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Author: Kacip_Fatimah


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Post time 25-4-2008 12:15 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mclaren at 24-4-2008 12:05 PM
buttercream dimasak hingga suhu tertentu tu memang biasa jumpa, mostly italian buttercream, french buttercream, dimasak, sebab guna telur in the buttercream.
& perlukan candy thermometer utk pa ...

no, no. bukan tu semua, neither it is boiled frosting.

ianya buttercream biasa. simple buttercream yang  dipanaskan sehingga cair SEDIKIT either guna double boiler or nak senang (tapi perlu berhati-hati) guna microwave saja. simple buttercream maksudnya recipe yang hanya guna butter/shortening/krimwell and icing sugar. my buttercream recipe guna butter and a small portion of krimwell (just untuk bagi creamy sikit tapi tak banyak sebab krimwell ni rasa tak sedap) and then i add golden syrup secukup rasa manis.

letak buttercream yang dah gebu dipukul dalam bekas dan masa panas sambil kacau and bila dah agak cair rata STOP. jangan terlalu panas ia akan menjadi terlalu cair dan minyak mula keluar. kalau guna microwave, set pada tahap kuasa paling minima dan check serta kacau setiap 10 saat.

panas sehingga ianya boleh tuang cukup. kebetulan i ada some buttercream in the fridge so i made some to show you all. sorry gambar tak terang sebab cari digital camera tak jumpa. nanti i upload gambar yang terang. but i think you get the idea.

siapa ada buttercream kat rumah tu silakan cuba, senang sangat. yang perlu ingat, harus panaskan secara SANGAT perlahan/hati-hati dan berhenti sebaik sahaja boleh tuang dan sebelum keluar minyak. cuba dulu sikit jadi tahu consistencynya. agak-agak macam whipped cream or meringue baru nak jadi stiff ie the soft peak stage. bila you tuang sikit, it will hold it's shape for about 3-4 seconds and then it will spread out and smoothen.

it looks like poured fondant tapi texturenya sama seperti buttercream except that permukaannya licin sangat. selepas tuang atas kek, ianya akan 'set' sama seperti buttercream.

[ Last edited by  ayjay at 25-4-2008 01:45 PM ]



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Post time 25-4-2008 12:27 PM | Show all posts
okay ..... anak dah balik pinjam kejap camera dia. entah mana pulaklah my digicam.

ni gambar macro mode so super close-up. but if you see it in real life, it's perfectly smooth macam gambar yang first tu. :bg:

[ Last edited by  ayjay at 25-4-2008 01:43 PM ]

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Post time 25-4-2008 12:45 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ayjay at 25-4-2008 12:15 PM

no, no. bukan tu semua, neither it is boiled frosting.

ianya buttercream biasa. simple buttercream yang  dipanaskan sehingga cair SEDIKIT either guna double boiler or nak senang (tapi perl ...

thanks ayjay for the details....teringin nak cuba tapi tak de buttercream lak sekarang kat rumah...

buttercream jenis ni kan...kalau ada lebih boleh simpan and guna semula ke ?

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Post time 25-4-2008 12:54 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by maisya at 25-4-2008 12:45 PM

thanks ayjay for the details....teringin nak cuba tapi tak de buttercream lak sekarang kat rumah...

buttercream jenis ni kan...kalau ada lebih boleh simpan and guna semula ke ?

boleh. just simpan dalam airtight container and bubuh dalam fridge. i pernah simpan sampai 6 bulan pun still ok. janji bila kita buat semuanya bersih and peralatan bersih and jangan guna tangan. and tutup rapat so that tak hinggap bau lain.

this one i guna 50-50 unsalted Anchor butter and krimwell sebab masa tu i nak buat frosting putih (kalau banyak butter, kuning sikit lah). tapi kalau semua  krimwell yulks tak tahan texture dan rasa berminyak semacam (and not good for health pun sebab banyak  saturated fats). and then i whip sampai gebu and cuma tambah golden syrup (or simple syrup pun boleh) secukup rasa (tak pakai sukat pun).   :victory:

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Post time 25-4-2008 01:02 PM | Show all posts
lupa nak cakap. kalau nak bubuh warna, just add color or flavoring. ianya ialah buttercream biasa!

i don't know why the previous poster guna the term 'steam buttercream' .... maybe dia steam kot. but i don't recommend it. just like when melting chocolate or ganache, you don't want the risk of added moisture. personally, the microwave method is still the best. :victory:  

and bila dah mula 'set' jangan pegang ye nanti comot.

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Post time 25-4-2008 01:09 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by wa'ah at 22-4-2008 12:39 PM
ada terjumpa resepi utk buat marshmallows..kalo sesapa rajin nak try... bleh tgk step kat sini

i guna Martha Stewart punya recipe. i've also tried the french laundry recipe. and both recipes i masak sampai soft boil saja.

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Post time 25-4-2008 01:16 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by choclatemousse at 22-4-2008 04:57 PM
sifu2, kkwn, choc nk tanya...tapi sori ler kalu soklan nih pernah ditanya dan dah dijawap....

1. choc ganache tuh sapu atau tuang atas kek?
2. pastu dia akan meleleh camner nk bagi c ...

yang paling penting kualiti chocolate serta KONSISTENSI ganache yang sempurna. for poured ganache, kena cepat gunakan sebaik sahaja konsistensi yang diingini di capai supaya ianya spread cantik and smooth. start pouring dari tengah kek and then tuang lagi secara bulat (?) . i mean, tuang pusing ikut jam sampai tepi kek and biar dia meleleh tepi kek. do not touch the ganache or it won't be smooth anymore. if you have to smoothen anything, do it very quickly before it even starts to set.

kalau ganache dah mula terlalu pekat, then panaskan dalam microwave kuasa minima dan kacau sehingga boleh tuang. kena buat one cake at one go, tak boleh separuh then separuh lagi. tak bezanya cara bila guna poured buttercream (see my above posting on this)


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Post time 25-4-2008 01:20 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ira_229 at 4-4-2008 10:10 AM
Just nak share & update..!cakap pasal wilton product, dulu ada orang tanya pasal product ni halal ke tidak kan? baru attend class buat kek, kata instructor saya, wilton product dibuat mengiku ...

true. most wilton products are kosher (prave) tapi perlu ingat kosher tidak sama dengan halal. Kosher mungkin mengandungi alcohol.
like many imported flavorings, kosher tapi alcohol based.

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Post time 25-4-2008 01:30 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ajut at 9-4-2008 04:20 PM
Salam....nak tanya

Apa beza sugar paste and fondant.  Thanks

fondant ada beberapa jenis - poured or rolled. (ada juga fondant as candy centers and also kek yang bernama fondant yang mana tengahnya 'cair' ie volcano cake)

untuk cover cake and buat bunga, etc dipanggil rolled fondant.  tak ada 'gum' so kurang flexible and will not really harden. sesuai untuk cover cake, simple flowers, ribbons, ruffles and bows.

sugar paste atau gum paste ada tambahan gum tracaganth so you can roll it really thin to make more realistic flowers. cuma kena kerja dengan cepat sebab ianya cepat keras and will dry as hard as pastillage.

pastillage pulak akan keras sekeras-kerasnya.  biasa digunakan untuk buat base, support or deco 3D. yang ni lagi cepat keras dari gum paste.

kalau mula belajar, i suggest you familiarize dengan guna rolled fondant dulu.

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Post time 25-4-2008 03:12 PM | Show all posts

Reply #607 ayjay's post

tks ayjay...paham ler skit2

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Post time 25-4-2008 03:54 PM | Show all posts

Reply #602 ayjay's post

thanks bagi gambar butter cream steam ni heboh kat rnet ingat nak try tapi tak berani lagi nak tgk dulu kena steam sampai jadi macam dah faham...thankyou

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Post time 25-4-2008 05:01 PM | Show all posts
ayjay thanks so much for sharing the so called 'steamed' buttercream method.

my buttercream only consists of butter & icing sugar je, i don't like to add creamwell in, so kalau butter & sugar aje, pun boleh melt it a bit by using double boiler technique ni ke?

lagi satu, kalau tuang atas cupcake macam ayjay tunjuk contoh kat atas tu kan, how to make sure cream elok cantik kat permukaan, tak meleleh ke luar?

ni tuang & just let it set ke, memang takde interference dgn apa2 alat utk kemas kan dia kan?
berminat lah nak try...

then cream yang dah hampir melt tu, how long will it take to harden to the consistency so that it can be piped using tips? ke, kena refrigerate to harden it, as long as it is out in the room temp after melting it, forever akan 'cair'?

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Post time 25-4-2008 05:31 PM | Show all posts
TQ ayjay for the info, will try it sooner or later

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Post time 25-4-2008 05:42 PM | Show all posts
betul tak pe yang meeza paham nih,

buat butter cream mcm biasa (or if ader left over buttercream dalam fridge), hangatkan dalam microwave mcm yang ayjay terangkan kat ats tuh, then terus tuang atas kek and tunggu dia set?

baca skip2

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Post time 25-4-2008 06:46 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by meeza at 25-4-2008 05:42 PM
betul tak pe yang meeza paham nih,

buat butter cream mcm biasa (or if ader left over buttercream dalam fridge), hangatkan dalam microwave mcm yang ayjay terangkan kat ats tuh, then terus tuang ...

kalau nak belajar mana leh skip. penat saya menaip tau.

lebihkurang gitulah. tapi of course kena cuba baru tahu kan?

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Post time 25-4-2008 06:55 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mclaren at 25-4-2008 05:01 PM
ayjay thanks so much for sharing the so called 'steamed' buttercream method.

my buttercream only consists of butter & icing sugar je, i don't like to add creamwell in, so kalau butter & sugar ...

uh, i pula tak suka guna icing sugar coz kalau kat malaysia macamana whip pun tetap akan ada a little grittiness. that's why i like my buttercream using liquid sugar supaya smooth.

and yes, seriously i don't know how people can eat krimwell or shortening style 'buttercream'. some people even use 100% krimwell + icing sugar for buttercream. i pun selalunya guna 100% butter but kalau nak betul-betul putih kena campur sikit jugalah krimwell.

boleh, buttercream butter saja pun boleh but as you know buttercream ayng butter 100% is more sensitive to heat, dia punya melting point is lower.
i would suggest untuk method poured buttercream ni you campur sikit dengan Crisco to help with the structure.

masa kacau bila panaskan tu jangan kacau kuat sangat sebab kan buttercream ni dah dipukul gebu so we want it's 'gebu'ness to be maintained., it will deflate some but still fluffy lagi. so, kacau perlahan-lahan sampai rata cair. agak-agak ada skit-sikit je ketual blum cair dah boleh take it off the heat and continue to stir. teknik sama macam nak cairkan chocolatelah.

kalau buttercream bary keluar dari peti ais and keras, just guna scraper pecah-pecahkan dulu. what i do is ambil sudu and scrape the buttercream so that dia macam shavings jauh dalam bekas double boiler. macam ni senang cair.

sorrylah kalau i tak pandai sangat nak explain. tapi boleh tanya kalau nak penjelasan lanjut and as always, i'll try my best to help out. insyaallah.

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Post time 25-4-2008 06:57 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by choclatemousse at 25-4-2008 03:12 PM
tks ayjay...paham ler skit2

sorry kalau i explain tak jelas sangat. you can ask me lah kalau ada apa-apa lagi i boleh help with. bukan pandai sangat pun tapi whatever little knowledge tu insyaallah boleh share.

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Post time 25-4-2008 07:09 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mclaren at 25-4-2008 05:01 PM
lagi satu, kalau tuang atas cupcake macam ayjay tunjuk contoh kat atastu kan, how to make sure cream elok cantik kat permukaan, tak melelehke luar?

ni tuang & just let it set ke, memang takde interference dgn apa2 alat utk kemas kan dia kan?
berminat lah nak try...

then cream yang dah hampir melt tu, how long will it take to harden tothe consistency so that it can be piped using tips? ke, kenarefrigerate to harden it, as long as it is out in the room temp aftermelting it, forever akan 'cair'?

oops sorry ada lagi soalan

to make sure it's so smooth, the consistency mesti betul. i explained as best i could, so kena try baru tahu lah. bila baru tuang tu boleh cepat-cepat guna spatula nak smoothkan dia. kalau cupcake, tuang agak cukup kuantiti and just use a spoon to sorta push the poured buttercream in a swirling motion sampai ketepi. kalau masa tuang tu the cream habis meleleh sangat, that means it's too runny and probably your buttercream dah mula keluar minyak dah pun. this is no good.

once it starts to set, dah tak boleh sentuh dah. biasanya bila i buat teknik ni akan off air-cond so tak cepat sangat dia set. bila dah siap, baru on balik air-cond.

so, basically when you dah familiar with it you will be able to gauge the correct consistency and then pour it nicely over your cake and with very little help make it really smooth. when i get it perfectly done, i tak perlu sentuh pun kek tu. just like poured ganache - tuang dari tengah and sambil pusing bergerak ke tepi.  bayangkan macam ikut lingkaran ubat nyamuk gitu. i am so bad at explaining. sorry. then just goyang sikit guna the turn table pusing-pusing lawan jam - ikut jam (macam menari twist ) and the cream will settle and smoothen out on its own.

once you've convert your buttercream into poured buttercream, then it won't be back sama macam buttercream coz it will be deflated somewhat. so better untuk piping tu you set aside a portion. but. it can be reheated to be reused as poured buttercream again.

it doesn't need to be set in the fridge. it will sort of crust a little, not unlike buttercream will crust. but it's soft sama macam butercream frosting. nak bubuh dalam peti ais pun boleh. and just like when you cover a cake with buttercream, tunggu sebentar before you start decorating so that permukaannya semacam 'set' sikit. this is what is called as crusting.

[ Last edited by  ayjay at 25-4-2008 07:20 PM ]

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Post time 25-4-2008 07:20 PM | Show all posts
i paham sebijik2 apa u terang ayjay, tqvm... nanti kalau cuban i jadi i post sini..

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Post time 25-4-2008 07:24 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by kismis at 25-4-2008 07:20 PM
i paham sebijik2 apa u terang ayjay, tqvm... nanti kalau cuban i jadi i post sini..

oh good. bila cuba, try sikit-sikit dulu ye. sebab kalau tercair sangat tak rugi nant dan boleh buang and try lagi.

especially bila guna microwave - hati-hati!

kalau dah familiar baru boleh cair banyak-banyak cukup for one cake. memang senang sangat cuma kena biasakan je. hasilnya sungguh memuaskan. good luck!

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