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Author: manjalara_01

[2019] It: Chapter Two

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Post time 6-9-2019 11:19 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 21-7-2019 12:43 PM
u all rs IT Chap2 ni best x? i, tp not as good as t first one la...just my instinct ...

Iols dah tengok.. And yes iols has the same sentiment with this. Yang 1st lagi kuat impact dari chapter 2..

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Post time 6-9-2019 11:22 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Lovee ben.. Hensemm heols version dah besar ne.. Aummm..

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Post time 6-9-2019 11:30 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Generally chapter 2 ni losers ni balik ke derry and make peace ngan diorang punya past and pennywise tease diorang one by one. Agak draggy la part ni. And pembuli yang toreh perut ben tu survive ya. Siot betoii..


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Post time 6-9-2019 11:34 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
And iols suka ben.. Sangat2 in love and jaga bevvy tapi pendam dalam ati je.. Siap bevvy cakap ngan dia 1st kiss ngan bill tu.. Sakitnya tu disinih di dalam hatiku sangat.. Dah last2 baru bevvy tau siapa yang tulis note tu kat dia..

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Post time 7-9-2019 12:51 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Watak eddie, richie ngan ben tu sgt2 sync dr kecik ke beso esp ed n rich...pandai dorg casting...dh tgk n IMO, cuma nk ckp watak eddie ialah watak plg strong dlm chp 2 wlpn die begitu...

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Post time 8-9-2019 05:08 PM | Show all posts
IT Chapter 2 sgt best. lakonan cemerlang + visual effects mantap. ending yg mendebarkan. aku bagi 9/10.

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Post time 8-9-2019 07:20 PM | Show all posts
Edited by LinguaFranca at 8-9-2019 07:21 PM

Stephen King's cameo in 'IT Chapter Two' is subtle vengeance at its finestBY ALISON FOREMAN
At least, that's what naysayers have been claiming for much of the author's decades-long career. Over the years, displeased fans have demanded rewrites, screen adaptors have substituted their own conclusions in lieu of King's, and literary snobs with axes to grind have griped that horror's most renowned writer isn't "all that good."
In a recent article from the Telegraph, critic Jake Kerridge went so far as to claim King doesn't particularly care about crafting perfect finales — citing lines from King's memoir On Writing as proof of a steadfast storytelling philosophy that fans should learn to (lovingly) accept as part of the King canon.
On Twitter, King seemed little more than amused by Kerridge's comments.
But in IT Chapter Two, the latest and most highly anticipated adaptation of King's work to date, the best-selling author nods to critics past and present with a resounding and spectacular "screw you" via cameo.
Stephen King
According to Jake Kerridge in THE TELEGRAPH, I can't write a good ending to save my life. If my life was at stake, I probably could. I'd just double space and write, "To his relief, he woke up and discovered it was all a dream." That would probably work.
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Midway through the film, Bill (James McAvoy) spots Silver, his childhood bike, for sale at a local antique shop. Eager to repurchase his ride, Bill enters the store and meets an unnamed shopkeeper, a role written for and portrayed by King.
The shopkeeper, recognizing Bill as a famous horror novelist, quotes the bike at $300 and quips that Bill can afford it thanks to his fame. Pulling out his wallet, Bill sees a copy of his latest book on the front counter. He asks the shopkeeper if he should sign it.
"Nah," the shopkeeper says. "I didn't like the ending."
It's an original scene, and a spectacular summation of King's public attitude towards criticism —  plus a nod to the readers who interpret the character of Bill as an autobiographical representation of King. (Some have gone so far as to say the events of It really happened to King as a child, and believe King is preparing for the reawakening of Pennywise in 2038.)
Screenwriter Gary Dauberman, an apparent King fan responsible for writing the exchange, told reporters at an IT Chapter Two press conference that he penned the scene without any confirmation that King would do it. Director Andy Muschietti, who convinced King to play the part, says the author was indeed hesitant — but not because of anything the scene said about him or his work.
"I wanted [King] in the movie, so I offered him a cameo," recalled Muschietti, per GameSpot. "The first thing he said was, 'Well, you have to consider that I'm a jinx. Every movie that I'm in bombs.'"
With a projected opening weekend into the hundreds of millions, IT Chapter Two isn't likely to bomb — although critical reactions have been mixed, with many carping about the story's finale.
Will those complaints faze the Master of Horror? Probably not. King has proven, once again, that he can meet even the most frightening critic with little more than a shrug.
After all, in the town of Derry, things are only scary if you believe in them.
IT Chapter 2 is now in theaters.


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Post time 8-9-2019 10:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Iols baru tengok petang tadi, punya ler tak nak search apa2 pasal chapter 2 sebelum tengok kat cinema sebab takut terbaca spoilers sampai terlupa nak check running time, 2 jam 50 minit, memang rasa agak draggy, tapi tu ler sebab diorang nak fokus sorang2 ahli Losers' Club tu, dengan flashback lagi. Nasib baik ler ada comic relief sket2 melalui Richie dan Eddie. Dah nama pun Losers' Club, kesian jugak kat diorang bila part flashback, patut ler diorang tak nak ingat kisah2 lama masa diorang kecik. Watak Richie dgn Eddie iols rasa paling sync sekali. Iols rasa paling terkesan dengan 2 watak ni

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Post time 8-9-2019 11:04 PM | Show all posts
Bongkar siapa Pennywise

Syafil Syazwan Jefri
[email protected]

BAGI peminat filem seram IT, tentunya kehadiran sekuel IT: Chapter Two atau IT 2 dinanti-nantikan.
Di Malaysia, filem ini mula ditayangkan pada 5 September lalu dan pelbagai reaksi diberikan peminat mengenainya.
Secara ringkas, IT 2 masih mengisahkan mengenai sekumpulan kanak-kanak dari Losers Club yang kini sudah dewasa iaitu Bill, Ben, Beverly, Mike, Richie, Eddie dan Stanley.
Kali ini, latar masanya adalah 27 tahun selepas kejadian pertama dan mereka dihubungi Mike untuk kembali ke pekan lama mereka, Derry kerana badut puaka, Pennywise kembali mengganas.

Dari segi jalan cerita, ia tersusun dengan baik. Untuk mengimbau kepada filem pertama, banyak babak imbas kembali atau ‘flashback’ diselitkan.
Babak imbas kembali itu juga sedikit sebanyak membantu penonton lebih memahami setiap latar belakang watak dalam filem ini ketika zaman kanak-kanak mereka.
Dari segi penggunaan Imej Janaan Komputer (CGI), IT 2 juga tidak terlepas daripada menggunakan teknologi ini mewujudkan babak yang tidak mungkin berlaku dalam dunia nyata.
Babak berdarah masih ada dan begitu juga dengan elemen kejutan, namun tidaklah keterlaluan sehingga mengganggu tumpuan penonton.

Di akhir cerita, penonton akan tahu siapa sebenarnya Pennywise dan ada ‘plot twist’ yang tentunya mengejutkan ramai penonton.
Dari segi mesej, IT 2 mengajak penonton untuk menghargai persahabatan dan bagaimana kerjasama antara sahabat mampu mengalahkan kuasa jahat.
• PENGARAH: Andy Muschietti
• PELAKON: James McAvoy, Jessica Chastain, Bill Hader, Isaiah Mustafa, Jay Ryan, James Ransone, Andy Bean dan Bill Skarsgard
• GENRE: Seram
• TAYANGAN: 5 September 2019
Artikel ini disiarkan pada : Ahad, 8 September 2019 @ 6:15 AM


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Post time 9-9-2019 07:29 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dah tgk smlm jln cter agak slow lah smpi mnguap beberapa kali tp jln cter best lah cuma aku x suke sgt cter mlibatkn pmainan minda halusinasi smua ni sbb jd pelik. mcm eh badut ko leh control minda org smpi berhalusinasi mcm2 apasal x trus bunuh je diorg, simple!

Lpstu aku ingt badut ni asalnya pembunuh yg dirasuki iblis mcm hantu lah rupanya alien dr meteor yg jatuh ke bumi. Hujung2 tu aku rasa mcm tgk cter science fiction lak. Overall aku bg 6/10



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Post time 10-9-2019 12:52 AM | Show all posts
September14 replied at 9-9-2019 07:29 PM
Dah tgk smlm jln cter agak slow lah smpi mnguap beberapa kali tp jln cter best lah cuma aku x suke s ...

dalam novel pon mmg Pennywise tu alien.

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Post time 10-9-2019 01:26 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
September14 replied at 9-9-2019 07:29 PM
Dah tgk smlm jln cter agak slow lah smpi mnguap beberapa kali tp jln cter best lah cuma aku x suke s ...

pennywise.. rupa sebenar dia tak diketahui tapi dia adalah cosmic god of destroyer

musuh ketat dia maturin.. cosmic god of creator yaitu penyu yg terbang di alam semesta...

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Post time 10-9-2019 01:40 AM | Show all posts
so mungkin lps ni akan ada filem Maturin plak....

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Post time 10-9-2019 09:32 AM | Show all posts
lorrr....alien kaa...ntah2 budak dalam pilem Brightburn tu sama planet ngan Pennywise nih...

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 Author| Post time 10-9-2019 10:16 AM | Show all posts
JiEunTak replied at 10-9-2019 09:32 AM
lorrr....alien kaa...ntah2 budak dalam pilem Brightburn tu sama planet ngan Pennywise nih... info yg manja jumpe la..lepas tgk youtube videos peminat filem..ape yg they all phm..tentang konsep aliens ni dlm movies..

they all berpendapat aliens2 dlm filem ni geng2 lucifer...tu yg jatuh ke bumi dari heaven/angkasa.., termasuk la transformers & sbgnye..yg dtg dari space..termasuk la they always refer tu PW as an evil entity.......

i was thinking...yea la..most of alien movies...aliens ni jahat...cth "War of the Worlds"...i rs 80-90% of movies yg psl aliens ni semua jahats nak take over the world...destroy..human race...& sbgnye..besides ET la..ET kan alien baik

yg paling creepy masa manja tgk trailer IT Chapter 2 ni...x jumpe pulak trailer tu...PW kata "I miss U....bla2 tu kan.." Ewwhh..gross pedo vibes...his saying that to all the kids...


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Post time 10-9-2019 04:27 PM | Show all posts
aku suka tengak watak richie n eddie.. bergaduh mulut jek dari kecik sampai besar..
paling suka tgk muka dorang yg kecik sampai da besar ni lebih kurang sama seiras jek..
ben wlupun da kurus tp iras2 tu ada..

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Post time 10-9-2019 07:25 PM | Show all posts
10 Facts About Pennywise That Were Left Out Of IT Chapter One & Two
There are very few things in the world that most people would universally agree on. But the fact that Pennywise the dancing clown is one of the creepiest, scariest, and most unsettling film and book villains of all time is something that most people wouldn't ever argue with. Stephen King's ability to capitalize on what scares people is obviously something that has taken him very far in his career as a writer, but Pennywise may be his most frightening villain of all time.
A lot of details that went into crafting the character of Pennywise and a lot of those details wound up on the cutting room floor when it came to the films IT and IT Chapter Two. Some of these tidbits were briefly mentioned in the movie and some of them were completely omitted. Here are 10 facts about Pennywise the clown that were left out of the IT movies.
[size=1.8em]IT Chapter Two does cover the concept of the Deadlights in some way, however, the explanation for what the Deadlights actually are is pretty much nonexistent. Yes, seeing the Deadlights is what allowed Beverly to have her premonitions, but the movie didn't explain that looking into the Deadlights is enough to kill a human being or drive them to permanent insanity.
[size=1.8em]The Deadlights aren't something that Pennywise has control over. They're actually as close to his true form as he can appear on earth and as a human being is capable of perceiving.
[size=1.8em]Although Pennywise almost always takes on an appearance that is recognizable to the human beings that see him, the true form of It is something that is completely unknown and completely incomprehensible to the human mind. It's originally from something that Stephen King calls the macroverse, which is basically a universe that contains a multitude of universes within it, including our own universe.
[size=1.8em]Obviously It is now in this universe, however, it's unclear if It can really revert to its true form within this world and how the human mind would perceive It if they saw it. It seems likely any person wouldn't be able to comprehend It at all.
Unless you're an avid horror fan, the name H.P. Lovecraft is probably a name that you've heard in passing at best, but this author's work has inspired a lot of the horror genre for over a century. Pennywise the clown very clearly draws inspiration from some classic Lovecraftian ideas.A running theme within Lovecraft's work is the idea of monsters that are from another dimension and are incomprehensible to humankind. Another common theme is the idea of seeing something that is so horrifying that it kills the person who sees it or drives them insane. The true form of It is very clearly a Lovecraftian monster.
[size=1.8em]The time span of both It movies feels like it takes place over a relatively short period of time. However, Pennywise's hibernation cycles seem to be pretty specific. Pennywise goes into a deep sleep state for 27 years at a time, but when he awakens to feed, he's awake for about a year at each time.
[size=1.8em]So although the Losers Club seem to discover Pennywise and go toe to toe with him pretty quickly afterward, he may have been awake for quite a bit of time before actually getting into it with the Losers.
[size=1.8em]It's difficult to nail down what exactly Pennywise looks like in his most fundamental form, and Stephen King has been clear that his true form is not something that can really be perceived by a normal human anyway. But the spider form of It that occasionally rears its ugly head may be the closest to his real appearance as he can get in his earthly form.
[size=1.8em]To add onto the creep factor, even though It seems to take on the appearance of masculine entities more often than not, his spider form appears to be a pregnant female spider, leading some characters in the book as well as fans of the book to speculate that he's actually a she.
Once again, it is believed that the closest to It's real form that can be achieved while Pennywise is on earth is the pregnant female spider that he appears as towards the end of the novel. However, It doesn't appear as just any old spider, Pennywise appears as a pregnant spider.So it's plausible that It may be capable of reproduction and that there may be a bunch of It babies running around in other parts of the world, or even on other planets or in other universes. It's a grim thought, but given how incognito Pennywise has managed to be in Derry, it's certainly not outside the realm of believability that there are more out there.
The being that we mostly see in the form of Pennywise is actually an ancient, primordial evil that has existed long before our universe even existed. And while It used to exist in the macroverse that contains our universe it's certainly not the only thing that exists there.
Pennywise actually has a great enemy called Maturin. But Maturin is supposed to be a force for good, and it seems like both It and Maturin were created as counterbalanced energies to one another that date back to before the beginning of time itself. And although these creatures possess a nearly godlike level of power, they were both created by Gan, which is essentially Stephen King's version of god.
[size=1.8em]So the forms that these ancient beings take on aren't things that a regular human mind can fully comprehend, but Maturin, the natural rival to It, is basically a giant turtle. And when we say giant, we mean giant. Maturin exists in the macroverse which contains many different universes, and the universe that we exist in is one that Maturin himself created when he had a brutal stomach ache and puked this universe up.
[size=1.8em]Not even kidding, you can look this all up. But despite the fact that he is powerful enough to create universes he was not powerful enough to defeat It.
[size=1.8em]Children are just humans that generally make for easy prey, and Pennywise has some pretty specific reasoning behind why he goes after kids instead of adults. Pennywise is a character that thrives on creating illusions of the fears of his prey and making them feel like a reality, and children just have much easier fears to exploit than adults do.
[size=1.8em]Pennywise can exercise a lot of control over his own appearance as well as what his victim will perceive when he's trying to control their minds, but adults tend to have more complex and internal fears, whereas scaring children is always pretty easy.
[size=1.8em]It's entirely understandable that Andy Muschietti left out a lot of the more mystical and esoteric elements of the novel It. Aside from the fact that there just needed to be a lot of editing down of the source material in order to squeeze the entire story into two movies, the whole macroverse storyline is a difficult concept to understand and even more difficult to make a cinematic reality.
[size=1.8em]However, when they were explaining the origins of Pennywise on earth, they could have easily explained that he wasn't just an alien, but he actually came from a different dimension.


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Post time 12-9-2019 01:25 PM | Show all posts
citer ni  best..3 jam x terasa...terpaksa ambik masa 3 jam utk kembangkan semua watak2...
x leh compare dgn yg fisrt...sebab yg first tentula ada elemen surprise...utk yg 2 ni elemen2 surprise dia x seteruja yg first. Suka storylinenya..faham kenapa mereka x keep contact each other selama 27 thn..sengsara sgt dok kat dgn memori sehitam itu..mustahil dorang melupakan dan terpaksa gali kembali memori...

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Post time 13-9-2019 08:59 AM | Show all posts

yeah iols pon enjoy this chapter 2.  bila kita selami perasaan diaorang yg kena buli teruk masa zaman sekolah, kita akan dapat rasa apa yg diaorang imagine kan. sebab perasaan takut tu sebabkan mereka berfikir luar kotak. sampaikan makanan pon diaorang dok bayangkan benda2 yg over.

suka watak Eddie & Richie. paling hensem Bill & Ben.


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Post time 14-9-2019 04:25 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Cite Hollywood tahap boxoffice grade a ni mmg pentingkan casting pelakon2nya.. cite it 1 n 2 mmg mantap pelakonnya. Mmg puas hati tgk cite yg ada 3 benda ni..pelakon, jln cite n dialog yg mantap. Nape xde org buka thread cite the art of racing in the rain...sedihnya

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