hafieza posted on 10-9-2013 03:07 AM 
citer ni bukn ending smpai situ je..
ade sambungan..
hurmm..tu laaa...
kalau ending nye gitu slalu mesti ade sambungan...
so..menunggu lagiiiii... 
Aisyazurina posted on 27-8-2013 11:29 AM 
kat aner download... share la.. pm me please
Torrent sayam..hehehe...
fly_in_d_sky posted on 7-9-2013 11:10 PM 
kat movie, hodge yang cerita
tapi dalam buku, hodge tak terangkan sangat
valentine yang explain ...
sbb hari tu saje jalan2 gugel psl Magnus Bane jumpe plak artikel ni
Godfrey Gao reprises role as Magnus Bane
20 Mar – The ever-so busy model-actorGodfrey Gao revealed that he is flying to South Korea and Hollywoodthis year for his upcoming movie projects. As reported on Mingpao, while speaking to the media at the launch of anSK-II concept store with actress Angelica Lee recently, the actorrevealed that he will begin filming a China-Korea co-production inApril – a romantic movie which also stars a veteran Korean actress,whose identity has yet to be announced.
"I am looking forward to work in the film," said Godfrey. "Since I willbe speaking Chinese while she talks in Korean language, I am sure itwill be quite funny."
The Taiwanese-Canadian star also revealed that he will be flying to theUS after filming concludes, to begin the sequel to last year's "TheMortal Instrument: City of Bones".
Aside from reprising his role as Magnus Bane for the second instalment,"The Mortal Instrument: City of Ashes", the actor also revealed that hehas received other offers from other Hollywood production, andexpressed his hopes to be able to be involved in as many as them.
me sempat kenal magnus bane pas baca buku sequel mortal instrument clockwork prince tu. heols nih dlm buku tu erm biseksual ekceli. yg menarik tuh pasal die ngaku mak die peranakan malaysia
“I’m half Indonesian, because my momis Peranakan Malaysian And my dad is Shanghainese - Soo hopefully thefans will like me playing Magnus
nih gmbr snippets magnus bane dlm mortal instruments no 2 karang

annehuda posted on 25-4-2014 09:33 AM 
sbb hari tu saje j ...
aaaa ada sambungan!
yes yes ... me dah habis baca the mortal instruments
OMG ... hubungan Magnus Bane and Alex sungguh la aummm
jeles-jeles lagi ...
buku ke 6 belum beli lagi
tunggu yang murahnya
hehehehe .... yang kat MPH RM 42.90
oh yer baru cek kat wikipedia
ermmm city of heavenly fire last book
oh yes ... !!!
fly_in_d_sky posted on 25-4-2014 02:31 PM 
aaaa ada sambungan!
yes yes ... me dah habis baca the mortal instruments
OMG ... hubungan Magnus ...
alex ke alec lightwood? 
annehuda posted on 25-4-2014 02:54 PM 
alex ke alec lightwood?
alexander ... alec tu nama glamour jer
oh yer dalam mortal instruments part 3 and part 4 rasanya ada
mention herondale ke siapa entah
ex gf dia immortal ... and "bangun" untuk lawan dengan siapa entah
alamak dah tak ingat
sebab terlalu banyak input ...
fly_in_d_sky posted on 25-4-2014 03:09 PM 
alexander ... alec tu nama glamour jer
oh yer dalam mortal instruments part 3 and part 4 rasanya ...
me rasa cassandra clare ni mcm tak reti nk cast pelakon la. sbb ms sape ntah dpt watak Jace tu rs mcm alahai, sendunye... me mmg membayangkan alex pettyfer as jace tau. Lily collins tu pun me rasa mcm cantik sgt, dlm buku Clary tu digambarkn as gadis2 biasa je. patut cassandra clare tu kalau nak wat casting buatla open casting ke ape ke...
annehuda posted on 25-4-2014 03:18 PM 
me rasa cassandra clare ni mcm tak reti nk cast pelakon la. sbb ms sape ntah dpt watak Jace tu rs ...
ler makcik cassandra ke yang pick cast?
i ingat orang lain maybe dia nak cepat
tak sabar nak jadikan into movie ...
so dia grab mana yang dia rasa sesuai
annehuda posted on 25-4-2014 03:52 PM 
sbb yg godfrey gao ni pun makcik cassandra tu yg dok email nk lamar jadi magnus bane. hari tu masa ...
i dont mind the actor for magnus bane
but i totally mind the actor and actress for jace and clarissa
totally tak kena
and plot cerita .... sungguh jauh
sedih and keciwa hati ini ...
Nape aku baru taw cite ni..bg aku cite nk best..hensem je jace tuh.. Next week masuk kerja nak download cite ni.. Sbb tgk masa tgh.. |
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