Edisi box office: 2016 + Update Q1 2017. #154 J revolusi leads
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cendol tu kenapa tak tayang jah kat tv? mcm telemovie drama jer, ada review ckp bagus cerita sedih |
Aku tengok rockbro..
aku suka je wat gelak gelak
Aku rasa promosi kurang kut.. tu bnyk citer tak laku.. |
ohmaiii sedihnya cendolll so sedih. my saving pun lagi banyak  |
fynnkakiblock replied at 8-1-2017 09:51 AM
cendol tu kenapa tak tayang jah kat tv? mcm telemovie drama jer, ada review ckp bagus cerita sedih
Ada tgok cendol n perjanjian syaitan tu main kat mustika hd..tp slow la cter..xbest,pelakon pun xramai yg kenal.. |
meols tak tgk tp baca review jer 
Thn lepas 1 kali je i msk panggung..tgk boboyboi.....itu pn sbb nak try ajar anak tgk movie...dia ok je..behave je tgk citer...mgkn citer tu best kot...n lawak...dia gelak je...hehe.. |
citer Interchange tu flop sbb xde promo trailer kt tv.. rmai org xtau kewujudan cite tu.. ms iols ajak opismate iols gi tgok pn diorg xtau tu cite apa.. cite tu best.. |
Sadis betul filem Cendol. 2k jer? deposit beli kereta pun x lepas camni  |
La xtau pun hanyut dh tayang..lama uwei peram cerita tu kan..rm69k aja..
Meols tgk pun boboiboy je teman askar2 meols tgk cerita ni
Utk 2017 nk tgk tombiruomy son pernah g casting..tp xdpt.masa baca skrip tu mmg cm best je storyline dia..ye lah masterpiece ramli awang murshid kan... diorg pilih yg betul2 pandai brlakon utk watak ejim.look forward to watch this movie
Mat Moto Pekin tapar Mat Moto Ahmad Idham.. hehehe |

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Post time 8-1-2017 11:32 AM
From the mobile phone
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torreto replied at 8-1-2017 11:25 AM
Mat Moto Pekin tapar Mat Moto Ahmad Idham.. hehehe
Pukul KO chuols...mat moto pekin dpt 2 awards masa FFM. Mat moto matdeham tangan kosong..zero nomination |
Kesian nye kutipan desolasi adik dia mmg tak boleh lawan syamsul yusof...syamsul yusof tu walau cter biasa2 tp rezeki sentiasa ada... |
Meols looking forward movie2 ni this year:
1. Tombiruo (sebab meols fan novel2 RAM masa study dulu)
2. JRevolusi (sebab tv3 dah gigih promot awal2. Tapi meols x suka si azad kepoh bajet lawak tu)
3. Upin Ipin The Movie
Kalau malaysia dapat buat citer macam Dangal...misti masyukkkkk |

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Post time 8-1-2017 11:52 AM
From the mobile phone
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Aduradura replied at 8-1-2017 11:40 AM
Kalau malaysia dapat buat citer macam Dangal...misti masyukkkkk
Ola Bola tu mcm Dangal dah..citer sukan plg laju di Malaysia..cuma bukan psl kisah ayah-anak. |
katibism replied at 8-1-2017 11:52 AM
Ola Bola tu mcm Dangal dah..citer sukan plg laju di Malaysia..cuma bukan psl kisah ayah-anak.
Taste org berbeza kot..iolls tgk ola bola , skip2 je |

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Post time 8-1-2017 12:12 PM
From the mobile phone
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Yg penting...2016 : Munafik dpt Best film..best director..best actress.. kategori penting tu.
Yg plg deserved..Abil lah... |
bambimo replied at 8-1-2017 11:15 AM
La xtau pun hanyut dh tayang..lama uwei peram cerita tu kan..rm69k aja..
Meols tgk pun boboiboy je ...
Bila jangka tayang filem tu? |
mrizumi replied at 8-1-2017 12:37 PM
Bila jangka tayang filem tu?
xsure sbb poster dia pun just state akan datang 2017 |
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