That Man Book 198 Pieces @ Heartbreak Library - Lee Dong Wook & Eugene
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ok gambar esok k... streamyx slow giler malam ni... |
dah lama x tgk ldw blakon  |
Reply #1 yna@arabella's post
wow.. teruja dgn heronya  |
Originally posted by limau at 19-9-2008 03:04 PM 
drama ke filem?
filem.. coming soon in october |
isk...aku 'alergik' ngan cite2 berunsur percintaan kedai buku,library dan buku nih...  |
lambat nye nak tayang
nk tungu mai msia lg la |
Reply #49 Madhuri's post
cantiknya gambar2 yg diamik... lovely shoot... |
The Man Book 198 Pieces juga dikenali sbg Heartbreak Library...
Geram lak tgk muka LDW ni...
World Premiere of "Heartbreak Library" will take place on October 3rd at PIFF  |
credit sassygirl17 from soompi
src: Hankooki

Lee Dong Wook & Eugene at "heartbreak library" outdoor movie greeting on the 3rd day of PIFF, ie 4th of October.
credit - empas and yahoo korea and posted by maya@kal and issa from soompi

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