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Author: sangap123


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Post time 21-4-2012 07:39 PM | Show all posts

trailer baru la...

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Post time 30-5-2012 01:41 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by RED 666 at 30-5-2012 01:47

muka spiderman baru ni ada iras david copperfield ahli magic tu laaa

gambar penjahat utama cerita ni, the lizard. teringat cerita v pasal alien cicak tahun 80an dulu bila tgk rupa lizard ni.


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Post time 30-5-2012 11:26 AM | Show all posts
dlm komik pon banyak version.....nih kan plak movies....tapi tgk trailer mcm the latest comic version

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Post time 16-6-2012 04:44 PM | Show all posts

Mwanza Flat-headed Agama atau dikenali sebagai Agama mwanzae merupakan sejenis cicak dari keluarga biologi Agamidae. Apa yang menarik mengenai cicak ini ialah, cicak jantan mempunyai warna kulit yang menyerupai costume Sipderman dan cicak ini telah menjadi kegilaan kipass sosah mati Spideyman untuk dijadikan hewan pet.


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Post time 16-6-2012 06:00 PM | Show all posts

"I understand Peter Parker has a dark side"

Whewww jeng jeng     

Ini antara pelemm yang ak tunggu-tunggu
lawan nya lizard man aka Dr Curt playby Rhys Ifans
perbandingan dengan costume spideyman awal aka..yang pertama zaman "dinasor", mase kecik2 ko urang mosti ade tengok punye mcm pic bwh ne

costume bwh  ne plak dari pelem Spider-man 1st sampai la Spidey-Man 3

..dan jeng jeng jenggg, costume ntok pelem spidey man 2012
dari 3 pelem sebelumnya dan sumber/info mngatakn, pelem ini ada Emma Stone yang membawa watak "Gwen Stacy".

Tiada lagik Mary Jane Watson dalam filem ni. After all, "Gwen Stacy" memang matair/cintun pertama Peter Parker pun kalau ko urang follow cter comik.sapa2 yg follow ceter komik  spidey-man sbenarnya pkai 'web shooters' untuk bergayut dari bangunan,
mcm ne roper web shooters ..menda neh yg mmbeda kn

pelem ne  "untold stori" spidey man 2012 dgn sebelum blum ni di mana, 'web'nya terhasil secara organik dari dlam badan dan ditembak dari pergelangan tangan.
sos: IWatchStuff

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Post time 17-6-2012 03:24 AM | Show all posts
tak lama dah pun citer ni nak tayang, bulan depan ni je.

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Post time 19-6-2012 11:26 AM | Show all posts
Cam citer hulk Ang Lee sket dengar khabarnya.. Bapak Peter buat kajian cucuk radiasi dalam dia ...

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Post time 19-6-2012 01:05 PM | Show all posts
Reply 65# bluezink

    kalau tak silap aku gwen ni tak lama jadi gf spidey, dia kena bunuh dgn green goblin ke sapa ka, lupa

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Post time 19-6-2012 03:41 PM | Show all posts
Reply 68# sekngucing

err jap nak refresh balek sekngucheng ..ya kalu mngikot ceter komik laa bnyak vesi ..mcm mana awek spideyman ne mati..kiter ke scene goblin menculik gwen stacy

di mana spidey menyempruuut "web" ke arah gwen stacy ntok mnyelamat kn nya semasa jatoh dari jammbatn
1. "mati".... slpepaskena campak dari jmbatan brooklyn aka george washinton oleh goblin
2.  gwen mungkin telah mati mngejut  semasa goblin menculik nya ...aka leher nya terpeleot patah

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Post time 20-6-2012 04:43 PM | Show all posts

The Amazing Spider-Man Gifs


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Post time 23-6-2012 02:24 AM | Show all posts
spiderman nih tunjuk dr yg awal2 kan.........

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Post time 23-6-2012 11:19 AM | Show all posts
spiderman nih tunjuk dr yg awal2 kan.........
eddlisa_uyuk Post at 23-6-2012 02:24

kalau u nak tau..pelem the amazing spideyman adalh "reboot" ,yakni a fresh start wit a fresh idea n much better stori line/effects/chharacters etc...atau lain perkataan pelem ni bukan "prekuel" atau "sekuel" mana mana pelem spideyman yg trdahulu,jadik ia tiada langsung kena mengena  okey...alaa mcm pelem mcm pelem hulk ,diceritakan bahawa peter parker sebenarnya bercintun dengan gwen stacy dan mendapat suparpawer yang "amazing" lalu bertukar menjadi spideyrman. Kepaweran parker tu secara tak langsung telah mendatangkn  kecurigaankan pihak polis (kerana usahanya menangkap penjenayah) selain penjahat The Lizard yang cuba memusnahkan bandar. Turut diselitkan beberapa plot tentang sapa bapak parker sebenarnya. di khabarkan pihak sony dan columbia pictures mencadangkan untuk menghasilkan reboot saja,sengaja dibuat reboot utk menghidupkan semula watak peter parker yang

takde lar lepas nih penonton rasa janggal selepas bertukar rupa/muker hero dan heroin yang baru

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Post time 23-6-2012 11:53 AM | Show all posts
bila nak buat reboot lord of the rings?

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Post time 25-6-2012 04:20 PM | Show all posts
yesss, gabungan dua pelakon muda yang baru tengah nak naik fav ash

ash minat s ...
ashes2ashes Post at 7-12-2011 12:32

ai pon suka sangat emma stone

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Post time 25-6-2012 10:31 PM | Show all posts
dinantikan sgt.........

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Post time 25-6-2012 11:10 PM | Show all posts

Comics came before tv and movies

Whats up spidey fans thanks for tuning back into clevver movies, Im your host Tatiana Carrier coming to you from our hollywood headquarters! Well the time has FINALLY come...the trailer for the amazing spiderman has hit the web (look around like a joke)...and of course, we break it down for ya!
0:21 We get a chance to see Peter Parker create his web-shooters. Unlike the original Sam Raimi films that went with a biological webbing as part of his abilities created from the spider bite, director Mark Webb decided to go with the Web-shooters to further show Peter's great scientific mind.
0:44 The appearance of Peter's parents helped give rise to rumors that Spider-Man would be making a cameo appearance in 'The Avengers'. In the comics, his parents were agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 'The Avengers' director has stated that there will be no Spider-Man cameo in 'The Avengers', but will there be a mention of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury or the existence of other superheroes in 'The Amazing Spider-Man'?
0:55 This ID of Peter's father, Richard Parker, having worked at Oscorp in the Genetics Laboratory makes it appear that the filmmakers may be going the way of Ultimate Spider-Man in which his parents are scientists rather than spies. In the comics, Richard Parker creates a biological suit that repairs its host body, which becomes the basis of Venom. Perhaps in this version of the film, Peter creates his Spidey suit from the work of his father?
1:14 Our first look at Lizard. Okay, it's just an arm, but with so little revealed thus far, we have to linger for a bit.
1:17 This guy being attacked by Lizard is actor Irrfan Khan. He plays Dr. Ratha in the film. It was at one time rumored that he would be playing the character of Neils Van Adder who eventually transforms into "Proto-Goblin" in the comics. The actor has denied he is playing "Proto-Goblin", but does say he plays a pivotal role in the film. He could possibly be a villain in a future film, that is if Lizard doesn't get to him first.
1:20 Here we get a close-up look at what we assume is Spider-Man's Web-Shooter. Interesting that it sas gears underneath like a classic wristwatch, but then a high tech electronic device on top. Do you guys prefer the Web-shooter or should they have stuck with the biological webbing like in the Raimi films?
1:27 Another quick look at Lizard, this time his full body, though he is shrouded in darkness.
2:09 Spider-Man battles Lizard on what appears to be the roof of Oscorp. We can see the formula that turned Connors into Lizard. Could he be using it to create a city full of Lizards?
2:17 Is it just us or did they just give away the climax of the movie with Peter Parker stopping Lizard from releasing the formula onto New York City and escaping as the tower collapses? Hopefully this is just their first encounter.

Berikut adalah beberapa ‘noted matter’ sama dengan comik dimasukkan ke dalam pelem.

1. awek sebenar spideyman, bukan Mary Jane! Tapi gwen stacy.

2. peter parker mencipta spidey ‘webshooter’.

3. peter dari seorang ‘nerd’ , menjadi seurang yang "rebel".

4. peter adalah seuorang saintis genius!

Lupakan laaa c peter parker versi tobey maguire yang pendekk, maguire garfield jauh lebeh ngam tentang spideyman,skinny guy wit big head swinging around, hahhah, sapa yang penah baca komik atau menonton animasi spideyman tentu perasan spideyman kurus dan berkepala errr...beso  lonjong, jika dibandingkan ngan badannya. keding tapi solid.



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Post time 27-6-2012 02:52 PM | Show all posts
nk tengok citer ni kena delete dlm otak citer2 spiderman yg dolu2...
harap2 tak hampeh cam citer2 hulk la...

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Post time 29-6-2012 11:50 PM | Show all posts
Reply 77# Revolver

    pd sy, spiderman ada superhero no 1 .... bila dgr ceritanya nak di smbung lg.. rasa seronok nak tgk walaupn dah lama tak masuk panggung...
tp bila tgk trailer yg version yg ni rasa lain mcm la pulak...
may b kena tgk juga la.. give him a chance 2 b  a new spiderman...

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Post time 30-6-2012 04:11 PM | Show all posts
ni sambungan dr tobby punya spiderman cuma ditukar pelakon je utk sequel ni???

ataupun terus watak lain dan citer lain???

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Post time 30-6-2012 10:22 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by RED 666 at 30-6-2012 22:29
ni sambungan dr tobby punya spiderman cuma ditukar pelakon je utk sequel ni???

ataupun terus wata ...
harisbee Post at 30-6-2012 16:11

buat semula dari awal. tobey punya kat part 3 tamat dah.

watak gwen stacy sebenarnya ada muncul juga dalam spiderman 3 tobey dan dilakonkan oleh bryce dallas howard


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