Reply #620 thedude's post
sedih la abg...
rase cam sakit sgt kat dada ni..
nak nangis tp cuba btahan.
rs cam x gune sedih utk org cam dia....tp ati ni btol2 terluka.
benci nye.....i hate dis feeling. |
oja..oja ni brape umo nye? |
He had the cheek to tell me that he missed me. Go to hell. |
I didn't realise that my ex was actually a wonderful man. I kept overlooking things, I had been such a bitch. He had done so much for me but I never actually appreciated him. Now that he's long gone, padan muka aku.
I am getting more and more tired, and am losing strength. I can feel that this loneliness is pushing me closer and closer to the edge. I am on the brink of losing all form of sanity.
I miss him today. |
feel bored with love...leh ke cmtu? |
Reply #626 seroja's post
aiii mude lagi...segannye..paggil aunty la klu gtu...xox oxo |
xpe2...dlm proses nk lupekan u, i have to think bout u dear...:cry:
takes time btol laa.... |
meh lara up kan tred ni........ |
aku nk ngamuk ni..
ke aku yg jeles..aku dpt tau bf aku cet ngn kwn die pmpuan...aku tau pmpuan tu tes die..
alasan nk brborak..
aku jeles
die kta xde pape..kwn je
aku jeles
die kta aku xcaye die
aku jeles
die kta xperlu risau sbb die mmg syg aku
aku jeles
aku jeles
:@ :@ :@
p/s: leh ke luahan hati yg cmni??:@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ |
Reply #632 dhanishdhania's post
aku rindu ex tunang aku... |
Wa rindu sama lu..
Setiap hari, setiap jam, setiap minit, setiap saat...
Tapi rindu tu tak pernah buat wa jadi lemah dan layu...
Rindu itu buat wa jadi makin kuat dan makin bersemangat...
Wa malu nak ngaku, tapi tiap kali wa ingat sama lu, mata wa bergenang..
Bukan sedih, tapi sebak...
Semalam wa mimpikan lu.. Wa mimpi jemari kita bersatu.. Biarpun bukan di dunia nyata, wa sudah cukup puas hati... (walaupun MU sekadar seri.. )
Wa doa agar lu jadi penyeri dalam setiap mimpi indah wa..
Wa tak nak manis bicara lembut gigi dari lidah.. Tapi wa ikhlas sama lu. Wa benar-benar mau sama lu.. Wa tarak tipu..
Yang benar,
Wa Yang Sedang Merindu.. |
org lain xleh wt sy jatuh cinta smpi cam ni.... i'm really love u..and no one can replace u in my heart... |
sekali lagi saya post..saya gila glemer..ahahahaha...
10 Things I Hate About You
i hate it when you call me in the morning
and ask me to tell you everything
i hate it when you call me at eleven
because your voice makes me feel like i'm in heaven
i hate it when you call me before lunch
and teases me because i listen to grunge
i hate it when you came back to office
you call me to make some peace
i hate it when comes 2 p.m
your children calls and you have to pick them
i hate it when my phone rings
if i don't pick up you'll SMS me some winks
i hate it if you decided to visit me
because i know i want to see you badly
i hate it if you take me out for tea
we'd go to that place, overlooking the sea
i hate it when you kiss me goodbye
because you'll always make me cry
i hate it when you go home to your wife
when i have nobody else in my life..
*luahan hati seorang perempuan* |
Mana aku pergi, ada aje yang nak menyibuk.. :@ :@ :@ |
| |
Category: Cinta & Perhubungan