aiolss pon rasa skang heolss dah hensap skang dah makin matured lah katanya dah makin tua tp tang mama boy tuh mmg x buleh blah ...xpe lah asal bahagia dek non x gitu?
baideway cantik kat dlm cover nih manis gitu

[size=13.992px]In a new interview with Vogue India, the actress opened up about everything everyone's wondering about her. [size=13.992px]On why she chose to avoid commenting on the break-up, Kaif said, "All Cancerians are guarded to a certain extent. That's just the way it is," she says. "It’s also just about being a girl." [size=13.992px]Her silence has also to do with the fact that she wasn't the only person in the relationship. "(It involves) another person who is not in your control. Which means, you are going to be speaking for yourself and for that other person, constantly making changes and updates, you know?" [size=13.992px]She also added that she has wisened up to the ways of the film industry and doesn't attach herself too deeply to anyone. "I think I no longer make friends in a way that I am too attached or dependent on people. This is the film industry, this is a place of work and sometimes we mix the personal and the professional too closely." [size=13.992px]About being a social-media recluse, Kaif revealed that it's a tempting proposition but she isn't certain when she'll finally give in. [size=13.992px]"I fear I might get into a war of words, constantly clarifying myself. I guess there is a positive and negative side to it," she told Vogue, adding, "But it is something I say I have been thinking of doing for a while."