O ye...smlm masa merayap kat Speedy, skali tjumpa DVD Twilight yg special edition (3 disc) tuh... aduu... x tertahan rasanya, terus haku beli! Kopak lagi poket aku RM89.90! Tp mmg worth it la sbb mcm2 adaaa.... suka tgk di blkg tabir pembikiran filem yg pertama ni! Rupanya byk gak deleted scene ye...baru la aku! 
DVD New Moon pun aku beli yg special edition (2 disc) sblm nih, tp x de plak yg deleted scene bagai... |
eh kowang register x dgn Twilighter Malaysia?? Aku dh register sblm ni. Skrg ni diaorg tgh wat offer jual merchandise Eclipse, special offer dgn harga RM60, mcm2 bleh dpt tmasuk t-shirt, car sticker, mug, etc. Tp offer ni last sblm kul 12 tghari ni.
Adehh.... cobaan btui... tgh Twilight fever gini, offer mcm ni mmg susah nk ditolak!! 
Huhu...beratus gak duit aku abis beli mcm2 koleksi Twilight Saga nih!
http://www.twilightersmalaysia.com |
wahhhhh... jeles hangiin aku baca review.... uwaaaa...
harus aku gi amik halfday el nih...  |
Reply 582# leon_mclaren78
mmg dh byk melabur kt mech twilight.. this mth baru order
Twilight Eclipse Wolf Charm Bracelet & Twilight Eclipse Edward Water Bottle
Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things throughmy eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was aglitch in my brain - Bella Swan, Twilight
Fly pun layan Twilight Saga gak ek?!!
Emm... slmt menonton kat kowang semua! Aku tu ...
leon_mclaren78 Post at 8-7-2010 08:39 AM 
fly x layan
tp terpaksa layan
kalau x .... x dpt tgk movie Salt
da wat MoU daaaaaaaa ... |
kojap la bg den... ekekeke.. sodang kat umah nih den duk pasang 3 4 kali sehari... sampai ...
tehlaut Post at 7-7-2010 03:34 PM 
ok la kejap jer
x trasa cm cite hindi |
eh kowang register x dgn Twilighter Malaysia?? Aku dh register sblm ni. Skrg ni diaorg tgh wat offer ...
leon_mclaren78 Post at 8/7/2010 09:13 
dah register dah dulu..
erk..kat mane eh nak tgk sample of merchandise yg diorang offer nie ekk..
kat website ade car sticker aje.. |
Reply 588# cinta_ungu
refer ni: http://twilightersmalaysia-twilightstore.blogspot.com/
Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things throughmy eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was aglitch in my brain - Bella Swan, Twilight
kat net 3hb hari tue dah keluar dah..
tapi biasa laa..kalo tgk yg d/l punye tak se feel mcm t ...
cinta_ungu Post at 8-7-2010 13:13 
Laptop aku rosak hari tu... smlm aku g beli laptop baru, then baru je dpt start menorrent Eclipse nih mlm td walopun kualiti kureng... x kisah la khenn...
X tau la mkn masa brape hari...huhu.. |
dah register dah dulu..
erk..kat mane eh nak tgk sample of merchandise yg diorang offer nie ekk ...
cinta_ungu Post at 8-7-2010 13:19 
Rasanya gambo x de... aku main tibai je order...hehe....
kira RM60 tu murah pe...mcm2 dpt. Diaorg offer pakai e-mel. Aku dh siap2 booking... tp blum masuk harga pos lg tu... |
leon order yg mane? Twimy Eclipse goodie tu ke?
kalau yg tu, tgk kang mlm kalau rajin kite amekkan gambo..sbb kitorg yg pegi premier smlm dh dpt goodie tu..kalau kite xlupe la ye
Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things through my eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was a glitch in my brain - Bella Swan, Twilight
best gaklah cerita nie, better dri new moon, rase nak tgk lagi jer .Puas hati; 4 bintang |
Reply 577# maxxwu
aku x perasan lak... |
dah book tiket kat gsc this sunday morning .... harap2 ok la critenye.... bukunye pun lom abis bace lagik... |
goodies premier semlm
yatt_takez Post at 8/7/2010 16:32 
ohhh..nie ke goodies tue..
comelnye dapat gula2 eclipse tue.. |
eclipse best..nak tgk lg.. |
leon order yg mane? Twimy Eclipse goodie tu ke?
kalau yg tu, tgk kang mlm kalau rajin kite amekka ...
pavlova Post at 8-7-2010 15:21 
ha ah...aku order yg mcm dlm gambar tu la... |
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