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Author: ipes2

SLIPPED DISC/PROLAPSED DISC: i akan cuba bagi info sebaik mungkin to help you

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Post time 18-11-2014 10:37 PM | Show all posts
Salam Doc...
familiar with DRE Lumbar Category tak?
I dah buat fusion, Socso put me under category 2 but OSHE letak I under category 5 - since I dah buat operation major, tak boleh diselamatkan dah..huhu.. Is there any different?
Yang herniated tu sebelah kiri, lepas masuk besi kaki kanan tak boleh angkat tinggi dah..there's time kalau nak masuk kereta, I kene angkat kaki sendiri dengan tangan.
Nasib baik tapak kaki ok, still boleh drive walaupun ada sikit kebas2 sometimes. My doc cakap L5/S1 lebih pada tapak kaki so dia tak risau sangat.
Kalau ikutkan I buat 2 surgery. Yg 1st hanya kikis bulging tu.. after 8 months still tak ok tu yg buat fusion pulak. Ada improvement sikit lepas fusion.. cuma kaki kanan tu je lah & sometimes rasa cucuk2 tu kalau salah duduk/baring. Any idea kenapa kaki kanan tu problem? So far physiotherapy pun macam tak ok je..tak de improvement pun
Lagi satu.. bone graph.. berapa lama on average tulang tu amik masa utk balut besi tu yeh doc? Last edited by ikmanurz on 18-11-2014 10:41 PM


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Post time 18-11-2014 10:53 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Hi doc...
Ptg TD I buat xray... tulang I OK.
Jenuh bersoal jawab Dgn doc...
Every word I dia no correct kan..
Its not like mcm lumpuh... it just u can't move. Arggh... memacam r word yg dia betulkan bile dia suruh ako describe skit ako mcm mana.
Sakit Cik rasa level mana?

Hahaha... last2 I marah doc tu... ckp I'm engineer. I don't know how to describe my sakit. I'm not a language person... sakit I ni dah mcm terbiasa...

So bile check xray, tulang belakang OK. So dia ckp my muscle koyak.... muscle pull n koyak tu Benda yg Sama ker x? Klu utk umur ako 26 ni brape lama eh masa tuk muscle ako recovery?

Another thing... i dah boleh start doing exercise mcm biasa kan? I.e jogging doing hiit workout... can huh??? Dah lama sgt rasa x jogging... bdn mcm lesu jer. Last edited by ako_chan on 18-11-2014 11:02 PM


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 Author| Post time 19-11-2014 06:33 PM | Show all posts
Hi doc...
Ptg TD I buat xray... tulang I OK.
Jenuh bersoal jawab Dgn doc...
Every word I dia no correct kan..
Its not like mcm lumpuh... it just u can't move. Arggh... memacam r word yg dia betulkan bile dia suruh ako describe skit ako mcm mana.
Sakit Cik rasa level mana?

Hahaha... last2 I marah doc tu... ckp I'm engineer. I don't know how to describe my sakit. I'm not a language person... sakit I ni dah mcm terbiasa...

So bile check xray, tulang belakang OK. So dia ckp my muscle koyak.... muscle pull n koyak tu Benda yg Sama ker x? Klu utk umur ako 26 ni brape lama eh masa tuk muscle ako recovery?

Another thing... i dah boleh start doing exercise mcm biasa kan? I.e jogging doing hiit workout... can huh??? Dah lama sgt rasa x jogging... bdn mcm lesu jer.

Ha ha jgn marah marah; the doc pon takleh marah marah. kena la professional.
we are in a social domain; as doctors, we deal with people and not just their afflictions.

anyway, torn muscles can give a similar issues yes, but it will be more localized
also, xray is no where near enough to rule out a slipped disc; we just simply do not do xrays in this regards
for a 26yo, you should heal in no time, tho a scar tissue can cause a prolonged pain from the area (if we assumed you really did have a torn muscle)

when can you exercise? to me when symptoms allows; jogging is a hefty thing; it moves all muslces of the body; maybe something light first?

Are you convinced that you had a torn muscle only? From the symptoms, I am not.

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 Author| Post time 19-11-2014 06:34 PM | Show all posts
ako_chan posted on 18-11-2014 10:53 PM
Hi doc...
Ptg TD I buat xray... tulang I OK.
Jenuh bersoal jawab Dgn doc...

apologies for copying yer message.. for got to delete; i coped temporaily in order to ensure i answer all the relevent questions

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 Author| Post time 19-11-2014 06:36 PM | Show all posts
ipes2 posted on 19-11-2014 06:34 PM
apologies for copying yer message.. for got to delete; i coped temporaily in order to ensure i ans ...

....and sorry for these bloody typos!!

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Post time 20-11-2014 07:18 AM | Show all posts
ipes2 posted on 19-11-2014 06:33 PM
Hi doc...
Ptg TD I buat xray... tulang I OK.
Jenuh bersoal jawab Dgn doc...

hahahaa... marah ako sbb geram sajork...
sbb the way doc tu ckp, mcm he's not believe in me..
its like i just exaggerated jer...

sampai ako ckp.. i dah xtahu rasa mcm mn normal bile i gerak..
now even it doesnt hurt much... i still know that feeling is not something supposed to have.
so i don't want it to be like... 'kebiasaan'
pas tu boleh dia jawab, doc: em.. biasa kan jelah mcm tu... yah dtg jumpa saya..
me: what???
doc: no.. i just kidding...

entahla... klu dia kata tulang ako ok...
mengikut xray tu... makanye ok r...
but torn muscle tu mcm mn detect eh???

light workout mcm briskwalk boleh x?? dah lama sgt tgglkan workout... rasa mcm lesu giler bdn

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 Author| Post time 20-11-2014 07:29 PM | Show all posts
mostly, torn muscles ni diagnosis is clinical or sometimes in athlete depa buat la USS.
hmm tapi xray is no where near at ruling out slipped disc, tau.
from your symptoms (tak ingat dah apa symptoms you), kena la buat MRI.
ngapa jarang org di mesia buat MRI? MRI ni safe, takde radiation etc..mesia byk mesin MRI ni..
tapi i tau kenapa..because the doctors yg refer the pts for MRI, bila dapat report from radiologist, they do not know what to do next, dont know what to do with that report

continue light exercise; briskwalk tu should be done by everyone in my opinion

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Post time 4-5-2015 05:21 PM | Show all posts
slipped disk ni memang bahaya kalo tak dirawat awal. one of my neighbour kena sakit belakang ni lepas tu susah nak gerak. Then die buat rawatan dekat satu klinik dekat KL. after few weeks sakit die semakin ok. Nama kliniknya THETOLE ACUPUNTURE. klinik nimenggunakan rawatan akupuntur dan juga herba asli.

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Post time 5-5-2015 12:15 PM | Show all posts
khailya replied at 15-10-2014 04:56 PM
nk tanyer.. kalau ade slipped disc.. ape rawatan terbaik utk ni?
operate ker?..

Di sini nak share pada sesiapa yang mempunyai slipped disc /sakit belakang pada peringkat awal dan yang masih belum membuat pembendahan saya cadangkan silalah dapatkan rawatan akupuntur dan herba. Ini kerana ramai yang telah mencuba dan telah pulih. Rawatan ini memerlukan masa yang berbeza untuk setiap orang. Untuk mendapatkan rawatan akupuntur yang terbaik saya cadangkan The Tole Acupuncture Herbal Medical Centre atau untuk mendapatkan lebih maklumat boleh layari laman web

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 Author| Post time 6-5-2015 10:39 AM | Show all posts
farahe replied at 4-5-2015 05:21 PM
slipped disk ni memang bahaya kalo tak dirawat awal. one of my neighbour kena sakit belakang ni lepa ...

askm. slipped disc ni, main issue is the pain.
yes acupuncture can be a great benefit to the sufferer to control the painful symptoms.
however, the disc remind protruded and the disease process will not be modified by acupuncture alone.
when the nerves or spinal cord are affected to a degree that give rise to muscle weakness, the operation is really the main management option.

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 Author| Post time 6-5-2015 10:41 AM | Show all posts
blackforest90 replied at 5-5-2015 12:15 PM
Di sini nak share pada sesiapa yang mempunyai slipped disc /sakit belakang pada peringkat awal dan ...

yes, macam i cakap kat farahe, acupuncture can be of benefit for symptom control (see my reply to farahe above)

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 Author| Post time 6-5-2015 10:43 AM | Show all posts
ikmanurz replied at 18-11-2014 10:37 PM
Salam Doc...
familiar with DRE Lumbar Category tak?
I dah buat fusion, Socso put me under categor ...

askm ikmanurz,
eh, i tak jawab lagi ke soklan ni? rasa dah jawab.
tapi ngape takde notification lak?
eh i sure dah jawab la rasanye..mane pi dia nyer answer, ek?

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Post time 7-5-2015 09:21 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Salam doc.

Nak ty jugak. 2 years back. I started rasa sakit dr pinggul kiri smpai kaki kiri ke bawah. Kebas. Dan sakit mcm urat kena tarik dr atas smpai bwh. Masa rest plg skt. Lgpun mmg ada history backpain. Jatuh terduduk byk kali n actively involved in military punya xtvts.

Lama jugak la menderita tahan skt tu. Smpai at one point I rasa numbness th start naik ke tangan smpai ke muka.
So I jumpa doc. Mcm biasa dia bg painkiller and inject. Muscle pain. Tp still sakit. So I refer pakar. Xray and painkillers lagi. Xray normal mcm biasa. Then buat fisio utk backpain. Guess what. I ended up diagnosed with knee acl and meniscus. I mcm.. mana pegi pulak cerita backpain I. Sbb the doc mcm refuse nak buat mri since my xray just ok. Tp actually I rasa better lepas buat fisio. Cuma skrg ni I dah limit tak buat keje berat. And bila duduk lama pun masih kebas smpai kaki. Tp at last. I tak operate acl and meniscus. Case backpain I hilang mcm tu je. So what do u think doc? Haha. Sorry xda para hp ni xbole tekan enter pulak.

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 Author| Post time 9-5-2015 12:27 PM | Show all posts
aerolz posted on 7-5-2015 09:21 AM
Salam doc.

Nak ty jugak. 2 years back. I started rasa sakit dr pinggul kiri smpai kaki kiri ke ba ...

Bunyi cerita u ni macam typical disc story je; however, yg numbness kat tangan and muka tu bukan lumbar disc la... if involve tangan maybe cervical disc ie kat leher nyer disc;if sampai muka tu ish mcm upper level cervical disc or stroke ke TIA ke ha ha...maybe jugak psychogenic (sorry )
MRI lah yg paling utama utk diagnose disc problem or to give clarity in cases of back pain. without this camaner nak diagnose this illness (or to outrule it?).

In a smallnumber of cases (small number!), org yg disc dia kuar and masuk dalam nerve orifice or spinal canal, this jelly-like mass yg kuar dari disc tu mengecut with time, jadipain yg pt tu suffer improved lah.

in many cases, bila org tu ada backpain / disc problem, secara tak langsung dia akan kurang kan back stress: dia tak membongkok, tak angkat benda berat, tak pusing back dia.. so naturally, back disease dia tak bertambah teruk dan kadang kadang improved.

it is risky to get physio without knowing the back / disc status from an MRI. refer to images over the internet of how a disc can be pushed out ie the nucleus pulposus tuh.

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Post time 11-5-2015 02:45 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ipes2 replied at 9-5-2015 12:27 PM
Bunyi cerita u ni macam typical disc story je; however, yg numbness kat tangan and muka tu  ...

Thanks for responding. Hehe.

Sbnrnya. Dia xray sekali dgn leher dan pinggang masa tu. Mmg xpuas hati jugak la sbb dia ckp xray ok so nak proceed mri mcm xperlu. Padahal I dah lebih sepuluh kali xray mmg ok. Tp the pain long for 5 years dah. And numbness tu dah lebih 6 month. I guess itu critical part kot. Entah lah kenapa doc tu bg I fisio before diagnosed any slip disc. Tp dr apa yg I rasa after fisio mmg getting better and mybe plus dah xbebankan sgt belakang kot.

And satu lg. since I complained pasal numbness sampai muka. They referred me to neuro. I actually ended up buat brain mri. Sbb the numbness pun mmg still ada walaupun I rasa mcm backpain mmg lain citer. doc tu diagnosed I hemiplegic migraine. Ncs pun ada buat. the result for ncs mmg left side saraf ada lemah sikit. Tp doc ckp takde apa. So I ok je la. or maybe mmg pschogenic haha.

So skrg kat sini I ada acl and meniscus punya problem mmg I rasa sakit kat lutut sekali masa sakit backpain tu. Dan symptom numbness hemiplegic migraine. But yet I still wonder how my backpain punya case.  Sbb mmg kdg2 sakit dan kebas jugak.. risky tak utk masa akan datang. Or I just patut sentiasa amalkan pencegahan dr apa2 aktiviti yg bole trigger sakit tu? Heheheh thanks doc for ur time. ^^ have a good day!

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 Author| Post time 11-5-2015 06:28 PM | Show all posts
aerolz replied at 11-5-2015 02:45 AM
Thanks for responding. Hehe.

Sbnrnya. Dia xray sekali dgn leher dan pinggang masa tu. Mmg xpuas ...

Oh ade hemiplegic migraine jugak ke.
Also ade ACL dan Menisci issues.. ish unlucky nyer awak.
Harap nye diagnostic qualities ni tepat lah.
Apa apa pun jgn biarkan depa Xray u byk byk. Bahaya.
MRI lain lah, takde radiation.
That NCS is reassuring kot but I cannot comment more without looking.

Yes, kena sentiasa berjaga jaga dan amalkan penjagaan spine you.
Tgk la dlm youtube how to look after your back.

Make sure u jaga your back, this can actually change your life / work / activities / capacities etc.


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Post time 11-5-2015 07:56 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ipes2 replied at 11-5-2015 06:28 PM
Oh ade hemiplegic migraine jugak ke.
Also ade ACL dan Menisci issues.. ish unlucky nyer awak.
Ha ...

Haha. Ayat unlucky tu yang tak boleh blah tu.
Agak la.. haha. Rasanya mungkin sbb I involved dlm mcm2 physical activities byk kot. Thats why baru 25 dah mcm2 broken kat badan.

Knee pain pun mmg agak la menyusahkan haha. Then migraine yg nak kena selalu waspada makan ubat sume. Backpain yg nak kena waspada jugak. Haha. Okay agak la unlucky.

Seriously ke mmg bahaya xray radiation tu? Rasanya spnjg 5 tahun smpai latest 2minggu lepas rasanya 9-10 kali dah buat xray. Huhu seram pulak dengar.

Orait. I mmg ada buat research jugak pasal penjagaan backpain ni. So skrg mmg byk waspada la. Tp yes mmg byk mengubah routine harian la. Sedih jugak situ. Huhu. But im lucky the pain dah mcm go away and getting better.

Thanks doc for the info! Have a great day!

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 Author| Post time 12-5-2015 01:57 AM | Show all posts
aerolz replied at 11-5-2015 07:56 PM
Haha. Ayat unlucky tu yang tak boleh blah tu.
Agak la.. haha. Rasanya mungkin sbb I involved dlm ...

yes of course x-ray is dangerous; ionizing-radiation yg kuar dari Xray machine tu, sama yg kuar dari atomic decays, DNA-changing rays. And its cummulative, mana mana Gray yg dah masuk tk akan kuar lagi dari badan;  here in europe kita memang very cautious nak xray orang. Ish, omo 25 dah 10 kali xrays... ckp la kat depa next time if they want to xray u again. MRI je lah. Takde radiation. Much better resolution. In any case, utk back pains memang MRI yg diperlukan.

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Post time 12-5-2015 03:19 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ipes2 replied at 12-5-2015 01:57 AM
yes of course x-ray is dangerous; ionizing-radiation yg kuar dari Xray machine tu, sama yg kuar da ...

Wow. Ngeri dengar. Masuk tak keluar balik tu yang seram tu. Sy bukan nak cakap apa la. Mostly kat malaysia ni, dorang mmg agak susah nak suruh patient buat MRI. Atas sebab apa tak tau. Byk cases yg I dgr jugak sbb sometimes the result from Mri tu normal so dorang tak nak buang masa and prefer suruh patients buat xray. Paling2 pun ct scan. Padahal MRI lagi selamat dpd xray. Pelik pelik aje.

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 Author| Post time 13-5-2015 04:02 AM | Show all posts
aerolz replied at 12-5-2015 03:19 PM
Wow. Ngeri dengar. Masuk tak keluar balik tu yang seram tu. Sy bukan nak cakap apa la. Mostly kat  ...

xray akan tunjuk bones mainly. no sft tissues.
ct scan used much much more ionizing radiation.
di europe, kita very slow to amik xray sebab considering radiation dosage tu.
tapi di mesia lainlah, Malaysia Boleh. Ozone pon bomoh buat utk treat patient.. also mercury ha ha.
di europe kita saman company bila kita exposed to mercury eg thermometer pecah dan kita tersentuh mercury tu etc.. di mesia, kita guna mercury yg sgt beracun ni utk berurut dan berbomoh.. lucu dan takut bila kita baca, kan? dan bila anak lahir cacat atau low IQ disebabkan mercury tadi, kia kata org buat la etc etc. almaklum lah, bangsa kita memang terkenal guna internet utk dengar lagu... rugi jugak la, banding dgn bangsa asing. ada sebabnya ngapa depa ni lagi maju dari kita.

for back pains, very little use now in the west for Xrays; buat je MRI.

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