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Author: 123_mum

Program 123

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Post time 6-11-2006 04:03 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by 123_mum at 6-11-2006 03:53 PM
promote son boleh tapi ibu yang perlu tukar diaper tu =)

kebanyakan segment di dalam 123 memerlukan involvment ibu bapa =)

aiseh.. anak i baru jer berenti pakai diaper..  dah besar dah pun dah 3 tahun tapi mulut dia memang potpet2

[ Last edited by  kitty_c@t at 6-11-2006 04:14 PM ]

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Post time 6-11-2006 04:14 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by 123_mum at 19-10-2006 03:57 PM
Kepada Ibu Bapa semua :
9. parent who did not immunize child

ni maksudnya yang diarah oleh kerajaan ker .. semua jenis immunisasi???

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Post time 6-11-2006 04:48 PM | Show all posts
kalu boleh.. 123_mum buatlah pada waktu yang sesuai... ianya rancangan menarik... untuk season pertama.. saya dapat tengok tapi kadang2 mis..utk season kedua..dapat tengok sekali sebab tak sempat sampai rumah.. pasal balik keje... kalu boleh buat dua kali ker rancanagn atau boleh tengok melalui online... dan kalu boleh simpan juga.. video utk season pertama dan kedua...

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123_mum This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 6-11-2006 04:53 PM | Show all posts
Sayna : ni untuk parents yang tidak mempeduilikan imunisasi yang diarahkan oleh kerajaan.

any parents with crawling baby stayin around PJ or kota damansara yang minat?? I need mum and baby to teach on how to change diaper on crawling baby.


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Post time 7-11-2006 12:45 AM | Show all posts

i dok subang jaya
my son dah start crawling and i selalu berperang dgn dia nak pakai pampers!!

sesuai tak? :cak:

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123_mum This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 11-11-2006 07:11 AM | Show all posts
Yes!!! amat sesuai. boleh tak bagi your phone no? are you working?? I nak contact you and arrange masa with you boleh tak?

erm, nasi impit, you ada tak kawan2 yang duduk dekat your area yang minat nak join? so we can buat u and ur kawan sekali? your kawan on a different topic =)


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Post time 11-11-2006 11:24 AM | Show all posts
Still nk bby yg bleh crawling ker?? Jihah pun mmg 'berperang' kalu nk pakaikan pampers ni..
Jihah stay kat ttdi, dekat ou..
phone no. : 03-77250418, hp : 012-6174738

nak suggest 1topic bleh?
- Fully Breastfeeding bby.
My motehr in law sampai skrg xsetuju kalu i bagi fully breast feeding. Pasal ek??
Mmg la jihah keje, tp kalu simpan, bleh bagi gak kn. Katanye takut terbatut perkembangan.
Tp anak jihah 4mth dh leh merangkak, skg dh nak berdiri..

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123_mum This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 12-11-2006 12:43 PM | Show all posts
Thanks Jihah and nasi_impit, sharon akan call you guys =)

Any mums yang tinggal dekat ampang....on tuesday, I ned some mums to act as friends of a pregnant
mum in a scene. Sape yang minat boleh bagi no. Sharon akan call. It will be on tuesday morning. Thanks
so much!!!


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Post time 12-11-2006 06:29 PM | Show all posts
i ada anak lelaki 3 tahun, anak perempuan 1 tahun..

hehehe...tak tahu kategory mana boleh nak join ni..

selama ni asyik baca aje..

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123_mum This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 13-11-2006 09:34 PM | Show all posts
hey nashra, maybe bole join child development segment. where do you stay? boleh PMkan ur details to me?

thanks =)

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Post time 14-11-2006 09:33 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by jihah at 11-11-2006 11:24 AM
Still nk bby yg bleh crawling ker?? Jihah pun mmg 'berperang' kalu nk pakaikan pampers ni..
Jihah stay kat ttdi, dekat ou..
phone no. : 03-77250418, hp : 012-6174738

nak suggest 1topic bleh?
- Fully Breastfeeding bby.
My motehr in law sampai skrg xsetuju kalu i bagi fully breast feeding. Pasal ek??
Mmg la jihah keje, tp kalu simpan, bleh bagi gak kn. Katanye takut terbatut perkembangan.
Tp anak jihah 4mth dh leh merangkak, skg dh nak berdiri..

nice topic... mak-mak kita selalu macam ni, suruh bergantung kepada susu botol... abis, yang kita ni ada susu, nak buat apa? bagi working mummy, perah time office hour n simpan dlm peti ais pun dah memadai... kalau simpan kat bawah, boleh tahan seminggu... kalau dibekukan, about a month jugak still boleh digunakan... tapi jangan direbus!

ala, u pekakkan telinga je... dulu my mom selalu suruh bagi susu botol but my hubby seboleh-bolehnya tak kasi botol... one thing, puting kosong pun effect pembentukan gigi. kalau boleh jangan diamalkan.

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Post time 14-11-2006 05:22 PM | Show all posts
Bukan ape, kalu mak sendiri leh gak jwb ckit2. Dia xterasa sgt.
Tapi MIL ni payah ckit. Cepat benor terasa hati nye..  :cry:  :cry:
Jihah ni saiz bdn kecik, belah hubby bdn 'sihat2'. Tu yg dia xconfident kot.
Tambah lg minda dh di set "susu tin ada mcm2 khasiat". Tp susu ibu is the greatest kan??

Mmg skg jihah pekak kn telinga je. Pastu dia ckp la..
'Cian bby, lapar xcukup susu' @ 'kurus la cucu aku nnt'..
Tp jihah rase skg dia dh perasan yg anak jihah ni lg semangat dr cucu yg lain tu.
Sbb time raye ari tu ramai ckp - 'sihat tul cucu yg ini kn? Bg mkn ape?'
Hehehe.. Jawab, jgn xjwb..  
:lol  :lol  :lol

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Post time 15-11-2006 11:29 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by 123_mum at 18-10-2006 01:25 PM
Children hobbies?? hmm they are only 1 to 6 years it too young to know their hobbies??

Oh yea...any pregnant mom who wants to be in 123??? We have one segment for mums where we will  ...

mcm berminat jer...sekarang ni Lana dah nak masuk 5 bulan (anak ke 4) yang first twins (boys) sekarang dah 7 tahun manakala adiknya 3 1/2...:nyorok:

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123_mum This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 15-11-2006 01:25 PM | Show all posts
Hi Lana,

perhaps boleh PM me your no? I can contact you =)


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Post time 15-11-2006 04:07 PM | Show all posts
hi 123_mum, tigger ada anak umur 17 months.. boleh ke kalau nak masuk segmen mana2...
kalau boleh, nanti pm yek...

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Post time 15-11-2006 05:38 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by 123_mum at 18-10-2006 01:25 PM
Children hobbies?? hmm they are only 1 to 6 years it too young to know their hobbies??

Oh yea...any pregnant mom who wants to be in 123??? We have one segment for mums where we will be offering travelling tips for pregnant mums. Who's interested can PM me thanks

anak sulong 2 thn sebulan, sekarang pregnant masuk 8 bulan... stay in Kuching but ulang alik ke Johor (hometown)... kalau dekat, boleh join... :cry:

[ Last edited by  aishiteru03 at 15-11-2006 07:03 PM ]

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123_mum This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 16-11-2006 06:23 PM | Show all posts
it's okie Aishteru...who knows klu in future u dah pindah kat KL boleh la join =)

we will be having child development pickups shoot next week. anyone who is interested can just PM me your no.
For mums who are working, be prepare to take leave if you are interested to join

thanks =)


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123_mum This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 17-11-2006 12:16 PM | Show all posts
Dear mums, thank you so much for your infos =) will be contacting you soon. A friend of mine, Karen will also be calling if it's not me who cal ya =)

Really appreciate all the support you are giving.

I have some questions :

biasanys kalau nak imunasasi bayi di mana korang pergi? klinik kerajaan ataupun private klinik? ini imunisasi yang ditetapkan oleh kerajaan. what is the name of the klinik did you go? I'd like to know as we are doing one topic mengenai jenis-jenis imunisasi yang perlu untuk bayi setelah dilahirkan.

terima kasih


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Post time 17-11-2006 03:35 PM | Show all posts
selepas imunisasi bln ke 2.. saya bwk gi klinik swasta
sbb time dia flexible.. kalu goverment, ramai n masa working hour
pas tu kene amik half day plak

saya bwk kat klinik pakar kanak2 Tan kat Tmn Sri Sinar Kepong
Doktor nyer very helpful and akan jawab segala persoalan saya (1st time mum byk x tau)
then sbb x ramai org.. buleh la nak tanya mcm2
tiap kali gi imunisasi.. akan buat jugak regular check and saya pun akan amik kesempatan tanya itu ini mcm kenapa anak x nak mkn sgt.. selalunya doktor Tan akan beri cadangan

then pilih yg pakar kanak2 sbb akan rasa confident sket
even mahal.. puas hati and masa pun jimat
n tiap kali imunisasi x penah anak saya demam

dan pada saya.. sbb utama pilih klinik swasta sbb masa

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123_mum This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 17-11-2006 06:45 PM | Show all posts
Thanks adhwan =) for the info.

Hey mums, some great news for next week.

I'll be needing a mum and her child (1 to 3 yrs) to act in our child development for 'vaksinasi' : mum and child will be acting hehehe like jotting down appointments, getting in to the car, reading book about going to doctor etc

Another segement about penjagaan gigi : we will be needing baby without teeth, baby with teeth and toddler with teeth. Preferbably to be from the same family so tak payah go here and there =)

Please PM me your numbers if you are interested and willing to take leave to do these shoots...i will give you all a call.


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