Beirut - Serangan ISIS, 43 terkorban
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Lebanon arrests five Syrians, one Palestinian suspect in Beirut bombings: security source
By Laila Bassam
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanese authorities arrested five Syrians and a Palestinian in connection with the twin suicide bombings in central Beirut on Thursday that killed 43 people, a senior security source said on Saturday.
The bombings in a busy residential and commercial area that is a stronghold for Lebanese Shi'ite movement Hezbollah were claimed by Islamic State.
"Within 24 hours the network was arrested in the fastest uncovering of a bombing incident in the country," the source said.
The explosions were the first attacks in more than a year to target a Hezbollah stronghold in Lebanon, as the Iran-backed group steps up its involvement in the war in neighboring Syria.
Lebanon's Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said Syrian and Lebanese detainees were arrested on suspicion of being involved in the bombings, which he squarely blamed on Islamic State. However, he did not say if any of those arrested were Palestinian.
Nasrallah warned his followers of a backlash against ordinary Syrians and Palestinians in the aftermath of the bombings, saying the goal of radical Islamist Sunni fundamentalists, who consider Shi'ites to be heretics, was to sow discord among Sunnis and Shi'ites.
The blasts occurred almost simultaneously late on Thursday and struck a Shi'ite community center and a nearby bakery in the commercial and residential area of Borj al-Barajneh, security sources said. A closely guarded Hezbollah-run hospital is also nearby.
Nasrallah condemned the Paris attacks, saying the region which was reeling under the "earthquake of Daesh barbarity" felt more than any others the pain the French people were now experiencing. Daesh is an Arab acronym for Islamic State.
Islamic State said in a statement posted online by its supporters that its members blew up a bike loaded with explosives in Borj al-Barajneh and that when onlookers gathered, a suicide bomber blew himself up among them. The group said the attacks killed 40 people.
Hezbollah has sent hundreds of fighters to support Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's forces in the four-year-old conflict over the border.
Government forces backed by Hezbollah and Iranian troops have intensified their fight against mostly Sunni insurgents, including Islamic State, since Russia launched an air campaign in support of Assad on Sept. 30.
(Reporting by Laila Bassam; Writing by Suleiman Al-Khalidi; Editing by Jon Boyle and Digby Lidstone)
Warga Palestin terlibat dalam pengeboman di Lebanon? ![](static/image/smiley/default/shutup.gif)
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bdasarkan laporan media....mmg amaran telah diberikan tentang ancaman ini..tp biasa la...mmg ada hauk sana sini...
ak ada tbaca ntah kt mn..salah seorang saspek pyerang sbelum tu pernah kena tahan oleh polis....tp dilepaskan...
cuma ak pelik..tgk reaksi sstengah rakyat malaysia...ada juga yg ingt itu lakonan...set up la...guna pic yg photoshop utk buktikan dakwaan false flag mereka..
mcm sstengah yg percaya..trajedi kt lahat datu tu cuma lakonan..
dani-rox replied at 15-11-2015 03:50 PM
Beberapa hari lepas, militan ISIS memenggal kepala beberapa org penduduk dari etnik minoriti Hazara ...
Fuck ISIS.
Mudah-mudahan cepat cepatlah kiamat. Manusia makin hari makin hopeless. |
Written by Sulaiman Daud
I want to thank well-meaning non-Muslims who, in the wake of these attacks, have emphasised that they have been carried out by a small, twisted minority. A terrorist's goal is to sow hatred and discord, and by not giving in, you are defeating their plans.
But I want to say that as a Muslim, I wish that we weren't so quick to emphasise that this has nothing to do with us. While I personally have never killed anyone and none of my friends and family have ever resorted to violence, radicalism has everything to do with Islam. And the failure to address that out of a well-intentioned commitment to tolerance is making the problem worse.
ISIS is a Muslim organisation, and it is an Islamic problem. Let me say it again to be perfectly clear. ISIS is a Muslim organisation, and they are a cancer at the heart of Islam. And the problem will not go away until Muslims confront that.
ISIS attackers scream 'Allah hu'akbar' during their attacks.
ISIS recruits cite Qur'anic verses as justification for the rape and enslavement of women.
ISIS soldiers kill archaeologists, gay men and women, and people who refuse to convert to Islam because they are blasphemers.
There are no Christians in ISIS. There are no Buddhists, Jews, Pagans, Taoists, Houngans, Catholics, Wiccans, Hindus or even Scientologists in ISIS. ISIS is a Muslim organisation and they kill in the name of Islam.
So don't say that ISIS aren't 'true Muslims' or that they are 'not really Muslims'. Like any large organisation, ISIS exists in a spectrum. You have the aimless, restless teenager who never amounted to anything in his life and traveled to Syria because he can't find a job and doesn't know if the Qur'an is to be read from left to right or right to left. But you also have pious professionals, businessmen, and academics who read their Qur'an cover to cover, pray every day, were seduced into radicalism, and truly believe that the Islamic State's goal of conquest is a noble one. The so-called 'Caliph' Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi has a doctorate in Islamic studies.
So if you feel that Muslims are being oppressed or killed in Muslim countries, I expect you to also be just as outraged by ISIS. Because they have killed more Muslims in Iraq, Syria and Jordan than the entire US army. They have done more damage to the name and reputation of Islam than any Western nation. ISIS is Islam's biggest enemy, not the US, not Israel or France or Germany or the Russians.
We have to own the problem. We have to admit that this is a religious problem, and we need to renew our commitment to a secular country which treats all religions equally. I have believed in the importance of secularism all my life, and with every day that passes that belief grows stronger. Religion is no way to govern a nation. Not any religion, and not any nation.
ISIS is not America's problem, nor the British, nor the French. ISIS is not Syria or Iraq's problem. ISIS is a problem for Muslims. And if you can't admit that, you're not really a good Muslim either.
#LongLiveTheRepublic |
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Edited by dani-rox at 17-11-2015 04:58 AM
Tingat genocide di Darfur... dah berbelas tahun kot tak abis2 lg berperang
Darfur vs Gaza: African muslims are worth less than Arab muslims
Monday February 2, 2009
Categories: Hirabah Watch
Ali A. Rizvi, a muslim blogger, asks the hard questions:
"Where are the large-scale protests and outrage from the Muslim community over the senseless deaths and rape of hundreds of thousands of poverty-ridden African Muslims?
Why is there such a glaring discrepancy between the Muslim world’s response to the atrocities in Gaza and the atrocities in Darfur?
If the Darfur genocide was being carried out by Jews or Christians instead of Arab Muslims, would we see a different response?"
Note that the point of this is not to suggest that there should be no outrage over Gaza. But in terms of the scale of human life – 300,000 people dead according to estimates from 2005, equivalent to 300 Gazas – Darfur should at least merit comparable energy and action and blog posts and outrage. Rizvi’s post documents just how little outrage there is to spare.
When the International Criminal Court finally indicted Omar al-Bashir, President of Sudan for his role in arming and supporting the janjaweed militias who are carrying out the literal genocide of non-Arab muslims in Darfur, what was the response of the Ummah? Accusations of bias and injustice, but not for the victims of Darfur, but rather their murderers. Muslim murderers….
Mentang2lah kulit gelap gulita khenn...
Lagi mahu citer psl adil, tak adil.![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
Sudahlah hitam legam, kerempeng... Setakat dibantai sesama muslim.... Not newsworthy and nobody cares.
Takda org nak buat lagu selamat malam aprika, perhimpunan solidariti, lakonan pantomim tepi jalan, letak stiker pray for darfur etc![](static/image/smiley/default/bye.gif)
Sis pernah dengar tentang boko haram? Kisah extremist islam di Nigeria sana. Tapi media malaysia tak 'mainkan' berita ni mungkin sebab tak news-worthy. Rakyat Malaysia mahu dengar berita dari Palestin aje. Sebiji rumah palestin roboh, terus heboh dlm media di Malaysia. Lebih 1000 buah sekolah dibakar,diserang dan dibom puak boko haram ni tak keluar pun dalam berita di Malaysia. Sebab hitam legam kot.
Pernah, dpt tahu pun melalui berita dlm internet... Kat luar msia heboh jua dgn kekejaman boko haram nih.... Beberapa ratus budak pompuan diculik, dirogol, dipaksa kawen, malah dijual. Lagi bangsat, guna budak2 kecik dipergunakan utk jd suicide bomber. Tapi adakah majoriti rakyat msia nak ambik tahu? Thread berkaitan dlm porem ni pun sendu jah. Lainlah, penderitaan negara2 arab atau at least dibantai non muslim mcm rohingya tu... Haruslah kita merasa sakitnya bersama2.
seingat ak ...x pernah ada beb...![](static/image/smiley/default/dizzy.gif)
Kannn. Sedangkan di zaman Rasulullah dulu, org kulit hitam Afrika nie lah yg diangkat jadi bilal utk laungkan azan. ![](static/image/smiley/default/shocked.gif)
Setiap manusia mempunyai hak untuk bersimpati sesama seagama dan sebangsa...sepatutnya perasaan simpati sesama manusia tu patut merentasi sempadan.
Ak pun simpati dengan nasib rakyat Palestine...walaupun tidak bersetuju dengan perjuangan Hamas. Cuma yang aku tidak berapa berkenan, sikap setengah kekawan (dekat FB)...hujan xde..ribut xde..ttiba keluarkan kenyataan..'ek eleh....umat Palestine tiap2 hari menderita....apa sangat la ngan letupan kat Paris tu..bla2....'
stahu ak..xde FB, kerajaan Perancis paksa kita untuk bersimpati dengan mangsa kat Paris tu..tpulang la kepada sapa2 yang nak simpati atau tak ...
Lagi ak menyampah..golongan yang cakap ...'ek eleh..umat Palestine tiap2 hari menderita bla-bla...'...gol tu la yang paling kuat meroyan kat FB melaung ISIS bukan Islam apabila ISIS melakukan kekejaman. Tapi bila ISIS menyerang Paris....ttiba tukar tune....'padan muka orang barat! Rakyat Palestine menderita xde plak dunia nak simpati.
eluuuuu.....bukan last time masa Hamas berperang dengan Israel....gol ini juga bertempik gembira ...'tgk, rakyat eropah pun dh nyokong Palestine...nyampah/boikot Israel'? cepat benar gol ini lupa...
Di sebalik dasar ketenteraan negara eropah...masyarat eropah antara msyt yg baik hati sanggup menerima pelarian muslim dari negara arab..klu ak x silap..Perancis adalah antara negara penerima tbesar pelarian tsebut.
ak juga tidak kisah kalau ada yang bependapat..serangan tersebut dibuat sebagai tindak balas...ok..fine kalau gol ini menyokong dan berpandangan tindakan ISIS tersebut adalah wajar....tp jangan pula gol ini meroyan bila masyarat eropah bertindak balas nanti....bila islamphobia makin menyubur kt sana..jgn plak tersentap...
Bagi aku lar kan, it's up to us lar nak pay more attention to whom. Aku bagi contohlar, katakan ada artis meninggal, sorg meninggal semalam, sorg hari ini. Yg meninggal semalam tu album dia terjual 2 juta unit, yg hari nie pulak album tak laku. So of course sbg pemberita, dia akan pilih mana cerita yg lebih sensasi. Manusia mmg mcm tu kan? Dia lebih tertarik pd cerita yg dia rasa menarik perhatian dia lebih. Sbb tu manusia nie tak perfect - kita akan cenderung memberi lebih perhatian kepada sesuatu atas sbb yg hanya kita sendiri dan Tuhan saja yg tahu. Contohnya Perancis nie, negara maju, ada kuasa veto, G20, kuasa ekonomi utama, ko nak banding dgn pembunuhan kat Chad, Kenya, negara2 Afrika yg kuasa ekonomi kecik dan miskin, u think pemberita nak ignore jah cerita pasal Perancis ka? Mcm Palestin, aku tengok tiap2 hari jah org pakai profile pic Palestin, tapi lepas tu lemau balik, bila keluar isu Paris nie baru sibuk nak guna profile pic Palestin balik. So where's ur stand? Hanya pakai bila masa ko nak? Hanya memberi perhatian bila masa ko nak? U know the answer... exactly, we r human, we can't pay attention to too many things at once. That's why heran sangat dgn bimbo2 dan airhead2 di luar sana, as if nobody cares katanya, please lah... kadang2 org belakang rumah kita sakit tenat ker mati pun kita tak tau kan... lagi nak cerita pasal Palestin Syria lah. Poodahh... ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
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