BP ni ramai pengkritik puji..tapi aku dah tgk cite ni rasa xde feel yg sama level mcm dr strange,iron man or guardian of galaxy.. action biasa sgt, scene kat korea tu je blh tahan sikit. Maybe watak BP ni x sekarismatik ngan avengers yg lain.. waktu dia mula2 muncul dlm civil war je best.
Satu je watak menarik bagi ialah adik dia shuri yang level genius dia sama level ngan tony stark, bruce banner n genius marvel yg lain.. bagi aku die lagi genius kot sbb umur dia br 17 or 18 tahun cmtu tapi hampir semua teknology paling maju dekat wakanda dia yang cipta. Stark umur 17 baru cipta apa je. Aku bagi 7/10 je kalau x lg rendah sbb end credit ada tunjuk winter soldier pulih dari gangguan minda hydra n bersiap sedia nak lawan thanos dlm infinity war. |
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Edited by SY_Mumi at 15-2-2018 01:39 AM
time nih 2...spawn & steel i belom hafal their origins...
if nak tengok...zaman 90s punya superhero film ada sikit slack...
almaklumlah dulu tak tech sangat & takberCGI
macam green lantern...punyalah slow..
sebab tuh ryan reynolds cam sedih tat dia penah bawak watak tuh
blade is memorable for 1 & 2...but bila masuk no 3...dah kureng sikit
if only ada new version
Edited by SY_Mumi at 15-2-2018 01:46 AM
U wont be pleased if u are expecting an avengers type of show...
Black Panther movie is consider a standalone movie sama macam Spiderman before T'Challa join the Avengers.
Therefore it has its own storyline esp telling the origins of Black Panther..
Thou abit of a slow pace , fight scene ok, cinematography & CGI best, great OST
A great display of fictional & dystopian setting for the black verse which is very rare to find in movies
I rate this macam WonderWoman...cause yeah girl power
Plot kind of similiar macam Thor Ragnarok...as u will be suprised who is the real enemy
Tengok crita nih then boleh paham & analyze why later Infinity War goin to be at Wakanda..
Ignore the critics, as i like & enjoy this movie ...
"T'Challa: What happens now determines what happens to the rest of the world." |
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Btw ai rasa sih villian cam lebih attractive & charming dari Your Highness...T'Challa..
Hope im not the only one  |
Movie ni agak slow skit jln cter dia tp x bosan bg aku. Action pun x bnyk n diorg fight pun sesama sdri jer. Mngkin muvie ni lbh kpd nak crrita kan asal usul black panther n kehebatan negara diorg. Mmg hbat btul pun dah mcm zaman beribu thn akan dtg. Apa yg iol tertarik jubah tchalla tu cntiknya... so iol bagi 4/5 |
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SY_Mumi replied at 15-2-2018 01:46 AM
Btw ai rasa sih villian cam lebih attractive & charming dari Your Highness...T'Challa..
Hope im not ...
I lg suka mkabi, raja bruk. Handsome n sedap |
Kena tunggu sampai habis.Ada dua ending credit |
aku dah tgk, dgn harapan dapat tahu the last stone "soul stone" ada kat mane. ingat kan tunjuk soul stone di simpan di wakanda. tapi haram takde tunjuk.
masih dlm persoalan soul stone berada di mana, di tangan siapa.. sapa yang simpan soul stone..
rasanya infinity war kot baru la dia tunjuk kot |
Edited by skystrike at 15-2-2018 10:35 PM
aku baru tengok tadi...aku bagi 8/10...
banyak unsur2 budaya afrika dlm ni...plus movie ni agak serius berbanding dgn movie MCU sebelum ni....sebenarnya aku menyampah tengok movie marvel yg banyak sangat joke mcm thor ragnarok...
watak villain erik killmonger tu bagi aku sangat bagus & menyerlah...motif utama dia sebab dendam disebabkan kesilapan king tchakka....rupanya2 dia dgn tchalla tu sepupu.. |
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biasanya movie origin xkan ada banyak sangat action...lebih kpd storyline...
yes sis .. i have the same thought as well...ada aura sexy gitewwwwww 
baru jer nonton mobie ni mlm tadi ....
nak cakap wow sangat tu .. tak ler .. tapi still menghiburkan ...
suker sangat ngan CGI mobie ni ...
Wakanda .. a view from above shantek sesangat ...
tapi once you are on the street ... pprt sesangat 
puleseee lerr... kalo dah negara tu maju sesangat with super high tech ... MRT... LRT bergerak lajus sesangat ....
tak kan view on the ground especially on the street .. pun cam in current city /town kat aprika tue .... cam tak seiring jer kecanggihan dan kehebatan Wakanda kalo dilihat dari atas vs. biler berada di atas jalanan
baideway ... musuh hero dalam mobie ni exceli ada 3 i.e.:
- Stranger or outsider yang realized betapa bernilainya vibranium dan cuba utk menyeludup galian tersebut kuar dari Wakanda
- An outcast Wakandan who returned to the Wakanda to seek revenge to the death of his father and to claim the Wakanda thron
- An insider ... who eventually betrayed Wakanda because they want Wakanda to expose itself to the world and to conquer the world ...
Overall... iols rate this mobie 7/10 ... OK ler ... fun to wutch tapi tak ler impressive sesangat ....
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Watched it last night.
Pretty cool effects,CGIs and several impressive casts and all but something was glaringly missing.
I just cant put my finger on it.
It was not exactly action packed but the flow of the movie did not make me lose interest either.
To me 6/10. |
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Bezanya ngn korang.. iols rasa cam lagi best dr thor ragnarok. X rasa slow.. and xde loopholes..jalan cerita sistematik. Siapa tahu, negara yg orang luar sangka third world country ade kemajuan yg disembunyikan.
Rasa terpesona dgn tribes diorg, make up and costumes.. teknologi diorg..masa nak sembuhkan agent ross..
Ape yg tchalla buat tu.. iols kagum sgt. Semangat dia sygkan keluarga n negara dia. And betulkan balik ape ayah dia dah buat.
8/10 iols rate.. lagu2 dia.. walaupun etnik song.. tapi.. kena sgt ngn movie tu. |
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khenzz... music dia best sesangat ....
such tribal kind of music is my fav actually ...
very soothing ... mesmerizing and feel so close to the nature ....
sesuwai sesangat ngan way of life and culture of wakanda ..dan aprikaaaa
dah tengok.
epik uols..
Shuri my fave walaupun agak MAry Sue.. Engineer la dia.. doktor la dia... comic relief la dia 
not your typical superhero muvie la.. action tak banyak.. lebih banyak pasal character development.. story telling.. . banyak pasal politik.. struggle seorang raja... a villain with strong back story and vision..
btw aku sokong org "jahat" dia.. i think he has a point  |
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Edited by skystrike at 16-2-2018 09:38 PM
yup...villain tu bukan saja2 jadi jahat...motif utama dia nk balas dendam utk ayah dia...since dia juga ada royal blood so mmg layak la dia nk cabar tchalla utk jadi king of wakanda...masalahnya dia terlalu dikuasai oleh dendam so mmg ada point la tchalla nk lawan dia balik...mcm kata tchalla terhadap baron zemo dlm filem civil war..."vengence has consume them..i will not letting it consume me"..
Baru abis nonton..
Love this mobie..
Still love the king walaupun x macho 
8/10.. |
Yg pasti Infinity Wars goin to have a scene in Wakanda... |
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