camna ya dia leh kata fitnah sedangkan ianya sudah jelas dan nyata?? pelik.. |
dia nih yang wartawan gelar Patung Cendana kan
aku rasa wartawan kena carik gelaran yang lebih vogue lagi laaaa |
Reply #619 otomantaro's post
tu belum lagi masuk kes plagiat poems
mau semua turun menyerang porem ni plak
yg depa dok backing giler2 tu
pasal ada dok kutuk si datin ni
kononnya wild sesangat....
kes dia cerai... dan
siap mintak rumah harga 2 juta kat shahrin...
hahah... wat abt the RM2mil hse u asked fm Shahrin Tasha? And made his mother worried of her son.. ehehehe.. as he had spent so much on u just to be dumped when u meet sumone richer?
i am not jealous with a STAR like u.. i just like the way u write to justify urself..
CANTIK.. tp... hak masing2 kan... <Sat 7-Jul-2007 12:55 Posted byh tasha i love u>
hahahah wht 2 million dollar house is tht?i dont remember asking for any?so what if he would to buy tht for me?(dia ada hutang nyawa kat u ke mr. i dont know who)..anyway..its so hilarious..im lucky to have shahrin who loves me..n i dont have to ask for anything from people..they would know how to value me from my love..materials dnt mean a thing to me..i've got my own money too.. < Sun 8-Jul-2007 18:14 Posted by:natasha >
credit : http://aweenlp7.fotopages.com/?entry=456796 |
shahrin tu bekas laki dia yg jual jagung tu kah?
mana nak ada 2mil.. jual jagung maaa... muahahahhahaa <manalah icon gelak guling tu> |
apa2 pun NH oiiii, baik buat press komprenz perbetulkan balik apa yg berlaku.... |
cilok kat FP dia sat dari konon 'kawan' dia
I know natasha more than anyone else here, she is never the girl who most bad heart claimed here. you guys has nothing better to do but so unhappy of others succes and victory. Shahrin is never worried about she would dumped him for someone better and there is no slightes doubt about her love for him and never try to buy her with material.
duhhhhh of coz lah Shahrin x takut Natasha ni xkan tinggalkan dia, he's d one with $$$ how stupid a person can be citer lawak tol, kat blog kata Shahrin yang have a 'crush' on her for 7 years :re: bila tengok Datuk Shahrin ni, dia xde rupa mamat yang akan menunggu dari jauh perempuan yang dia nak.... sampai 7 tahun lak tu alahai dongeng Sindilelah tol..... |
rasanya CORNman tu walaupon jahat kat dia, tapi kesyahduan penangan CORNman diabadikan buat nickname laki dia sian Datuk S tu |
Reply #628 yipun78's post
tapi Yip..bab-bab cinta lelaki ni takleh gak nak percaya..selagi lum dpt..sanggup tu tunggu bertahun2...bila dah dapat tu yg tak sampai setahun..muahhaahhhaa.. |
Originally posted by chekshu at 18-1-2008 10:47
tu belum lagi masuk kes plagiat poems
mau semua turun menyerang porem ni plak
yg depa dok backing giler2 tu
pasal ada dok kutuk si datin ni
kononnya wild sesangat....
kes dia cerai..
hahahah wht 2 million dollar house is tht?i dont remember asking forany?so what if he would to buy tht for me?(dia ada hutang nyawa kat uke mr. i dont know who)..anyway..its so hilarious..im lucky to haveshahrin who loves me..n i dont have to ask for anything frompeople..they would know how to value me from my love..materials dntmean a thing to me..i've got my own money too.. < Sun 8-Jul-200718:14 Posted by:natasha >...
cara si NH ni jawab balik kat org tak nampak langsung valid point dia menjawab soalan.. every sentences showed her style of writing pun tak impress langsung.. dat means nothing intelligent to talk about.. |
Reply #627 Hiro's post
trophy wife le....
so.. must be love kat body and lokk aje... |
Reply #631 PrinCessMaya's post
just wait n see la...
whether this "Shahrin yang have a 'crush' on her for 7 years " tu
bertahan tak in marriage |
DSCT secara rasminye kuar dr list no brainer ku...
Now,pemegang takhta Datin no brainer rasmi ku..x lain x bukan..
Datin Phlox!!!Yeahh!!..tepuk2.. |
Reply #631 PrinCessMaya's post
namanya lelaki |
Reply #632 dianaris's post
what kind of answer
do you expect from a bimbo????? |
silap2... budak perempuan ni.. tahun dpn.. harus dpt laki baru ni..
plagiat kerja orang is unethical, nak kaya cepat. tapi tersangatlah tidak bijak |
Reply #636 intz's post
hahahaha sungguh funny.. datin phlox!!! good one.. |
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