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Masih Dalam Kajian, Belum Terbukti Cuaca Panas Bunuh Covid 19 - Dr Rafidah

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Post time 12-3-2020 09:01 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Nurul8001 replied at 12-3-2020 06:20 PM
Haiyo doktor. Ko bising2 kat media sosial, tapi bila dijemput utk tampil dlm media arus perdana, ko  ...

Dia bising meroyan kat socmed sbb ketagih clout. Macam attention seeker pon ye jugak

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Post time 12-3-2020 09:05 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
barfi replied at 12-3-2020 05:55 PM
Ohhh iols baru ingat, Dr rafidah ni start trending yg dia bodyshaming org gemok kat Twitter.. dia ka ...

Sedapnye mulut dia bodyshaming org gemuk, y dia jongang xpe pulok dh mcm kondominium Aku tengok...

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Post time 12-3-2020 09:08 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Menurut Dr yang bagi taklimat pasal covid19 ni, sememangnya covid19 belum ada ubat. Yang ditangani buat masa sekarang ialah symptoms penyakit dan bukan covid19.
So, sememangnya lah suhu tinggi kah, ikan singgang kah, ataupun bawang putih, bukanlah penawar covid19. Takyah cakap pun takpe, itu sedia maklum. Ini semua sekadar mengurangkan symptoms sahaja. Janganlah angkuh sangat.

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Post time 12-3-2020 09:17 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Nurul8001 replied at 12-3-2020 06:20 PM
Haiyo doktor. Ko bising2 kat media sosial, tapi bila dijemput utk tampil dlm media arus perdana, ko  ...

Setuju... kurang2 if dia muncul dlm tv bolehlah dia share ilmu2 kesihatan dia.. selain betulkn persepsi msyarakat... kan bagus...
Ini bila di jemput, dah tak mahu pulak.. tp sibuk2 kutuk tv.

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Post time 12-3-2020 09:17 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
JohnnyCastle replied at 12-3-2020 06:24 PM
doktoq lagu tu la ceq...hang pi sebut kat depa nama ubat..konfem depa melenting...maklumla..depa b ...

Sepatutnya dia bangga org biasa boleh sebut ubat.. Aku de jumpa doc yg explain nama ubat dan kegunaan dia .pro n con ubat tu.. X de selindung. Doc tu kata dia perlu explain dkt parent n parent perlu kenal ubat uBat ni supaya x ada salah bagi ke anak.. Bagus doc tu. Skali farmasi dia ke nurse dia salah bagi ubat dkt aku.. Seb bekk doc tu dah ajar.. Trus argue dgn nurse tu trus.. Nurse tu boleh plak xnak terima cakap kitorang.  Doc keluar trus btolkan nurse tu

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Post time 12-3-2020 09:21 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dwdrum replied at 12-3-2020 07:24 PM
nampak aku carut kew ?  
tanya pun kata meroyan .... LOL

Kalu depan2 ni mesti dah adegan tarik rambut hehe

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Post time 12-3-2020 09:22 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Buritan replied at 12-3-2020 07:26 PM
Emm tanye pulakk.. hahaha.. ular tuu mmg suke membuat belitan

Kalu depan2 ni adegan tarik rambut ker tarik tudung haha

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Post time 12-3-2020 09:30 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
rospinki replied at 12-3-2020 05:10 PM
macam sindrom monopos ke apa doc tanya elok elok jwbla dengan berhemah. aku percaya cuaca pa ...

Meh aku yg bukan doktor jawapkan. Cuaca panas bukan sahaja melemahkan penyebaran, contoh titisan air peluh pesakit lebih cepat kering di mana2 permukaan.

Cuaca panas juga membantu merawat symptom. Symptom covid ni lelah, kalau sejuk, dia akan lebih teruk. Sama mcm demam, kalau sejuk, susah nak naik suhu badan.

Banyak minum air, stabilkan suhu badan.

Komen lain, tang ni dr rafidah berani cakap tiada kajian saintifik, tapi tang rokok, dr rafidah x berani cakap, xada pembuktian 100% penyebab kanser.

Tapi tu pandangan peribadi aku.

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Post time 12-3-2020 09:37 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
rospinki replied at 12-3-2020 05:10 PM
macam sindrom monopos ke apa doc tanya elok elok jwbla dengan berhemah. aku percaya cuaca pa ...

aku dh lama menyampah dgn doktor ni
sombong nak mampos
muka pun buruk.perangai pun buruk
org tak tahu, sbb tu org bertanya, sbg org berilmu, share je la ilmu tu dgn pelekeh kan org yg takde ilmu perubatan mcm dia
f u c k la doktor pidah nih

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Post time 12-3-2020 10:00 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Itulah pasal. Ada mention suhu 27C or 26C virus mati.

Masalahnya badan manusia sendiri dah 37.4C. Ha cam mana tu.

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Post time 12-3-2020 10:16 PM | Show all posts
Dwdrum replied at 12-3-2020 06:55 PM
i faham issue ini ramai yang tidak faham ramai ingat ingat perlu sunbathe untuk bunuh virus ..end  ...

tulah pasal. Sepatutnya pakar pakar kena guna perkataan dan description yg betul utk educate public. Ko tengok sajalah orang Msia ni, mudah tertipu dgn segala benda. Air ajaib, kurma ajaib. Semuanya berpunca dr takde ilmu.

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Post time 12-3-2020 10:16 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Thanatus replied at 12-3-2020 08:39 PM
Dalam video tu sebenarnya Prof. Dr Norayati lebih menitikberatkan ttg personal hygiene & protection. ...

Dr Norayati tu Dr PhD (nursing) . BUKAN medical doctor...
Dr pidah tu medical Dr

Isu nya siapa lagi power

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Post time 12-3-2020 10:18 PM | Show all posts
Edited by borrow at 12-3-2020 10:19 PM

Faktanya : masih byk yg tak diketahui ttg covid19

"honestly speaking, we do not know the virus yet."- Thomas Pietschmann

Thomas Pietschmann is a molecular virologist at the Center for Experimental and Clinical Infection Research, called Twincore, in Hanover, Germany. He researches so-called RNA viruses, including for example the hepatitis C virus. SARS-CoV-2 belongs to this group.

The warmer it gets, the more difficult the conditions are for many viruses. "The coronavirus is surrounded by a lipid layer, in other words, a layer of fat," Pietschmann explains. This layer is not very heat-resistant, which means that the virus quickly breaks down when temperatures rise. "Other viruses, such as the norovirus, are more stable because they consist mainly of proteins and genetic material."

Air humidity also influences the transmissibility of respiratory viruses. Once the pathogens have been expelled from the respiratory tract with a strong sneeze, they literally hang in the air. "On cold and usually dry winter days, the small droplets, together with the viruses, float in the air longer than when the air humidity is high," Pietschmann elaborates.

Coronaviruses, like this year's version that has left 100,000 worldwide infected with COVID-19, are encased in a lipid envelope — basically, a layer of fat.

Soap can break that fat apart and make the virus unable to infect you.

The second thing soap does is mechanical. It makes skin slippery so that with enough rubbing, we can pry germs off and rinse them away.

Sounds pretty simple, but the vast majority of people still don't do it right.


A: Professor Wang Linfa, director of the programme in emerging infectious diseases at Duke-NUS Medical School, says ultraviolet rays and heat from the sun can kill the virus.

Getting vitamin D from exposure to sunlight can also help boost one's immune system, Prof Wang noted.

Dr Leong also says people should not worry about catching the virus from online shopping packages from China, as the long period of transportation and exposure to the sun would kill the virus if the package is tainted.

The Health Ministry's chief health scientist, Professor Tan Chorh Chuan, has said that the likelihood of viral persistence outdoors is lower, as most studies indicate that viruses do not persist well in hot and humid environments.

This refers to a temperature of over 30 deg C and a humidity level of over 80 per cent. -


A: Not necessarily. Viruses are less likely to thrive in hot and humid conditions.

Associate Professor Hsu Li Yang, programme leader of infectious diseases at the National University of Singapore's Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, said air-conditioned spaces could help to spread respiratory diseases instead.

Experts have yet to establish precisely how long the coronavirus can survive on surfaces and objects.

Some studies show that coronaviruses in general could potentially survive on metal, glass or plastic surfaces for several days.

However, this is under ideal circumstances. For the virus, this means cool and dry environments.

Turning off the air-conditioner and making sure the space is well ventilated could help reduce the risk of infection.

The best way to avoid infection from having potentially touched a contaminated surface is still to avoid touching your face with your hands, and to wash your hands with soap and water frequently.

Infectious diseases expert Leong Hoe Nam said the virus is likely to die when the droplets dry up.

Experts say if the virus could really survive even after the droplets carrying it have dried up, it would have spread through the air as dust particles and potentially infected 10 times more people, which is not the case.

Last week, a Shanghai official, Zeng Qun, said the virus could spread through aerosol transmission, or the mixing of the virus with airborne liquid droplets.

This would allow the virus to linger in the air and infect those who inhale it, he said. Diseases that are known to spread this way include tuberculosis, chicken pox and measles.

But an infectious diseases expert at the Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, Feng Luzhao, refuted this on Sunday (Feb 9), stating that the droplets carrying the virus travel only about 1m to 2m and do not stay suspended in the air. This is why you are unlikely to catch the virus through transient (or short-term) contact such as on public transport.

There is also no need to worry if you live near a quarantine facility.

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Post time 12-3-2020 10:18 PM | Show all posts
tobby replied at 12-3-2020 08:24 PM
ada video sorang doktor pakar pakai tudung umur 50an gitu viral dlm wasap group.  kata dia virus c ...

doktor betul ke doktor self title pompuan yg ko ckp ni?

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Post time 12-3-2020 10:19 PM | Show all posts
KIM.K replied at 12-3-2020 07:29 PM
Ada sorang doktor ipta ni kata, iols pun tak follow rapat.
Ada satu kajian cakap covid mati pada ...

Mgkn masa belajar sains dulu mereka ni tak masuk kelas

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Post time 12-3-2020 10:21 PM | Show all posts
ejans replied at 12-3-2020 09:17 PM
Sepatutnya dia bangga org biasa boleh sebut ubat.. Aku de jumpa doc yg explain nama ubat dan kegun ...


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Post time 12-3-2020 10:23 PM | Show all posts
munchkin replied at 12-3-2020 10:00 PM
Itulah pasal. Ada mention suhu 27C or 26C virus mati.

Masalahnya badan manusia sendiri dah 37.4C ...

Para doktor juga memberi pendapat yg virus tu tak lbh tinggal di luar tubuh manusia lama. Maksudnya klu di luar badan manusia, beberapa jam saja. Contoh klu kat rail besi, dlm 6 jam klu tak silap. Maksudnya badan manusia tu diguna utk host virus tu.

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Post time 12-3-2020 10:24 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Aku naik heran dengan doc2 socmed ni..weyhh, doktor pun cm job lain gak cm polis/lawyer/kerja kilang/pemain bola etc sume..kalu ko tu polis hutan, ko expert bab taktik gempur tapi bila orang tanya psal scope job polis trafik, ko konfem xtau sbab tu bukan scope job ko..sama la cm doc rapidot ni, ko kalu bab buah pinggang memang expert tapi ko xboleh nk claim ko pun tau sume pasal medic sebab fokus keje ko more to buah pinggang je..basic things ye tapi xpayah nak acah ko tu ensiklopedia bergerak..even aku sendiri klu orang tanye psal benda aku xfamiliar aku ckap aku xtahu @ aku akan jwab soalan tu once aku da double confirm psal jawapan on certain things..bukannya terus nak gelabah hemboss orang2 non medical practitioners terus cop sume orang bangang ke hape..nonsense!!

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Post time 12-3-2020 11:00 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
jahcomel replied at 12-3-2020 09:05 PM
Sedapnye mulut dia bodyshaming org gemuk, y dia jongang xpe pulok dh mcm kondominium Aku tengok...

Ya Tuhanku, sister....

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Post time 12-3-2020 11:06 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kerabuBiru replied at 12-3-2020 09:22 PM
Kalu depan2 ni adegan tarik rambut ker tarik tudung haha

Kiah kata tarik tarik tali bra supaya Makin gelabah kekekekeke

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