa lebih sygkan adik nanti. ..

Mcm mak kaka lah ni...ikan keli beli langsung dia x nak makan dan sardin tin sebab dulu ada kisah ikan bela orang bg isi perut babi. ..haha. ..lawak mak tu..

Kaka doakan dik tt dan mak akan mesra dan rapat satu masa nanti dan dipanjangkan umur boleh hidup sampai ke tua ...amin...makin lama hubungan kita satu family akan makin utuh dan rapat. ..amin

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Post time 3-12-2019 01:38 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
takpe dik niat adik bagus dah tu nak berbaik2 dengan ibu dan jaga family.. kadang benda baik tu akan datang dengan ujian dan cabaran tersendiri.. adik kena cekalkan hati dan terus bersabar.. cuba adik terima ibu adik seadanya seperti adik beradik yg lain.. mungkin itu akan membaiki hubungan adik dengan ibu..

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Post time 3-12-2019 01:59 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
2nd child memang special. Dia lah racun dia lah madu. Perangai memang keras kepala sikit. Tp insyaAllah paling boleh diharap. TT cari la bf. Ur soulmate. Kahwin laa. Didik anak nnt dengan kasih sayang. Bina hidup baru. Dalam masa yg sama, jgn abaikan ibu TT.

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Post time 3-12-2019 02:18 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
DearDaisy replied at 3-12-2019 04:38 AM
Insha allah thank you atas nasihat you. I cuba cari kekuatan utk improve diri I jd lebih baik. I p ...

best of luck.. lepas ni jgn pikir negative je nape mak gitu gini terima je mak macam tu. N doakan mak selalu. Standardla manala anak n mak x bergaduh.. tp TT tryla jgn biadap dgn mak ok. Diam je dlm masa sama susun life and lead life as u want. Be bold and adventures sikit.. TT muda lagi tu. Twist mind to something else how nak upgrade life.. so nnt xlah pikir je hal mak ni. Just bagi keperluan kat dia.. bagi duit lebih lama lama akan slow down. Dia syg ke tak ke.. sukati janji u jaga mak.

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 Author| Post time 3-12-2019 02:31 PM | Show all posts
noor2 replied at 3-12-2019 09:23 AM
Betul sangat...kalau baca cerita tt. ..dia dari kecik mmg degil. ..dah besar rambut pun kaler. . ...

Iye I degil tp 10 thn lepas bdk free hair mmg ramai sis, I colored rambut bila diploma which is 18 above, kira legal jgk kn hehe. Clubbing sekali dua je sbb birthday party kwn buat dkt club pun legal age dah. Never smoke takde bf sis, I ok lerr dr remaja sebaya I lain mostly berdating dkt tangga flat and pregnant pulak, terus kawen stop study. I takde kwn pun dkt flat tu sbb I sekolah jauh kan I ckp, bkn sekolah harian biasa dkt2 rumah I.

Tapi I ada sorang kwn yg mcm I jgk tp mak dia very sporting even pernah dtg rumah sedara dia berpurdah ye anak beranak and I dgn kwn I tu masih lg jahil I pun ckp la malu la aunty kiteorg pakai mcm ni, tp aunty mak I punya kwn ckp cmni. Takpe kau punya pemakaian mcm mana asalkan kita beradab dan tahu hormat org. So kiteorg salam mcm biasa makcik2 bertudung labuh tu. Kwn I mcm biasa je bergurau mesra dgn makcik2 dia even kwn I tu rambut merah dan tindik hidung lg. Kalau I la kan ibu I mmg dah suruh balik dah takpun tinggal I tepi jln kot.

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Post time 3-12-2019 02:51 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
DearDaisy replied at 3-12-2019 02:20 AM
hahaha I kena kutuk la you ntah la mmg toxic pun kwn2 camtu.

U know people like you said are actually only tough on the weak personality?

Dorang tu sebenarnya ada masalah insecure..

Mmg ada org yg dia ada everything in life tp tetap lah ada rasa unhappy tu..


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Post time 3-12-2019 02:55 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
DearDaisy replied at 3-12-2019 02:31 PM
Iye I degil tp 10 thn lepas bdk free hair mmg ramai sis, I colored rambut bila diploma which is 18 ...

Mungkin mak kawan dik tt tu urban. ..cara hidup dia pun mungkin macam tu...tapi tidak mak tt....

Yang penting kita dapat mak yang bertanggungjawab. ...kira mak tt bertanggungjawab terhadap semua anak2nya. ...mak yang abaikan anak. .X tegur anak. .X didik anak adalah mak yang x bertanggungjawab. ...kira mak tt ambil berat semua hal.anak2nya....sebab tu dia tegur ..dia marah. ..cuma cara dia tegur tu adalah cara dia. ..mungkin latar belakang pendidikan mak kita juga membuatkan cara didikan pada anak2 tu x sama dengan lain2 mak orang. ..

Mcm bapak kaka dulu ..dia bagi amaran pada anak2nya ayat gini " korang conteng muka mak abah cth termengandung ka apa abah sanggup jadi pembunuh masuk penjara....aku bukan macam bapak2 orang lain yang biarkan anak conteng arang muka mak bapak" ingat kata2 aku ni".....haaaa kaka bawak ayat abah kaka ni sampai mati ko tau dik tt.....kecut perut kita orang tau....

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 Author| Post time 3-12-2019 02:56 PM | Show all posts
pinksarah replied at 3-12-2019 02:51 PM
U know people like you said are actually only tough on the weak personality?

Dorang tu sebenarn ...

Iye the most naughty among them mmg end up jd housewife je, study diploma tak habis and keje beranak je memanjang. I taknak jd mcm dorang tau, do not settle for less. But sampai skrg, she and her circle friends tu still mcm dulu, this year masing2 berlawan kawen and have the most expensive grand wedding, MUA bkn beshe2 also, I tak pegi pun dorang kawen

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Post time 3-12-2019 03:03 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kau ni pelacur!! Berambus la kau cepat..Kata ibu tt
And ibu tt sambung dgn ayat, ibu mana xsygkn anak kasih ibu sampai ke syurga

Sorry, ibu tongong ni
Caci maki lahanat seranah ibu adalah sumpah dia sndiri kat anak dia

Ur mom merely a toxic person. Xlayak beranak pun. Bnyk lagi cara nak didik anak and opkos akan ade anak rebel mcm tt. I speku tt anak no 2.

Ramai ibu2 yang didik anak dia bukan mcm askar, xkasar, xmenyumpah2, tapi baik, lembut dan sporting endup anak2 dia sgt ok dan behave siap keje bagus2 lagi

I rasa ur mom teringin nak masuk rumah org tua2
Mlm ni kite video call i pn dh beli tisu sekotak

Lepastu kite hantar beliau kat rumah org tua2 sama2 ok?

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Post time 3-12-2019 03:05 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
DearDaisy replied at 3-12-2019 06:56 AM
Iye the most naughty among them mmg end up jd housewife je, study diploma tak habis and keje beran ...

Let them be..

U have a lot on your plate already..

Focus on loving yourself before anyone else..

But i strongly believe that if you and your mom on a break for a while, could strike some new least for both of you..

I know its not easy..your mom dh bertahun mcm tu..kita pon sebagai anak x boleh memilih siapa parents kita..kan?

Ini bahagian you, dugaan you handle your mom..

I know you are a good daughter, benda2 rebel you cerita tu biasa la..budak mana x rebel?


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 Author| Post time 3-12-2019 03:29 PM | Show all posts
Victorioussss replied at 3-12-2019 03:03 PM
Kau ni pelacur!! Berambus la kau cepat..Kata ibu tt
And ibu tt sambung dgn ayat, ibu mana xsygkn an ...

I hati batu, keras kepala jgk, sometimes I tak endahkan apa dia carut dkt I tp menipu la I tak sentap you, mmg darah panas mengalir naik kepala nak marah. I ada 1001 sebab nak lawan balik tp if I dpt bersabar kdg2 tu I mentioned je 'jaga mulut tu ibu, perkataan tu elok sikit, kalau takde benda elok yg nak dikata takyah ckp pape!' Ala2 if you dont have anything nice to say, dont say anything at all versi dah ditranslate bm.
I dgn my sis open up je psl ni tp my sister cuma bg nasihat basic jelah sabar jelah kau tau jelah ibu tu kan camtu. habis kita mampu buat mcm mana. Ibu I ada BP quite tinggi with high dose she intake daily, tapi dia tetap suka marah2 mmg boleh nampak muka dia merah je lepastu, mostly psl adik I pun sama jgk dia liat nak solat, dgn I kdg2 jelah gaduh mcm mlm haritu tp affected me a lot.

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Post time 3-12-2019 03:31 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Mak i pn garang...ayah i pun lg garang...rasanya mmg mak n ayah dulu2 ienis garang bila i remaja kalau tkde wat benda yg melampaui batas dh kurang kena cubit or rotan ..kena membebel je...time2 bdk2 ya i kena rotan n cubit kt paha smpi biru..skrg anak i lak kena rotan kalau wat rotan kat kaki je lah sekali tu..bknnya bertubi2 i rotan...mak i smpai skrg suka membebel entah apa2 tapi sbggai anak..i diam je...selalu je i blk kg jengok dia...selagi mak ada i akan jengok n doakan selalu tuk dia..n nak dia happy selalu..i abaikan je sikap negatif dia....walau ada perangai mai yg tk sesuai ngan i tau dia selalu doakan yg baik2 tuk anak2nya n cucunya...termasuklah i...jd tt...teruslah berbakti pd mak u...jgn duk fikir apa yg pernah dia buat...janji kita laksanakan tgjwb kita sebagai anak dgn baik sekali.....

Semoga mak i sentiasa sihat...rindu lak kt mak.....nanti cuti hrp dpt balik kg....huhu

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Post time 3-12-2019 03:36 PM | Show all posts
kadang kadang kita ni tak bole compare mak orang
mak orang nampak jer perfect tapi kat rumah anak yang mengadap mak tu sendiri mau ingat

macam mak aku
kawan kawan aku suka naw dengan mak aku
mak aku sporting, mak aku itu ini wah wah
tapi dengan aku ermmmm ko ADO
tak dapet den tolonnnn

aku anggap mak aku memang mak laa
dah tugas dan tanggungjawab mak tu membebel, melabel, sesuka hati mak aku
so aku rasa mak aku dah jalankan tanggungjawab mak dengan baik nak aku jadi bagus, baik perfect tak huru hara

itupunnn aku dah beranak pinak dah jadi bini orang, mak orang
mak aku still kata itu still kata ini
well mak is mak
tak bole laa nak ajor apa mak patut cakap, apa mak patut jadi

cerita ko ni TT, adalah lebih kurang macam cerita aku
tapi beza ko dengan aku ialah aku bodek mak aku 24 jam kot
semua kerja rumah mak aku, aku TAPAU, wei mak aku goyang kaki jugak wei

buat kerja kerja rumahtangga mak aku sampai siap dengar luahan rintihan mak aku tak puas hati kat BAPAK aku yakni suami dia..
tapi as a anak, aku tengok bapak aku tu OK jer menjalankan tanggungjawab pun

mungkin aku, adik beradik dan mak aku kurang kasih sayang ayah aku
mak aku kurang kasih sayang suami dia
ayah aku sejenis hardworking dan tak reti nak tunjukkan kasih sayang nya waima nak bimbing agama pun tak DONIAWI jer

sorry yer aku bukan nak banned AYAH ko TT
setiap family kalau Mak/Isteri dia kuat bebel carik pasal dengan anak
Kita Anak anak memang tak de masalah dengan AYAH
tapi IBU kita kurang dapat TOUCH daripada seorang SUAMI

so ko carikkkan mak ko sorang suami bahahaha aku gurau jerrr



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 Author| Post time 3-12-2019 03:47 PM | Show all posts
Just came into my mail, definitely perfect time! I really need this, and maybe you too

Credit to my idol, Aida Azlin

Dear you,

Thank you for trying your best today.
I know how hard it must be, trying to make sense of it all, especially when time is scurrying past you, and every day you get further and further away from where you actually want to be. But you pulled yourself out from hebetude, and you showed up. Even at 8 pm when it was much easier to throw in the towel and say "day's gone anyway", you got up, splashed some water on your face, and you got down to work. So yes, thank you for trying your best today.

Thank you for being your own friend today.
You spend a lot of time on your own. Some nights it gets so quiet and unbearably lonely that you cry yourself to sleep. But within this gentle lull of silence, you realised that you now get to hear your own voice. A voice that has been so desperate to reach out, but have been drowned by the noises and clutter of this world. At first, you resisted and fought against it. But one by one, He sent everyone away so that you could be with the only company you need. And with His grace, you started giving yourself the chance to get to know the only person who will ever be with you in every painful, beautiful, nerve-wrecking, bewildering phases of your life. You also will soon realise how dandy you actually are, but you will also acknowledge the human-ness of your own being: that sometimes you mess up and have no idea what in the heavens you are actually doing with your life. But that's cool - because now you have you. You are your own advocate and you are your own cheerleader and when your roots are deep, there is no reason to fear the wind. So thank you for anchoring yourself, and for being your own friend today.  

Thank you for forgiving today.
There was once you asked, "when will all this pain end?" The hurt swallowed you up like a reckless fire savouring a helpless piece of wood. Today you finally realised the answer; that you choose when the pain ends.  While it is easier said than done, you still know in your heart of hearts that you can never heal and move forward if you don't make the decision today to forgive and let go. So thank you for forgiving today - you forgive not because you condone the act or the behaviour, but you forgive so that you stop destroying your own heart.

Thank you for choosing gratitude today.
It is so easy to play the victim and blame everyone and everything when nothing is going your way. It's even easier to compare and complain. But "grass will always be greener where you water it", and you've realised that where you focus your energy on, grows. Which is why you've been counting your blessings - big, tiny, small, epic - all of them, regardless the "size". And this powerful act has changed your world. So thank you for not waiting for "joy" to happen before you choose to be grateful. Thank you for choosing gratitude so that it makes you joyful instead. <3

Thank you for speaking to Him today.
I will leave the conversations you have with Him private, as it should always be, but thank you, for spending a bit of time with the One who loves you most. If you only know how much He misses you when you drift away and get too busy to have these on-on-one conversations with Him. So please don't go too far and chase the mirage of this temporary world and forsake your forever, ok?

Thank you for doing the heartwork today.
The path back to Him is a wonderful one, but some days you can falter and lose your bearings and directions. Not every day will you feel a spiritual connection, let alone a high. Missed prayers, times wasted, bad company - it's a struggle. But heart work is hard work and for every good intention, humble attempt, and sincere seeking of Him, Allah will guide, send help, and reward. Just remember that there is always sweetness in the struggle, so keep striving just like you did today, will you?

Most of all, thank you for choosing you today.
Thank you for getting up today, and choosing to live. Thank you for seizing this temporary gift of life that Allah has bestowed onto you to do something good. Thank you for choosing growth over grief, hope over despair, and trust over contempt. You've been such a warrior because of all the fighting you've done against yourself, but you now know that it's time to finally be your own ally, and I can't wait to see how much your life will completely transform now that you've started choosing yourself. So thank you.


My dear, it is my own fault that I don't say this enough, but again, from the bottom of my heart, thank you, dear self. I promise to take better care of you and to work hard with you to be on His path, till the day we finally get to return to Him. Amin.

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 Author| Post time 3-12-2019 03:51 PM | Show all posts
MenteriWanita replied at 3-12-2019 12:45 PM
Semua benda yang jadi kat minda bawah sedar ni memang  payah nak buang, sebab dah tertanam kemas d ...

Will trying to do that Menteri, I pernah baca somewhere regarding parents mcm I ni and it really hits me sbb I rasa reflected myself.
'Kita tak boleh pilih siapa parents kita tapi kita boleh pilih cara kita layan mereka'


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