ini one of the reviews -

Yen抯 kung fu style is a thrill to watch.
FANS of Donnie Yen will have a field day with this movie. It showcases his brilliant martial arts moves |
citer nie best betul lah... meera suka!!  |
Donnie Yen ni memang salah seorang pelakon kung fu yang aku suka..
aku dah tengok rabu lepas.. pegi dengan high expectation.. nasib tak kecewa... memang puas hati.. Donnie yen memang layak watak nih... fight scene memang kemas... byk fight scene plak tuh... Jeneral Jepun tu pun senang2 kena belasah.. tapi kalau buat jepun tu susah kalah pun best gak... |
Reply #1 dexa's post
Mmg betul2 best ker ceta ni? I ni salah seorg peminat ceta2 kungfu esp Donnine Yen.. body dia canteek sekali kdg2 tuh ntah sapa2 hero pun I tak tahu, asal bole layan jadiklah..nantilah nak tgk tunggu timing semua org kat rumah ni free. |
Reply #46 Sasha's post
ada adegan yg tak elok ker? ganas2 ? or ada babak asmara..?
adegan tak elok?? define 'tak elok'... lol -
kalau tarik2 rambut semua tu.. memang ak ada...
ganas2..?? babak asmara??
cerita ni 99.9% babak asmaradana ---
hmmmm.....errrr... mungkin sasha tak boleh tengok ni.... gs -
cerita ni... very moving -
lepas tengok aje... mesti rasa macam debar2 aje...
macam... best sangat -
ha - |
wow!...this movie is great
makin jatuh cinta lak dgn donnie yen neh
awesome fight scene....good plot... the comedy also funny
kat Malaysia ni mana ek ada kelas WING CHUN neh
nak blaja ler  |
Originally posted by kselamat81 at 28-12-2008 12:23 AM 
wow!...this movie is great
makin jatuh cinta lak dgn donnie yen neh
awesome fight scene....good plot... the comedy also funny
kat Malaysia ni mana ek ada kelas WING CHUN neh
nak blaja ...
ingat kan orang pompuan aje yang jatuh cinta dengan donnie
orang lelaki macam mat81 pun jatuh cinta gak dengan dia -...
tak tahu la pula ada ke tidak kelas wing chun kat malaysia -
masuk karate biasa pun okay gak... banyak kat malaysia ni
ada kat kl juga... mat81 kat s alam kan... ada kat sana juga - |
Reply #51 Sasha's post
maksud I adegan tak elok tuh utk tontonan anak2 kalo hanya sesuai utk parents kena lah I tinggalkan bebudak tuh..hehhe tapi tak sampai hati pulak tgk berdua jer dorg tak ikut... selalunya kalau tgk wayang, I carik cerita yg bole ditonton oleh Umum..bole angkut semua org takpelah nanti bincang2 dgn hb.
kalau anak dah over 16.. depa boleh appreciate
donnie yen's martial arts... or any martial arts -
tapi kalau umur 6 tahun tu.. kecil lagi - lagi pun ada gak
macam scene yang anak2 tak patut tengok (kejam sikit) -
overall.. rasa okay aje... budak tengok - pada saya la -
ajak anak tengok beverly hills chihuahua.. yang ni memang best -
atau... bedtime stories pun okay juga - |
Reply #50 Naru's post
btw, Dexa.. thank u... Insyallah kita pun akan tengok ceta ni... Dah lama gak tak tengok movie kung fu ni - selain ceta hantu cina yg lompat2 tu, hehehe... dedulu suka tengok
..ah... naru!! - lama tak nampak awak...
ingatkan pergi buru 'buaya' tak balik2 lagi -
ha - kena tengok lah IP man ni -
buaya buaya juga..... martial arts jangan lufe - eh -
saya nak tengok martial arts thai juga nanti --
nampak macam best saje -- |
Sasha - rasanya IP Man ni 18SG kan? x sesuai la kot bwk budak2...xde la babak asmaradana sangat kot tp fight scene tu ada aku rasa ganas sangat utk bebudak... *sampai skang aku terbayang Ip Man pegi 'mengkaki tiga'kan kaki askar jepun tuh*
Pegi la tengok!~ Boleh berdiskusi disini~ Aku rasa mcm nak tgk lagi je...
Oh..yg psl sequel Ip Man neh ada aku tepek link kt depan...Yahoo News punya.
Originally posted by sekngucing at 29-12-2008 09:28 AM 
muay thai ke?
ong bak2.... macam best aje -
saya memang nak tengok cerita tu ---
Reply #56 fa_stellar's post
saya teasing sasha aje.. cakap pasal IP Man ada
99.9% asmaradana....
tak ada nya.. cerita martial arts nak berasmaradana semua -
kalau nak tengok asmaradana.. kena tengok endless love
yang brooke shields tu la.. -
ah... tak sabar nak tengok IP Man sequel..
mesti best... ada bruce lee la tu --- |
Reply #59 dexa's post
Ni hari nampak news ni kat Yahoo Insider bile on YM..hehe
Director eyes pop singer to star as Bruce Lee
By MIN LEE,AP Entertainment Writer AP - Tuesday, December 23
HONGKONG - He lists Jet Li as one of his idols, penned a song called"Nunchucks" and his most recent movie is called "Kung Fu Dunk." Nowhe's in the running to star as the ultimate martial arts icon _ BruceLee.
Hong Kong director Wilson Yip said Monday he's considering Taiwanesepop sensation Jay Chou for the role of Lee in the sequel to hisrecently released film "Ip Man," a biography of Lee's kung fu master.
Also in his sights to star as the king of kung fu cinema is another singer-turned-actor, Hong Kong's Aaron Kwok.
"AaronKwok will bring his unique qualities to the role of Bruce Lee. Jay Chouwill bring his unique qualities. I will prepare a different script foreach actor and see who is interested," Yip told The Associated Press.
He said Hong Kong actor Donnie Yen will reprise his role as the title character, Ip Man.
"IpMan" is based on the life of the legendary master of wing chun _ a kungfu style that traces its roots to a monk from the famed Shaolin Temple.
Thefilm ends with Ip's move from his southern Chinese hometown of Foshanto neighboring Hong Kong to escape the Communist takeover of themainland. It was in Hong Kong where Ip met 13-year-old Lee and took himunder his wing.
Yip said the follow-up film will focus on Ip's relationship with his most famous disciple.
PollyChan, a publicist for Hong Kong's Mandarin Films Ltd., confirmed thatthe company has plans to make a sequel but the final decision dependson the box office results for the original.
"Ip Man" took inabout 30 million Chinese yuan ($4.4 million) on its opening weekendDec. 12 in China, a solid performance in a country where a movie thatmakes 100 million yuan ($15 million) is considered a hit.
Lee,who died in Hong Kong in 1973 at age 32 from swelling of the brain, wasborn in San Francisco but grew up in Hong Kong, where he launched hisbig screen career as an international martial arts superstar. Hiscredits include "The Chinese Connection," "Enter the Dragon" and"Return of the Dragon."
Kalau aku cakap dedua Jay Chou & Aaron Kwok x best utk role Bruce Lee ble x? Hehehe... aku suka Jay Chou..tp aku rasa mcm x brape sesuai die jd Bruce Lee.
[ Last edited by fa_stellar at 29-12-2008 10:47 PM ] |
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