sam1528 posted on 21-6-2013 05:39 PM 
Lets expose your ignorance and deceit :
Can you pinpoint where in bukhari 9:83:17 does it say t ...
No need for the lengthy twisted rubbish here, obviously you don't even know your own Quran/Hadith, a pathetic moron to be exact ! 
sam1528 posted on 21-6-2013 05:42 PM 
Ha ha , you must be nuts.
Hello! I am talking about deut17:12 and you are responding quoting de ...
Hey stupid, do you even understand english ? Can't you see Deut 17:12 and 18:20 are related ? Do you understand the content of the website i shared ? Obviously you don't ! 
sam1528 posted on 21-6-2013 05:52 PM 
Ha ha , Nonie Darwish?
Another so called ex muslim caught in their own lies by Jim Holstun, a p ...
Who are you to this sly muslim to judge on credibility of Nonie Darnish ? In the eyes of all truth seeking folks, she is 100X more creditable than you !
You do have thick skin like a swine, don't you ? 
wkk5159 posted on 21-6-2013 06:37 PM 
No need for the lengthy twisted rubbish here, obviously you don't even know your own Quran/Hadith, a pathetic moron to be exact ! 
Ha ha , is that all? It is very obvious I got you again. You argue without knowing the Quran and hadith. Can you now respond to me? Of course you can't.
I am still waiting for your explanation that the bible calls for execution of apostates :
6 If your very own brother, or your son or daughter, or the wife you love, or your closest friend secretly entices you, saying, “Let us go and worship other gods” (gods that neither you nor your ancestors have known,
7 gods of the peoples around you, whether near or far, from one end of the land to the other),
8 do not yield to them or listen to them. Show them no pity. Do not spare them or shield them.
9 You must certainly put them to death.
If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned.
Ha ha , running away will not help. Probably your next course of action is to renounce that you are christian.
Last edited by sam1528 on 21-6-2013 08:28 PM
wkk5159 posted on 21-6-2013 06:41 PM 
Hey stupid, do you even understand english ? Can't you see Deut 17:12 and 18:20 are related ? Do you understand the content of the website i shared ? Obviously you don't ! 
Ha ha , your comprehension is worse than a std 4 kid. Lets see what deut17:12 and deut18:20 got to say :
Anyone who shows contempt for the judge or for the priest who stands ministering there to the LORD your God is to be put to death.
But a prophet who presumes to speak in my name anything I have not commanded, or a prophet who speaks in the name of other gods, is to be put to death.
The former states about people who show contempt or go against people who judge according to God's law or ministering for God. The latter states about a prophet who speakth what God did not command or about other Gods.
Explain just how deut17:12 can be related to deut18:20 and vise vesa? BTW you've been bull shitted by the answering Islam article. The comment in the article :
Well, sure. But let's not stop there. Deut. 17:12 says that anyone who won't obey the priest or the judge shall die; so all those criminals, thieves and murderers in our society must really be innocent since God didn't strike him dead, right?
deut7:12 states that the said person is to be 'put to death'. In other words - to be executed. It does not mean your biblical God to strike them dead per the answering Islam article. Ha ha , I have no respect for any of the authors of answering Islam as they are willing to twist their own bible for their argument. In short they are liars. Idiots like you swallow their BS - hook , line and sinker. I pity you .... kena kencing lagi.
Ha ha , you will probably run away and hope for this to fade away. Not very intelligent ... are you?
Last edited by sam1528 on 21-6-2013 08:37 PM
wkk5159 posted on 21-6-2013 06:47 PM 
Who are you to this sly muslim to judge on credibility of Nonie Darnish ? In the eyes of all truth seeking folks, she is 100X more creditable than you !
You do have thick skin like a swine, don't you ? 
Ha ha , Nonie Darwish? This poor woman has been caught peddling lies in her book. She was caught by Prof Holstun of SUNY Buffalo. This goes on to show that you have no integrity whatsoever. You appeal to liars which also makes you a liar.
The difference is for all to see. We muslims appeal to credible academicians whose credentials can be verified. Christians .... oops ... phoney christians like you appeal to liars like Nonie Darwish , the non existent Ali Sina etc whose academic credentials are dubious at best.
Last edited by sam1528 on 21-6-2013 08:38 PM
nightlord posted on 21-6-2013 09:16 AM 
Strange that you should gloss over this Prof Juan Cole, an excerpt from wikipedia,
"Cole was from ...
The topic of argument here is why do some men kill using religion as a launchpad against those who do not believe like he does, even to the point of killing another person of the same faith but different in interpretation. Like I said earlier, they are simply wrongdoers. You didn't accept the answer and give me the martyr example which then you didn't provide the actual Islamic teaching from Al-Quran that says "martyr is destined to heaven even though he killed innocent people". You even said Islam can change and move any men to militanism in the 'protection of Islam'. Again, you didn't bring any evidence (Islamic teaching from Al-Quran).
Can we safely assume that many of your claims so far were based on wrongdoers or your misunderstanding of Islam and not based on the actual Islamic teaching (Al-Quran)?
If you think you are correct kindly bring forward the evidence; 1 Thessalonians 5:21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
Haha, see folks, that's the very reason why sam1528 has the honour of being called the Lecherous Doggy Ustazy in this forum.
Just a excerpt from his post; In short they are liars. Idiots like you swallow their BS - hook , line and sinker. I pity you .... kena kencing lagi.......
Beware folks, this lecherous doggy ustazy when frustrated and provoked will try to lift his doggy leg and pee onto others...... .........
Now back to the discussion of apostasy, we don't have to take the trouble to quote all the verses fro various scripture to justify which is which, just look at the real examples in Malaysia, YES, REAL LIFE EXAMPLES OF MUSLIMS APOSTASY IN MALAYSIA !
When a Christian renounces his/her religion, nothing happens to him/her.
When a Buddhist renounces his/her religion, nothing happens to him/her.
When a Hindu renounces his/her religion, nothing happens to him/her.
BUT when a muslim renounces his/her religion, HELL BREAKS LOOSE !
Obviously none of the audiences with proper cerebral capacity will buy into the serpentine lies of a ustazy.... |
wkk5159 posted on 22-6-2013 03:56 PM 
78% of internet users think that Islam is the most violent religion !
http://www.bestandworst.com ...
When we debate, we give real examples to support our claim, such as; Syiah jika berkembang akan tindas Sunni, kata PAS Kelantan Unfortunately you were referring to an example that has not yet happen. Notice the word "jika" and "akan" there. It's just a speculation on what is going to happen in the future and surely cannot be used as an evidence to support your claim.
78% of internet users think that Islam is the most violent religion ! Notice the word "think" there. Trust me, you don't want to say "I think A killed B" and expect to win the case.
Please provide proper evidence for your claim.
wkk5159 posted on 22-6-2013 03:34 PM 
Haha, see folks, that's the very reason why sam1528 has the honour of being called the Lecherous Dog ...
Ha ha , I caught the lie that you peddle from your favourite site - answering islam. I will repeat the lie and further embarrass you. Excerpt from answering islam per your link in post#53 :
Well, sure. But let's not stop there. Deut. 17:12 says that anyone who won't obey the priest or the judge shall die; so all those criminals, thieves and murderers in our society must really be innocent since God didn't strike him dead, right?
However deut17:12 (niv bible)
Anyone who shows contempt for the judge or for the priest who stands ministering there to the LORD your God is to be put to death.
'To be put to death' per deut17:12 means to be executed. However you appeal to answering islam who doesn't give a damn in twisting the bible. The twisted context of deut17:12 per 'answering islam' - 'god to strike the person dead'. They are liars and you appeal to them. This in turn makes you a liar. I caught you again and now you are trying to run away from the issue by changing the topic.
In addition can you explain just how you manage to convince yourself that deut17:12 is related to deut18:20? Excerpt from your post #63
Can't you see Deut 17:12 and 18:20 are related
Apostates from Islam are killed? Ok then , for the umpteenth time , name me one peaceful apostate who was executed in the 1400 years of Islam.
Ha ha , soon we will witness you trying to change the topic .... as usual
Last edited by sam1528 on 22-6-2013 07:37 PM
The Nippon wannabe muslim does it again, ok..... mark my word,
i think you are a humanoid with cerebrum, therefore this sentence by your logic can be meant; I pretty sure you don't have cerebrum. |
wkk5159 posted on 22-6-2013 03:56 PM 
78% of internet users think that Islam is the most violent religion !
http://www.bestandworst.com ...
Ooi tambi , 'thinking of something' does not make it true. It is one's perception subjected to external influence.
I provided hard data from a reknown academic - Prof Juan Cole. I reproduce Prof Cole's data :

Where is your data to refute me?
'Syiah berkembang akan tindas sunni' .... this is just a person's opinion. This is not data. Do you know what is data? Appears that you don't. Yet you claim to be a 'medical professional? Podah lah .....
sam1528 posted on 22-6-2013 07:32 PM 
Ha ha , I caught the lie that you peddle from your favourite site - answering islam. I will repeat ...
Hey lecherous doggy ustazy, forget about the Deut verses, you don't have the cerebral capacity to comprehend it.
I more interested in your statement; Apostates from Islam are killed? Ok then , for the umpteenth time , name me one peaceful apostate who was executed in the 1400 years of Islam.
Here it is. Plenty of news, facts and video footages for your conscience deprived mind to digest !
http://leejaywalker.wordpress.co ... lling-of-apostates/ Don't tell me these are not peaceful apostates you SOB !
In Somalia another four converts from Islam have just been beheaded by radical Sunni Islamists who desire a 100 percent fanatical state. The four Christians were killed by the Al-Shabab on the grounds of “fitna.” Fitna applies to creating religious discord and in the minds of Al-Shabab, all converts who leave Islam must be killed in accordance with the Koran and Hadiths.
Therefore, a natural liberty, religious freedom, which exists in the “free world” is being denied many and clearly radical Sunni Islamists are intent on Islamizing the world by killing all minorities within their Islamized states, for example in Afghanistan and Somalia..............By Lee Jay Walker
Tokyo Correspondent – THE SEOUL TIMES
http://www.bing.com/videos/searc ... 845F62ED1&view=deta
So If you still have slight bits of conscience in you, go and repent now ! If you still want to serve the devil and deceive for devil, go ahead, nobody will stop you. The choice is yours.
Last edited by wkk5159 on 22-6-2013 08:09 PM
Someone here love to use the Prof Cole rancid pie chart to justify his claims, alright, i guess it is time we have a honest analysis of this dubious simpleton data and put an end to it.

The above chart by Prof Cole portrays number of casualties caused by two religions Christianity and Islam in 20th century, major part of war deaths(>80%) in 20th century are definitely contributed by two world war in 20th century, namely World War I and World War II.
Let start with WWI, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_I
World War I (WWI) was a global war centred in Europe that began on 28 July 1914 and lasted until 11 November 1918. It was predominantly called the World War or the Great War from its occurrence until the start of World War II in 1939, and the First World War or World War I thereafter. It involved all the world's great powers,[5] which were assembled in two opposing alliances: the Allies (based on the Triple Entente of the United Kingdom, France and Russia) and the Central Powers (originally the Triple Alliance of Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy; Italy did not enter into the war, as Austria–Hungary had taken the offensive against the terms of the alliance).[6] These alliances were both reorganised and expanded as more nations entered the war: Italy, Japan and the United States joined the Allies, and the Ottoman Empire*( note the only Islamic country during WWI)and Bulgaria the Central Powers. Ultimately, more than 70 million military personnel, including 60 million Europeans, were mobilised in one of the largest wars in history.[7][8] More than 9 million combatants were killed, largely because of technological advancements that led to enormous increases in the lethality of weapons without corresponding improvements in protection or mobility, causing both sides to resort to large-scale human wave attacks, which proved extremely costly in terms of casualties. It was the fifth-deadliest conflict in world history, subsequently paving the way for various political changes, such as revolutions in many of the nations involved.[9]
One of the long-term causes of the war was the resurgence of imperialism in the foreign policies of the great powers of Europe. More immediately, the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, the heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary, on 28 June 1914 by Yugoslav nationalist Gavrilo Princip in Sarajevo triggered a diplomatic crisis when Austria-Hungary subsequently delivered an ultimatum to the Kingdom of Serbia.[10][11] Several alliances formed over the previous decades were invoked. Within weeks, the major powers were at war and, via their colonies, the conflict soon spread around the world............
1. The cause of war was imperialism and religion has nothing to do with this war eventhough Christianity were the religion for the majoririty of countries which participated in WWI.
2. Western European countries had practised separation of church and state since 17th century. Churches had no power and influence over the decision of secular European governments. (except Ottoman empire, only Islamic power which didn't practie separation of mosque and state, i'll will touch on it later..)
3. Bear in mind, in WWI, majority of casualties are fought between "Christian" and "Christian", these so called armys from Christendom certainly didn't follow Jesus's teaching in Matt 24:52; "Put your sword back in its place," Jesus said to him, "for all who draw the sword will die by the sword !"
4. The only surviving Islamic "superpower" in WWI, Ottoman empire(Turkey), what did the Islamic Turkish Ottoman Empire do in WWI ? ---In 1915, as the Russian Caucasus Army continued to advance in eastern Anatolia,[86] aided by some Ottomans, the Ottoman government started the deportation and massacre of its ethnic Armenian population, resulting in what became known as the Armenian Genocide.[87] Genocidal acts were also committed against the Greek and Assyrian minorities which of course are Christians.[88]
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ott ... 908.E2.80.931922.29
5. This of course led to the ultimate decline and dissolution of Turkish Ottoman Empire in 1922, since then a new secular government which separate mosque and state was bornt. That's why modern Turkish government is far docile as compare to Ottoman Empire.
Now on World War II, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II
was a global war that lasted from 1939 to 1945. It involved the vast majority of the world's nations—including all of the great powers—eventually forming two opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis. It was the most widespread war in history, with more than 100 million people serving in military units from over 30 different countries. In a state of "total war", the major participants placed their entire economic, industrial, and scientific capabilities at the service of the war effort, erasing the distinction between civilian and military resources. Marked by mass deaths of civilians, including the Holocaust and the only use of nuclear weapons in warfare, it resulted in 50 million to over 75 million fatalities. These deaths make it likely that World War II is the deadliest conflict in human history.[1]
The Empire of Japan aimed to dominate East Asia and was already at war with the Republic of China in 1937,[2] but the world war is generally said to have begun on 1 September 1939 with the invasion of Poland by Germany and subsequent declarations of war on Germany by France and the United Kingdom. From late 1939 to early 1941, in a series of campaigns and treaties, Germany formed the Axis alliance with Italy, conquering or subduing much of continental Europe. Following the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, Germany and the Soviet Union partitioned and annexed territories between themselves of their European neighbours, including Poland and the Baltic states. The United Kingdom and the other members of the British Commonwealth were the only major Allied forces continuing the fight against the Axis, with battles taking place in North Africa as well as the long-running Battle of the Atlantic. In June 1941, the European Axis launched an invasion of the Soviet Union, giving a start to the largest land theatre of war in history, which tied down the major part of the Axis' military forces for the rest of the war. In December 1941, Japan joined the Axis, attacked the United States and European territories in the Pacific Ocean, and quickly conquered much of the Western Pacific......
1. WWII was simply a war between the evil fascism Axis ( Germany, Japan and Italy) and "benign" Allies ( USA, Britain, France, Russia, China...). Again, it got nothing to do with religious motivaton. Japan with its imperialism invaded China as early as 1937 and equally imperialistic fascism Nazi German invaded Poland in 1939.
2. Why i said this rancid pie chart by Prof Cole is dubious ? The above chart totally dismiss the millions massacred by Japan Imperial Army(Shintoism) in China and Asia Pacific in WWII. So much so for a so called "reputable" historian by the name of Juan Cole !
3. Interesting fact to note that by the end of 1st quarter of 20th century, virtually no Islamic superpower left ! Everybody knows that Islam, a religion which was built on the tenets of terror and violence, will miss the WWII party if they are capable of ??? By 1930s onward, all Islamic countries were too backward, retrograde and poor to even fantasze about it. The sole Islamic supepower, Ottoman Empire was dissolved right after WWI and in 1922 was replaced by a secular government !
4. One interesting assumption is say if all the participating countries in WWII were Islamic countries and not Christian countries, what would happened to human civilization? The definite answer is that all countries will be forced to subjugate to Islam and this of course will spell diaster to human civilization.
5. But, thanks God, Almighty God will definitely not letting this to take place. 7 decades after WWII, do you all see any progress in Islamic countries in terms of human rights, woman rights, technological advancement and freedom of religion ??? I guess you all know the answers except those hardcore muslims who are still basking in their delusional and denial state .
Last edited by wkk5159 on 23-6-2013 12:11 PM
wkk5159 posted on 22-6-2013 08:04 PM 
Hey lecherous doggy ustazy, forget about the Deut verses, you don't have the cerebral capacity to ...
Wow! What a data. The report is like this - '4 apostates from Islam were killed'. However no confirmation from any sources.
The link you gave is more of a personal harping and whining which is exactly like you - harping and whining. I want data and not some cooked up stories. Do you know what is data? It appears that you are running around aimlessly because you do not have any data.
You don't even know that the current Al Shabab has been branded an extremist and terrorist organization by the muslims themselves."As Islamic scholars, we should warn people, especially the youth, against al-Shabab's destructive ideology," said Sheik Abdi Mahad, a cleric who preaches in Somali mosques in Kenya's capital, Nairobi. "What we are telling our people is al-Shabab is wrong and its members are extremists who don't represent the peaceful nature of the Islamic religion."
The statement urged the warring parties in Somalia "to stop the bloodletting, because in the Holy Quran Allah has banned Muslims from killing each other. The Muslim's blood is sacred."
In a clear reference to al-Shabab, it also called on Somalis to refrain from calling one another "apostates," a term that means one is no longer a Muslim. Al-Shabab fighters have often targeted Somalis who have joined the U.N.-backed "apostate government" or anyone accused of working for foreign intelligence agencies.
"The best way to deal with the extremists is dialogue," said Abdel Moati Bayoumi, an Islamic scholar at Al-Azhar University in Cairo, the pre-eminent theological institute of Sunni Islam, the mainstream sect to which nearly all Somalis belong.
Again , I have caught you trying to lie your way thru. This is what you are .... a liar. This is the second time I caught you in this thread trying to lie. The first one was trying to twist the context of deut17:12 and then claiming thet deut17:12 is related to deut18:20. Are you not embarrassed that you have have again been caught trying to lie? Ha ha .... liar liar .... pants on fire
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