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Author: Rhyno

86th Oscar

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Post time 23-1-2014 04:35 PM | Show all posts
dauswq posted on 23-1-2014 04:23 PM
cer tgk kt laman download torrent kalau adelah...

tq ya mod

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Post time 27-1-2014 04:49 PM | Show all posts
dauswq posted on 23-1-2014 04:09 PM
riza aziz kena tendang keluar dr pencalonan oscar..

so automatik msian belum pernah lagi tercal ...

xphm la oscar ni
bkn la nak bekap riza tu
tp ye la, klu xde yg kuarkn bajet, sungguh pun mmg itu je sumbngnnye,
mn mungkin sesebuah filem tu siap & dpt ditonton di pwgm

igtkn oscar kontroversi psl perjlnan majlis die jek
rupanya senarai calon pun sama


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Post time 27-1-2014 05:00 PM | Show all posts
supernaturalee posted on 27-1-2014 04:49 PM
xphm la oscar ni
bkn la nak bekap riza tu
tp ye la, klu xde yg kuarkn bajet, sungguh pun mmg itu ...

ape yg kontroversi ngan perjalanan oscar tu?


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Post time 27-1-2014 05:06 PM | Show all posts
annehuda posted on 27-1-2014 05:00 PM
ape yg kontroversi ngan perjalanan oscar tu?

ade dlm thn bile, tetibe naik stage berbogel

pastu komplen psl pengacara xbest
mcm thn yg chris rock dgn anne hathaway+james franco

bnyk lg la, cer tgk kt wiki ke utube ke


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Post time 28-1-2014 12:21 AM | Show all posts
supernaturalee posted on 27-1-2014 04:49 PM
xphm la oscar ni
bkn la nak bekap riza tu
tp ye la, klu xde yg kuarkn bajet, sungguh pun mmg itu ...

oh gtuh...ade gak kes mcm tu...

mungkin oscar ni nak peranan producer lebih details kot...not just financing as share member..
nnt otai2 producer yg just financing ni komplen plak kenapa dulu oscar tak letak nama diorg as creditor....
jadi sblm terlambat, baik diorg ubah dulu wlpn nmpk silap di awal pengumuman hari tu...


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Post time 28-1-2014 11:51 AM | Show all posts
oscar kali ni ade persembhn utk lagu terbaik tak?

klu perform, utk lagu let it go, idina menzel ke demi lovato yg akn nyanyi

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Post time 5-2-2014 01:43 PM | Show all posts
kontroversy uols
calon oscar digugurkan drpd pencalonan

Academy Disqualifies Oscar-Nominated Song 'Alone Yet Not Alone'
3:43 PM PST 1/29/2014 by Scott Feinberg

UPDATED: Bruce Broughton, the writer of the disqualified song, tells THR, "I'm devastated. I indulged in the simplest grassroots campaign and it went against me when the song started getting attention."
Alone Yet Not Alone Still - H 2014
Anya/Enthuse Entertainment

"Alone Yet Not Alone"? More like nominated yet not nominated.
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In a move with few precedents in the 86-year history of the Academy Awards, the board of governors of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has decided to disqualify an Oscar nominee prior to the Oscars ceremony itself. "Alone Yet Not Alone," a little-heard tune from a little-seen film of the same name, will not appear on Oscar ballots when the final round of voting begins on Feb. 14. And the Academy will not announce a replacement nominee.

The Academy's board of governors met on Tuesday evening to investigate allegations that have been levied against the surprising nominee since Oscar nominations were announced on Jan. 16. The board eventually concluded that the song's nominated writer, Bruce Broughton, a former governor and current music branch executive committee member, "had emailed [some of the other 239] members of the branch to make them aware of his submission during the nominations voting period," the Academy said in a statement Wednesday.

EARLIER: 'Alone Yet Not Alone' Singer Dismisses Critics of Surprise Nomination

Broughton, who was nominated for the best original score Oscar for Silverado 28 years ago and served on the Academy's board from 2003-12, shared his nomination with the lyricist Dennis Spiegel. Their hymnal song is featured in an independently produced faith-based feature about 18th century colonists struggling to survive in the Ohio Valley. It was performed in the film by Joni Eareckson Tada, a prominent, quadriplegic Evangelical minister.

Moments after the announcement was made, Broughton said in a statement to THR: "I'm devastated. I indulged in the simplest grassroots campaign and it went against me when the song started getting attention. I got taken down by competition that had months of promotion and advertising behind them. I simply asked people to find the song and consider it."

"No matter how well-intentioned the communication, using one's position as a former governor and current executive committee member to personally promote one's own Oscar submission creates the appearance of an unfair advantage," said Cheryl Boone Isaacs, the Academy president.

According to the Academy statement, "The board determined that Broughton’s actions were inconsistent with the Academy's promotional regulations, which provide, among other terms, that 'it is the Academy's goal to ensure that the awards competition is conducted in a fair and ethical manner. If any campaign activity is determined by the board of governors to work in opposition to that goal, whether or not anticipated by these regulations, the board of governors may take any corrective actions or assess any penalties that in its discretion it deems necessary to protect the reputation and integrity of the awards process.'"

Only a handful of nominations or wins have been revoked throughout Oscar history.

The very first Oscar nominations produced four mentions for Charlie Chaplin for his film The Circus (1928) -- for best production, best director of a comedy picture, best actor and best writing (original story) -- but, perhaps fearing a sweep that would make the debut ceremony unexciting, the Academy decided to take him out of the running and award him an honorary Oscar instead, "For versatility and genius in acting, writing, directing and producing The Circus."

Subsequently, the short subject (comedy) nomination for Stout Hearts and Willing Hands (1931) was revoked and replaced with one for another RKO Radio short, Scratch-As-Catch-Can, without any documentation as to why. Dive Bomber (1942), a nominee for best effects (special effects), was replaced by The Sea Wolf on the Oscar ballot; history has recorded no explanation for this substitution. A best writing (motion picture story) nomination for Hondo (1953) was revoked after it was determined that it was not an original work; a replacement nominee was not announced. The nomination for a Bowery Boys comedy that was mistaken for a musical that shared its title, High Society (1956), was removed from the Oscar ballot at the request of the former film's nominees, who acknowledged that their nomination was clearly the result of voter confusion. And, that same year, the screenwriter Michael Wilson was nominated for best adapted screenplay for Friendly Persuasion, but Wilson, as a result of being blacklisted, did not receive screen credit for his work and, thanks to a special Academy by-law in place at the time, precluded the Academy from recognizing him, as well. (The by-law was declared unworkable and abolished in 1959.)

The best original dramatic score nomination for The Godfather (1972) was revoked by the Academy prior to the Oscars when it was determined that it featured portions of Nino Rota's earlier composition for another film, Fortunella (1958); it was replaced on the ballot by the score for Sleuth. A Place in the World (1992), Uruguay's entry for the best foreign language film Oscar, was nominated by the Academy but subsequently deemed ineligible and taken off of the ballot because Uruguay was found to have had less to do with its creation than Argentina. And Tuba Atlantic, after being nominated for and losing the best live-action short Oscar, was subsequently disqualified after it was revealed that it had aired on Norwegian television prior to the Oscar ceremony.

The only film or individual to be disqualified after winning an Oscar, as far as THR has been able to determine, was Young Americans (1967), which won the best documentary feature Oscar but less than a month later was stripped of its win when it was revealed that the film had screened the prior year. The first runner-up, Journey Into Self, was awarded the win the next day.

The remaining four nominees for the best original song Oscar at the 86th Academy Awards are "Happy" from Despicable Me 2, "Let It Go" from Frozen, "The Moon Song" from Her and "Ordinary Love" from Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom.

Multiple people associated with some of the other 70 songs that made this year's best original song Oscar shortlist but were not nominated on Jan. 16 have expressed great frustration to THR about the Academy's decision not to elevate another song to the status of a nominee, citing the aforementioned instances in which replacements were named and noting that ballots have not yet been printed and mailed to voters, most of whom now vote online anyway.

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Post time 5-2-2014 01:47 PM | Show all posts
main2 dgn oscar

anugerah di m'sia rsnya xpnh lg bila top 5 diumumkan lps tu digugurkan

so lps ni, calon2 anugerah di m'sia nk kene siasat btl2
utk jaga prestij mcm oscar ni

(OT jap, di grammy, miley cyrus pnh digugurkan top 5 utk lagu the climb)


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Post time 6-2-2014 06:56 PM | Show all posts
supernaturalee posted on 5-2-2014 01:47 PM
main2 dgn oscar

anugerah di m'sia rsnya xpnh lg bila top 5 diumumkan lps tu digugurkan

msia ni kalau boleh nak cukupkan jugak top 5 wlpn ade filem yg tak layak..
why not instead of 5 make it 3 or 2? ataupun gugurkan pemberian anugerah utk taun tu...
cth: calon best actress fam taun lepas, aku rase mcm tak de sorg yg outstanding...

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Post time 6-2-2014 06:58 PM | Show all posts
supernaturalee posted on 5-2-2014 01:47 PM
main2 dgn oscar

anugerah di m'sia rsnya xpnh lg bila top 5 diumumkan lps tu digugurkan

setakat ni aku rasa lah aim ade buat mcm kes yg dinyatakan tu..
dh umumkan org tu pemenang, tp lepas bbrp hari kemudian, kemenangannya ditarik balik dan diberi pada org lain plak..
baguslah aim pun ade prinsip ni...apa salah mengakui kesilapan dr dimaki kerana tidak menjaga prestij tersendiri...

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Post time 7-2-2014 03:16 PM | Show all posts
dauswq posted on 6-2-2014 06:58 PM
setakat ni aku rasa lah aim ade buat mcm kes yg dinyatakan tu..
dh umumkan org tu pemenang, tp le ...

ooo ya,,,lupe

kes penakut sedetik lebih

1st time tu kan jdk


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Post time 7-2-2014 03:24 PM | Show all posts
dauswq posted on 6-2-2014 06:56 PM
msia ni kalau boleh nak cukupkan jugak top 5 wlpn ade filem yg tak layak..
why not instead of 5 m ...

check kt enwiki
pnh ada ffm xbg award utk filem terbaik

ffm 8(majlis anugerah 1989) (antr yg menang kategori lain - oh fatimah, pelumba malam)
ffm10 ( "         "        1992) (   "     "       "          "         "   - selubung, bintang malam, xx-ray)

tp setuju sgt
kdg tu mmg patut 2 - 3 je yg lyk dlm kategori filem terbaik
t'msk jgk kategori pelakon yg rsnya ade 1 - 2 yg kureng sgt


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Post time 7-2-2014 03:26 PM | Show all posts
supernaturalee posted on 7-2-2014 03:24 PM
check kt enwiki
pnh ada ffm xbg award utk filem terbaik

kiranya kualiti fam dulu lebih baik dr yg skrg kan?

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Post time 7-2-2014 03:37 PM | Show all posts
dauswq posted on 7-2-2014 03:26 PM
kiranya kualiti fam dulu lebih baik dr yg skrg kan?

tu lah kan
tp filem selubung tu bestla
pelik aku
maybe kurang dr 3 filem yg dpt markah yg melayakkan utk dpt p'calonan

so, oscar thn ni utk best original song 4 calon saje
bnyk gak tu sbb ade thn yg bg 3 calon je kan


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Post time 7-2-2014 11:17 PM | Show all posts
aku nak The Moon Song filem Her menang best original song..tolongglah!!

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Post time 17-2-2014 03:31 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Barkhad abdi menang bafta best supporting actor uolss. Suprise kann. Tu pun si jared letto  x masuk nomination.  

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Post time 17-2-2014 03:32 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Oh jennifer lawrence menang best supporting actress.  Kalahkan lupita makin cerah nak menang oscar ke 2

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Post time 17-2-2014 04:26 PM | Show all posts
hanakikan posted on 17-2-2014 03:32 PM
Oh jennifer lawrence menang best supporting actress.  Kalahkan lupita  makin cerah nak menang o ...

muda2 lagi dah hambat byk awards...bakal pengganti meryl streep

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Post time 17-2-2014 10:22 PM | Show all posts
Meryl Streep dapat first oscar pencalonan masa umurnya lewat 20-an...hingga kini total 18 pencalonan dgn 3 kemenangan...

Cate Blanchett dapat first oscar pencalonan pun masa dah lewat 20-an...hingga kini total 6 pencalonan dgn satu kemenangan...dijangka dpt 1 lagi oscar tahun ni...

Cate kalau teruskan dgn lakonannya yg mantap tak mustahil setanding dgn Meryl...

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Post time 18-2-2014 07:48 PM | Show all posts
Baftas 2014: Certainties, surprises and Oscar predictions                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                By Tim Masters                                Entertainment and arts correspondent, BBC News

Cate Blanchett poses with her Bafta for leading actress for her role in Blue Jasmine  
This year's Baftas may not have had any big shocks, but there were enough surprises to make the Oscar ceremony in two weeks' time look like it might have a few twists in store.

        The final round of Oscar balloting opened on Friday and runs to 25 February, so the Bafta results come at a crucial time.
        All the way through this year's film awards season, three films have jostled for pole position.
        On Sunday night, 12 Years a Slave, Gravity and American Hustle all emerged with reasons to be cheerful.
        Gravity's six awards - outstanding British film, original music, cinematography, sound and special visual effects with Alfonso Cuaron winning for director - was an impressive haul.

                MULTIPLE WINNERS                            
  • Gravity - 6
  • American Hustle - 3
  • 12 Years a Slave - 2
  • The Great Gatsby - 2
It's also notable for being the first 3D film to win one of the major Bafta film categories (both Avatar and Life of Pi were beaten to the prize in previous years).

        The space thriller, which stars US actors Sandra Bullock and George Clooney, has sparked controversy over its classification as a British film.
        It was developed and shot in the UK, with a British producer - David Heyman - and with ground-breaking visual effects by a UK-based team.
        Interestingly, Mexican director Cuaron queried during a backstage interview the whole concept of a best British film category.

        "It should be best film and best non-British film," he said to sounds of surprise from the assembled journalists.

        The biggest prize of the night went to harrowing historical drama 12 Years a Slave, which won best film and the leading actor prize for Chiwetel Ejiofor.

        However, the sweep of the major categories that some had predicted failed to materialise.
        “Start Quote
It's a story that says we're all the same and that freedom and our dignity is everything”

        Brad Pitt on 12 Years a Slave

On stage, director Steve McQueen reminded the ceremony's audience that slavery was not a thing of the past.
        "There are 21 million people in slavery as we sit here," he said. "I just hope 150 years from now our ambivalence will not allow another filmmaker to make this film."

        Holding his Bafta mask backstage, McQueen recalled how he had watched the Baftas on TV as a child and travelled past Ealing Film Studios on his way to school.

        "To have this in my hands... it means a hell of a lot," he said.

        Brad Pitt, who both produced and starred in the film, said: "It's a story that says we're all the same and that freedom and our dignity is everything and that's what we must fight for."

        Earlier, Pitt and Angelina Jolie had prompted the loudest screams of the night from hundreds of fans as they walked the red carpet.

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt got the biggest reaction on the red carpet

      The biggest surprises of the night came in the supporting acting categories.

Somali-born Barkhad Abdi beat off competition from 12 Years' Michael Fassbender (the bookies' favourite) to win best supporting actor for his impressive movie debut in Captain Phillips.

        Jennifer Lawrence's victory as best supporting actress for her memorable turn in American Hustle toppled the hopes of favourite Lupita Nyong'o, from 12 Years a Slave.

        Lawrence gave David O Russell's film one of its three awards of the night, along with original screenplay and make-up and hair.
        Russell later praised Lawrence as "fearless".

        He said: "From one angle she's like a regular girl from Kentucky, and from another she's like the most magical, beautiful creature you've ever seen."  
        The American director wasn't the only one being poetic on Sunday night.

        Dame Helen Mirren, who was honoured with a Bafta fellowship presented by the Duke of Cambridge, quoted Prospero's speech from Shakespeare's The Tempest: "We are such stuff as dreams are made on and our little life is rounded with a sleep."
        She added: "My little life is rounded with this honour, thank you very much indeed."

        Meanwhile, director Peter Greenaway, recognised for his outstanding contribution to British cinema for films such as The Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover, recalled how at the age of 13 he had wanted to be a painter.

Greenaway's films include The Cook, the Thief, his Wife and Her Lover

      "In a curious way my ambition has failed," he admitted backstage. "I've ended up a filmmaker instead. It's been enjoyable, a pleasant way to pass a life and career."

        He added: "I always think that cinema was not invented by Lumiere or Melies but was invented in the early 17th Century by four painters:  Velazquez, Caravaggio, Rubens and  Rembrandt - and I would have loved to have been of their company."
  Oscar watch

              So what do the Bafta results mean for the Academy Awards on 2 March?

        For the past five years the best film winner chosen by British Academy voters has gone on to win an Oscar. Last year it was Argo, and before that The Artist, The King's Speech, The Hurt Locker and Slumdog Millionaire.

        But the Baftas are international awards with a distinctly local flavour, and it's estimated that only about 20% of the US Academy is made up of Brits.
Chiwetel Ejiofor and Barkhad Abdi may have won in London but they did not have to face competition from Oscar favourites Matthew McConaughey and Jared Leto - from Dallas Buyers Club - both of whom were ignored in the Bafta nominations.

        And it will be interesting to see if Steve Coogan and Jeff Pope are able to replicate their Bafta win for their adapted screenplay for the film Philomena away from a home crowd.

        Asked what he thought about his Oscar chances, Steve McQueen said: "It's about the celebrating the film rather than the competition."
        Roll on 2 March.

p/s: tahun lepas, jeniffer lawrence tak menang best actress kt BAFTA....taun ni menang plak supporting kt BAFTA..
mmg unpreditatable...
tp best picture & best actor punya results masih boleh dipakai...



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