Post time 3-11-2017 01:12 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Edited by vous_me6 at 3-11-2017 01:26 AM
KhunJee replied at 3-11-2017 12:37 AM
Sorry la Iols komen sini sbb nak menyampuk pasal drama korea je. Lol. Misaeng tu mmg terbaik kan i ...
Signal i tak tgok busy layan drama lain masa tu. I kalau tgok drama selalu akan focus satu je. Yg dua tu i belum tgok jg. Skrg tgah layan 20th century. I suka han yeseul belakon lawak dia best hahaha.
Misaeng ni la buka peluang utk Siwan jadi actor yg lebih baik +awards and banyak offer dia dpt lepastu. Belakon dgn senior actor yg dah tua2 tu beruntung jg. Sayang nya skrg dia dah masuk army for 1y9m. Rindu siwan.
Supaya tak ot.
Video Gala semlm
Post time 3-11-2017 01:38 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Ok dah habis first round.... Best kome tgk sorang2 ni... Sengih2....feeling2....tak da sapa kaco...
Cerita best. Laju flow jer... Tak sempat nak ke toilet pun.... Tgh nahan ni... Tapi nak report kat kome dulu.... Good night girls....esok second round nampaknya... Gigih.... Enjoys sgt...
Baru dpt tgk snippet of this scene. Cute sgt! Teringat ada dlm ig Malek Hue, the ring is worth RM 783, 930, the most expensive prop he ever worked with. Nampak silau yach!
Post time 3-11-2017 02:30 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
I just watched wt...n seriously guys citer ni best best besttt. Sape blom tgk go subscribe nowww!!!(ok maybe tomorrow da awl pagi ni)
Firstly jalan citer mmg best sbb psl mother-son nye bonding...boleh nmpk watak fahim ni so tough on the outside but so vulnerable ble dgn ibu dia, which is so beautiful
Secondly...tgk citer ni xmcm tgk citer org berlakon...everyone n everything dr the main leads, extras, background, script...all nmpk natural n real...mcm how fahim so manja with his ibu n care for her...we can feel it wpun dia tunjuk secara subtle je...n how both fahim n nuryn gradually fallen for each other...all the hints rase mcm sampai
N bile tgk citer ni seriyesly nmpk fahim fattah amin who?? wonder fazzy puji melambung bamtah after the preview as bamtah really carried out the character very very well... Jjang!!!
I did have high expectation for this supertele n honestly this WT really exceeded my expectation and kudos to the director, joongoh and the whole team...u guys did a great job
Bamtah, u really have proven urself!!
Tapi too bad rasenye mcm xde lgsg media yg highlight kan performance bamtah dlm citer ni...bazir je jemput gi preview, duh
Post time 3-11-2017 03:20 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
buailajulaju replied at 3-11-2017 02:30 AM
I just watched wt...n seriously guys citer ni best best besttt. Sape blom tgk go subscribe nowww!!!( ...
WT2 is a must kan... Mcm trrgantung je watak2 mcm ayah tu. Kenapa kejam sgt. Mesti ada Sbb kan. Teringat ayah Nura Medina. Sebenarnya baik tapi bengap. Hihihi... Lepas tu apa kesudahan nasib fikri tu kan. Hidup ke mati ke... Reena tu pun mcm pelik jer endingnya. Mana boleh redo je. Mesti fight sikit nak dapatkan hero tu. Tak logik la baik sgt kan.
Fahim kan mcm tak settle lagi dgn ayah dia. Dia hero mesti tunjuk contoh yg baik. Cerita ni pun mcm kisah tauladan dan endingnya patut anak dan ayah berbaik semula kan... So mesti ada la WT2 untuk menjawab segala persoalan berbangkit ni ya...
Post time 3-11-2017 04:33 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
suzy_2912 replied at 2-11-2017 08:48 PM
iols percaya rafidah mesti buat plot yang best.. cuma klu boleh jgnlah fikry tu mati.. sedey sgt k ...
Sikit plak pasal angsanacare tu. Mgkin wt2 ada lebih sikit? Iolls suka kalau cerita yg ada fakta/real. Mcm angsanacare yg mmg wujud, cerita pasal ibu susuan, tips banyakkan susu dlm perempuan paling bahagia.