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Author: novelloverzz

Peristiwa Dunia, Mitos & Sejarah

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Post time 13-2-2015 02:08 PM | Show all posts
Huckleberry Finn Feb. 13th, 1991 :
This was the day that the original manuscript of Huckleberry Finn by Mark was recovered. It was a handwritten script of the first half of the original draft of this book, which included Twains own handwritten corrections. This manuscript had been missing for over a hundred years. It was found by a 62-year old librarian from Los Angeles, who finally sorted through old papers sent to her from upstate New York. Mark Twain had sent the second half of the manuscript to this librarian’s grandfather, James Gluck. Gluck had solicited this manuscript in Buffalo, New York where Mark Twain had lived at one time. Mark Twain could not find the first half of his manuscript, even while he was alive. However, he did find it and sent it to Gluck. Court proceedings had taken place to decide who owned the rights to the lost Huckleberry Finn manuscript (the first half). The sisters, the library, and the Mark Twain Papers Projects in Berkeley, California all fought for rights of this book. After a fairly lengthy battle, the three different groups mentioned above came to a consensus, and made a deal. The library would be awarded the rights to the physical papers, and all three parties would share in publication rights. Then, in 1995, Random House won the rights to publish the book. They were said to have paid a high price for these rights, however, and the amount they were said to have paid was not disclosed to the public.


book cover



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Post time 13-2-2015 02:13 PM | Show all posts
Edited by lavender_aqua at 13-2-2015 02:14 PM

   Beatle's Release Double A Side Single 17th February,  1967 :  
The Beatles release the double A-sided single in the United Kingdom with Penny Lane ( Paul McCartney )
written about Penny Lane where Lennon and McCartney would meet to go into Liverpool  on one side and
"Strawberry Fields Forever" ( John Lennon ) named after a Salvation Army house where
Lennon would play as a kid  on the other side.   




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Post time 15-2-2015 09:51 AM | Show all posts
Maple Leaf Adopted Feb. 15th, 1965  :
It was proclaimed by Queen Elizabeth II of England that the Maple leaf would become Canada’s new national flag symbol.
This new Canadian national flag had been raised on this day above Parliament Hill in Ottawa, which is the Capital of Canada.  

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Post time 17-2-2015 08:27 AM | Show all posts
The New Yorker Feb. 17th, 1925 :
The New Yorker is published for the first time.
The New Yorker is a weekly magazine with a focus on the cultural life of New York City.

1st edition of The New Yorker



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Post time 22-2-2015 06:24 PM | Show all posts
Great Britain   Dolly The Sheep 22nd February,  1997  :
Scottish scientists from the Roslin Institute in Edinburgh announce they have successfully cloned an adult sheep named Dolly.
The sheep was born in  July of 1996, and Dolly was the world's first cloned mammal.



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Post time 23-2-2015 10:37 AM | Show all posts
Polio Vaccines Started  23rd February,  1954  :
The first injections of the new polio vaccine developed by Dr. Jonas Salk
to a group of children from Arsenal Elementary School in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania



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Post time 24-2-2015 09:47 AM | Show all posts
1940   U.S.A.   When You Wish Upon a Star24th February,  1940  :
The song "When You Wish Upon a Star" is recorded by Frances Langford.
It  becomes a major hit and it is still one of the most recognizable songs today   

When You Wish Upon A Star Lyrics

When you wish upon a star
Makes no difference who you are
Anything your heart desires
Will come to you.

If your heart is in your dream
No request is too extreme
When you wish upon a star
As dreamers do.

Fate is kind
She brings to those who love
The sweet fulfillment of
Their secret longing

Like a bolt out of the blue
Suddenly, it comes to you
When you wish upon a star
Your dreams come true

When a star is born
They possess a gift or two.
One of them is this
They have the power to make a wish come true.

When you wish upon a star
Makes no difference who you are
Anything your heart desires
Will come to you,

If your heart is in your dream
No request is too extreme
When you wish upon a star
As dreamers do.

Fate is kind
She brings to those who love
The sweet fulfillment of
Their secret longing.

Like a bolt out of the blue
Suddenly, it comes to you
When you wish upon a star
Your dreams come true.




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Post time 24-2-2015 10:06 AM | Show all posts
  China   Nixon Visits Great Wall Of China Feb. 24th,  1972  :  
This was the day when President Nixon had visited the Great Wall of China.
Nixon had called for the breaking down of the walls there and “walls of any kind between peoples”.
Before Nixon had arrived in China, there was some talk of releasing American prisoners of war held there.
No answer has been given yet as to whether or not that was going to happen as of this day, but it was reported that negotiations were being made.

During his famous visit to the Great Wall in 1972, Richard Nixon (in a Bush Jr–esque moment of eloquence) stated: “I think that you would have to conclude that this is a great wall.” And he was right—the Great Wall of China is undoubtedly one of the ancient world’s most amazing feats of engineering.

President Richard Nixon and his wife visited the Great Wall during their stay in China,Feb 24, 1972.




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Post time 24-2-2015 12:44 PM | Show all posts
  United Kingdom    Charles and Diana 24th February,  1981  :
The Prince of Wales announced his engagement to
Lady Diana Spencer ending months of speculation by the tabloid press.



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Post time 25-2-2015 10:41 AM | Show all posts

Hari Ini Dalam Sejarah | 25 Februari 1994 | Tragedi Masjid Ibrahimi, Hebron

“Saya menolak keras mana-mana tindakan politik/diplomatik yang bakal memisahkan Judea dan Samaria (Tebing Barat hari ini) daripada wilayah Israel. Tindakan sebegitu akan mencemar identiti Yahudi negara Israel. Ia juga akan mengkhianati ajaran Bible dan Torah,” ujar Goldstein.

Baruch Kopel Goldstein.

Beliau seorang doktor perubatan lulusan Universiti Yeshiva di New York, USA. Beliau juga merupakan ahli kepada Jewish Defense League (JDL), kumpulan ekstremis Yahudi yang berpangkalan di New York. Kumpulan ini memperjuangkan nasionalisme Israel melalui pendekatan yang dianggap rasis, melampau, dan tidak bimbang untuk mengambil jalan keganasan.

Selepas menamatkan pengajian dalam bidang perubatan (1983), beliau telah berhijrah ke Kiryat Arba di Hebron, Israel. Beliau telah berkhidmat sebagai pegawai perubatan untuk Israel Defense Force (IDF). Sepanjang perkhidmatan beliau, sikap ekstrem dan rasis beliau sangat menyerlah dengan keengganan merawat mana-mana penduduk Arab yang cedera. Ia menjadi isu yang hangat sekitar Intiafa 1987. Beliau juga dilaporkan mengeluarkan ugutan di khalayak umum untuk membunuh warga Arab yang tinggal bersama masyarakat Yahudi di Hebron. Badan risikan internal Israel, Shin Bet turut mengakui bahawa Goldstein akan mengganas pada bila-bila masa sahaja jika gerakan beliau tidak dihalang. Namun, tiada sebarang tindakan diambil oleh pihak berkuasa Israel. Malah, Goldstein telah dinaikkan pangkatnya.

Apa Perdana Menteri Israel, Yitzhak Rabin bertindak menandatangani Perjanjian Oslo (1993) dengan Yasser Arafat, Goldstein menjadi berang. Selaku pegawai tentera yang mempunyai kedudukan yang tinggi di Hebron, beliau telah menggunakan kebebasannya untuk keluar masuk kawasan rakyat Palestin dan bertindak menumpahkan asid dan merosakkan ruang solat Masjid Ibrahimi*. Sungguhpun tindakan ini mendapat bantahan keras umat Islam Palestin, ia tidak diendahkan. Goldstein tidak disabitkan dengan sebarang kesalahan.

Tidak cukup dengan itu, Goldstein akhirnya nekad untuk memanfaatkan Perayaan Hari Purim untuk mengganas dan membunuh umat Islam Palestin di Hebron pada pagi 25 April 1994 ketika mereka sedang menunaikan solat Subuh. Goldstein telah memasuki perkarangan masjid yang dikawal oleh lebih 10 pegawai ‘tanpa mereka sedari’ dan melepaskan tembakan rambang ke arah jemaah solat yang membunuh 29 orang (5 daripadanya kanak-kanak) dan mencederakan 125 orang yang lain.

Goldstein mati ditempatkan kejadian; dipukul sampai mati oleh mereka yang cuba menghentikan tindakan gila beliau.

Tindakan Goldstein menyebabkan rakyat Islam di Hebron dan beberapa lagi bandar di Palestin terutamanya Gaza bangkit membuat bantahan dan menuntut keadilan. Namun, bantahan mereka berakhir dengan 44 lagi kematian dan 800 kecederaan apabila IDF bertindak keras menghentikan bantahan; lebih buruk daripada pembunuhan oleh Goldstein.

Tragedi Masjid Ibrahimi akan terus diingati sebagai wewenang Israel membiarkan golongan ekstremis Yahudi melakukan apa sahaja yang dapat mengukuhkan kuasa Israel di Tebing Barat. Israel merestui ‘pengorbanan suci’ Goldstein sebagai suara demokrasi versi Israel. Kuburnya menjadi tugu peringatan dan tercatat ungkapan “martyr with clean hands and a pure heart.” Perayaan Hari Purim pula kini diraikan dengan lagu khas memperingati Goldstein dengan bait-bait seperti "Dr. Goldstein, there is none other like you in the world. Dr. Goldstein, we all love you… he aimed at terrorists' heads, squeezed the trigger hard, and shot bullets, and shot, and shot."

Sungguhpun tiada lagi kejadian seumpama ini sejak 1994, idea Goldstein untuk menghalau semua penduduk Arab dari Judea dan Samaria diteruskan oleh penduduk penempatan haram Yahudi (settlers) melalui tindakan-tindakan vandalisme hampir setiap hari. Mereka bertindak memusnahkan kebun Zaitun, memecahkan cermin kereta, membakar masjid, dan mencipta konfrontasi dengan masyarakat Arab yang melalui kawasan kediaman mereka. Malah, tindakan ini mendapat perlindungan IDF yang berkawal di kawasan penempatan haram Yahudi.

Judea dan Samaria adalah kerajaan lama Yahudi yang meliputi wilayah Tebing Barat. Mereka tidak pernah berniat melepaskannya. Tidak bagi Goldstein, tidak juga bagi mereka.

*Tapak Masjid Ibrahimi dianggap suci oleh kaum Yahudi. Mereka menggelarnya sebagai ‘Cave of the Patriarchs’ tinggalan Nabi Ibrahim as. Sejak berakhirnya Perang Arab-Israel 1967 yang dimenangi Israel, masjid ini telah ditawan oleh IDF dan muslim telah dipaksa berkongsi kompleks tersebut dengan masyarakat Yahudi.



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Post time 28-2-2015 09:15 PM | Show all posts
Perang Teluk Parsi (2 Ogos 1990 – 28 Februari 1991), nama kod Operasi Ribut Padang Pasir (17 Januari, 1991– 28 Februari, 1991) atau ringkasnya dikenali sebagai Perang Teluk, adalah sebuah perang oleh Pasukan Bersekutu yang diketuai oleh Amerika Syarikat dan diluluskan oleh Pertubuhan Bangsa Bersatu menentang Iraq sebagai tindak balas ke atas serangan Iraq ke atas Kuwait.

Pasukan Bersekutu telah ditugaskan untuk mengusir pasukan tentera Iraq daripada Kuwait selepas pencerobohan dan pendudukan Iraq ke atas Kuwait pada bulan Ogos 1990.

Meskipun terdapat hampir tiga dozen negara-negara yang bergabung dalam tentera Pasukan Bersekutu, majoriti pasukan tentera disumbangkan oleh Amerika Syarikat dan United Kingdom.

Serangan ke atas Kuwait oleh pasukan tentera Iraq telah menyebabkan sekatan ekonomi dikenakan oleh beberapa anggota Majlis Keselamatan PBB, dengan Amerika Syarikat dan United Kingdom kemudian membuat persediaan untuk berperang.

Pengusiran tentera Iraq dari Kuwait bermula pada Januari 1991 dengan kemenangan muktamad dicapai oleh Pasukan Bersekutu, yang telah berjaya mengambil alih Kuwait dan memasuki wilayah Iraq.

Pertempuran udara dan darat telah berlaku dalam lingkungan wilayah Iraq, Kuwait dan kawasan sempadan Arab Saudi. Iraq juga telah melancarkan peluru berpandu ke Arab Saudi dan Israel sebagai pembalasan di atas sokongan mereka kepada Pasukan Bersekutu di Kuwait.

Perang Teluk. Pesawat tempur AS melintasi kilang minyak yang terbakar.

Operasi Badai Gurun dipimpin Jenderal Norman Schwarzkopf berperang melawan pencerobohan Saddam Hussein ke Kuwait

Tank tempur utama Angkatan Darat Itali.
Tank ini dilengkapi sistem optik, digital imaging dan fire control terbaru.
Ini memungkinkan untuk CI ARIETE tetap efektif terhadap target bergerak pada siang maupun malam hari.

Pertempuran di langit saat Perang Teluk



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Post time 28-2-2015 09:19 PM | Show all posts

   Thailand   Thaksin Shinawatra Feb. 28th, 2008  :
The former Prime Minister of Thailand Thaksin Shinawatra  returns to Thailand
after a long period of exile and is arrested on corruption charges.
He had been overthrown on 19 September 2006 by a military junta known as the Council for National Security (CNS) in
a bloodless coup while he was attending a UN meeting in New York City.   



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Post time 2-3-2015 01:01 PM | Show all posts
Edited by bellaa at 2-3-2015 01:04 PM

March 2 - Today’s Highlight:

1793: The first president of the Republic of Texas, Sam Houston, was born near Lexington, Virginia.

1836: The Republic of Texas formally declared its independence from Mexico.

1877: Republican Rutherford B. Hayes was declared the winner of the 1876 presidential election
over Democrat Samuel J. Tilden, even though Tilden had won the popular vote.

1917: Puerto Ricans were granted U.S. citizenship as President Woodrow Wilson signed the Jones-Shafroth Act.

1940: The cartoon character Elmer Fudd made his debut in the Warner Bros. animated short “Elmer’s Candid Camera,” in which the title character finds himself pitted against a rascally rabbit that was a precursor to Bugs Bunny.

1962: Wilt Chamberlain scored 100 points for the Philadelphia Warriors in a game against the New York Knicks, an NBA record that still stands. (Philadelphia won, 169-147.)

1965: the movie version of Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Broadway musical “The Sound of Music,” starring Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer, had its world premiere at New York’s Rivoli Theater.

2014: The historical drama “12 Years a Slave” won best picture at the 86th annual Academy Awards.



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Post time 2-3-2015 08:14 PM | Show all posts
The Sound of Music  Tuesday, 2nd March,  1965:
  The movie version of the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical "The Sound of Music"
starring Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer in the lead roles has its world premiere in New York.
  A few of the most well known songs from the Musical / Movie
"Climb Ev'ry Mountain"
"My Favorite Things"
"Sixteen Going on Seventeen"
"The Lonely Goatherd"



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Post time 2-3-2015 08:15 PM | Show all posts
King Kong   Thursday, 2nd March,  1933 :
  The Original King Kong  movie has its world premiere in New York   



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Post time 3-3-2015 10:32 AM | Show all posts
Edited by bellaa at 3-3-2015 10:33 AM

March 3 - Today’s Highlight:

2014 Bahrain Bomb Kills Three Police

3rd March, 2014 : Three policemen were killed in a bomb blast in Daih, Bahrain while trying to break up rioting and anti-government protesters.

After the explosion several opposition groups issued a statement saying that they "regretted" any casualties.

2013 Malaysia Gun Battle Kills Police

Sunday, 3rd March, 2013 : Gunmen in the Malaysian state of Sabah killed at least five police in a gun battle. .

2012 Colombia Rebel Bomb Attack Kills Three

Saturday, 3rd March, 2012 : After a "rebel bomb attack" in the North-eastern part of Colombia, two soldiers and one boy were dead as a result of the explosion.

Another three soldiers were also injured in the attack that took place near the town of Tame. Officials claimed that the left-wing rebel group Farc were responsible for the attack.

United States
2011 United States Last Space Walk For Shuttle Discovery Thursday, 3rd March, 2011 :

The last space walk to be conducted from the space shuttle Discovery before its retirement was completed by two US astronauts.
Steve Bowen and Alvin Drew spent six hours on their space walk completing tasks for the International Space Station.

United States Planning for cybersecurity Wednesday, 3rd March, 2010 :

The White House has declassified some of its plans on how it will protect the nation's computer networks from cyberwarfare.
The announcement was made by the 'cybersecurity tsar' Howard Schmidt, and has been aimed at a greater co-operation between academia, government and the private sector.
"We have to fully recognize the importance cybersecurity has in our lives," Mr. Schmidt said.

United States Russia to cooperate with the United States on Iranian missiles 3rd March, 2009 :
A reply to Barack Obama's written suggestion for blocking the development of Iranian missiles is given by Dmitry Medvedev.
The U.S. had offered to suspend its plans for a missile defence shield if Moscow cooperates in its efforts to prevent Iran from developing a series of long-range missiles. Medvedev says that he had not received the trade-off.

World Stock markets fall in worries of recession Monday, 3rd March, 2008 :
Worldwide stock markets have fallen as investors worry about a possible U.S. recession. On Wall Street, the Dow Industrials recovered from early losses to close 7 points lower. Britain's F.T.S.E. 100 index has ended 1% lower at 5,818.6, while Germany's Dax dropped 0.9% and France's Cac fell 1%. Shares across Asia, excluding China's mainland market, were hit from the bleak U.S. economic predictions, and Tokyo's Nikkei index tumbled 4.5%. India's Sensex index has shed as much as 5%.




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Post time 4-3-2015 10:32 AM | Show all posts
Edited by bellaa at 4-3-2015 11:35 AM



Menteri Muda Pertahanan, Tengku Ahmad Rithaudden Ismail telah mengumumkan penubuhan Maktab Turus Angkatan Tentera yang pertama yang akan dibina di Haigate, Kuala Lumpur (berdekatan dengan Kompleks Kementerian Pertahanan).

Cadangan penubuhan Maktab ini telah mula disuarakan oleh YAB Tun Abdul Razak bin Dato’ Hussein sejak tahun 1969 lagi.  

Maktab Turus Angkatan Tentera merupakan institusi pengajian kedua tertinggi di dalam Angkatan Tentera. Matlamat utama penubuhan Maktab ini adalah untuk melatih pegawai-pegawai yang terpilih agar menjadi pegawai staf terlatih di dalam Tentera Darat, Laut dan Udara.

Maktab yang telah dirasmikan pada 8 Januari 1972 oleh Perdana Menteri, Tun Abdul Razak bin Dato’ Hussein ini telah memulakan kursus yang pertamanya pada Januari 1972 dengan 30 orang siswa dari ketiga-tiga perkhidmatan.

Bilangan penuntut bertambah pada tahun berikutnya dengan penyertaan siswa dari Polis Diraja Malaysia dan Pegawai Tadbir dan Diplomatik.

Penyertaan siswa dari luar negara bermula pada tahun 1974.

Pada tahun 1995, Maktab ini maju setapak lagi selaras dengan keperluan pertahanan negara apabila melaksanakan program berkembar lepasan ijazah dengan Fakulti Sastera dan Sains Sosial, Universiti Malaya, iaitu Diploma Pengajian Strategik dan Pertahanan.  


Lembaga  Kemajuan  Perusahaan  Persekutuan  atau  Federal  Industrial  Development  Authority (FIDA)  telah  ditubuhkan  di bawah  Seksyen  2  (3)  Akta  (Penubuhan)  Lembaga  Kemajuan  Perusahaan  Persekutuan  1965.

FIDA  berfungsi  sebagai  sebuah  badan  autonomi  untuk  menggalak  dan  mempercepatkan  pembangunan  perindustrian  di Malaysia.

Di antara  peranan  utama  FIDA  ialah  menyelaraskan  rancangan  perusahaan kerajaan  dengan  rancangan  sektor  swasta,  menyelaraskan  kemajuan  perusahaan  di negeri-negeri  dan  menjalankan  kajian  mengenai  galakan-galakan  bagi  perusahaan  eksport.

Pada  tanggal  1  Mac  1979,  nama  FIDA  telah  ditukar  kepada  Lembaga  Kemajuan  Perindustrian  Malaysia atau  Malaysian  Industrial  Development  Authority  (MIDA)  dengan  pewartaan  Akta  FIDA  (Penukaran)  Nama  dan  Pindaan, 1979.

Tugas-tugas  MIDA  adalah  seperti  menilai  permohonan  untuk  mendapatkan  lesen  pengilang  di bawah  Akta  Penyelarasan  Perindustrian  1975  dan  galakan  di bawah  Akta  Penggalakan  Pelaburan  1986  serta  memberi  nasihat  kepada  Menteri  Perdagangan  dan  Perindustrian  mengenai  penggubalan  dasar-dasar  yang  berkaitan  dengan  penggalakan  dan  perindustrian.


Peranan Pasukan Keselamatan negara mempertahankan negara ini telah terbukti menonjolkan kemampuan yang bertaraf dunia.

Ini jelas sekali dapat dilihat dengan kebijaksanaan pasukan keselamatan menghapus kegiatan komunis di negara ini.

Bagi negeri Sarawak, usaha-usaha yang tidak pernah mengenal jemu serta penuh dedikasi pasukan keselamatan, pada hari ini 4.3.1974, Ketua Menteri Sarawak, Datuk Haji Abdul Rahman Yaakub mengumumkan kejayaan Operasi Sri Aman di Dewan Pembangunan Tun Abdul Razak, Kuching.

Operasi Sri Aman merupakan Gerakan Kerajaan membenteras pengganas komunis di negeri Sarawak.
Operasi ini melibatkan 7 batalion angkatan tentera dan 4 batalion pasukan polis hutan.

Pengumuman kejayaan gerakan ini berikutan penyerahan diri seramai 482 orang pengganas komunis kepada pihak berkuasa negeri Sarawak pada 18 Oktober 1973. Berikutan penyerahan beramai-ramai, yang diketuai oleh Bong Kee Chok iaitu pemimpin tertinggi pasukan Gerila Rakyat Kalimantan Utara atau PARAKU.

Rundingan damai di antara wakil-wakil Kerajaan dan wakil pengganas telah diadakan di Rumah Kerajaan Simanggang pada 19, 20 dan 21 Oktober 1973 di mana akhirnya satu perjanjian persefahaman telah ditandatangani apabila pihak pengganas bersetuju menerima keluhuran Pelembagaan Malaysia dan bersedia menamatkan perjuangan mereka.

Hasil daripada persefahaman inilah Operasi Sri Aman telah ditamatkan pada 21 Oktober 1973. Dengan kejayaan ini gerakan keselamatan di Bahagian Pertama dan di kawasan RASCOM atau ‘Rajang Security Commad’ telah digantung buat sementara bagi membolehkan saki baki pengganas mengikut jejak rakan-rakan lain menyerah diri.

Ekoran daripada kejayaan ini pada hari ini yang sama juga telah diadakan perarakan mengelilingi bandar Kuching di mana Ketua Menteri mengisytiharkan seluruh Sarawak bebas daripada perintah berkurung buat pertama kalinya dalam masa lebih daripada 11 tahun.




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Post time 4-3-2015 11:34 AM | Show all posts

1351 – Ramathibodi becomes King of Siam.

1665 – English King Charles II declares war on the Netherlands marking the start of the Second Anglo-Dutch War.

1791 – The Constitutional Act of 1791 is introduced by the British House of Commons in London which envisages the separation of Canada into Lower Canada (Quebec) and Upper Canada (Ontario).

1794 – The 11th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is passed by the U.S. Congress.

1861 – The first national flag of the Confederate States of America (the "Stars and Bars") is adopted.

1913 – First Balkan War: The Greek army engages the Turks at Bizani, resulting in victory two days later.

1945 – Lapland War: Finland declares war on Nazi Germany.

1998 – Gay rights: Oncale v. Sundowner Offshore Services: The Supreme Court of the United States rules that federal laws banning on-the-job sexual harassment also apply when both parties are the same sex.

2009 – The International Criminal Court (ICC) issues an arrest warrant for Sudanese President Omar Hassan al-Bashirfor war crimes and crimes against humanity in Darfur. Al-Bashir is the first sitting head of state to be indicted by the ICC since its establishment in 2002.




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Post time 24-3-2015 04:09 PM | Show all posts
MAR 24 from pakcik google

809M - Harun al-Rasyid, khalifah kelima dari Bani Abbasiyah wafat pada usia 44 tahun

1603 - Ratu Elizabeth I, pemerintah  England dan Ireland (1558-1603), mangkat pada usia 69

1837 - Kanada meluluskan hak untuk golongan Afrika Kanada mengundi

1854 – Di Venezuela, perhambaan telah dihapuskan

1860 – Sakuradamon Insiden : Pembunuhan Ketua Menteri Jepun (Tairō) Ii Naosuke selepas diserang oleh sekumpulan samurai

1874 - Harry Houdini, ahli silap mata terkemuka lahir pada tarikh ini

1896 - AS Popov membuat penghantaran isyarat radio yang pertama dalam sejarah

1965 - Gurmit Singh, pelakon sitkom Phua Chu Kang dilahirkan

1965 - Undertaker, ahli gusti terkenal turut lahir pada tarikh ini

1993 – Penemuan Komet Shoemaker–Levy 9

1998 - Di Jonesboro pembunuhan beramai-ramai oleh Mitchell Johnson (11) dan Andrew Golden (13), melepaskan tembakan ke arah guru-guru dan pelajar-pelajar di Westside Middle School di Jonesboro, Arkansas; lima orang terbunuh dan sepuluh cedera.


bagila sikit tachang....



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Post time 25-3-2015 09:05 AM | Show all posts
@novellover mekasih
i tambah lg arini yek...jap i google & translate....


apa kata spankee pilih 1 peristiwa pastu elaborate pasal tajuk tu...tepek pic, full stories ngan source sekali..  Post time 25-3-2015 09:57 AM

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