OOlong nama si babi gatal tu? Bukan Wuron ke? Konfius lah versi bahasa lain-lain....
Originally posted by Ha_Neul at 23-1-2008 12:17 AM 
tumpang tanya... Mai tu sape dlm manga Dragon Ball?? aku dah baca DB 100 kali dah, Mai mana? Mai Shiranui? (sori aku tak tengok anime dia)
Mai SHiranui ---> waaa..dah lama tak dengar nama ni |
Reply #61 GAIA's post
mai shiranui...da lupe da...ape watak die ek? yg split personaliti tu ek? |
gambar nih...akan jadi merepek.... |
mintak2 melethorpssssss |
bile la cite ni nak kua?dr dulu lg aku dgr |
Posted by Emmy at her myspace.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Buenos Tardes
Hi everyone!
Happy new year! Thank you for your sincere holiday wishes and the lovely poster/project some of you sent to me. It is truly special and I
am proud to put it up in my house. I can see how much time and care went into creating it and that really touches me! It made my holiday THAT much more special!
Since the new year I've been back on the set of "Dragonball." In addition to working in Durango, we've been shooting in some pretty
remote yet stunning locations. So, I've been litterally "out of range" for a few days at a time. We shot in Mexiquillo, about 2 hours outside of Durango where the landscape is amazing and looks - in places - much like the forests of New England. The dense green trees reminded me of New Hampshire and Maine, and made me feel very at home. The sunrises and sunsets are really spectacularly beautiful..
Mexiquillo is pretty remote, and there weren't any hotels around, so we were actually "camping" in log cabins, all together. It was exactly
what you'd imagine, campfires at night with smores and kumbaya... Okay, maybe not kumbaya, but we did do the smores! Its been a LOT of fun, especially bonding with the cast. All the actors get along great! After only a few weeks shooting we already have inside jokes and pretty much know each others life-stories. I've been listening to some harder music to access the edge inside me to bring to the character, some Lincoln Park and Dream Theater. I'm enjoying developing the character and training, learning to ride a motorcycle has been thrilling.. Its manual, so I've been learning all about clutch and throttle (don't laugh, this is all new to me!) And I think I'll be able to drive a stick-shift car after this film too!
Right now I am writing from a helicopter (with my costars, Chow Yun Fat, his lovely wife and Joon Park). We are on our way to the desert where we will be filming for the the next few days. I am the lucky one who gets to sit up front with the pilot (who was very careful to instruct me not to touch anything; knobs, controls or otherwise) Chow and Joon are taking pictures in the back and we are having a lot of fun. The landscape is alternating between, rolling sand dunes, green mountains dotted with cactus and farms layed out in geometric order with terracotta colored earth. I want you all to see what I see, so I'll upload some pics later when I can connect my camera to my laptop. Also, I'm attaching a picture from the cockpit right now!
On another note, l want to say how deeply saddened I am by Heath Ledger's sudden passing. I did not know him very well, but well enough to see he was a kind man, a devoted father and an immense talent. My heart goes out to his family and his young daughter in this time of grief. He will be so missed.
Emmy |
Originally posted by Ha_Neul at 24-1-2008 09:04 PM 
nama2 watak DB nie sebenarnye bawak maksud2 yg kelakar. (Gohan tu Nasik, Kakarot tu Carrot, Raditz pon Lobak jugak, Pan tu Roti )
Oolong nama sebenar yg diberi oleh Akira Toriyama as in T ...
timakaseh diatas pendedahan ekslusif ni...
baru aku tau... hahahhaa..... |
Dragonball Z the movie!!!!
weh, ade sape2 yang lalu MRR2 kat Cheras x? yang kat sebelah Hospital Pantai tuh... kalo korang perasan, ade 1 billboard movie. aritu mase aku lalu, ade poster movie, xtau movie ape. tapi die nye title tulis 'Z' je. n gambar die sama gile ngan watak Cell dalam Dragonball. ade sape2 leh confirmkan x itu poster DBZ the movie ke x? aku rase ye...cepat!! |
Reply #2 bzzts's post
Mod, potong kredit pembuka thread  |
mane ek thread tu.. tolong paste link plis anyone? |
takut betul kalau aku tgk .gif yg ade bende merah gerak2 tu ....  |
Reply #70 bzzts's post
aku tau dah ade...tapi aku nak tau ade sape2 yang dah tengok ke. sebab aku cari dalam tenet xde. pas2 kalo baca sinopsis muvi tu, watak cell xde...kalo sape2 ade poster tu tolon post kt cni la. |
yahuuu yahuuu yahuuuu my peberett!!!!!!!!!
aku mmg suka bangat citer nih .. sure aku nak tengok
tapi ... hmm camna laa jadiknya nanti kan
citer nih patutnya, seriyes dan lawak ..
harap2 Stephen Chow dapat mengadaptasikan ..  |
takyah la korang teruja.
this movie is destined to flop miserably.
i hate the cast, hate the plot, hate the movie set, hate the Hollywoodization of everything.
i love DBZ, but this movie is going to suck.
i'm sure of it. pasal tu aku tak letak harapan tinggi sangat. |
aku tengah tunggu movie ni...dulu aku ada semua koleksi komik dier ...tapi semua dah hilang lepas kena pinjamm  |
| |